989 resultados para green technology


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Las negociaciones del cambio climático no han arrojado resultados contundentes para afrontar la problemática que trata. El estudio de la institucionalidad establecida en el régimen, específicamente en el Protocolo de Kioto, para efectos de las negociaciones y de la lucha directa contra la problemática del cambio climático muestra señales de inoperancia. El GTE-PK no ha logrado concluir satisfactoriamente con su mandato y las negociaciones parecen estancadas por la falta de voluntad para negociar por parte de los grupos de negociación tanto de los Países Parte del Anexo I como de los No Anexo I. Lo anterior, no permite dar claridad sobre el futuro del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio. Sin embargo, su institucionalidad no ha sido del todo un fracaso ya que la Junta Ejecutiva del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (JE) ha logrado registrar una gran cantidad de proyectos MDL y ha permitido lograr importantes avances en transferencia de tecnología verde entre los países Parte. En este trabajo se analizarán las dinámicas de las negociaciones en el régimen del cambio climático y su injerencia en la institucionalidad establecida bajo el Protocolo de Kioto.


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Rhizoremediation is a bioremediation technique whereby enhanced microbial degradation of organic contaminants occurs within the plant root zone (rhizosphere). It is considered an effective and affordable ‘green technology’ for remediating soils contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs). This paper critically reviews the potential role of root exuded compounds in rhizoremediation, with emphasis on commonly exuded low molecular weight aliphatic organic acid anions (carboxylates). The extent to which remediation is achieved shows wide disparity among plant species. Therefore, plant selection is crucial for the advancement and widespread adoption of this technology. Root exudation is speculated to be one of the predominant factors leading to microbial changes in the rhizosphere and thus the potential driver behind enhanced petroleum biodegradation. Carboxylates can form a significant component of the root exudate mixture and are hypothesised to enhance petroleum biodegradation by: i) providing an easily degradable energy source; ii) increasing phosphorus supply; and/or iii) enhancing the contaminant bioavailability. These differing hypotheses, which are not mutually exclusive, require further investigation to progress our understanding of plant–microbe interactions with the aim to improve plant species selection and the efficacy of rhizoremediation.


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RTLS and RFID systems are becoming more and more important in several fields. When these systems meet the UWB technology, they can take advantage of each other strengths. Since nowadays a strong importance is given to the "green" technology, we chose to adopt a passive solution. In this case the backscattering modulation can be used to carry data. Therefore it is necessary to analyze the behavior of the antennas used as tags, when they are closed to dierent material objects. In particular, the antenna mode part has been deeply observed, as it is the crucial part of the signal regarding the backscatter modulation.


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Negli ultimi decenni, in varie parti del Mondo cosi come in Italia, si è assistito a un rapido aumento di strutture abitative, fabbricati ad uso industriale, residenziale e rurale. La continua sottrazione di terreno per tali scopi ha portato a un aumento di tutta una serie di problematiche ambientali. Con la diminuzione delle aree verdi si è andati incontro a una diminuzione della trattenuta idrica del terreno, all'aumento della velocità di scolo dell'acqua e del tempo di corrivazione con conseguenze sempre più drammatiche per le aree urbanizzate nei periodi di forti piogge. Inoltre, c'è da ricordare, che una diminuzione delle aree a verde comporta, oltre al cambiamento a livello paesaggistico, anche una diminuzione della capacità delle piante di trattenere le polveri inquinanti e di produrre ossigeno. Tutti questi fattori hanno portato allo studio di soluzioni tecnologiche che potessero unire i bisogni di verde della collettività con la necessità di una gestione sostenibile delle acque meteoriche. Tra esse, una che sta trovando notevole applicazione è la creazione di aree verdi sulla copertura degli edifici. Secondo le loro caratteristiche, queste aree verdi sono denominate tetti verdi e/o giardini pensili. La struttura si compone di strati di coltivazione e drenaggio con diversa profondità e una copertura vegetale. La vegetazione utilizzata può andare da specie con bassissime richieste manutentive (tipo estensivo) ad altre con maggiori necessità (tipo intensivo), come i tappeti erbosi. Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di approntare una sperimentazione sul nuovo tetto verde realizzato presso la sede di Ingegneria, via Terracini 28, volta a stimare i costi economici e ambientali sostenuti per la realizzazione dello stesso, per poi confrontarli con i benefici ambientali legati al risparmio idrico ed energetico su scala edificio e urbana. Per la stima dei costi ambientali dei materiali utilizzati, dalla nascita al fine vita, si è utilizzato il metodo LCA- Life Cycle Assessment- e il software Sima Pro


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"October 1994."


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"July 1996."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"June 1996."


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Green energy and Green technology are the most of the quoted terms in the context of modern science and technology. Technology which is close to nature is the necessity of the modern world which is haunted by global warming and climatic alterations. Proper utilization of solar energy is one of the goals of Green Energy Movement. The present thesis deals with the work carried out in the eld of nanotechnology and its possible use in various applications (employing natural dyes) like solar cells. Unlike arti cial dyes, the natural dyes are available, easy to prepare, low in cost, non-toxic, environmentally friendly and fully biodegradable. Looking to the 21st century, the nano/micro sciences will be a chief contributor to scienti c and technological developments. As nanotechnology progresses and complex nanosystems are fabricated, a growing impetus is being given to the development of multi-functional and size-dependent materials. The control of the morphology, from the nano to the micrometer scales, associated with the incorporation of several functionalities can yield entirely new smart hybrid materials. They are special class of materials which provide a new method for the improvement of the environmental stability of the material with interesting optical properties and opening a land of opportunities for applications in the eld of photonics. Zinc oxide (ZnO) is one such multipurpose material that has been explored for applications in sensing, environmental monitoring, and bio-medical systems and communications technology. Understanding the growth mechanism and tailoring their morphology is essential for the use of ZnO crystals as nano/micro electromechanical systems and also as building blocks of other nanosystems.


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One of the biggest environmental problems of the population is the lack of sewage treatment, especially in rural communities and low-income. The development of technologies for efficient, low-cost sanitation need to be developed to meet the disadvantaged people of this basic service. This work was the implementation proposal of a technology called constructed wetlands, also known as Wastewater Treatment Plant for Roots Zone - ETEZR. The objective was to develop a non- formal environmental education proposal for redevelopment, using outreach methods for residents and deployment of this technology ETEZR in the rural community of Cologne Grebe in Sao Jose dos Pinhais - PR. With technical support from the Paranaense Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Institute -EMATER and the Federal Technological University of Paraná - UTFPR, 5 ETEZR were deployed in the colony through three theoretical and practical workshops, which involved total 67 people from the community 5 technicians EMATER and 13 of the Municipal Town Hall. Após4 months of implementation were carried out two collections of raw wastewater and treated to analyze physical, chemical and biological parameters. The results evaluated by chemical parameters BOD, COD, phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen comparing raw and treated sewage, demonstrate that ETEZR are effective in the treatment of sewage. 5 Seasons minimum and maximum efficiency between the basic parameters analyzed were 52.2 to 95.5% for BOD; 47 to 94.5% for COD; 21.5 to 96% phosphorus; 30-98% for ammonia nitrogen. Oils and greases, and a series of solid also achieved a significant reduction in their values when comparing the raw sewage and treated sewage, and biological parameters evaluated by means of coliforms showed a reduction of 80 to 99%. With the implementation of environmental education process aimed sanitation was possible to evaluate the perception of the population to accept the environmental sanitation technology using the ETEZR, understand the needs and sanitation concepts for the community. This research evaluated the development of the methodology applied by the non-formal environmental education in order to provide subsidies for rural sanitation plan process for the municipality.


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Air pollution can threat the environment and public health, and is assess by pollutant ́s concentration measurements in order to verify whether the limits set by environmental agencies are being respected. However, these measures do not indicate immediately the impacts to living beings. To faced this problem, plants are been investigated as potential bioindicators of air pollution and, among them, stand out bromeliads Tillandsia genus which colonize various substrates,. obtaining water and nutrients from the atmosphere directly. In this context, this research assessed the potential of epiphytic bromeliad Tillandsia recurvata (L.) L. found in urbanized areas of the city of Curitiba - PR as a bioindicator of urban air pollution. According to vehicle traffic, five sample points were selected and classified. Points P1 and P2 were classified as high-traffic vehicle due presenting trucks and urban transport; point P3 was classified as moderate traffic due the predominance of private vehicles and urban transport; and points P4 and P5 were classified as low-traffic, presenting circulation of private vehicles only. There were analyzed the abundance of T. recurvata, morphophysiological parameters (leaf area, leaf specific area, sclerophylly index, percentage dry weight / fresh weight, chlorophyll (a + b), analysis of structural mesophyll organization) and the heavy metals accumulation (Fe, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn). The abundance analysis and the results obtained for metals analysis were correlated with the intensity of vehicular traffic, directing the sampling points P1 > P2 = P3 > P4 = P5. This result demonstrate that the abundance of T. recurvata is greater in urban air pollution impacted areas, thus indicating that T. recurvata absorbs and accumulates metals and can be used in biomonitoring of urban air pollution in areas impacted by vehicular traffic. Morphophysiological parameters analyzed shows that the internal plant ́s structure is not significantly impacted by urban air pollution due plant ́s adptations. The presence of absorbing scales, the CAM metabolism pathway and it ́s store water ability, among other features, demonstrate their potential as bio-indicator in urban areas, especially regarding heavy metals accumulation .


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The faunal inventory of the macroinvertebrate community is important to the environmental assessment, since this biota is sensitive to human disturbance. The reservoir of Rio Verde, located on the first plateau of Paraná, is inserted into an agricultural region with several forest fragments Araucaria. The aim of this study was to evaluate the environmental integrity of the reservoir through ecological indexes of macroinvertebrate community benthic and associated with macrophytes. Five sampling points were defined in the study area, which comprise distinct microhabitats in the basin. There were four sampling campaigns, each by weather station: Spring (2014); Summer (2015); Autumn (2015) and Winter (2015). In each sample were measured abiotic various parameters in the field and be collected water samples for nutrient analysis in the laboratory. The macroinvertebrates were collected in triplicate at adapted Macan method using mesh sieve 1 mm and CPUE (catch per unit effort) for 20 minutes. In order to pellet sample was used a dredger model Petersen 2L. Still in the field, by season, samples were collected from macrophytes Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vell) Verdc. and Potamogeton montevidensis A. Benn. in triplicates in the fluvial region of the reservoir, to analyze the associated fractal dimension and macrofauna. For this we used a PVC sampler specific volume 0.025 m3. the following ecological descriptors were calculated in each case: abundance, wealth tax, wealth Margalef, Shannon-Wiener diversity, evenness evenness through the Past software. The index Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP) for monitoring sampling points was also calculated. Regarding the statistical analysis, we used the analysis of PERMANOVA to compare points and seasons and canonical correspondence analysis (CCoA) for variables. Regarding M. aquaticum and P. montevidensis it was not verified difference to the average associated macroinvertebrates. However there was a difference for abundance of organisms in the fractal dimension and biomass of specimens. M. aquaticum is more complex and took more macrofauna in relation to P. montevidensis. Regarding the monitoring of the reservoir, it showed up mesotrophic with moderate nutrient concentrations and within the regulatory limits. Benthic macrofauna showed statistical differences in relation to the reservoir region, sample point and temporal variation. The BMWP index showed that the river region has the highest biotic integrity (in all samples above 70 points), and the ecological descriptors of wealth and Margalef diversity of Shannon- Wiener higher. In point 4 (dam downstream) were recorded evidence of possible impacts due to lower wealth and BMWP index which resulted in a questionable quality water. New approaches are needed to focus on the aquatic community in the best understanding of this ecosystem and also with a view to environmental preservation of the Green River Basin.