881 resultados para gènes Hox


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The HOM-C clustered prototype homeobox genes of Drosophila, and their counterparts, the HOX genes in humans, are highly conserved at the genomic level. These master regulators of development continue to be expressed throughout adulthood in various tissues and organs. The physiological and patho-physiological functions of this network of genes are being avidly pursued within the scientific community, but defined roles for them remain elusive. The order of expression of HOX genes within a cluster is co-ordinated during development, so that the 3' genes are expressed more anteriorly and earlier than the 5' genes. Mutations in HOXA13 and HOXD13 are associated with disorders of limb formation such as hand-foot-genital syndrome (HFGS), synpolydactyly (SPD), and brachydactyly. Haematopoietic progenitors express HOX genes in a pattern characteristic of the lineage and stage of differentiation of the cells. In leukaemia, dysregulated HOX gene expression can occur due to chromosomal translocations involving upstream regulators such as the MLL gene, or the fusion of a HOX gene to another gene such as the nucleoporin, NUP98. Recent investigations of HOX gene expression in leukaemia are providing important insights into disease classification and prediction of clinical outcome. Whereas the oncogenic potential of certain HOX genes in leukaemia has already been defined, their role in other neoplasms is currently being studied. Progress has been hampered by the experimental approach used in many studies in which the expression of small subsets of HOX genes was analysed, and complicated by the functional redundancy implicit in the HOX gene system. Attempts to elucidate the function of HOX genes in malignant transformation will be enhanced by a better understanding of their upstream regulators and downstream target genes.


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Overexpression of Hoxb4 in bone marrow cells promotes expansion of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) populations in vivo and in vitro, indicating that this homeoprotein can activate the genetic program that determines self-renewal. However, this function cannot be solely attributed to Hoxb4 because Hoxb4(-/-) mice are viable and have an apparently normal HSC number. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis showed that Hoxb4(-/-) c-Kit(+) fetal liver cells expressed moderately higher levels of several Hoxb cluster genes than control cells, raising the possibility that normal HSC activity in Hoxb4(-/-) mice is due to a compensatory up-regulation of other Hoxb genes. In this study, we investigated the competitive repopulation potential of HSCs lacking Hoxb4 alone, or in conjunction with 8 other Hoxb genes. Our results show that Hoxb4(-/-) and Hoxb1-b9(-/-) fetal liver cells retain full competitive repopulation potential and the ability to regenerate all myeloid and lymphoid lineages. Quantitative Hox gene expression profiling in purified c-KIt(+) Hoxb1-bg(-/-) fetal liver cells revealed an interaction between the Hoxa, b, and c clusters with variation in expression levels of Hoxa4, -a11, and -c4. Together, these studies show a complex network of genetic interactions between several Hox genes in primitive hematopoietic cells and demonstrate that HSCs lacking up to 30% of the active Hox genes remain fully competent.


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Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is associated with a reciprocal and balanced translocation involving the retinoic acid receptor-alpha (RARalpha). All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) is used to treat APL and is a potent morphogen that regulates HOX gene expression in embryogenesis and organogenesis. HOX genes are also involved in hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis. Thirty-nine mammalian HOX genes have been identified and classified into 13 paralogous groups clustered on 4 chromosomes. They encode a complex net-Work of transcription regulatory proteins whose precise targets remain poorly understood. The overall function of the network appears to be dictated by gene dosage. To investigate the mechanisms involved in HOX gene regulation in hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis by precise measurement of individual HOX genes, a small-array real-time HOX (SMART-HOX) quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) platform was designed and validated. Application of SMART-HOX to 16 APL bone marrow samples revealed a global down-regulation of 26 HOX genes compared with normal controls. HOX gene expression was also altered during differentiation induced by ATRA in the PML-RARalpha(+) NB4 cell line. PML-RARalpha, fusion proteins have been reported to act as part of a repressor complex during myelold cell differentiation, and a model linking HOX gene expression to this PML-RARalpha repressor complex is now proposed.


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Haemopoietic stem/progenitor cell (HSPC) development is regulated by extrinsic and intrinsic stimuli. Extrinsic modulators include growth factors and cell adhesion molecules, whereas intrinsic regulation is achieved with many transcription factor families, of which the HOX gene products are known to be important in haemopoiesis. Umbilical cord blood CD133(+) HSPC proliferation potential was tested in liquid culture with 'TPOFLK' (thrombopoietin, flt-3 ligand and c-kit ligand, promoting HSPC survival and self-renewal), in comparison to 'K36EG' (c-kit-ligand, interleukins-3 and -6, erythropoietin and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, inducing haemopoietic differentiation). TPOFLK induced a higher CD133(+) HSPC proliferation (up to 60-fold more, at week 8) and maintained a higher frequency of the primitive colony-forming cells than K36EG. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed opposite expression patterns for specific HOX genes in expanding cord blood CD133(+) HSPC. After 8 weeks in liquid culture, TPOFLK increased the expression of HOX B3, B4 and A9 (associated with uncommitted HSPC) and reduced the expression of HOX B8 and A10 (expressed in committed myeloid cells) when compared to K36EG. These results suggest that TPOFLK induces CD133(+) HSPC proliferation, self-renewal and maintenance, up-regulation of HOX B3, B4 and A9 and down-regulation of HOX B8 and A10 gene expression.


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The Hox family are master transcriptional regulators of developmental processes, including hematopoiesis. The Hox regulators, caudal homeobox factors (Cdx1-4), and Meis1, along with several individual Hox proteins, are implicated in stem cell expansion during embryonic development, with gene dosage playing a significant role in the overall function of the integrated Hox network. To investigate the role of this network in normal and aberrant, early hematopoiesis, we employed an in vitro embryonic stem cell differentiation system, which recapitulates mouse developmental hematopoiesis. Expression profiles of Hox, Pbx1, and Meis1 genes were quantified at distinct stages during the hematopoietic differentiation process and compared with the effects of expressing the leukemic oncogene Tel/PDGFRß. During normal differentiation the Hoxa cluster, Pbx1 and Meis1 predominated, with a marked reduction in the majority of Hox genes (27/39) and Meis1 occurring during hematopoietic commitment. Only the posterior Hoxa cluster genes (a9, a10, a11, and a13) maintained or increased expression at the hematopoietic colony stage. Cdx4, Meis1, and a subset of Hox genes, including a7 and a9, were differentially expressed after short-term oncogenic (Tel/PDGFRß) induction. Whereas Hoxa4-10, b1, b2, b4, and b9 were upregulated during oncogenic driven myelomonocytic differentiation. Heterodimers between Hoxa7/Hoxa9, Meis1, and Pbx have previously been implicated in regulating target genes involved in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) expansion and leukemic progression. These results provide direct evidence that transcriptional flux through the Hox network occurs at very early stages during hematopoietic differentiation and validates embryonic stem cell models for gaining insights into the genetic regulation of normal and malignant hematopoiesis.


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Homeobox gene expression was examined in the erythroleukaemic cell line TF-1. Expression of a number of HOX A, B and C genes, including HOX A7 was detected. Expression of this gene has not previously been reported in erythroleukaemic cell lines. A 2.1 kb full length cDNA of the HOX A7 gene was cloned. The predicted amino acid sequence C-terminal to the homeodomain consists of an alanine-rich region and a strongly negatively charged domain consisting entirely of aspartic and glutamic acid residues.


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Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is associated with a reciprocal and balanced translocation involving the retinoic acid receptor-alpha (RARalpha). All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) is used to treat APL and is a potent morphogen that regulates HOX gene expression in embryogenesis and organogenesis. HOX genes are also involved in hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis. Thirty-nine mammalian HOX genes have been identified and classified into 13 paralogous groups clustered on 4 chromosomes. They encode a complex network of transcription regulatory proteins whose precise targets remain poorly understood. The overall function of the network appears to be dictated by gene dosage. To investigate the mechanisms involved in HOX gene regulation in hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis by precise measurement of individual HOX genes, a small-array real-time HOX (SMART-HOX) quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) platform was designed and validated. Application of SMART-HOX to 16 APL bone marrow samples revealed a global down-regulation of 26 HOX genes compared with normal controls. HOX gene expression was also altered during differentiation induced by ATRA in the PML-RARalpha(+) NB4 cell line. PML-RARalpha fusion proteins have been reported to act as part of a repressor complex during myeloid cell differentiation, and a model linking HOX gene expression to this PML-RARalpha repressor complex is now proposed.


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Certaines dégénérescences rétiniennes sont engendrées par des mutations¦génétiques et conduisent à la perte des cellules photosensibles, les¦photorécepteurs (cônes et/ou bâtonnets), et donc à la cécité (Roy et al., 2010).¦La prévalence est de 1/3000 chez les Caucasiens. Les Rétinites Pigmentaires¦(RP) en composent la majorité des cas, suivent l'Amaurose congénitale de¦Leber et la maladie de Stargardt. Il n'y a pas une mutation type associés à une¦maladie mais diverses mutations peuvent aboutir à une dégénérescence de la¦rétine. Tout comme le reste du système nerveux central, la rétine lésée n'a pas¦les capacités de se régénérer. Un objectif du traitement est de ralentir la¦dégénérescence de la rétine dans le but de la stabiliser. La thérapie génique¦constitue actuellement la seule approche thérapeutique à même de traiter les¦dégénérescences rétiniennes d'origine génétique. Elle consiste à utiliser un virus¦modifié, qui n'a plus les capacités de se reproduire, appelé vecteur pour cibler¦certaines cellules afin d'ajouter un gène sain ou d'inhiber un gène malade. Les¦virus associés à l'adénovirus (AAV) et les Lentivirus (LV) sont les 2 principaux¦types de virus utilisés en thérapie génique en ophtalmologie. D'autres vecteurs¦existent, comme les adénovirus et le virus de l'anémie infectieuse équine. Des¦études de thérapie génique effectuées chez l'homme avec le vecteur AAV ont¦démontré une sensible amélioration des fonctions visuelles (acuité visuelle,¦champ visuel, pupillométrie et le déplacement dans un environnement avec une¦lumière tamisée) chez des patients atteints d'Amaurose congénitale de Leber¦(Maguire et al., Ali et al., Hauswirth et al., Bennett et al.). Le vecteur utilisé au¦cours de ce travail est un LV, qui a pour avantage de pouvoir transporter de¦grands gènes. Lorsque ce vecteur est pseudotypé avec une enveloppe VSVG, il¦transduit (transférer un gène qui sera fonctionnel dans la cellule cible) bien¦l'épithélium pigmentaire rétinien (nécessaire à la survie et à la fonction des¦photorécepteurs). Afin de changer le tropisme du vecteur, celui testé dans cette¦étude contient une enveloppe de type Mokola qui cible efficacement les cellules¦gliales du cerveau et donc probablement aussi les cellules de Müller de la rétine.¦Le but à court terme est de transformer génétiquement ces cellules pour leur¦faire sécréter des molécules favorisant la survie des photorécepteurs. Pour¦révéler la cellule ciblée par le vecteur, le gène qui sera exprimé dans les cellules¦transduites code pour la protéine fluorescente verte 2 (GFPII) et n'a pas de¦fonction thérapeutique. Après avoir produit le virus, deux types de souris ont été¦injectées : des souris dépourvues du gène de la rhodopsine appelées Rho -/- et¦des souris sauvages appelées C57BL6. Les souris Rho -/- ont été choisies en¦tant que modèle de dégénérescence rétinienne et les souris C57BL6 en tant que¦comparatif. Les souris Rho -/- et C57BL56 ont été injectées entre le 2ème et le¦3ème mois de vie et sacrifiées 7 jours après. Des coupes histologiques de la rétine¦ont permis de mesurer et comparer pour chaque oeil, les distances de¦transduction du RPE et de la neurorétine (= toute la rétine sauf le RPE). La¦distance sur laquelle le RPE est transduit détermine la taille de la bulle¦d'injection alors que la distance sur laquelle la neurorétine est transduite¦détermine la capacité du vecteur à diffuser dans la rétine. Les résultats montrent¦une expression plus importante de la GFPII dans le RPE que dans la neurorétine¦chez les souris Rho -/- et C57BL6. Les principales cellules transduites au¦niveau de la neurorétine sont, comme attendu, les cellules de Müller. Lorsque¦l'on compare les proportions de neurorétine et de RPE transduites, on constate¦qu'il y a globalement eu une meilleure transduction chez les souris Rho -/-¦que chez les souris C57BL6. Cela signifie que le vecteur est plus efficace pour¦transduire une rétine dégénérée qu'une rétine saine. Pour déterminer quels types¦de cellules exprimaient la GFPII, des anticorps spécifiques de certains types de¦cellules ont été utilisés. Ces résultats sont similaires à ceux d'autres études¦effectuées précédemment, dont celle de Calame et al. en 2011, et tendent à¦prouver que le vecteur lentiviral avec l'enveloppe Mokola et le promoteur EFs¦est idéal pour transduire avec un gène thérapeutique des cellules de Müller dans¦des rétines en dégénérescence.