974 resultados para free eletromagnetic field


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A divergence-free velocity field is usually sought in numerical simulations of incompressible fluids. We show that the particle methods that compute a divergence-free velocity field to achieve incompressibility suffer from a volume conservation issue when a finite time-step position update scheme is used. Further, we propose a deformation gradient based approach to arrive at a velocity field that reduces the volume conservation issues in free surface flows and maintains density uniformity in internal flows while retaining the simplicity of first order time updates. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The magnetospheric structure of a pulsar is discussed for a non-force-free magnetic field. The local solution to the axisymmetric equations of the pulsar is obtained by the method of expanding in the polar angle. Particular attention is given to the solutions near the polar axis and the equator. Near the pulsar surface, the magnetic field energy density is found to be larger than the other energy components; the gravitational potential and the kinetic energy are relatively larger far away from the pulsar surface. It is shown that these relations influence the mass distribution in the pulsar magnetosphere. The results also show that the plasma rotation may be nonrigid and, hence, that a corotational region with a closed magnetic field may not exist.


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La méthode de projection et l'approche variationnelle de Sasaki sont deux techniques permettant d'obtenir un champ vectoriel à divergence nulle à partir d'un champ initial quelconque. Pour une vitesse d'un vent en haute altitude, un champ de vitesse sur une grille décalée est généré au-dessus d'une topographie donnée par une fonction analytique. L'approche cartésienne nommée Embedded Boundary Method est utilisée pour résoudre une équation de Poisson découlant de la projection sur un domaine irrégulier avec des conditions aux limites mixtes. La solution obtenue permet de corriger le champ initial afin d'obtenir un champ respectant la loi de conservation de la masse et prenant également en compte les effets dûs à la géométrie du terrain. Le champ de vitesse ainsi généré permettra de propager un feu de forêt sur la topographie à l'aide de la méthode iso-niveaux. L'algorithme est décrit pour le cas en deux et trois dimensions et des tests de convergence sont effectués.


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This presentation extends on some previous work around my PhD research.
I question ways in which social structures are inscribed into legal education practices, and conversely, whether practices can modify those structures. I argue PLT practitioners are not simply soldiers for a “vocationalist” strategy. Instead, I re-imagine PLT practitioners as “double agents” or “resistance fighters”, lamplighters in a still emergent professional trajectory. It is a trajectory catalysed by the 1970s introduction of institutional PLT; just a baby really, in the context of English common law.

In Bourdieu’s terms it is possible, by revisiting past struggles in Australian legal education, to conceptualise institutional PLT as the product of judicial, professional, and academic struggles to produce a vocationalised, non-academic, and critique-free sub-field within the juridical field. Those struggles succeeded, to some extent, in the extra-individual dimension of structures, regulation, and institutions, to collectively inculcate preferred dispositions within individuals about legal education and professional identity.

That account, however, ignores the potential for agency and alterity – the ways in which individuals might appropriate, in Certeau’s terms, the resources of the legal field to explore new professional trajectories. For some, these trajectories involve struggles to enrich, and add texture to, legal education. Drawing on interviews with PLT practitioners, I identify multi-vocal and multi-perspectival themes, including notions of social justice, equality, professional ethics, personal improvement, and indeed, interest in scholarship of teaching and learning.

It is in this sense I re-imagine PLT practitioners as “double agents”, operating betwixt and between dominant domains in law. In my view, PLT practitioners can participate in conceptualising and developing emergent approaches in legal education, and to theorise “practice” as lawyers and educators. Scholarship of teaching and learning has its part to play in this. It provides a means, as lawyers and as educators, to discover information, to reflect, critique, communicate, and conceptualise, insights about “practice” and practices.


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Using the U(4) hybrid formalism, manifestly N = (2,2) worldsheet supersymmetric sigma models are constructed for the type-IIB superstring in Ramond-Ramond backgrounds. The Kahler potential in these N = 2 sigma models depends on four chiral and antichiral bosonic superfields and two chiral and antichiral fermionic superfields. When the Kahler potential is quadratic, the model is a free conformal field theory which describes a flat ten-dimensional target space with Ramond-Ramond flux and non-constant dilaton. For more general Kahler potentials, the model describes curved target spaces with Ramond-Ramond flux that are not plane-wave backgrounds. Ricci-flatness of the Kahler metric implies the on-shell conditions for the background up to the usual four-loop conformal anomaly.


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The propagation of a free scalar field phi with mass m in a curved background is generally described by the equation (g(munu) delmudelnu + m(2) + xiR)phi = 0. There exist some arguments in the literature that seem to favor the conformal coupling to the detriment of the minimal one. However, the majority of these claims axe inconclusive. Here we show that the exact Foldy Wouthuysen transformation for spin-0 particle coupled to a wide class of static spacetime metrics exists independently of the value of. Nevertheless, if the coupling is of the conformal type, the gravitational Darwin-like term has an uncomplicated structure and it is proportional to the corresponding term in the fermionic case. In addition, an independent computation of this term, which has its origin in the zitterbewegung fluctuation of the boson's position with the mean square <(deltar)(2)> approximate to 1/m(2), gives a result that coincides with that obtained using the aforementioned exact transformation with xi = 1/6.


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Using the operator formalism, we obtain the bosonic representation for the free fermion field satisfying an equation of motion with higher-order derivatives. Then, we consider the operator solution of a generalized Schwinger model with higher-derivative coupling. Since the increasing of the derivative order implies the introduction of an equivalent number of extra fermionic degrees of freedom, the mass acquired by the gauge field is bigger than the one for the standard two-dimensional QED. An analysis of the problem from the functional integration point of view corroborates the findings of canonical quantization, and corrects certain results previously announced in the literature on the basis of Fujikawa's technique.


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Using the U(4) hybrid formalism, manifestly N = (2,2) worldsheet supersymmetric sigma models are constructed for the type-IIB superstring in Ramond-Ramond backgrounds. The Kahler potential in these N = 2 sigma models depends on four chiral and antichiral bosonic superfields and two chiral and antichiral fermionic superfields. When the Kahler potential is quadratic, the model is a free conformal field theory which describes a flat ten-dimensional target space with Ramond-Ramond flux and non-constant dilaton. For more general Kahler potentials, the model describes curved target spaces with Ramond-Ramond flux that are not plane-wave backgrounds. Ricci-flatness of the Kahler metric implies the on-shell conditions for the background up to the usual four-loop conformal anomaly. © SISSA/ISAS 2002.


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Nesta dissertação apresentamos um método de quantização matemática e conceitualmente rigoroso para o campo escalar livre de interações. Trazemos de início alguns aspéctos importantes da Teoria de Distribuições e colocamos alguns pontos de geometria Lorentziana. O restante do trabalho é dividido em duas partes: na primeira, estudamos equações de onda em variedades Lorentzianas globalmente hiperbólicas e apresentamos o conceito de soluções fundamentais no contexto de equações locais. Em seguida, progressivamente construímos soluções fundamentais para o operador de onda a partir da distribuição de Riesz. Uma vez estabelecida uma solução para a equação de onda em uma vizinhança de um ponto da variedade, tratamos de construir uma solução global a partir da extensão do problema de Cauchy a toda a variedade, donde as soluções fundamentais dão lugar aos operadores de Green a partir da introdução de uma condição de contorno. Na última parte do trabalho, apresentamos um mínimo da Teoria de Categorias e Funtores para utilizar esse formalismo na contrução de um funtor de segunda quantização entre a categoria de variedades Lorentzianas globalmente hiperbólicas e a categoria de redes de álgebras C* satisfazendo os axiomas de Haag-Kastler. Ao fim, retomamos o caso particular do campo escalar quântico livre.


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This article is the third in a series working towards the construction of a realistic, evolving, non-linear force-free coronal-field model for the solar magnetic carpet. Here, we present preliminary results of 3D time-dependent simulations of the small-scale coronal field of the magnetic carpet. Four simulations are considered, each with the same evolving photospheric boundary condition: a 48-hour time series of synthetic magnetograms produced from the model of Meyer et al. ( Solar Phys. 272, 29, 2011). Three simulations include a uniform, overlying coronal magnetic field of differing strength, the fourth simulation includes no overlying field. The build-up, storage, and dissipation of magnetic energy within the simulations is studied. In particular, we study their dependence upon the evolution of the photospheric magnetic field and the strength of the overlying coronal field. We also consider where energy is stored and dissipated within the coronal field. The free magnetic energy built up is found to be more than sufficient to power small-scale, transient phenomena such as nanoflares and X-ray bright points, with the bulk of the free energy found to be stored low down, between 0.5 - 0.8 Mm. The energy dissipated is currently found to be too small to account for the heating of the entire quiet-Sun corona. However, the form and location of energy-dissipation regions qualitatively agree with what is observed on small scales on the Sun. Future MHD modelling using the same synthetic magnetograms may lead to a higher energy release.


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Diseases, pests and environmental constraints pose a major threat to the sustainability of banana production globally. To address these challenges, the discovery and study of new sources of genetic resistance and adaptability are required, along with the general conservation of diversity. The Solomon Islands, located in the south-western Pacific region near Papua New Guinea, are a major center of banana diversity. Some collections had been made by nationals of some of the diversity present but little was known internationally of the rich genetic resource present. Two separate visits to the Solomon Islands characterized banana collections, documented and collected germplasm, recommended conservation strategies and provided training in cultivar characterization. A remarkable range of genetic diversity was found, including: many AA and AAA cooking types somewhat like those present in Papua New Guinea; nine Fei cultivars in relatively common usage, and two undescribed wild species as well as five AAB Pacific Plantains and four ABB cooking bananas belonging to the Kalapua subgroup. About six of the unique cultivars were successfully collected and established in the regional in vitro germplasm collection of SPC in Suva, Fiji. Nine Solomon Islanders were trained in the finer points of characterizing banana cultivars. Further collecting and study/evaluation of this rich diversity will promote its appreciation and potential utilization for meeting the challenges and opportunities ahead. Future studies could also determine the spread of the Awawe species and variability of morphological traits in the population. Community-based conservation could promote awareness of dietary diversity for better nutrition, via using the Fei bananas described in this paper. Establishing a virus-free regional field collection could help in comprehensively characterizing and evaluating regional Musa genetic resources. Existing sites could embrace the broader unique diversity of the Solomon Islands, and facilitate sharing this diversity in conjunction with a regional virus-tested in vitro collection.


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We consider the following problem: a user stores encrypted documents on an untrusted server, and wishes to retrieve all documents containing some keywords without any loss of data confidentiality. Conjunctive keyword searches on encrypted data have been studied by numerous researchers over the past few years, and all existing schemes use keyword fields as compulsory information. This however is impractical for many applications. In this paper, we propose a scheme of keyword field-free conjunctive keyword searches on encrypted data, which affirmatively answers an open problem asked by Golle et al. at ACNS 2004. Furthermore, the proposed scheme is extended to the dynamic group setting. Security analysis of our constructions is given in the paper.


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Purpose Two diodes which do not require correction factors for small field relative output measurements are designed and validated using experimental methodology. This was achieved by adding an air layer above the active volume of the diode detectors, which canceled out the increase in response of the diodes in small fields relative to standard field sizes. Methods Due to the increased density of silicon and other components within a diode, additional electrons are created. In very small fields, a very small air gap acts as an effective filter of electrons with a high angle of incidence. The aim was to design a diode that balanced these perturbations to give a response similar to a water-only geometry. Three thicknesses of air were placed at the proximal end of a PTW 60017 electron diode (PTWe) using an adjustable “air cap”. A set of output ratios (ORfclin Det ) for square field sizes of side length down to 5 mm was measured using each air thickness and compared to ORfclin Det measured using an IBA stereotactic field diode (SFD). k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr was transferred from the SFD to the PTWe diode and plotted as a function of air gap thickness for each field size. This enabled the optimal air gap thickness to be obtained by observing which thickness of air was required such that k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr was equal to 1.00 at all field sizes. A similar procedure was used to find the optimal air thickness required to make a modified Sun Nuclear EDGE detector (EDGEe) which s “correction-free” in small field relative dosimetry. In addition, the feasibility of experimentally transferring k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr values from the SFD to unknown diodes was tested by comparing the experimentally transferred k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr values for unmodified PTWe and EDGEe diodes to Monte Carlo simulated values. Results 1.0 mm of air was required to make the PTWe diode correction-free. This modified diode (PTWeair) produced output factors equivalent to those in water at all field sizes (5–50 mm). The optimal air thickness required for the EDGEe diode was found to be 0.6 mm. The modified diode (EDGEeair) produced output factors equivalent to those in water, except at field sizes of 8 and 10 mm where it measured approximately 2% greater than the relative dose to water. The experimentally calculated k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr for both the PTWe and the EDGEe diodes (without air) matched Monte Carlo simulated results, thus proving that it is feasible to transfer k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr from one commercially available detector to another using experimental methods and the recommended experimental setup. Conclusions It is possible to create a diode which does not require corrections for small field output factor measurements. This has been performed and verified experimentally. The ability of a detector to be “correction-free” depends strongly on its design and composition. A nonwater-equivalent detector can only be “correction-free” if competing perturbations of the beam cancel out at all field sizes. This should not be confused with true water equivalency of a detector.


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Natural free convection is a process of great importance in disciplines from hydrology to meteorology, oceanography, planetary sciences, and economic geology, and for applications in carbon sequestration and nuclear waste disposal. It has been studied for over a century - but almost exclusively in theoretical and laboratory settings, Despite its importance, conclusive primary evidence of free convection in porous media does not currently exist in a natural field setting. Here, we present recent electrical resistivity measurements from a sabkha aquifer near Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, where large density inversions exist. The geophysical images from this site provide, for the first time, compelling field evidence of fingering associated with natural free convection in groundwater.