949 resultados para glacial advance


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Le climat continental et froid de la Béringie lors de la glaciation du Wisconsinien a conduit à la formation d’une forme relique de pergélisol syngénétique nommé yedoma. Ces dépôts ont permis la préservation d’indicateurs environnementaux très diversifiés qui peuvent être employés pour reconstituer la dynamique climatique et écologique de la Béringie avant le dernier maximum glaciaire. À ce jour, peu d’études ont été réalisées au nord de la chaîne de montagnes Brooks (Alaska) et l’hétérogénéité écologique régionale de la Béringie Est lors de la glaciation du Wisonsinien reste mal définie. Ce mémoire porte sur une reconstitution paléoenvironnementale de plus de 39 ka du nord de l’Alaska réalisée à partir de sédiments provenant du Yedoma de la rivière Itkillik. Les objectifs sont (1) de reconstituer l’histoire de la végétation avec l’analyse pollinique; (2) de reconstituer les températures de juillet, le contraste de température saisonnier et l’ensoleillement de juillet avec la technique des analogues modernes et (3) de mettre les données biogéochimiques et glaciologiques du site en lien avec le climat reconstitué. L’étude montre que vers 35 ka BP (Interstade du Wisconsinien Moyen), des conditions climatiques semblables à l’actuel ont favorisé l’accumulation de tourbe riche en carbone organique. À partir de 29,7 ka BP, les températures de juillet reconstituées diminuent, alors que la continentalité du climat semble augmenter. Le contenu en glace des sédiments est plus alors plus faible et la pluie pollinique devient dominée par Poaceae, Artemisia et autres herbacés non graminoïdes. Ces indicateurs suggèrent des conditions environnementales plus xériques qu’aujourd’hui. Les anomalies isotopiques de 18O, 2H et l’excès de deutérium confirment un épisode d’avancée glaciaire (Wisconsinien Tardif). Après 17,9 ka BP (Tardiglaciaire), les températures de juillet et le contraste saisonnier augmentent. Les valeurs de contenu en carbone organique des sédiments sont plus élevées et la plus grande disponibilité en eau favorise l’établissement d’un couvert herbacé moderne dominé par les Cyperaceae.


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This study evaluates two methods for estimating a soilís hydraulic conductivity: in-situ infiltration tests and grain-size analyses. There are numerous formulas in the literature that relate hydraulic conductivity to various parameters of the infiltrating medium, but studies have shown that these formulas do not perform well when applied to depositional environments that differ from those used to derive the formulas. Thus, there exists a need to specialize infiltration tests and related grain-size analyses for the Vashon advance outwash in the Puget Lowland. I evaluated 134 infiltration tests and 119 soil samples to find a correlation between grain-size parameters and hydraulic conductivity. This work shows that a constant-head borehole infiltration test that accounts for capillarity with alpha approximately 5m^-1 is an effective method for calculating hydraulic conductivity from our flow tests. Then, by conducting grain-size analysis and applying a multiple linear regression, I show that the hydraulic conductivity can also be estimated by log(K) = 1.906 + 0.102D_10 + 0.039D_60 - 0.034D_90 - 7.952F_fines. This result predicts the infiltration rate with a 95% confidence interval of 20 ft/day. The results of study are for application in the Puget Lowland.


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During the Last Glacial Maximum, ice sheets covered large areas in northern latitudes, and global temperatures were significantly lower than today. But few direct estimates exist of the volume of the ice sheets, or the timing and rates of change during their advance and retreat. Here we analyze four distinct sediment facies in the shallow, tectonically stable Bonaparte Gulf, Australia - each of which is characteristic of a distinct range in sea level - to estimate the maximum volume of land-based ice during the last glaciation and the timing of the initial melting phase. We use faunal assemblages and preservation status of the sediments to distinguish open marine, shallow marine, marginal marine and brackish conditions, and estimate the timing and the mass of the ice sheets using radiocarbon dating and glacio-hydroisostatic modelling. Our results indicate that from at least 22,000 to 19,000 (calendar) years before present, land-based ice volume was at its maximum, exceeding today's grounded ice sheets by 52.5 x 10 exp 6 cu km. A rapid decrease in ice volume by about 10 percent within a few hundred years terminated the Last Glacial Maximum at 19,000 +/- 250 years.


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A combined geomorphological–physical model approach is used to generate three-dimensional reconstructions of glaciers in Pacific Far NE Russia during the global Last glacial Maximum (gLGM). The horizontal dimensions of these ice masses are delineated by moraines, their surface elevations are estimated using an iterative flowline model and temporal constraints upon their margins are derived from published age estimates. The equilibrium line altitudes (ELAs) of these ice masses are estimated, and gLGM climate is reconstructed using a simple degree–day melt model. The results indicate that, during the gLGM, ice masses occupying the Pekulney, Kankaren and Sredinny mountains of Pacific Far NE Russia were of valley glacier and ice field type. These glaciers were
between 7 and 80 km in length, and were considerably less extensive than during pre-LGM phases of advance. gLGM ice masses in these regions had ELAs of between 575± 22m and 1035±41m (above sea level) – corresponding to an ELA depression of 350–740 m, relative to present. Data indicate that, in the Pekulney Mountains, this ELA depression occurred because of a 6.48°C reduction
in mean July temperature, and 200mm a¯¹ reduction in precipitation, relative to present. Thus reconstructions support a restricted view of gLGM glaciation in Pacific Far NE Russia and indicate that the region’s aridity precluded the development of large continental ice sheets.


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In the deglacial sequence of the largest end moraine system of the Italian Alps, we focused on the latest culmination of the Last Glacial Maximum, before a sudden downwasting of the piedmontane lobe occupying the modern lake basin. We obtained a robust chronology for this culmination and for the subsequent deglacial history by cross-radiocarbon dating of a proximal fluvioglacial plain and of a deglacial continuous lake sedimentation. We used reworked dinocysts to locate sources of glacial abrasion and to mark the input of glacial meltwater until depletion. The palynological record from postglacial lake sediments provided the first vegetation chronosequence directly reacting to the early Lateglacial withdrawal so far documented in the Alps.

Glacier collapse occurred soon after 17.46 +/- 0.2 ka cal BP, which is, the Manerba advance culmination. Basin deglaciation of several overdeepened foreland piedmont lakes on southern and northern sides of the Alps appears to be synchronous at millennial scale and near-synchronous with large-scale glacial retreat at global scale. The pioneering succession shows a first afforestation step at a median modeled age of 64 years after deglaciation, while rapid tree growth lagged 7 centuries. Between 16.4 +/- 0.16 and 15.5 +/- 0.16 ka cal BP, a regressive phase interrupted forest growth marking a Lateglacial phase of continental-dry climate predating GI-1. This event, spanning the most advanced phases of North-Atlantic H1, is consistently radiocarbon-framed at three deglacial lake records so far investigated on the Italian side of the Alps. Relationships with the Gschnitz stadial from the Alpine record of Lateglacial advances are discussed


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Greenland ice core data show that the last glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere was characterized by relatively short and rapid warming-cooling cycles. While the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the following Late Glacial are well documented in the Eastern Alps, continuous and well dated records of the time period preceding the LGM are only known from stalagmites. Although most of the sediment that filled the Alpine valleys prior to the LGM was eroded, thick successions have been locally preserved as terraces along the flanks of large longitudinal valleys. The Inn valley in Tyrol (Austria) offers the most striking examples of Pleistocene terraces in the Eastern Alps. A large number of drill cores provides the opportunity to study these sediments for the first time in great detail. Our study focuses on the river terrace of Unterangerberg near Wörgl, where LGM gravel and till were deposited on top of (glacio)lacustrine sediments. The cores comprise mostly silty material, ranging from organic-rich to organic-poor and dropstone-rich beds. A diamictic layer classified as basal till is present at the bottom of the lake sediments. Radiocarbon ages of plant macro remains from the lake sequences indicate deposition between ~40 and >50 cal. ka BP. Luminescence ages obtained from fine-grain polymineral (4-11 μm) samples suggest an age of the lake deposits between ~40 to 60 ka and are consistent with the radiocarbon dates. Sedimentological analyses indicate that sedimentation in these palaeolakes was driven by local processes, but also by climatically induced changes in nearby glacier activity. These observations strongly hint towards a significant ice advance in the Eastern Alps during the early last glacial and subsequent mild interstadial conditions, supporting a local coniferous forest vegetation.


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This investigation aims to gain a better understanding of the glacial history of the Pine Point Mining district, Northwest Territories, by examining the sedimentological properties of the glacial sediments including, geochemical analysis, heavy mineral concentrate analysis, clast macro-­‐fabrics, pebble lithologies, and micromorphological investigation. Four till units were identified, and three were associated with identified erosional bedrock features and streamlined landforms in the area, indicating a minimum of three ice flow directions. Sedimentological properties suggest that these units were all Type-­B tectomict/mélange till, emplaced as part of a soft subglacial deformable bed. The lack of ice-­‐marginal advance and retreat sequences within the studied till, suggests the Middle Wisconsinan Laurentide Ice margin was likely north and west of the Pine Point area, as opposed to along the margin of the Canadian Shield and Western Sedimentary Basin where it has been suggested to have existed.


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In this study, we document glacial deposits and reconstruct the glacial history in the Karagöl valley system in the eastern Uludağ in northwestern Turkey based on 42 cosmogenic 10Be exposure ages from boulders and bedrock. Our results suggest the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) advance prior to 20.4 ± 1.2 ka and at least three re-advances until 18.6 ± 1.2 ka during the global LGM within Marine Isotope Stage-2. In addition, two older advances of unknown age are geomorphologically well constrained, but not dated due to the absence of suitable boulders. Glaciers advanced again two times during the Lateglacial. The older is exposure dated to not later than 15.9 ± 1.1 ka and the younger is attributed to the Younger Dryas (YD) based on field evidence. The timing of the glaciations in the Karagöl valley correlates well with documented archives in the Anatolian and Mediterranean mountains and the Alps. These glacier fluctuations may be explained by the change in the atmospheric circulation pattern during the different phases of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) winter indices.


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We present glacial geologic and chronologic data concerning the Holocene ice extent in the Stauning Alper of East Greenland. The retreat of ice from the late-glacial position back into the mountains was accomplished by at least 11 000 cal years B.P. The only recorded advance after this time occurred during the past few centuries (the Little Ice Age). Therefore, we postulate that the Little Ice Age event represents the maximum Holocene ice extent in this part of East Greenland.


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Abstract Our study in the Başyayla Valley in northeastern Anatolia showed evidence of four glacier advances that built terminal and lateral moraines. Surface exposure dating of boulders on these moraines showed that the Maximum Ice Extent (MIE) was asynchronous with the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 22.1 ± 4.3 thousand years; ka). The local {MIE} took place at least 57.0 ± 3.5 ka ago. The extent of the Başyayla Glacier during this advance is not known exactly because the boulders are only preserved on a lateral moraine. The next advance was prior to 41.5 ± 2.5 ka, and it descended down the valley to approximately 2320 m above sea level (m a.s.l.), with a glacier length of 5.3 km. During the early global LGM, the Başyayla Glacier extended for a distance of 4.9 km down to approx. 2430 m a.s.l. The last recorded advance occurred during the global LGM. This extension was 0.7 km smaller than the local {MIE} and its terminus reached 2490 m a.s.l. only. The exposure ages of boulders in a retreat position at an altitude of approx. 3045 m a.s.l. indicate that the valley has remained ice-free since the Lateglacial period. Therefore, the Lateglacial extent was limited to the cirque system in the uppermost part of the catchment. Furthermore, Holocene glacier oscillations seem to be either absent or restricted to solifluction in the whole catchment and to rock glacier movements in the southern tributary of the Başyayla Valley system.


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This study is aimed at determining the spatial distribution, physical properties, and groundwater conditions of the Vashon advance outwash (Qva) in the Mountlake Terrace, WA area. The Qva is correlative with the Esperance Sand, as defined at its type section; however, local variations in the Qva are not well-characterized (Mullineaux, 1965). While the Qva is a dense glacial unit with low compressibility and high frictional shear strength (Gurtowski and Boirum, 1989), the strength of this unit can be reduced when it becomes saturated (Tubbs, 1974). This can lead to caving or flowing in excavations, and on a larger scale, can lead to slope failures and mass-wasting when intersected by steep slopes. By studying the Qva, we can better predict how it will behave under certain conditions, which will be beneficial to geologists, hydrogeologists, engineers, and environmental scientists during site assessments and early phases of project planning. In this study, I use data from 27 geotechnical borings from previous field investigations and C-Tech Corporation’s EnterVol software to create three-dimensional models of the subsurface geology in the study area. These models made it possible to visualize the spatial distribution of the Qva in relation to other geologic units. I also conducted a comparative study between data from the borings and generalized published data on the spatial distribution, relative density, soil classification, grain-size distribution, moisture content, groundwater conditions, and aquifer properties of the Qva. I found that the elevation of the top of the Qva ranges from 247 to 477 ft. I found that the Qva is thickest where the modern topography is high, and is thinnest where the topography is low. The thickness of the Qva ranges from absent to 242 ft. Along the northern, east-west trending transect, the Qva thins to the east as it rises above a ridge composed of Pre- Vashon glacial deposits. Along the southern, east-west trending transect, the Qva pinches out against a ridge composed of pre-Vashon interglacial deposits. Two plausible explanations for this ridge are paleotopography and active faulting associated with the Southern Whidbey Fault Zone. Further investigations should be done using geophysical methods and the modeling methods described in this study to determine the nature of this ridge. The relative density of the Qva in the study area ranges from loose to very dense, with the loose end of the spectrum probably relating to heave in saturated sands. I found subtle correlations between density and depth. Volumetric analysis of the soil groups listed in the boring logs indicate that the Qva in the study area is composed of approximately 9.5% gravel, 89.3% sand, and 1.2% silt and clay. The natural moisture content ranges from 3.0 to 35.4% in select samples from the Qva. The moisture content appears to increase with depth and fines content. The water table in the study area ranges in elevation from 231.9 to 458 ft, based on observations and measurements recorded in the boring logs. The results from rising-head and falling-head slug tests done at a single well in the study area indicate that the geometric mean of hydraulic conductivity is 15.93 ft/d (5.62 x 10-03 cm/s), the storativity is 3.28x10-03, and the estimated transmissivity is 738.58 ft2/d in the vicinity of this observation well. At this location, there was 1.73 ft of seasonal variation in groundwater elevation between August 2014 and March 2015.


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The Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) was a large, dynamic ice sheet in the early Holocene. The glacial events through Hudson Strait leading to its eventual demise are recorded in the well-dated Labrador shelf core, MD99-2236 from the Cartwright Saddle. We develop a detailed history of the timing of ice-sheet discharge events from the Hudson Strait outlet of the LIS during the Holocene using high-resolution detrital carbonate, ice rafted detritus (IRD), d18O, and sediment color data. Eight detrital carbonate peaks (DCPs) associated with IRD peaks and light oxygen isotope events punctuate the MD99-2236 record between 11.5 and 8.0 ka. We use the stratigraphy of the DCPs developed from MD99-2236 to select the appropriate DeltaR to calibrate the ages of recorded glacial events in Hudson Bay and Hudson Strait such that they match the DCPs in MD99-2236. We associate the eight DCPs with H0, Gold Cove advance, Noble Inlet advance, initial retreat of the Hudson Strait ice stream (HSIS) from Hudson Strait, opening of the Tyrrell Sea, and drainage of glacial lakes Agassiz and Ojibway. The opening of Foxe Channel and retreat of glacial ice from Foxe Basin are represented by a shoulder in the carbonate data. DeltaR of 350 years applied to the radiocarbon ages constraining glacial events H0 through the opening of the Tyrell Sea provided the best match with the MD99-2236 DCPs; DeltaR values and ages from the literature are used for the younger events. A very close age match was achieved between the 8.2 ka cold event in the Greenland ice cores, DCP7 (8.15 ka BP), and the drainage of glacial lakes Agassiz and Ojibway. Our stratigraphic comparison between the DCPs in MD99-2236 and the calibrated ages of Hudson Strait/Bay deglacial events shows that the retreat of the HSIS, the opening of the Tyrell Sea, and the catastrophic drainage of glacial lakes Agassiz and Ojibway at 8.2 ka are separate events that have been combined in previous estimates of the timing of the 8.2 ka event from marine records. SW Iceland shelf core MD99-2256 documents freshwater entrainment into the subpolar gyre from the Hudson Strait outlet via the Labrador, North Atlantic, and Irminger currents. The timing of freshwater release from the LIS Hudson Strait outlet in MD99-2236 matches evidence for freshwater forcing and LIS icebergs carrying foreign minerals to the SW Iceland shelf between 11.5 and 8.2 ka. The congruency of these records supports the conclusion of the entrainment of freshwater from the retreat of the LIS through Hudson Strait into the subpolar gyre and provides specific time periods when pulses of LIS freshwater were present to influence climate.


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Abstract: The history of grounded ice-sheet extent on the southern Weddell Sea shelf during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the timing of post-LGM ice-sheet retreat are poorly constrained. Several glaciological models reconstructed widespread grounding and major thickening of the Antarctic Ice Sheet in the Weddell Sea sector at the LGM. In contrast, recently published onshore data and modelling results concluded only very limited LGM-thickening of glaciers and ice streams feeding into the modern Filchner and Ronne ice shelves. These studies concluded that during the LGM ice shelves rather than grounded ice covered the Filchner and Ronne troughs, two deep palaeo-ice stream troughs eroded into the southern Weddell Sea shelf. Here we review previously published and unpublished marine geophysical and geological data from the southern Weddell Sea shelf. The stratigraphy and geometry of reflectors in acoustic sub-bottom profiles are similar to those from other West Antarctic palaeo-ice stream troughs, where grounded ice had advanced to the shelf break at the LGM. Numerous cores from the southern Weddell Sea shelf recovered sequences with properties typical for subglacially deposited tills or subglacially compacted sediments. These data sets give evidence that grounded ice had advanced across the shelf during the past, thereby grounding in even the deepest parts of the Filchner and Ronne troughs. Radiocarbon dates from glaciomarine sediments overlying the subglacial deposits are limited, but indicate that the ice grounding occurred at the LGM and that ice retreat started before ~15.1 corrected 14C kyrs before present (BP) on the outer shelf and before ~7.7 corrected 14C kyrs BP on the inner shelf, which is broadly synchronous with ice retreat in other Antarctic sectors. The apparent mismatch between the ice-sheet reconstructions from marine and terrestrial data can be attributed to ice streams with very low surface profiles (similar to those of "ice plains") that had advanced through Filchner Trough and Ronne Trough at the LGM. Considering the global sea-level lowstand of ~130 metres below present, a low surface slope of the expanded LGM-ice sheet in the southern Weddell Sea can reconcile grounding-line advance to the shelf break with limited thickening of glaciers and ice streams in the hinterland. This scenario implies that ice-sheet growth in the Weddell Sea sector during the LGM and ice-sheet drawdown throughout the last deglaciation could only have made minor contributions to the major global sea-level fluctuations during these times.


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Advances in tissue engineering have traditionally led to the design of scaffold- or matrix-based culture systems that better reflect the biological, physical and biochemical environment of the natural extracellular matrix. Although their clinical applications in regenerative medicine tend to receive most of the attention, it is obvious that other areas of biomedical research could be well served by the powerful tools that have already been developed in tissue engineering. In this article, we review the recent literature to demonstrate how tissue engineering platforms can enhance in vitro and in vivo models of tumorigenesis and thus hold great promise to contribute to future cancer research.