844 resultados para gibel carp Carassius auratus gibelio


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Juvenile (3.0 +/- 0.2 g) gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio ) were fed to satiation for 8 weeks to investigate the effect of feeding frequency on growth, feed utilization and size variation. Five feeding frequencies were tested: two meals per day (M2), three meals per day (M3), four meals per day (M4), 12 meals per day (M12) and 24 meals per day (M24). The results showed that daily food intake increased significantly with the increase in feeding frequency and there was no significant difference between daily food intakes in M12 and M24 treatments. Growth rate, feed efficiency increased significantly with increasing feeding frequencies. Size variation was not affected by feeding frequency. Apparent digestibility of dry matter was not influenced by feeding frequency, while apparent digestibility of protein and energy increased significantly at high feeding frequencies. The feeding frequency had no significant effect on the moisture, lipid, protein, or energy contents of gibel carp, while the ash content decreased with increased feeding frequency. It was recommended that 24 meals per day was the optimal feeding frequency for juvenile gibel carp.


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Polyploid gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio, is an excellent model system for evolutionary genetics owing to its specific genetic background and reproductive modes. Comparative karyotype studies were performed in three cultured clones, one artificially manipulated group, and one mated group between two clones. Both the clones A and P had 156 chromosomes in their karyotypes, with 36 metacentric, 54 submetacentric, 36 subtelocentric, 24 acrocentric, and six small chromosomes. The karyotype of clone D contained 162 chromosomes, with 42 metacentric, 54 submetacentric, 36 subtelocentric, 24 acrocentric, and six small chromosomes. All the three clones had six small chromosomes in common. Group G, being originated from the clone D by artificial manipulation, showed supernumerary microchromosomes or chromosomal fragments, in addition to the normal chromosome complement that was identical to the clone D. The offspring from mating between clones D and A had 159 chromosomes. Comparing with the clone A, the DA offspring showed three extra metacentric chromosomes. In addition, variable RAPD fingerprint patterns and unusual SCAR marker inheritance were, respectively, detected among individuals of artificial group G and in the mated DA offspring. Both the chromosome and molecular findings suggest that genome reshuffling might have occurred by manipulation or mating of the clones.


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Gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) is a natural gynogenetic fish which requires sperm of the same or related species to activate egg development. The eggs of one gibel carp were divided into two batches. One batch was 'fertilized' with sperm from gibel carp (strain DD), and the other 'fertilized' with sperm from red common carp (Cyprinus carpio red variety) (strain DR). The juveniles were transferred to the laboratory 36 days post-hatch. Triplicate groups of each strain were fed a formulated diet at either 3% or satiation ration for 8 weeks. At both the restricted and satiation rations, specific growth rate was significantly higher in strain DR than in strain DD. At the 3% ration, there was no significant difference in feeding rate or feed conversion efficiency between the two strains. At the satiation ration, strain DR had a significantly lower feeding rate but higher feed conversion efficiency than strain DD. At the satiation ration, strain DR had a significantly lower intake protein, but higher recovered protein than strain DD. There was no significant difference in faecal protein loss between the two strains. At the 3% ration, strain had no significant effects on intake protein, faecal protein or recovered protein. Neither faecal energy loss nor recovered energy was affected by strain or ration. At both the 3% and satiation ration, final body contents of dry matter and lipid were significantly lower in strain DR than strain DD, while there was no significant difference in protein and energy content between the two strains at either ration level. The results suggested that gibel carp 'fertilized' with sperm of common carp grew faster than those 'fertilized' with sperm of gibel carp through increased feed conversion efficiency and protein retention.


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Six isonitrogenous (gross protein content 35%) and isoenergetic (gross energy content 17 kJ g(-1)) diets were formulated to investigate the effects of inclusion of plant proteins on the gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio L.). The plant proteins tested were: soybean cake (SBC), potato protein concentrate (PPC), peanut cake (PNC), cottonseed cake (CSC) and rapeseed cake (RSC). Fish meal (FM) was used as control. In each diet, 27% of the protein was supplied by fish meal, and the rest supplied by the plant protein tested. Each diet was fed to three groups of gibel carp for 8 weeks in a recirculation system. Specific growth rate (SGR) in fish fed the control diet was significantly higher than those in the other groups, and SGR in fish fed the PPC was significantly lower than in fish fed other plant proteins. There was no significant difference in SGR among the other groups. Feeding rates were ranked in the order: RSC > CSC > FM > PNC > SBC > PPC. Conversion efficiency was highest in groups fed FM, SBC and PNC, followed by groups fed CSC and RSC, and was lowest in the group fed PPC. The fish fed PPC showed lower protein retention than those fed FM and SBC. FM showed highest energy retention while PPC showed lowest, There was no significant relationship between SGR and intake of digestible protein (g g(-1) day(-1)), digestible lysine (g g(-1) day(-1)), digestible methionine (g g(-1) day(-1)) or digestible total essential amino acids (g g(-1) day(-1)), suggesting that the differences in SGR could not alone account for any of these variables.


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The objectives of this work were to study the effects of several feeding stimulants on gibel carp fed diets with or without replacement of fish meal by meat and bone meal (MBM). The feeding stimulants tested were betaine, glycine, L-lysine, L-methionine, L-phenylalanine, and a commercial squid extract. Three inclusion levels were tested for each stimulant (0.18, 0.5%, and 1% for betaine and 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5% for the other stimulants). Two basal diets (40% crude protein) were used. one with 26% fish meal (FM), and the other with 21% fish meal and 6% MBM, Betaine at 0.1% in the fish meal group and at 0.5% in the meat and bone meal group was used in all experiments for comparison among stimulants. In the experiment on each stimulant, six tanks of fish were equally divided into two groups, one fed the FM diet, and the other fed the MBM diet. After 7 days' adaptation to the basal diet, in which the fish were fed to satiation twice a day, the fish were fed for another 7 days an equal mixture of diets containing varying levels of stimulants. Each diet contained a unique rare earth oxide as inert marker (Y2O3, Yb2O3, La2O3, Sm2O3 or Nd2O3). During the last 3 days of the experiment, faeces from each tank were collected. Preference for each diet was estimated based on the relative concentration of each marker in the faeces. Gibel carp fed the FM diet had higher intake than those fed the MBM diet, but the difference was significant only in the experiments on betaine, glycine and L-methionine. None of the feeding stimulants tested showed feeding enhancing effects in FM diets. All feeding stimulants showed feeding enhancing effects in MBM diets. and the optimum inclusion level was 0.5% for betaine, 0.1% for glycine, 0.25% for L-lysine, 0.1% for L-methionine. 0.25% For L-phenylalanine. and 0.1% for squid extract. The squid extract had the strongest stimulating effect among all the stimulants tested. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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As a new type of AFPs, AFPIV has been firstly identified in longhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus), and in recent years, its cDNA and amino acid sequence have been reported, and its pancreatic synthesis has been firstly reported in polar fish. However, its expression patterns during fish embryogenesis have not been elucidated yet. By differential screening, we cloned the CagAFPIV in gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio, demonstrated its predominant expression during embryogenesis. RT-PCR detection revealed that CagAFPIV was first transcribed from blastula stage and kept a high level during embryogenesis and declined remarkably in hatched larva. In situ hybridization revealed that CagAFPIV transcripts were firstly distributed over the margin and marginal blastomere in blastula stage embryos, at the early-gastrula stage the positive signals distributed in the marginal cells and the internalization cells, and later restricted to the cells the yolk syncytial layer (YSL) from later gastrula stage to larva stage. Consistently, the CagAFPIV protein also kept a high level during embryogenesis, and the high protein level retained some days after the larva hatched. Our work, for the first time, revealed the dynamic expression and distribution of CagAFPIV during embryogenesis.


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An 8-week growth trial was carried out in a semi-recirculation system to investigate the effect of high dietary starch levels on the growth performance, blood chemistry, starch utilization and body composition of gibel carp (Carassius auratus var. gibelio). Five isonitrogenous and isocarloric experimental diets were formulated to contain different starch levels (24%, 28%, 32%, 36% and 40% respectively). Triplicate groups of fish (24 fish per tank with an average body weight, of 8.5 g) were assigned to each diet. The results showed that dietary carbohydrate levels significantly affected the growth performance, hepatopancreatic lipid content, pyruvate kinase (PK) activity and whole-body lipid content. Growth performance, body crude lipid and plasma glucose concentrations showed a decreasing trend with an increase in dietary starch from 24% to 40%. Pyruvate kinase activities and hepatopancreatic lipid content showed an increasing trend with the dietary starch increasing from 24% to 32%, and then a decreasing trend with the dietary starch increasing from 32% to 40%. No significant difference in the hepatopancreatic hexokinase (HK) activity, plasma triglyceride contents, body crude protein, ash and calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) contents was observed between different treatments. In conclusion, higher dietary starch levels (32-40%) significantly (P < 0.05) decreased the growth of gibel carp in the present study.


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Microsatellites have become the preferred molecular markers for strain selection and genetic breeding in fish. In this study a total of 105 microsatellites were isolated and identified in gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) by microsatellite sequence searches in GenBank and other databases and by screening and sequencing of positive clones from the genomic library enriched for AG and GATA repeats. Moreover, nineteen microsatellites were randomly selected to design locus-specific primer pairs, and these were successfully used to identify and discriminate different cultured strains of gibel carp including strains A, D, L, and F. Three different types of microsatellite pattern were distinguished by the number and length of fragments amplified from the 19 primer pairs, and some microsatellite primer pairs were found to produce different microsatellite patterns among strains and strain-specific fragments. In addition, some duplicated alleles were also detected in two microsatellite patterns. Therefore, the current study provides direct molecular markers to discriminate among different cultured strains for selective breeding and aquaculture practice of gibel carp.


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Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) molecular markers specific for one, two or three clones have been identified from five gynogenetic clones of silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) using RAPD markers developed earlier. In this study, three RAPD markers (RA1-PA, RA2-EF and RA4-D) produced by Opj-1, and two RAPD DNA fragments (RA3-PAD and RA5-D) produced by Opj-7, were selected for molecular cloning and sequencing. Sequence data indicated that there were identical 801-bp nucleotide sequences in the shared marker RA1-PA cloned respectively from clones P and A, and the shared marker RA2-EF (which was cloned from clones E and F), were also of identical 958-by nucleotide sequences. The nucleotide sequences of the shared marker RA3-PAD fragments were also similar for 1181 by among clones P, A and D. The specific fragment RA4-D was composed of 628 bp, and the fragment RA5-D from clone D contained 385 nucleotides. According to the nucleotide sequences, we designed and synthesized five pairs of sequence characterized amplified regions (SCAR) primers to identify the specific fragments in these gynogenetic clones of silver crucian carp. Only individuals from clones P and A amplified a specific band using a pair of SCI-PA primers synthesized according to the marker RA1-PA sequences, whereas no products were detected in individuals from clones D, E and F. The PCR products amplified using SC2-EF and SC3-PAD primers were as expected. Furthermore, the pair of SC4-D primers amplified specific bands only in individuals from clone D, although weak bands could be produced in all individuals of the five clones when lower annealing temperatures were used. However, an additional pair of SC5-D primers designed from the RA5-D marker sequences could amplify a DNA band in individuals from clones P, A and D, and the same weak band was produced in clone E, whereas no products were detected in individuals from clone F. Searches in GenBank revealed that the 385-bp DNA fragment from RA5-D was homologous to the 5' end of gonadotropin I beta subunit 2 gene and growth hormone gene. No homologous sequences were found for other markers in GenBank. The SCAR markers identified in this study will offer a powerful, easy, and rapid method for discrimination of different clones and for genetic analyses that examine their origins and unique reproductive modes in crucian carp. Furthermore, they will likely benefit future selective breeding programs as reliable and reproducible molecular markers. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Genetic diversity among four clones (A, D, E, F) of gynogenetic silver crucian carp was studied using transferrin and isozymes in the blood as markers. Of the five proteins investigated, three (transferrin, esterase and superoxide dismutase) indicated polymorphism and eight polymorphic loci were detected. These loci were probably encoded by codominant alleles and their inheritance patterns were analyzed. Intraclonal homogeneity and interclonal heterogeneity were observed in these clones, which allowed us to infer the clonal nature and evolutionary relationship between them. Clonal diversity in this population of silver crucian carp in China was also compared with data reported from gynogenetic crucian carp in Germany.


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Sex evolution has been a debating focus in evolutionary genetics. In lower vertebrates of reptiles, amphibians, and fish, a species or a bioform reproduces either sexually or asexually but never both. A few species were found to consist of all females in fish. These all-female species can propagate by asexual reproduction modes, such as gynogenesis and hybridogenesis. However, the coexistence of sexuality and asexuality in a single species was recently noted only in a cyprinid fish silver crucian carp, Carassius auratus gibelio. This fish had been demonstrated to be capable of gynogenesis stimulated by sperm from other related species. Surprisingly, natural populations of this fish consist of a minor but significant portion (approx. 20%) of males. As different clones with specific phenotypic and genetic characteristics have been found, and RAPD markers specific to each clone have recently been identified, this fish offers many advantages for analyzing whether or not genetic recombination occurs between different clones. In this study, artificial propagation was performed in clone F and clone D. Ovulated eggs from clone F were divided into two parts and respectively inseminated with sperm from a clone D male and from a red common carp (Cyprinus carpio) male. The control clone D individuals were selected from gynogenetic offspring of clone D activated by sperm of red common carp. The phenotype and sex ratio in the experimental groups were also observed. Using RAPD molecular markers, which allow for reliable discrimination and genetic analysis of different clones, we have revealed direct molecular evidence for gonochoristic reproduction in the gynogenetic silver crucian carp and confirmed a previous hypothesis that the silver crucian carp might reproduce both gynogenetically and gonochoristically. Therefore, we conclude that the silver crucian carp possesses two reproductive modes, i.e., gynogenetic and gonochoristic reproduction. The response mechanism of two reproductive development modes may be the first discovery in vertebrates. Additionally, we discuss the evolutionary implication between gynogenetic and gonochoristic reproduction modes and the contribution of the minor proportion of males to genetic flexibility in the gynogenetic silver crucian carp.


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To investigate germline development and germ cell specification, we identified a Dazl homolog (CagDazl) from gynogenetic gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). Its cDNA sequence and BAC clone sequence analyses revealed the genomic organization conservation and conserved synteny of the Dazl family members and their neighborhood genes among vertebrates, especially in fish. Moreover, a polyclonal antibody specific to CagDazl was produced and used to examine its expression and distribution throughout germline development at protein level. Firstly, ovary-specific expression pattern of CagDazl was confirmed in adult tissues by RT-PCR and Western blot. In addition, in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence localization demonstrated its specific expression in germ cells, and both its transcript and protein were localized to germ plasm. Then, co-localization of CagDazl and mitochondrial cloud was found, confirming that CagDazl transcript and its protein are germ plasm component and move via METRO pathway during oogenesis. Furthermore, the CagDazl is abundant and continuous throughout germline development and germ cell specification including primordial germ cell (PGC) formation, oogonium differentiation, oocyte development, and embryogenesis, and the dynamic distribution occurs at different development stages. The data suggest that maternal CagDazl might play an important role in gibel carp PGC formation. Therefore, CagDazl is a useful and specific marker for tracing germ plasm and germ cell development in the gynogenetic gibel carp. In addition, in comparison with previous studies in sexual reproduction species, the continuous and dynamic distribution of CagDazl protein in the germ plasm throughout the life cycle seems to have significant implication in sex evolution of vertebrates. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Deu. Euol.) 312B:855-871, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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To conserve and utilize the genetic pool of gynogenetic gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio), the Fangzheng and Qihe stock hatcheries have been established in China. However, little information is available on the amount of genetic variation within and between these populations. In this study, clonal diversity in 101 fish from these two stock hatcheries and 35 fish from two other hatcheries in Wuhan and Pengze respectively was analysed for variation in serum transferrin. Thirteen clones were found in Fangzheng and Qihe, of which 12 were novel. Six clones were specific to Fangzheng and three specific to Qihe, whereas four were shared among the Fangzheng and Qihe fish. To obtain more knowledge on genetic diversity and genealogical relationships within gibel carp, the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (similar to 920 bp) was sequenced in 64 individuals representing all 14 clones identified in the four hatcheries. Differences in the mtDNA sequences varied remarkably among hatcheries, with the Fangzheng and Qihe lines demonstrating high diversity and Wuhan and Pengze showing no variation. The Fangzheng and Qihe lines might represent two distinct matrilineal sources. One of the Qihe samples carried the haplotype shared by a most widely cultivated Fangzheng clone, indicating that a Fangzheng clone escaped from cultivated ponds and moved into the Qihe hatchery. Four Fangzheng samples clustered within the lineage formed mainly by Qihe samples, most likely reflecting historical gene flow from Qihe to Fangzheng. It is suggested that clones in Wuhan originated from Fangzheng, consistent with their introduction history, supporting the hypothesis that gibel carp in Pengze were domesticated from individuals in the Fangzheng hatchery.