183 resultados para giardia
Giardia duodenalis is a protozoan that parasitizes humans and other mammals and causes giardiasis. Although its isolates have been divided into seven assemblages, named A to G, only A and B have been detected in human faeces. Assemblage A isolates are commonly divided into two genotypes, AI and AII. Even though information about the presence of this protozoan in water and sewage is available in Brazil, it is important to verify the distribution of different assemblages that might be present, which can only be done by genotyping techniques. A total of 24 raw and treated sewage, surface and spring water samples were collected, concentrated and purified. DNA was extracted, and a nested PCR was used to amplify an 890 bp fragment of the gdh gene of G. duodenalis, which codes for glutamate dehydrogenase. Positive samples were cloned and sequenced. Ten out of 24 (41.6%) samples were confirmed to be positive for G. duodenalis by sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis grouped most sequences with G. duodenalis genotype AII from GenBank. Only two raw sewage samples presented sequences assigned to assemblage B. In one of these samples genotype AII was also detected. As these assemblages/genotypes are commonly associated to human giardiasis, the contact with these matrices represents risk for public health.
A high incidence of waterborne diseases is observed worldwide and in order to address contamination problems prior to an outbreak, quantitative microbial risk assessment is a useful tool for estimating the risk of infection. The objective of this paper was to assess the probability of Giardia infection from consuming water from shallow wells in a peri-urban area. Giardia has been described as an important waterborne pathogen and reported in several water sources, including ground waters. Sixteen water samples were collected and examined according to the US EPA (1623, 2005). A Monte Carlo method was used to address the potential risk as described by the exponential dose response model. Giardia cysts occurred in 62.5% of the samples (0.1-36.1 cysts/l). A median risk of 10-1 for the population was estimated and the adult ingestion was the highest risk driver. This study illustrates the vulnerability of shallow well water supply systems in peri-urban areas.
Giardia lamblia é um protozoário que acomete mais comumente animais jovens e que convivem em grupos. Apesar da alta prevalência, nem todos animais apresentam a doença clínica. Mesmo assim, a giardíase tem importância epidemiológica por possuir um elevado potencial zoonótico. O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a freqüência de Giardia lamblia em cães no município de Canoas, RS, Brasil, através do Método de Faust e cols. (1939) e da Técnica de Coloração da Auramina. Os grupos experimentais foram divididos de acordo com a procedência e o sexo. Das 332 amostras analisadas com o Método de Faust e cols, a estimativa em ponto da freqüência obtida foi de 34,04%, podendo variar de 28,95 a 39,13%, dentro de um intervalo de confiança de 95%. Destas amostras, 40,96% foram positivas em animais de canil e 27,11% de rua. O Teste Exato de Fisher aplicado a esses dados revelou existir uma diferença significativa (p = 0,0107) entre as variáveis resultado e procedência. A variável sexo, neste método não apresentou diferença significativa em relação ao resultado (p = 0,8162) totalizando 33,11% de machos positivos e 34,08% de fêmeas infectadas com o parasita. Das 147 amostras realizadas com a Técnica de Coloração da Auramina, 23 foram positivas, totalizando 15,65%. A análise estatística através do Teste McNemar revelou existir diferença significativa entre as duas técnicas (p = 0,0004). O valor Kappa foi igual a 0,07, considerado como um grau de concordância fraco. Os resultados encontrados neste estudo nos permitem afirmar que o Método de Faust e cols. foi o mais adequado para o diagnóstico na infecção por Giardia lamblia, entre os métodos analisados.
A giardíase e a criptosporidiose estão entre as enfermidades de veiculação hídrica originadas por protozoários que têm ganhado maior notoriedade nas últimas décadas. Os microrganismos causadores dessas doenças têm-se tornado um desafio para as empresas de abastecimento de água. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a ocorrência dos protozoários Cryptosporidium sp e Giardia sp nas águas brutas de quatro afluentes do Lago Guaíba: Rios Taquari, Caí, dos Sinos e Gravataí. Juntos, abastecem uma população de dezenas de municípios da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Foram feitas amostragens mensais, durante doze meses, em cada afluente. Foi empregado o método de filtração em membrana para pré-concentração, centrifugação para concentração, separação imunomagnética para purificação e comparados três métodos de detecção para ambos os microrganismos: DAPI (4’,6-diamidino-2-fenilindol), Safranina e Kinyoun para Cryptosporidium e DAPI, Iodo Lugol e Iodo Tricrômico para Giardia. A avaliação microscópica e contagem de (oo)cistos foram feitas utilizando-se microscopia de imunofluorescência e contraste de fase para o DAPI e microscopia óptica para as demais colorações. Obtiveram-se os seguintes resultados: para os Rios Taquari, Caí, dos Sinos e Gravataí, respectivamente: 75, 42, 33 e 25% das amostras foram positivas para Cryptosporidium e 92, 83, 67 e 50% para Giardia. As concentrações médias de Giardia foram superiores às de Cryptosporidium em todos os quatro afluentes. Os valores médios observados foram: 80 oocistos e 176 cistos/100L no Taquari; 47 oocistos e 66 cistos/100L no Caí; 19 oocistos e 53 cistos/100L no Sinos; 16 oocistos e 92 cistos/100L no Gravataí. Estes podem estar subestimados devido à baixa recuperação dos métodos analíticos existentes e empregados. As densidades encontradas indicam que os protozoários estão disseminados nas águas superficiais dos formadores do Lago Guaíba.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Verificou-se a prevalência dos enteroparasitas em 279 crianças (0 a 6 anos) de quatro creches municipais de Botucatu/SP. Foram coletadas três amostras de fezes de cada criança e processadas pelos métodos Hoffman, Faust e Ritchie e posterior coloração do esfregaço fecal pelos métodos de Auramina-O e Ziehl-Neelsen modificado para diagnóstico de Cryptosporidium sp. e método da fita gomada para diagnóstico de Enterobius vermicularis. Das crianças analisadas apresentaram-se parasitadas 53.40%, sendo que o parasita mais freqüente foi Giardia duodenalis (26.88%). Verificou-se associação significativa entre enteroparasitose, renda familiar, escolaridade materna e idade; quanto maior a renda e o grau escolar, menor a freqüência de enteroparasitas. Observou-se que G. duodenalis é mais prevalente em crianças de 0 a 4 anos e E. vermicularis em crianças entre três e quatro anos de idade. A elevada prevalência de enteroparasitas em creches sugere estrutura complexa em sua epidemiologia, onde fatores além do saneamento devem ser considerados.
The intestinal protozoan parasite Giardia duodenalis (syn. Giardia intestinalis and Giardia lamblia) is a widespread enteric pathogen in human and domestic animals. This organism is one of the most common parasites in domestic dogs in Brazil. In this study, we determined the occurrence and genetic characterization of G. duodenalis isolated from dogs from south-central São Paulo state, Brazil. A total of 300 fecal samples were collected. Fecal specimens were screened for the presence of G. duodenalis using microscopy (zinc sulfate solution flotation technique) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the small subunit ribosomal (SSU-rDNA) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) genes. Genetic characterization was performed using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) and sequencing analysis of the GDH gene. In addition, selected samples were further characterized by RFLP and sequencing of the beta-giardin gene. The overall occurrence of G. duodenalis was 17.3% (52/300). The occurrence was higher in stray dogs (28%) than in household dogs (6.25%). of the 36 PCR-positive samples that were selected for genotyping, only dog-specific genotype C (20 isolates), D (11 isolates) and mixed C+D (five isolates) isolates were detected in the study. This study provides current information on the infection rates of G. duodenalis genotypes in canine populations and describes for the first time the presence of mixed infections within host-specific C and D genotypes in dogs in Brazil. These genotypes were widespread and commonly found in domestic dogs living in urban and suburban environments of the studied area and confirmed the endemic status of Giardia in this region.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In order to improve the current chemotherapy of Giardia infection, potential antigiardial agents have been screened, including natural products. Propolis, a resinous hive product collected by bees, has attracted attention as a useful and popular substance with several therapeutic activities. The present study was carried out aiming to evaluate the in vitro effects of an ethanolic extract of propolis on the growth and adherence of Giardia duodenalis trophozoites. Propolis inhibited the growth of trophozoites and the level of inhibition varied according to the extract concentration and incubation times. The highest reduction of parasite growth was observed in cultures exposed to 125, 250 and 500 mu g/ml of propolis, in all incubation periods (24, 48, 72 and 96 h). Growth reduction by 50% was observed in 125 mu g/ml propolis-treated cultures, while the concentrations of 250 and 500 mu g/ml were able to inhibit growth by more than 60%. Propolis also inhibited parasite adherence and all assayed propolis concentrations promoted the detachment of trophozoites. Light microscope observations revealed changes of the pear-shaped aspect of the cell and reduction of flagellar beating frequency in the great part of the trophozoites. Our results hold the perspective for the utilization of propolis as an antigiardial agent. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Results from our laboratory revealed propolis activity on Giardia trophozoites proliferation. Since therapeutic agents can inhibit the activity of proteases related to relevant biologic and physiologic processes of parasites, this study was undertaken to characterise the proteolytic activity of excretory/secretory products (ESP) of trophozoites treated with propolis. ESP was obtained from culture supernatants of trophozoites exposed to 250 and 500 mu g mL(-1) of propolis. ESP were tested in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for the protein profiles and the protease activity was assayed in gelatin-containing gels. Synthetic inhibitors were used to characterise the protease classes. Treated and non-treated ESP showed a similar protein and hydrolysis pattern. A simple pattern of protein composed by five evident bands of approximately 167, 132, 79, 61 and 51 kDa was found, and the zymograms comprised hydrolysis zones distributed from > 170 to 23 kDa. No inhibition was seen on protease activity of propolis-treated trophozoites, whose hydrolysis pattern was similar to control. One may conclude that both ESP degraded gelatin and the activity was predominantly due to cysteine proteases. Although propolis had no effect on the proteolytic activity, further studies could identify the active constituents responsible for propolis antigiardial activity and their mechanisms of action.
The present investigation was undertaken to identify and characterize trophozoite proteases of five axenic strains of Giardia duodenalis isolated in Brazil and the reference strain Portland 1 isolated in the United States. Trophozoite cell lysates of each strain were analysed for the pattern of proteins and for proteolytic activity. Samples were tested in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for the protein profiles, and the detection of proteases in cell lysates was performed using substrate gel electrophoresis [gelatin, collagen, bovine serum albumin (BSA) and haemoglobin] and azocasein assays. Indeed, synthetic inhibitors were included in the assays to characterize the protease classes. Differences on the hydrolysis patterns of protein substrates were observed in relation to the substrate composition as much as the Giardia trophozoite strain. The substrate-containing gels revealed hydrolysis bands with molecular masses ranging from > 97 to 20-15 kDa, and most zones were common to the five strains. However, some pronounced differences could be detected in the BTU-11 pattern. Azocasein was also degraded; however, depending on the lysate assayed, the degree of substrate degradation was variable. It was observed that inhibitory effects are substrate-dependent since the activity was predominantly due to cysteine proteases against gelatin, collagen, BSA and azocasein substrates and due to serine against haemoglobin. The presence of aspartic protease and aminopeptidase activity in the lysates was also indicated.
Considering the snake venoms' pharmacological properties and chemotherapeutic potential as well as the need for new alternatives for Giardia infection treatment, the present study was carried out aiming to evaluate the in vitro effects of crude Crotalus durissus terrificus and Bothrops jararaca venoms on the growth and adherence of Giardia duodenalis trophozoites. Trophozoites (10(6)) were exposed to serial twofold dilutions of C. durissus terrificus and B. jararaca venoms that ranged from 3.125 to 200 mu g/ml and from 5 to 320 mu g/ml, respectively. The two venoms inhibited the growth of trophozoites, and the level of inhibition varied according to the assayed concentrations and incubation times. The highest reduction of parasite growth was observed with increasing concentrations of the venoms. No effect on parasite adherence was observed. Light microscope observations revealed changes of the pear-shape aspect of the cell and reduction of flagellar beating frequency in the great part of the trophozoites. This is the first attempt to evaluate the in vitro effects of snake venoms on Giardia trophozoites. The findings stress the need for more investigations and prompt us to perform further studies to identify active principles with antigiardial effect.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We have examined by gelatin-SDS-PAGE the protease activity in cell lysates of Giardia duodenalis trophozoites of two axenic strains isolated in Brazil from a symptomatic patient (BTU-11) and an asymptomatic carrier (BTU-10), and the reference strain Portland 1 (P1). The proteolysis band patterns showed differences among strains isolated from asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals. The lysate of the strain BTU-10, showed only five hydrolysis bands, while a greater number of bands (10-11 bands) was seen in strains BTU-11 and P1. The protease activity in all lysates was inhibited by cysteine (E-64 and iodoacetamide) and serine proteases (TPCK and TLCK) inhibitors, but not by PMSF and EDTA. In general, the results revealed protease activities in G. duodenalis trophozoites of Brazilian axenic strains and the predominance of cysteine proteinases. It should be stressed the inter-strain difference in hydrolysis band patterns observed between strains isolated from symptomatic patients and the strain obtained from an asymptomatic carrier.
OBJETIVOS: Detectar anticorpos séricos anti-Giardia lamblia entre crianças atendidas em creches e estimar a freqüência de infecção por Giardia lamblia em área endêmica. MÉTODOS: Foram coletadas três amostras de fezes de cada uma das 147 crianças de três creches da rede municipal de Botucatu, SP, com idade variando de 0 a 6 anos, e as amostras foram processadas pelos métodos de sedimentação espontânea e flutuação pelo sulfato de zinco. Amostras de sangue foram obtidas da polpa digital, coletadas em papel de filtro e testadas pelos métodos de imunofluorescência indireta (IFI) e de reação imunoenzimática (Elisa) para pesquisa de IgG anti-Giardia. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: de um total de 147 crianças, 93 (63,3%) apresentaram cistos de Giardia nas fezes. Dos 147 eluatos testados, 93 (63,3%) e 100 (68%) foram positivos para Giardia em IFI e em Elisa, respectivamente. A sensibilidade de IFI foi de 82% e de Elisa, 72%. Contudo, Elisa foi menos específica (39%) do que IFI (70%). A imunofluorescência indireta apresentou maior concordância com o exame de fezes do que Elisa.