988 resultados para grid point selection


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a variabilidade espacial de atributos de Latossolos sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar na região de Jaboticabal (SP). Foram feitas amostragens do solo a intervalos regulares de 50 m, em uma área de 90 ha, nas profundidades de 0,00-0,20 e 0,60-0,80 m para determinação de pH, CTC, V % e teores de matéria orgânica, P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, H + Al e argila. Os dados foram submetidos às análises: estatística descritiva, geoestatística e interpolação por krigagem. Os alcances de dependência espacial para os atributos químicos do solo e teores de argila na camada de 0,60-0,80 m de profundidade foram menores, quando comparados àqueles referentes à camada de 0,00-0,20 m. Estes resultados demonstraram maior descontinuidade na distribuição espacial dos atributos do solo na camada de 0,60-0,80 m de profundidade dos Latossolos, indicando que essa classe de solos não apresentou homogeneidade de seus atributos como conceituadamente a ela foi atribuída. O manejo no solo alterou a dependência espacial dos atributos do solo na camada superficial de forma a diminuir a variabilidade espacial dos atributos químicos do solo em relação à camada mais profunda. A investigação da variabilidade espacial de atributos químicos e do teor de argila da camada superficial e subsuperficial dos solos proporcionou condições para a definição de zonas homogêneas de manejo, o que permite a adoção do sistema de agricultura de precisão.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar zonas diferenciadas de manejo por meio de indicadores de fertilidade em Latossolos cultivados com cana-de-açúcar, utilizando-se a técnica de krigagem indicatriz, com vistas em buscar um aprimoramento na utilização de técnicas de agricultura de precisão. O estudo foi realizado em uma área de 90 ha pertencente a uma área maior de 1.900 ha, localizada em Jaboticabal, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil (21 ° 15 ' S e 48 ° 18 ' W). Na área experimental, foi estabelecida uma malha de amostragem regular de 50 m, com 420 pontos. em cada ponto, coletou-se uma amostra de solo, na qual foram determinados os teores de matéria orgânica, P, K disponíveis e o valor de V. Os dados obtidos para estas características do solo, assim como as combinações entre elas, foram codificados em valores indicadores 0 ou 1, conforme as variáveis apresentassem valores acima ou abaixo do valor de corte estabelecido, escolhido para cada variável, respectivamente. Os resultados propiciaram a confecção de mapas de probabilidade de cada variável (individual e combinada), o que possibilitou identificar regiões com diferentes níveis de fertilidade do solo na área experimental.


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The objective of this work was to identify the spatial variability of the natural erosion potential, soil loss and erosion risk in two intensely cultivated areas, in order to assess the erosion occurrence patterns. The soil of the area located at Monte Alto, São Paulo state, was classified as Paleudalf (PVA) with moderately slope, with different managements. The soil of the area located at Jaboticabal, São Paulo state, was classified as Haplortox(LV) with gentle slope and cultivated with sugarcane. A irregular grid was imposed on the experimental areas. Soil samples were obtained from 0-0.2 m depth at each grid point: 88 samples in Monte Alto area (1465 ha) and 128 samples at Jaboticabal area (2597 ha). In order to obtain the values of the studied variables USLE was applied at each grid point. Descriptive statistics were calculated, and geoestatistical analyses were performed for defining semivariograms. Kriging techniques to develop map showing spatial patterns in variability of selected soil attributes were used. All variables showed spatial dependence. The PVA soil showed higher erosion risk due to the slope and atual management compared to the soil LV.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Matematica Aplicada e Computacional - FCT


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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The determination of loin eye area (LEA) is one of the most common methods to assess carcass quality and it is possible to adjust calculations to predict meat amount in the carcass which is one of the important features in the classification process. The aim of this study was to compare different methodologies used to determine LEA in swine. Fifteen crossbred pigs, Landrace x Large White, males and females, were slaughtered at 140 days of age. After 24 hours of cooling at 4°C, the Longissimus dorsi muscle was removed from the left half part of carcasses for evaluation of LEA between the 12th and 13th rib. The methods were: point counting on plastic grid of 1 cm2 and 0.25 cm2 (PCGP 1 cm2 and PCGC 0.25 cm2 ), circumference method by Echo Image Viewer (ECHO), circumference method using AutoCad ® program (CAD) and method of weighing paper (WP). The design was completely randomized with 15 replications per treatment and the data were subjected to Pearson correlation and variance analysis. Averages were compared by Tukey test at a significance level of 5%. LEA values were: 35.84, 35.69, 33.86, 34.22 and 36.71 cm2 , for the PCGP 1 cm2 , PCGP 0.25 cm2 , ECHO, CAD and WP methods, respectively. The LEA values determined by methods PCGP 1 cm2 , PCGP 0.25 cm2 and WP were similar; however they were higher than those obtained by the ECHO and CAD methodologies (P<0.0001). PCGP 1 cm2 , PCGP 0.25 cm2 and WP methods may overestimate LEA values. The choice of method to be used should be based on its practicality and availability of resources, since the difference obtained between them is low.


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This study uses the global Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX)/Jason-1 altimeters` time series to estimate the 13-yr trend in sea surface height anomaly. These trends are estimated at each grid point by two methods: one fits a straight line to the time series and the other is based on the difference between the average height between the two halves of the time series. In both cases the trend shows large regional variability, mostly where the intense western boundary currents turn. The authors hypothesize that the regional variability of the sea surface height trends leads to changes in the local geostrophic transport. This in turn affects the instability-related processes that generate mesoscale eddies and enhances the Rossby wave signals. This hypothesis is verified by estimates of the trend of the amplitude of the filtered sea surface height anomaly that contains the spectral bands associated with Rossby waves and mesoscale eddies. The authors found predominantly positive tendency in the amplitude of Rossby waves and eddies, which suggests that, on average, these events are becoming more energetic. In some regions, the variation in amplitude over 13 yr is comparable to the standard deviation of the data and is statistically significant according to both methods employed in this study. It is plausible that in this case, the energy is transferred from the mean currents to the waves and eddies through barotropic and baroclinic instability processes that are more pronounced in the western boundary current extension regions. If these heat storage patterns and trends are confirmed on longer time series, then it will be justified to argue that the warming trend of the last century provides the energy that amplifies both Rossby waves and mesoscale eddies.


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Die Verifikation bewertet die Güte von quantitativen Niederschlagsvorhersagen(QNV) gegenüber Beobachtungen und liefert Hinweise auf systematische Modellfehler. Mit Hilfe der merkmals-bezogenen Technik SAL werden simulierte Niederschlagsverteilungen hinsichtlich (S)truktur, (A)mplitude und (L)ocation analysiert. Seit einigen Jahren werden numerische Wettervorhersagemodelle benutzt, mit Gitterpunktabständen, die es erlauben, hochreichende Konvektion ohne Parametrisierung zu simulieren. Es stellt sich jetzt die Frage, ob diese Modelle bessere Vorhersagen liefern. Der hoch aufgelöste stündliche Beobachtungsdatensatz, der in dieser Arbeit verwendet wird, ist eine Kombination von Radar- und Stationsmessungen. Zum einem wird damit am Beispiel der deutschen COSMO-Modelle gezeigt, dass die Modelle der neuesten Generation eine bessere Simulation des mittleren Tagesgangs aufweisen, wenn auch mit zu geringen Maximum und etwas zu spätem Auftreten. Im Gegensatz dazu liefern die Modelle der alten Generation ein zu starkes Maximum, welches erheblich zu früh auftritt. Zum anderen wird mit dem neuartigen Modell eine bessere Simulation der räumlichen Verteilung des Niederschlags, durch eine deutliche Minimierung der Luv-/Lee Proble-matik, erreicht. Um diese subjektiven Bewertungen zu quantifizieren, wurden tägliche QNVs von vier Modellen für Deutschland in einem Achtjahreszeitraum durch SAL sowie klassischen Maßen untersucht. Die höher aufgelösten Modelle simulieren realistischere Niederschlagsverteilungen(besser in S), aber bei den anderen Komponenten tritt kaum ein Unterschied auf. Ein weiterer Aspekt ist, dass das Modell mit der gröbsten Auf-lösung(ECMWF) durch den RMSE deutlich am besten bewertet wird. Darin zeigt sich das Problem des ‚Double Penalty’. Die Zusammenfassung der drei Komponenten von SAL liefert das Resultat, dass vor allem im Sommer das am feinsten aufgelöste Modell (COSMO-DE) am besten abschneidet. Hauptsächlich kommt das durch eine realistischere Struktur zustande, so dass SAL hilfreiche Informationen liefert und die subjektive Bewertung bestätigt. rnIm Jahr 2007 fanden die Projekte COPS und MAP D-PHASE statt und boten die Möglich-keit, 19 Modelle aus drei Modellkategorien hinsichtlich ihrer Vorhersageleistung in Südwestdeutschland für Akkumulationszeiträume von 6 und 12 Stunden miteinander zu vergleichen. Als Ergebnisse besonders hervorzuheben sind, dass (i) je kleiner der Gitter-punktabstand der Modelle ist, desto realistischer sind die simulierten Niederschlags-verteilungen; (ii) bei der Niederschlagsmenge wird in den hoch aufgelösten Modellen weniger Niederschlag, d.h. meist zu wenig, simuliert und (iii) die Ortskomponente wird von allen Modellen am schlechtesten simuliert. Die Analyse der Vorhersageleistung dieser Modelltypen für konvektive Situationen zeigt deutliche Unterschiede. Bei Hochdrucklagen sind die Modelle ohne Konvektionsparametrisierung nicht in der Lage diese zu simulieren, wohingegen die Modelle mit Konvektionsparametrisierung die richtige Menge, aber zu flächige Strukturen realisieren. Für konvektive Ereignisse im Zusammenhang mit Fronten sind beide Modelltypen in der Lage die Niederschlagsverteilung zu simulieren, wobei die hoch aufgelösten Modelle realistischere Felder liefern. Diese wetterlagenbezogene Unter-suchung wird noch systematischer unter Verwendung der konvektiven Zeitskala durchge-führt. Eine erstmalig für Deutschland erstellte Klimatologie zeigt einen einer Potenzfunktion folgenden Abfall der Häufigkeit dieser Zeitskala zu größeren Werten hin auf. Die SAL Ergebnisse sind für beide Bereiche dramatisch unterschiedlich. Für kleine Werte der konvektiven Zeitskala sind sie gut, dagegen werden bei großen Werten die Struktur sowie die Amplitude deutlich überschätzt. rnFür zeitlich sehr hoch aufgelöste Niederschlagsvorhersagen gewinnt der Einfluss der zeitlichen Fehler immer mehr an Bedeutung. Durch die Optimierung/Minimierung der L Komponente von SAL innerhalb eines Zeitfensters(+/-3h) mit dem Beobachtungszeit-punkt im Zentrum ist es möglich diese zu bestimmen. Es wird gezeigt, dass bei optimalem Zeitversatz die Struktur und Amplitude der QNVs für das COSMO-DE besser werden und damit die grundsätzliche Fähigkeit des Modells die Niederschlagsverteilung realistischer zu simulieren, besser gezeigt werden kann.


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This paper studies the representation of a drought period that affected Central Europe from 1945 to 1949 in the “Twentieth Century Reanalysis” (20CR). We analysed temperature and precipitation fields in 20CR and compared them to other data products. From the monthly precipitation rate at a 20CR grid point in the Swiss Plateau, the Standardised Precipitation Index over six months (SPI6) was calculated and compared with the corresponding index calculated from station data. For additional analyses, 20CR soil moisture, run off, and evaporation data were used. 20CR well reproduces the temperature and precipitation anomalies over Central Europe during this period, although during 1947, the precipitation anomaly is shifted to the east as compared to observations. With respect to the SPI6 index, the agreement between 20CR and station data is good except again for 1947 (conversely, drought was overestimated in 20CR for 1945 and 1949). Low SPI values in 20CR are accompanied by negative soil moisture anomalies and a negative water balance. Thus, apart from the shift in the spatial drought pattern in 1947, the drought is depicted in a realistic way in 20CR.


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Serial correlation of extreme midlatitude cyclones observed at the storm track exits is explained by deviations from a Poisson process. To model these deviations, we apply fractional Poisson processes (FPPs) to extreme midlatitude cyclones, which are defined by the 850 hPa relative vorticity of the ERA interim reanalysis during boreal winter (DJF) and summer (JJA) seasons. Extremes are defined by a 99% quantile threshold in the grid-point time series. In general, FPPs are based on long-term memory and lead to non-exponential return time distributions. The return times are described by a Weibull distribution to approximate the Mittag–Leffler function in the FPPs. The Weibull shape parameter yields a dispersion parameter that agrees with results found for midlatitude cyclones. The memory of the FPP, which is determined by detrended fluctuation analysis, provides an independent estimate for the shape parameter. Thus, the analysis exhibits a concise framework of the deviation from Poisson statistics (by a dispersion parameter), non-exponential return times and memory (correlation) on the basis of a single parameter. The results have potential implications for the predictability of extreme cyclones.


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La información básica sobre el relieve de una cuenca hidrográfica, mediante metodologías analítico-descriptivas, permite a quienes evalúan proyectos relacionados con el uso de los recursos naturales, tales como el manejo integrado de cuencas, estudios sobre impacto ambiental, degradación de suelos, deforestación, conservación de los recursos hídricos, entre otros, contar para su análisis con los parámetros físicos necesarios. Estos procesos mencionados tienen un fuerte componente espacial y el empleo de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) son de suma utilidad, siendo los Modelos Digitales de Elevación (DEM) y sus derivados un componente relevante de esta base de datos. Los productos derivados de estos modelos, como pendiente, orientación o curvatura, resultarán tan precisos como el DEM usado para derivarlos. Por otra parte, es fundamental maximizar la habilidad del modelo para representar las variaciones del terreno; para ello se debe seleccionar una adecuada resolución (grilla) de acuerdo con los datos disponibles para su generación. En este trabajo se evalúa la calidad altimétrica de seis DEMs generados a partir de dos sistemas diferentes de captura de datos fuente y de distintas resoluciones de grilla. Para determinar la exactitud de los DEMs habitualmente se utiliza un grupo de puntos de control considerados como "verdad de campo" que se comparan con los generados por el modelo en la misma posición geográfica. El área seleccionada para realizar el estudio está ubicada en la localidad de Arrecifes, provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina) y tiene una superficie de aproximadamente 120 ha. Los resultados obtenidos para los dos algoritmos y para los tres tamaños de grilla analizados presentaron los siguientes resultados: el algoritmo DEM from contourn, un RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) de ± 0,11 m (para grilla de 1 m), ± 0,11 m (para grilla de 5 m) y de ± 0,15 m (para grilla de 10 m). Para el algoritmo DEM from vector/points, un RMSE de ± 0,09 m (para grilla de 1 m), ± 0,11 m (para grilla de 5 m) y de ± 0,11 m (para grilla de 10 m). Los resultados permiten concluir que el DEM generado a partir de puntos acotados del terreno como datos fuente y con el menor tamaño de grilla es el único que satisface los valores enumerados en la bibliografía, tanto nacional como internacional, lo que lo hace apto para proyectos relacionados con recursos naturales a nivel de ecotopo (predial). El resto de los DEMs generados presentan un RMSE que permite asegurar su aptitud para la evaluación de proyectos relacionados con el uso de los recursos naturales a nivel de unidad de paisaje (conjunto de ecotopos).


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Antibody-cytokine fusion proteins combine the unique targeting ability of antibodies with the multifunctional activity of cytokines. Here, we demonstrate the therapeutic efficacy of such constructs for the treatment of hepatic and pulmonary metastases of different melanoma cell lines. Two antibody-interleukin 2 (IL-2) fusion proteins, ch225-IL2 and ch14.18-IL2, constructed by fusion of a synthetic sequence coding for human IL-2 to the carboxyl end of the Cgamma1 gene of the corresponding antibodies, were tested for their therapeutic efficacy against xenografted human melanoma in vivo. Tumor-specific fusion proteins completely inhibited the growth of hepatic and pulmonary metastases in C.B-17 scid/scid mice previously reconstituted with human lymphokine-activated killer cells, whereas treatment with combinations of the corresponding antibodies plus recombinant IL-2 only reduced the tumor load. Even when treatment with fusion proteins was delayed up to 8 days after inoculation of tumor cells, it still resulted in complete eradication of micrometastases that were established at that time point. Selection of tumor cell lines expressing or lacking the targeted antigen of the administered fusion protein proved the specificity of the observed antitumor effect. Biodistribution analysis demonstrated that the tumor-specific fusion protein accumulated not only in subcutaneous tumors but also in lungs and livers affected with micrometastases. Survival times of animals treated with the fusion protein were more than doubled as compared to those treated with the combination of the corresponding antibody plus IL-2. Our data demonstrate that an immunotherapeutic approach using cytokines targeted by antibodies to tumor sites has potent effects against disseminated human melanoma.


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Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou, http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=126439) is a small mesopelagic planktivorous gadoid found throughout the North-East Atlantic. This data contains the results of a model-based analysis of larvae captured by the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) during the period 1951-2005. The observations are analysed using Generalised Additive Models (GAMs) of the the spatial, seasonal and interannual variation in the occurrence of larvae. The best fitting model is chosen using the Aikaike Information Criteria (AIC). The probability of occurrence in the continous plankton recorder is then normalised and converted to a probability distribution function in space (UTM projection Zone 28) and season (day of year). The best fitting model splits the distribution into two separate spawning grounds north and south of a dividing line at 53 N. The probability distribution is therefore normalised in these two regions (ie the space-time integral over each of the two regions is 1). The modelled outputs are on a UTM Zone 28 grid: however, for convenience, the latitude ("lat") and longitude ("lon") of each of these grid points are also included as a variable in the NetCDF file. The assignment of each grid point to either the Northern or Southern component (defined here as north/south of 53 N), is also included as a further variable ("component"). Finally, the day of year ("doy") is stored as the number of days elapsed from and included January 1 (ie doy=1 on January 1) - the year is thereafter divided into 180 grid points.