998 resultados para galaxies: active


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The work presented in my thesis addresses the two cornerstones of modern astronomy: Observation and Instrumentation. Part I deals with the observation of two nearby active galaxies, the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1433 and the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 1566, both at a distance of $\sim10$ Mpc, which are part of the Nuclei of Galaxies (NUGA) sample. It is well established that every galaxy harbors a super massive black hole (SMBH) at its center. Furthermore, there seems to be a fundamental correlation between the stellar bulge and SMBH masses. Simulations show that massive feedback, e.g., powerful outflows, in Quasi Stellar Objects (QSOs) has an impact on the mutual growth of bulge and SMBH. Nearby galaxies follow this relation but accrete mass at much lower rates. This gives rise to the following questions: Which mechanisms allow feeding of nearby Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)? Is this feeding triggered by events, e.g., star formation, nuclear spirals, outflows, on $\sim500$ pc scales around the AGN? Does feedback on these scales play a role in quenching the feeding process? Does it have an effect on the star formation close to the nucleus? To answer these questions I have carried out observations with the Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observation in the Near Infrared (SINFONI) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) situated on Cerro Paranal in Chile. I have reduced and analyzed the recorded data, which contain spatial and spectral information in the H-band ($1.45 \mic-1.85 \mic$) and K-band ($1.95 \mic-2.45 \mic$) on the central $10\arcsec\times10\arcsec$ of the observed galaxies. Additionally, Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) data at $350$ GHz ($\sim0.87$ mm) as well as optical high resolution Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images are used for the analysis. For NGC 1433 I deduce from comparison of the distributions of gas, dust, and intensity of highly ionized emission lines that the galaxy center lies $\sim70$ pc north-northwest of the prior estimate. A velocity gradient is observed at the new center, which I interpret as a bipolar outflow, a circum nuclear disk, or a combination of both. At least one dust and gas arm leads from a $r\sim200$ pc ring towards the nucleus and might feed the SMBH. Two bright warm H$_2$ gas spots are detected that indicate hidden star formation or a spiral arm-arm interaction. From the stellar velocity dispersion (SVD) I estimate a SMBH mass of $\sim1.74\times10^7$ \msol. For NGC 1566 I observe a nuclear gas disk of $\sim150$ pc in radius with a spiral structure. I estimate the total mass of this disk to be $\sim5.4\times10^7$ \msol. What mechanisms excite the gas in the disk is not clear. Neither can the existence of outflows be proven nor is star formation detected over the whole disk. On one side of the spiral structure I detect a star forming region with an estimated star formation rate of $\sim2.6\times10^{-3}$ \msol\ yr$^{-1}$. From broad Br$\gamma$ emission and SVD I estimate a mean SMBH mass of $\sim5.3\times10^6$ \msol\ with an Eddington ratio of $\sim2\times10^{-3}$. Part II deals with the final tests of the Fringe and Flexure Tracker (FFTS) for LBT INterferometric Camera and the NIR/Visible Adaptive iNterferometer for Astronomy (LINC-NIRVANA) at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona, USA, which I conducted. The FFTS is the subsystem that combines the two separate beams of the LBT and enables near-infrared interferometry with a significantly large field of view. The FFTS has a cryogenic system and an ambient temperature system which are separated by the baffle system. I redesigned this baffle to guarantee the functionality of the system after the final tests in the Cologne cryostat. The redesign did not affect any scientific performance of LINC-NIRVANA. I show in the final cooldown tests that the baffle fulfills the temperature requirement and stays $<110$ K whereas the moving stages in the ambient system stay $>273$ K, which was not given for the old baffle design. Additionally, I test the tilting flexure of the whole FFTS and show that accurate positioning of the detector and the tracking during observation can be guaranteed.


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A radio study of a carefully selected sample of 20 Seyfert galaxies that are matched in orientation-independent parameters, which are measures of intrinsic active galactic nucleus power and host galaxy properties, is presented to test the predictions of the unified scheme hypothesis. Our sample sources have core flux densities greater than 8 mJy at 5 GHz on arcsec scales due to the feasibility requirements. These simultaneous parsec-scale and kiloparsec-scale radio observations reveal (1) that Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies have an equal tendency to show compact radio structures on milliarcsecond scales, (2) the distributions of parsec-scale and kiloparsec-scale radio luminosities are similar for both Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies, (3) there is no evidence for relativistic beaming in Seyfert galaxies, (4) similar distributions of source spectral indices in spite of the fact that Seyferts show nuclear radio flux density variations, and (5) the distributions of the projected linear size for Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies are not significantly different as would be expected in the unified scheme. The latter could be mainly due to a relatively large spread in the intrinsic sizes. We also find that a starburst alone cannot power these radio sources. Finally, an analysis of the kiloparsec-scale radio properties of the CfA Seyfert galaxy sample shows results consistent with the predictions of the unified scheme.


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We measure the non-axisymmetry in the luminosity distribution in the central few kpc of a sample of advanced mergers of galaxies, by analyzing their 2MASS images. All mergers show a high central asymmetry: the centres of isophotes show a striking sloshing pattern with a spatial variation of upto 30% within the central 1 kpc; and the Fourier amplitude for lopsidedness (m = 1) shows high values upto 0.2 within the central 5 kpc. The central asymmetry is estimated to be long-lived, lasting for ~ a few Gyr or ~ 100 local dynamical timescales. This will significantly affect the dynamical evolution of this region, by helping fuel the central active galactic nucleus, and also by causing the secular growth of the bulge driven by lopsidedness.


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We present measurements of the spatial distribution, kinematics, and physical properties of gas in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of 2.0<z<2.8 UV color-selected galaxies as well as within the 2<z<3 intergalactic medium (IGM). These measurements are derived from Voigt profile decomposition of the full Lyα and Lyβ forest in 15 high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio QSO spectra resulting in a catalog of ∼6000 HI absorbers.

Chapter 2 of this thesis focuses on HI surrounding high-z star-forming galaxies drawn from the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey (KBSS). The KBSS is a unique spectroscopic survey of the distant universe designed to explore the details of the connection between galaxies and intergalactic baryons within the same survey volumes. The KBSS combines high-quality background QSO spectroscopy with large densely-sampled galaxy redshift surveys to probe the CGM at scales of ∼50 kpc to a few Mpc. Based on these data, Chapter 2 presents the first quantitative measurements of the distribution, column density, kinematics, and absorber line widths of neutral hydrogen surrounding high-z star-forming galaxies.

Chapter 3 focuses on the thermal properties of the diffuse IGM. This analysis relies on measurements of the ∼6000 absorber line widths to constrain the thermal and turbulent velocities of absorbing "clouds." A positive correlation between the column density of HI and the minimum line width is recovered and implies a temperature-density relation within the low-density IGM for which higher-density regions are hotter, as is predicted by simple theoretical arguments.

Chapter 4 presents new measurements of the opacity of the IGM and CGM to hydrogen-ionizing photons. The chapter begins with a revised measurement of the HI column density distribution based on this new absorption line catalog that, due to the inclusion of high-order Lyman lines, provides the first statistically robust measurement of the frequency of absorbers with HI column densities 14 ≲ log(NHI/cm-2) ≲ 17.2. Also presented are the first measurements of the column density distribution of HI within the CGM (50 <d < 300 pkpc) of high-z galaxies. These distributions are used to calculate the total opacity of the IGM and IGM+CGM and to revise previous measurements of the mean free path of hydrogen-ionizing photons within the IGM. This chapter also considers the effect of the surrounding CGM on the transmission of ionizing photons out of the sites of active star-formation and into the IGM.

This thesis concludes with a brief discussion of work in progress focused on understanding the distribution of metals within the CGM of KBSS galaxies. Appendix B discusses my contributions to the MOSFIRE instrumentation project.


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Mergers and interacting galaxies are pivotal to the evolution of galaxies in the universe. They are the sites of prodigious star formation and key to understanding the starburst processes: the physical and chemical properties and the dynamics of the molecular gas. ULIRGs or Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies are a result of many of these mergers. They host extreme starbursts, AGNs, and mergers. They are the perfect laboratory to probe the connection between starbursts, black hole accretion and mergers and to further our understanding of star formation and merging.

NGC 6240 and Arp 220 can be considered the founding members of this very active class of objects. They are in different stages of merging and hence are excellent case studies to further our understanding about the merging process. We have imaged the dense star-forming regions of these galaxies at sub-arcsec resolution with CARMA C and B Configurations (2" and 0.5 - 0.8"). Multi-band imaging allows excitation analysis of HCN, HCO+, HNC, and CS along with CO transitions to constrain the properties of the gas. Our dataset is unique in that we have observed these lines at similar resolutions and high sensitivity which can be used to derive line ratios of faint high excitation lines.

Arp 220 has not had confirmed X-ray AGN detections for either nuclei. However, our observations indicate HCN/HNC ratios consistent with the chemistry of X-ray Dominated Regions (XDRs) -- a likely symptom of AGN. We calculated the molecular Hydrogen densities using each of the molecular species and conclude that assuming abundances of HNC and HCO+ similar to those in galactic sources are incorrect in the case of ULIRGs. The physical conditions in the dense molecular gas in ULIRGs alter these abundances. The derived H2 volume densities are ~ 5 x 104 cm-3 in both Arp 220 nuclei and ~ 104 cm-3 in NGC 6240.


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We have modeled a small sample of Seyfert galaxies that were previously identified as having simple X-ray spectra with little intrinsic absorption. The sources in this sample all contain moderately broad components of FeK-shell emission and are ideal candidates for testing the applicability of a Compton-thick accretion disk wind model to active galactic nucleus (AGN) emission components. Viewing angles through the wind allow the observer to see the absorption signature of the gas, whereas face-on viewing angles allow the observer to see the scattered light from the wind. We find that the FeK emission line profiles are well described with a model of a Compton-thick accretion disk wind of solar abundances, arising tens to hundreds of gravitational radii from the central black hole. Further, the fits require a neutral component of FeKa emission that is too narrow to arise from the inner part of the wind, and likely comes from a more distant reprocessing region. Our study demonstrates that a Compton-thick wind can have a profound effect on the observed X-ray spectrum of an AGN, even when the system is not viewed through the flow. © 2012. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved..


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Thanks to the Chandra and XMM–Newton surveys, the hard X-ray sky is now probed down to a flux limit where the bulk of the X-ray background is almost completely resolved into discrete sources, at least in the 2–8 keV band. Extensive programs of multiwavelength follow-up observations showed that the large majority of hard X–ray selected sources are identified with Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) spanning a broad range of redshifts, luminosities and optical properties. A sizable fraction of relatively luminous X-ray sources hosting an active, presumably obscured, nucleus would not have been easily recognized as such on the basis of optical observations because characterized by “peculiar” optical properties. In my PhD thesis, I will focus the attention on the nature of two classes of hard X-ray selected “elusive” sources: those characterized by high X-ray-to-optical flux ratios and red optical-to-near-infrared colors, a fraction of which associated with Type 2 quasars, and the X-ray bright optically normal galaxies, also known as XBONGs. In order to characterize the properties of these classes of elusive AGN, the datasets of several deep and large-area surveys have been fully exploited. The first class of “elusive” sources is characterized by X-ray-to-optical flux ratios (X/O) significantly higher than what is generally observed from unobscured quasars and Seyfert galaxies. The properties of well defined samples of high X/O sources detected at bright X–ray fluxes suggest that X/O selection is highly efficient in sampling high–redshift obscured quasars. At the limits of deep Chandra surveys (∼10−16 erg cm−2 s−1), high X/O sources are generally characterized by extremely faint optical magnitudes, hence their spectroscopic identification is hardly feasible even with the largest telescopes. In this framework, a detailed investigation of their X-ray properties may provide useful information on the nature of this important component of the X-ray source population. The X-ray data of the deepest X-ray observations ever performed, the Chandra deep fields, allows us to characterize the average X-ray properties of the high X/O population. The results of spectral analysis clearly indicate that the high X/O sources represent the most obscured component of the X–ray background. Their spectra are harder (G ∼ 1) than any other class of sources in the deep fields and also of the XRB spectrum (G ≈ 1.4). In order to better understand the AGN physics and evolution, a much better knowledge of the redshift, luminosity and spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of elusive AGN is of paramount importance. The recent COSMOS survey provides the necessary multiwavelength database to characterize the SEDs of a statistically robust sample of obscured sources. The combination of high X/O and red-colors offers a powerful tool to select obscured luminous objects at high redshift. A large sample of X-ray emitting extremely red objects (R−K >5) has been collected and their optical-infrared properties have been studied. In particular, using an appropriate SED fitting procedure, the nuclear and the host galaxy components have been deconvolved over a large range of wavelengths and ptical nuclear extinctions, black hole masses and Eddington ratios have been estimated. It is important to remark that the combination of hard X-ray selection and extreme red colors is highly efficient in picking up highly obscured, luminous sources at high redshift. Although the XBONGs do not present a new source population, the interest on the nature of these sources has gained a renewed attention after the discovery of several examples from recent Chandra and XMM–Newton surveys. Even though several possibilities were proposed in recent literature to explain why a relatively luminous (LX = 1042 − 1043erg s−1) hard X-ray source does not leave any significant signature of its presence in terms of optical emission lines, the very nature of XBONGs is still subject of debate. Good-quality photometric near-infrared data (ISAAC/VLT) of 4 low-redshift XBONGs from the HELLAS2XMMsurvey have been used to search for the presence of the putative nucleus, applying the surface-brightness decomposition technique. In two out of the four sources, the presence of a nuclear weak component hosted by a bright galaxy has been revealed. The results indicate that moderate amounts of gas and dust, covering a large solid angle (possibly 4p) at the nuclear source, may explain the lack of optical emission lines. A weak nucleus not able to produce suffcient UV photons may provide an alternative or additional explanation. On the basis of an admittedly small sample, we conclude that XBONGs constitute a mixed bag rather than a new source population. When the presence of a nucleus is revealed, it turns out to be mildly absorbed and hosted by a bright galaxy.


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In this Thesis, we investigate the cosmological co-evolution of supermassive black holes (BHs), Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and their hosting dark matter (DM) halos and galaxies, within the standard CDM scenario. We analyze both analytic, semi-analytic and hybrid techniques and use the most recent observational data available to constrain the assumptions underlying our models. First, we focus on very simple analytic models where the assembly of BHs is directly related to the merger history of DM haloes. For this purpose, we implement the two original analytic models of Wyithe & Loeb 2002 and Wyithe & Loeb 2003, compare their predictions to the AGN luminosity function and clustering data, and discuss possible modifications to the models that improve the match to the observation. Then we study more sophisticated semi-analytic models in which however the baryonic physics is neglected as well. Finally we improve the hybrid simulation of De Lucia & Blaizot 2007, adding new semi-analytical prescriptions to describe the BH mass accretion rate during each merger event and its conversion into radiation, and compare the derived BH scaling relations, fundamental plane and mass function, and the AGN luminosity function with observations. All our results support the following scenario: • The cosmological co-evolution of BHs, AGN and galaxies can be well described within the CDM model. • At redshifts z & 1, the evolution history of DM halo fully determines the overall properties of the BH and AGN populations. The AGN emission is triggered mainly by DM halo major mergers and, on average, AGN shine at their Eddington luminosity. • At redshifts z . 1, BH growth decouples from halo growth. Galaxy major mergers cannot constitute the only trigger to accretion episodes in this phase. • When a static hot halo has formed around a galaxy, a fraction of the hot gas continuously accretes onto the central BH, causing a low-energy “radio” activity at the galactic centre, which prevents significant gas cooling and thus limiting the mass of the central galaxies and quenching the star formation at late time. • The cold gas fraction accreted by BHs at high redshifts seems to be larger than at low redshifts.


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Seyfert galaxies are the closest active galactic nuclei. As such, we can use them to test the physical properties of the entire class of objects. To investigate their general properties, I took advantage of different methods of data analysis. In particular I used three different samples of objects, that, despite frequent overlaps, have been chosen to best tackle different topics: the heterogeneous BeppoS AX sample was thought to be optimized to test the average hard X-ray (E above 10 keV) properties of nearby Seyfert galaxies; the X-CfA was thought the be optimized to compare the properties of low-luminosity sources to the ones of higher luminosity and, thus, it was also used to test the emission mechanism models; finally, the XMM–Newton sample was extracted from the X-CfA sample so as to ensure a truly unbiased and well defined sample of objects to define the average properties of Seyfert galaxies. Taking advantage of the broad-band coverage of the BeppoS AX MECS and PDS instruments (between ~2-100 keV), I infer the average X-ray spectral propertiesof nearby Seyfert galaxies and in particular the photon index (~1.8), the high-energy cut-off (~290 keV), and the relative amount of cold reflection (~1.0). Moreover the unified scheme for active galactic nuclei was positively tested. The distribution of isotropic indicators used here (photon index, relative amount of reflection, high-energy cut-off and narrow FeK energy centroid) are similar in type I and type II objects while the absorbing column and the iron line equivalent width significantly differ between the two classes of sources with type II objects displaying larger absorbing columns. Taking advantage of the XMM–Newton and X–CfA samples I also deduced from measurements that 30 to 50% of type II Seyfert galaxies are Compton thick. Confirming previous results, the narrow FeK line is consistent, in Seyfert 2 galaxies, with being produced in the same matter responsible for the observed obscuration. These results support the basic picture of the unified model. Moreover, the presence of a X-ray Baldwin effect in type I sources has been measured using for the first time the 20-100 keV luminosity (EW proportional to L(20-100)^(−0.22±0.05)). This finding suggests that the torus covering factor may be a function of source luminosity, thereby suggesting a refinement of the baseline version of the unifed model itself. Using the BeppoSAX sample, it has been also recorded a possible correlation between the photon index and the amount of cold reflection in both type I and II sources. At a first glance this confirms the thermal Comptonization as the most likely origin of the high energy emission for the active galactic nuclei. This relation, in fact, naturally emerges supposing that the accretion disk penetrates, depending to the accretion rate, the central corona at different depths (Merloni et al. 2006): the higher accreting systems hosting disks down to the last stable orbit while the lower accreting systems hosting truncated disks. On the contrary, the study of the well defined X–C f A sample of Seyfert galaxies has proved that the intrinsic X-ray luminosity of nearby Seyfert galaxies can span values between 10^(38−43) erg s^−1, i.e. covering a huge range of accretion rates. The less efficient systems have been supposed to host ADAF systems without accretion disk. However, the study of the X–CfA sample has also proved the existence of correlations between optical emission lines and X-ray luminosity in the entire range of L_(X) covered by the sample. These relations are similar to the ones obtained if high-L objects are considered. Thus the emission mechanism must be similar in luminous and weak systems. A possible scenario to reconcile these somehow opposite indications is assuming that the ADAF and the two phase mechanism co-exist with different relative importance moving from low-to-high accretion systems (as suggested by the Gamma vs. R relation). The present data require that no abrupt transition between the two regimes is present. As mentioned above, the possible presence of an accretion disk has been tested using samples of nearby Seyfert galaxies. Here, to deeply investigate the flow patterns close to super-massive black-holes, three case study objects for which enough counts statistics is available have been analysed using deep X-ray observations taken with XMM–Newton. The obtained results have shown that the accretion flow can significantly differ between the objects when it is analyzed with the appropriate detail. For instance the accretion disk is well established down to the last stable orbit in a Kerr system for IRAS 13197-1627 where strong light bending effect have been measured. The accretion disk seems to be formed spiraling in the inner ~10-30 gravitational radii in NGC 3783 where time dependent and recursive modulation have been measured both in the continuum emission and in the broad emission line component. Finally, the accretion disk seems to be only weakly detectable in rk 509, with its weak broad emission line component. Finally, blueshifted resonant absorption lines have been detected in all three objects. This seems to demonstrate that, around super-massive black-holes, there is matter which is not confined in the accretion disk and moves along the line of sight with velocities as large as v~0.01-0.4c (whre c is the speed of light). Wether this matter forms winds or blobs is still matter of debate together with the assessment of the real statistical significance of the measured absorption lines. Nonetheless, if confirmed, these phenomena are of outstanding interest because they offer new potential probes for the dynamics of the innermost regions of accretion flows, to tackle the formation of ejecta/jets and to place constraints on the rate of kinetic energy injected by AGNs into the ISM and IGM. Future high energy missions (such as the planned Simbol-X and IXO) will likely allow an exciting step forward in our understanding of the flow dynamics around black holes and the formation of the highest velocity outflows.


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Early-Type galaxies (ETGs) are embedded in hot (10^6-10^7 K), X-ray emitting gaseous haloes, produced mainly by stellar winds and heated by Type Ia supernovae explosions, by the thermalization of stellar motions and occasionally by the central super-massive black hole (SMBH). In particular, the thermalization of the stellar motions is due to the interaction between the stellar and the SNIa ejecta and the hot interstellar medium (ISM) already residing in the ETG. A number of different astrophysical phenomena determine the X-ray properties of the hot ISM, such as stellar population formation and evolution, galaxy structure and internal kinematics, Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) presence, and environmental effects. With the aid of high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations performed on state-of-the-art galaxy models, in this Thesis we focus on the effects of galaxy shape, stellar kinematics and star formation on the evolution of the X-ray coronae of ETGs. Numerical simulations show that the relative importance of flattening and rotation are functions of the galaxy mass: at low galaxy masses, adding flattening and rotation induces a galactic wind, thus lowering the X-ray luminosity; at high galaxy masses the angular momentum conservation keeps the central regions of rotating galaxies at low density, whereas in non-rotating models a denser and brighter atmosphere is formed. The same dependence from the galaxy mass is present in the effects of star formation (SF): in light galaxies SF contributes to increase the spread in Lx, while at high galaxy masses the halo X-ray properties are marginally sensitive to SF effects. In every case, the star formation rate at the present epoch quite agrees with observations, and the massive, cold gaseous discs are partially or completely consumed by SF on a time-scale of few Gyr, excluding the presence of young stellar discs at the present epoch.


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There is a variety of optical evidence for some unification of different types of active galactic nuclei and quasi-stellar objects (QSOs). The case is very strong for the unification of at least some Seyfert galaxies, where polarization data show that the type assigned to the Seyfert galaxy must depend on viewing direction. It has been proposed that Fanaroff-Riley type 2 (FR2) radio galaxies are quasars seen in a direction from which the quasar is obscured, and there is some limited direct evidence for this picture. The broad absorption line QSOs may be normal QSOs seen from a special direction. Some of the sources observed to have high luminosities in the far infrared could be obscured QSOs and active nuclei. Mergers and interactions are likely to play an important role in nuclear activity, and active galaxies and QSOs could change their apparent types through these encounters followed by subsequent evolution.


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We describe the characteristics of the rapidly rotating molecular disk in the nucleus of the mildly active galaxy NGC4258. The morphology and kinematics of the disk are delineated by the point-like watervapor emission sources at 1.35-cm wavelength. High angular resolution [200 microas where as is arcsec, corresponding to 0.006 parsec (pc) at 6.4 million pc] and high spectral resolution (0.2 km.s-1 or nu/Deltanu = 1.4 x 10(6)) with the Very-Long-Baseline Array allow precise definition of the disk. The disk is very thin, but slightly warped, and is viewed nearly edge-on. The masers show that the disk is in nearly perfect Keplerian rotation within the observable range of radii of 0.13-0.26 pc. The approximately random deviations from the Keplerian rotation curve among the high-velocity masers are approximately 3.5 km.s-1 (rms). These deviations may be due to the masers lying off the midline by about +/-4 degrees or variations in the inclination of the disk by +/-4 degrees. Lack of systematic deviations indicates that the disk has a mass of <4 x 10(6) solar mass (M[symbol: see text]). The gravitational binding mass is 3.5 x 10(7) M[symbol: see text], which must lie within the inner radius of the disk and requires that the mass density be >4 x 10(9) M[symbol: see text].pc-3. If the central mass were in the form of a star cluster with a density distribution such as a Plummer model, then the central mass density would be 4 x 10(12) M[symbol: see text].pc-3. The lifetime of such a cluster would be short with respect to the age of the galaxy [Maoz, E. (1995) Astrophys. J. Lett. 447, L91-L94]. Therefore, the central mass may be a black hole. The disk as traced by the systemic velocity features is unresolved in the vertical direction, indicating that its scale height is <0.0003 pc (hence the ratio of thickness to radius, H/R, is <0.0025). For a disk in hydrostatic equilibrium the quadrature sum of the sound speed and Alfven velocity is <2.5 km.s-1, so that the temperature of the disk must be <1000 K and the toroidal magnetic field component must be <250 mG. If the molecular mass density in the disk is 10(10) cm-3, then the disk mass is approximately 10(4) M[symbol: see text], and the disk is marginally stable as defined by the Toomre stability parameter Q (Q = 6 at the inner edge and 1 at the outer edge). The inward drift velocity is predicted to be <0.007 km.s-1, for a viscosity parameter of 0.1, and the accretion rate is <7 x 10(-5) M[symbol: see text].yr-1. At this value the accretion would be sufficient to power the nuclear x-ray source of 4 x 10(40) ergs-1 (1 erg = 0.1 microJ). The volume of individual maser components may be as large as 10(46) cm3, based on the velocity gradients, which is sufficient to supply the observed luminosity. The pump power undoubtedly comes from the nucleus, perhaps in the form of x-rays. The warp may allow the pump radiation to penetrate the disk obliquely [Neufeld, D. A. & Maloney, P. R. (1995) Astrophys. J. Lett. 447, L17-L19]. A total of 15 H2O megamasers have been identified out of >250 galaxies searched. Galaxy NGC4258 may be the only case where conditions are optimal to reveal a well-defined nuclear disk. Future measurement of proper motions and accelerations for NGC4258 will yield an accurate distance and a more precise definition of the dynamics of the disk


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Context. Galaxies, which often contain ionised gas, sometimes also exhibit a so-called low-ionisation nuclear emission line region (LINER). For 30 years, this was attributed to a central mass-accreting supermassive black hole (more commonly known as active galactic nucleus, AGN) of low luminosity, making LINER galaxies the largest AGN sub-population, which dominate in numbers over higher luminosity Seyfert galaxies and quasars. This, however, poses a serious problem. While the inferred energy balance is plausible, many LINERs clearly do not contain any other independent signatures of an AGN. Aims. Using integral field spectroscopic data from the CALIFA survey, we compare the observed radial surface brightness profiles with what is expected from illumination by an AGN. Methods. Essential for this analysis is a proper extraction of emission lines, especially weak lines, such as Balmer H beta lines, which are superposed on an absorption trough. To accomplish this, we use the GANDALF code, which simultaneously fits the underlying stellar continuum and emission lines. Results. For 48 galaxies with LINER-like emission, we show that the radial emission-line surface brightness profiles are inconsistent with ionisation by a central point-source and hence cannot be due to an AGN alone. Conclusions. The most probable explanation for the excess LINER-like emission is ionisation by evolved stars during the short but very hot and energetic phase known as post-AGB. This leads us to an entirely new interpretation. Post-AGB stars are ubiquitous and their ionising effect should be potentially observable in every galaxy with the gas present and with stars older than ~1 Gyr unless a stronger radiation field from young hot stars or an AGN outshines them. This means that galaxies with LINER-like emission are not a class defined by a property but rather by the absence of a property. It also explains why LINER emission is observed mostly in massive galaxies with old stars and little star formation.


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We have studied in detail the properties of local active star-forming galaxies from the UCM survey, and in particular their star-formation histories. We have quantified the relative importance of the current episode of star formation in comparison to the underlying older stellar populations. We have also determined the total stellar mass function and burst mass function for the UCM sample using the M/L calculated for each galaxy. Integrating this mass function we obtained the contribution of the star-forming galaxies to the total stellar mass density of the local Universe.