975 resultados para galaxies: cluster: general
Filaments of galaxies are known to stretch between galaxy clusters at all redshifts in a complex manner. In this Letter, we present an analysis of the frequency and distribution of intercluster galaxy filaments selected from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey. Out of 805 cluster-cluster pairs, we find at least 40 per cent have bona fide filaments. We introduce a filament classification scheme and divide the filaments into several types according to their visual morphology: straight (lying on the cluster-cluster axis; 37 per cent), warped or curved (lying off the cluster-cluster axis; 33 per cent), sheets (planar configurations of galaxies; 3 per cent), uniform (1 per cent) and irregular (26 per cent). We find that straight filaments are more likely to reside between close cluster pairs and they become more curved with increasing cluster separation. This curving is toward a larger mass concentration in general. We also show that the more massive a cluster is, the more likely it is to have a larger number of filaments. Our results are found to be consistent with a cold dark matter cosmology.
We review the evidence that the ultra-compact dwarf (UCD) galaxies we recently discovered in the Fornax Cluster form a new, previously unknown class of galaxies and we discuss possible scenarios for their formation. We then present recent results that UCDs are also present in the Virgo Cluster, and that there is a much larger than expected population of fainter UCDs in the Fornax Cluster. The size and properties of this population may lead us to revise our original 'galaxy threshing' hypothesis for the formation of UCDs.
Structure and dynamics of the Shapley Supercluster - Velocity catalogue, general morphology and mass
We present results of our wide-field redshift survey of galaxies in a 285 square degree region of the Shapley Supercluster (SSC), based on a set of 10 529 velocity measurements (including 1201 new ones) on 8632 galaxies obtained from various telescopes and from the literature. Our data reveal that the main plane of the SSC (v approximate to 14 500 km s(-1)) extends further than previous estimates, filling the whole extent of our survey region of 12 degrees by 30 degrees on the sky (30 x 75 h(-1) Mpc). There is also a connecting structure associated with the slightly nearer Abell 3571 cluster complex (v approximate to 12 000 km s(-1)). These galaxies seem to link two previously identified sheets of galaxies and establish a connection with a third one at v = 15 000 km s(-1) near RA = 13(h). They also tend to fill the gap of galaxies between the foreground Hydra-Centaurus region and the more distant SSC. In the velocity range of the Shapley Supercluster (9000 km s(-1) < cz < 18 000 km s(-1)), we found redshift-space overdensities with b(j) < 17.5 of similar or equal to 5.4 over the 225 square degree central region and similar or equal to 3.8 in a 192 square degree region excluding rich clusters. Over the large region of our survey, we find that the intercluster galaxies make up 48 per cent of the observed galaxies in the SSC region and, accounting for the different completeness, may contribute nearly twice as much mass as the cluster galaxies. In this paper, we discuss the completeness of the velocity catalogue, the morphology of the supercluster, the global overdensity, and some properties of the individual galaxy clusters in the Supercluster.
Aims. We present a dynamical analysis of the galaxy cluster Abell 1942 based on a set of 128 velocities obtained at the European Southern Observatory. Methods. Data on individual galaxies are presented and the accuracy of the determined velocities as some properties of the cluster are discussed. We have also made use of publicly available Chandra X-ray data. Results. We obtained an improved mean redshift value z = 0.22513 +/- 0.0008 and velocity dispersion sigma = 908(139)(+147) km s(-1). Our analysis indicates that inside a radius of similar to 1.5 h(70)(-1) Mpc (similar to 7 arcmin) the cluster is well relaxed, without any remarkable features and the X-ray emission traces the galaxy distribution fairly well. Two possible optical substructures are seen at similar to 5 arcmin from the centre in the northwest and the southwest directions, but are not confirmed by the velocity field. These clumps are, however, kinematically bound to the main structure of Abell 1942. X-ray spectroscopic analysis of Chandra data resulted in a temperature kT = 5.5+/-0.5 keV and metal abundance Z = 0.33 +/- 0.15 Z(circle dot). The velocity dispersion corresponding to this temperature using the T(X-sigma) scaling relation is in good agreement with the measured galaxy velocities. Our photometric redshift analysis suggests that the weak lensing signal observed to the south of the cluster and previously attributed to a ""dark clump"" is produced by background sources, possibly distributed as a filamentary structure.
Aims. We create a catalogue of simulated fossil groups and study their properties, in particular the merging histories of their first-ranked galaxies. We compare the simulated fossil group properties with those of both simulated non-fossil and observed fossil groups. Methods. Using simulations and a mock galaxy catalogue, we searched for massive (>5 x 10(13) h(-1) M-circle dot) fossil groups in the Millennium Simulation Galaxy Catalogue. In addition, we attempted to identify observed fossil groups in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6 using identical selection criteria. Results. Our predictions on the basis of the simulation data are: (a) fossil groups comprise about 5.5% of the total population of groups/clusters with masses larger than 5 x 10(13) h(-1) M-circle dot. This fraction is consistent with the fraction of fossil groups identified in the SDSS, after all observational biases have been taken into account; (b) about 88% of the dominant central objects in fossil groups are elliptical galaxies that have a median R-band absolute magnitude of similar to-23.5-5 log h, which is typical of the observed fossil groups known in the literature; (c) first-ranked galaxies of systems with M > 5 x 10(13) h(-1) M-circle dot, regardless of whether they are either fossil or non-fossil, are mainly formed by gas-poor mergers; (d) although fossil groups, in general, assembled most of their virial masses at higher redshifts in comparison with non-fossil groups, first-ranked galaxies in fossil groups merged later, i.e. at lower redshifts, compared with their non-fossil-group counterparts. Conclusions. We therefore expect to observe a number of luminous galaxies in the centres of fossil groups that show signs of a recent major merger.
Context. The luminous material in clusters of galaxies exists in two forms: the visible galaxies and the X-ray emitting intra-cluster medium. The hot intra-cluster gas is the major observed baryonic component of clusters, about six times more massive than the stellar component. The mass contained within visible galaxies is approximately 3% of the dynamical mass. Aims. Our aim was to analyze both baryonic components, combining X-ray and optical data of a sample of five galaxy clusters (Abell 496, 1689, 2050, 2631 and 2667), within the redshift range 0.03 < z < 0.3. We determined the contribution of stars in galaxies and the intra-cluster medium to the total baryon budget. Methods. We used public XMM-Newton data to determine the gas mass and to obtain the X-ray substructures. Using the optical counterparts from SDSS or CFHT we determined the stellar contribution. Results. We examine the relative contribution of galaxies, intra-cluster light and intra-cluster medium to baryon budget in clusters through the stellar-to-gas mass ratio, estimated with recent data. We find that the stellar-to-gas mass ratio within r(500) (the radius within which the mean cluster density exceeds the critical density by a factor of 500), is anti-correlated with the ICM temperature, which range from 24% to 6% while the temperature ranges from 4.0 to 8.3 keV. This indicates that less massive cold clusters are more prolific star forming environments than massive hot clusters.
We use multiwavelength data (H I, FUV, NUV, R) to search for evidence of star formation in the intragroup medium of the Hickson Compact Group 100. We find that young star-forming regions are located in the intergalactic H I clouds of the compact group which extend to over 130 kpc away from the main galaxies. A tidal dwarf galaxy (TDG) candidate is located in the densest region of the H I tail, 61 kpc from the brightest group member and its age is estimated to be only 3.3 Myr. Fifteen other intragroup H II regions and TDG candidates are detected in the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) FUV image and within a field 10' x 10' encompassing the H I tail. They have ages <200 Myr, H I masses of 10(9.2-10.4) M(circle dot), 0.001
Context. Fossil systems are defined to be X- ray bright galaxy groups ( or clusters) with a two- magnitude difference between their two brightest galaxies within half the projected virial radius, and represent an interesting extreme of the population of galaxy agglomerations. However, the physical conditions and processes leading to their formation are still poorly constrained. Aims. We compare the outskirts of fossil systems with that of normal groups to understand whether environmental conditions play a significant role in their formation. We study the groups of galaxies in both, numerical simulations and observations. Methods. We use a variety of statistical tools including the spatial cross- correlation function and the local density parameter Delta(5) to probe differences in the density and structure of the environments of "" normal"" and "" fossil"" systems in the Millennium simulation. Results. We find that the number density of galaxies surrounding fossil systems evolves from greater than that observed around normal systems at z = 0.69, to lower than the normal systems by z = 0. Both fossil and normal systems exhibit an increment in their otherwise radially declining local density measure (Delta(5)) at distances of order 2.5 r(vir) from the system centre. We show that this increment is more noticeable for fossil systems than normal systems and demonstrate that this difference is linked to the earlier formation epoch of fossil groups. Despite the importance of the assembly time, we show that the environment is different for fossil and non- fossil systems with similar masses and formation times along their evolution. We also confirm that the physical characteristics identified in the Millennium simulation can also be detected in SDSS observations. Conclusions. Our results confirm the commonly held belief that fossil systems assembled earlier than normal systems but also show that the surroundings of fossil groups could be responsible for the formation of their large magnitude gap.
In this Letter, we propose a new and model-independent cosmological test for the distance-duality (DD) relation, eta = D(L)(z)(1 + z)(-2)/D(A)(z) = 1, where D(L) and D(A) are, respectively, the luminosity and angular diameter distances. For D(L) we consider two sub-samples of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) taken from Constitution data whereas D(A) distances are provided by two samples of galaxy clusters compiled by De Filippis et al. and Bonamente et al. by combining Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect and X-ray surface brightness. The SNe Ia redshifts of each sub-sample were carefully chosen to coincide with the ones of the associated galaxy cluster sample (Delta z < 0.005), thereby allowing a direct test of the DD relation. Since for very low redshifts, D(A)(z) approximate to D(L)(z), we have tested the DD relation by assuming that. is a function of the redshift parameterized by two different expressions: eta(z) = 1 + eta(0)z and eta(z) = 1 +eta(0)z/(1 + z), where eta(0) is a constant parameter quantifying a possible departure from the strict validity of the reciprocity relation (eta(0) = 0). In the best scenario (linear parameterization), we obtain eta(0) = -0.28(-0.44)(+0.44) (2 sigma, statistical + systematic errors) for the De Filippis et al. sample (elliptical geometry), a result only marginally compatible with the DD relation. However, for the Bonamente et al. sample (spherical geometry) the constraint is eta(0) = -0.42(-0.34)(+0.34) (3 sigma, statistical + systematic errors), which is clearly incompatible with the duality-distance relation.
NGC 1275, the central galaxy in the Perseus cluster, is the host of gigantic hot bipolar bubbles inflated by active galactic nucleus (AGN) jets observed in the radio as Perseus A. It presents a spectacular H alpha-emitting nebulosity surrounding NGC 1275, with loops and filaments of gas extending to over 50 kpc. The origin of the filaments is still unknown, but probably correlates with the mechanism responsible for the giant buoyant bubbles. We present 2.5 and three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) simulations of the central region of the cluster in which turbulent energy, possibly triggered by star formation and supernovae (SNe) explosions, is introduced. The simulations reveal that the turbulence injected by massive stars could be responsible for the nearly isotropic distribution of filaments and loops that drag magnetic fields upward as indicated by recent observations. Weak shell-like shock fronts propagating into the intracluster medium (ICM) with velocities of 100-500 km s(-1) are found, also resembling the observations. The isotropic outflow momentum of the turbulence slows the infall of the ICM, thus limiting further starburst activity in NGC 1275. As the turbulence is subsonic over most of the simulated volume, the turbulent kinetic energy is not efficiently converted into heat and additional heating is required to suppress the cooling flow at the core of the cluster. Simulations combining the MHD turbulence with the AGN outflow can reproduce the temperature radial profile observed around NGC 1275. While the AGN mechanism is the main heating source, the SNe are crucial to isotropize the energy distribution.
Context. We study galaxy evolution and spatial patterns in the surroundings of a sample of 2dF groups. Aims. Our aim is to find evidence of galaxy evolution and clustering out to 10 times the virial radius of the groups and so redefine their properties according to the spatial patterns in the fields and relate them to galaxy evolution. Methods. Group members and interlopers were redefined after the identification of gaps in the redshift distribution. We then used exploratory spatial statistics based on the the second moment of the Ripley function to probe the anisotropy in the galaxy distribution around the groups. Results. We found an important anticorrelation between anisotropy around groups and the fraction of early-type galaxies in these fields. Our results illustrate how the dynamical state of galaxy groups can be ascertained by the systematic study of their neighborhoods. This is an important achievement, since the correct estimate of the extent to which galaxies are affected by the group environment and follow large-scale filamentary structure is relevant to understanding the process of galaxy clustering and evolution in the Universe.
We studied superclusters of galaxies in a volume-limited sample extracted from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 and from mock catalogues based on a semi-analytical model of galaxy evolution in the Millennium Simulation. A density field method was applied to a sample of galaxies brighter than M(r) = -21+5 log h(100) to identify superclusters, taking into account selection and boundary effects. In order to evaluate the influence of the threshold density, we have chosen two thresholds: the first maximizes the number of objects (D1) and the second constrains the maximum supercluster size to similar to 120 h(-1) Mpc (D2). We have performed a morphological analysis, using Minkowski Functionals, based on a parameter, which increases monotonically from filaments to pancakes. An anticorrelation was found between supercluster richness (and total luminosity or size) and the morphological parameter, indicating that filamentary structures tend to be richer, larger and more luminous than pancakes in both observed and mock catalogues. We have also used the mock samples to compare supercluster morphologies identified in position and velocity spaces, concluding that our morphological classification is not biased by the peculiar velocities. Monte Carlo simulations designed to investigate the reliability of our results with respect to random fluctuations show that these results are robust. Our analysis indicates that filaments and pancakes present different luminosity and size distributions.
In this paper, we study the variations of groups (galaxy properties according to the assembly history in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6 (SDSS-DR6) selected groups. Using mock SDSS group catalogues, we find two suitable indicators of group formation time: (i) the isolation of the group, defined as the distance to the nearest neighbour ill terms of its virial radius and 00 the concentration. measured as the groups inner density calculated using the fifth nearest bright galaxy to the groups centre. Groups Within narrow ranges of Mass ill the mock catalO-Lie show increasing Ifl-OLIP alle With isolation and concentration. However, in the observational data the stellar age, as indicated by the spectral type, only shows a correlation with concentration. We study groups of similar mass and different assembly history. finding important differences ill their galaxy population. Particularly, ill high-mass SDSS groups. the number of members. mass-to-light ratios, red galaxy fractions and the magnitude difference between the brightest and second-brightest group galaxies, show different trends as a function of isolation and concentration, even when it is expected that the latter two quantities correlate with group age. Conversely. low-mass SDSS groups appear to be less sensitive to their assembly history. The correlations detected in the SDSS are not consistent with the trends measured in the mock catalogues. However, discrepancies can he explained in terms of the disagreement found in the a-e-isolation trends, suggesting that the model might be overestimating the effects of, environment, We discuss how the modelling of the cold gas ill satellite galaxies could be responsible for this problem. These results call be Used to improve our Understanding of the evolution of galaxies ill high-density environments.
We study segregation phenomena in 57 groups selected from the 2dF Percolation-Inferred Galaxy Groups (2PIGG) catalogue of galaxy groups. The sample corresponds to those systems located in areas of at least 80 per cent redshift coverage out to 10 times the radius of the groups. The dynamical state of the galaxy systems was determined after studying their velocity distributions. We have used the Anderson-Darling test to distinguish relaxed and non-relaxed systems. This analysis indicates that 84 per cent of groups have galaxy velocities consistent with the normal distribution, while 16 per cent of them have more complex underlying distributions. Properties of the member galaxies are investigated taking into account this classification. Our results indicate that galaxies in Gaussian groups are significantly more evolved than galaxies in non-relaxed systems out to distances of similar to 4R(200), presenting significantly redder (B - R) colours. We also find evidence that galaxies with M(R) <= -21.5 in Gaussian groups are closer to the condition of energy equipartition.
We present an analysis of observations made with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) and the CanadaFranceHawaii Telescope (CFHT) of six galaxy clusters in a redshift range of 0.160.41. The cluster gas is modelled using the SunyaevZeldovich (SZ) data provided by AMI, while the total mass is modelled using the lensing data from the CFHT. In this paper, we (i) find very good agreement between SZ measurements (assuming large-scale virialization and a gas-fraction prior) and lensing measurements of the total cluster masses out to r200; (ii) perform the first multiple-component weak-lensing analysis of A115; (iii) confirm the unusual separation between the gas and mass components in A1914 and (iv) jointly analyse the SZ and lensing data for the relaxed cluster A611, confirming our use of a simulation-derived masstemperature relation for parametrizing measurements of the SZ effect.