981 resultados para fractional FitzHugh--Nagumo Monodomain Model
Fifty years ago, FitzHugh introduced a phase portrait that became famous for a twofold reason: it captured in a physiological way the qualitative behavior of Hodgkin-Huxley model and it revealed the power of simple dynamical models to unfold complex firing patterns. To date, in spite of the enormous progresses in qualitative and quantitative neural modeling, this phase portrait has remained a core picture of neuronal excitability. Yet, a major difference between the neurophysiology of 1961 and of 2011 is the recognition of the prominent role of calcium channels in firing mechanisms. We show that including this extra current in Hodgkin-Huxley dynamics leads to a revision of FitzHugh-Nagumo phase portrait that affects in a fundamental way the reduced modeling of neural excitability. The revisited model considerably enlarges the modeling power of the original one. In particular, it captures essential electrophysiological signatures that otherwise require non-physiological alteration or considerable complexification of the classical model. As a basic illustration, the new model is shown to highlight a core dynamical mechanism by which calcium channels control the two distinct firing modes of thalamocortical neurons. © 2012 Drion et al.
Monodomain strained ferroelectric PbTiO(3) thin films: Phase transition and critical thickness study
This work demonstrates that instead of paraelectric PbTiO(3), completely c-oriented ferroelectric PbTiO(3) thin films were directly grown on (001)-SrTiO(3) substrates by pulsed-laser deposition with thickness up to 340 nm at a temperature well above the Curie temperature of bulk PbTiO(3). The influence of laser-pulse frequency, substrate-surface termination on growth, and functional properties were studied using x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and piezoresponse force microscopy. At low growth rates (frequency 8 Hz) a domains were formed for film thickness above 20-100 nm. Due to coherency strains the Curie temperature (T(c)) of the monodomain films was increased approximately by 350 degrees C with respect to the T(c) of bulk PbTiO(3) even for 280-nm-thick films. Nonetheless, up to now this type of growth mode has been considered unlikely to occur since the Matthews-Blakeslee (MB) model already predicts strain relaxation for films having a thickness of only similar to 10 nm. However, the present work disputes the applicability of the MB model. It clarifies the physical reasons for the large increase in T(c) for thick films, and it is shown that the experimental results are in good agreement with the predictions based on the monodomain model of Pertsev et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1988 (1998)].
The Fitzhugh-Nagumo (fn) mathematical model characterizes the action potential of the membrane. The dynamics of the Fitzhugh-Nagumo model have been extensively studied both with a view to their biological implications and as a test bed for numerical methods, which can be applied to more complex models. This paper deals with the dynamics in the (FH) model. Here, the dynamics are analyzed, qualitatively, through the stability diagrams to the action potential of the membrane. Furthermore, we also analyze quantitatively the problem through the evaluation of Floquet multipliers. Finally, the nonlinear periodic problem is controlled, based on the Chebyshev polynomial expansion, the Picard iterative method and on Lyapunov-Floquet transformation (L-F transformation).
It has been revealed that the network of excitable neurons via attractive coupling can generate spikes under stimuli of subthreshold signals with disordered phases. In this paper, we explore the firing activity induced by phase disorder in excitable neuronal networks consisting of both attractive and repulsive coupling. By increasing the fraction of repulsive coupling, we find that, in the weak coupling strength case, the firing threshold of phase disorder is increased and the system response to subthreshold signals is decreased, indicating that the effect of inducing neuron firing by phase disorder is weakened with repulsive coupling. Interestingly, in the large coupling strength case, we see an opposite situation, where the coupled neurons show a rather large response to the subthreshold signals even with small phase disorder. The latter case implies that the effect of phase disorder is enhanced by repulsive coupling. A system of two-coupled excitable neurons is used to explain the role of repulsive coupling on phase-disorder-induced firing activity.
Evolutionary, pattern forming partial differential equations (PDEs) are often derived as limiting descriptions of microscopic, kinetic theory-based models of molecular processes (e.g., reaction and diffusion). The PDE dynamic behavior can be probed through direct simulation (time integration) or, more systematically, through stability/bifurcation calculations; time-stepper-based approaches, like the Recursive Projection Method [Shroff, G. M. & Keller, H. B. (1993) SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 30, 1099–1120] provide an attractive framework for the latter. We demonstrate an adaptation of this approach that allows for a direct, effective (“coarse”) bifurcation analysis of microscopic, kinetic-based models; this is illustrated through a comparative study of the FitzHugh-Nagumo PDE and of a corresponding Lattice–Boltzmann model.
This paper deals with fractional differential equations, with dependence on a Caputo fractional derivative of real order. The goal is to show, based on concrete examples and experimental data from several experiments, that fractional differential equations may model more efficiently certain problems than ordinary differential equations. A numerical optimization approach based on least squares approximation is used to determine the order of the fractional operator that better describes real data, as well as other related parameters.
Based on the fractal theories, contractive mapping principles as well as the fixed point theory, by means of affine transform, this dissertation develops a novel Explicit Fractal Interpolation Function(EFIF)which can be used to reconstruct the seismic data with high fidelity and precision. Spatial trace interpolation is one of the important issues in seismic data processing. Under the ideal circumstances, seismic data should be sampled with a uniform spatial coverage. However, practical constraints such as the complex surface conditions indicate that the sampling density may be sparse or for other reasons some traces may be lost. The wide spacing between receivers can result in sparse sampling along traverse lines, thus result in a spatial aliasing of short-wavelength features. Hence, the method of interpolation is of very importance. It not only needs to make the amplitude information obvious but the phase information, especially that of the point that the phase changes acutely. Many people put forward several interpolation methods, yet this dissertation focuses attention on a special class of fractal interpolation function, referred to as explicit fractal interpolation function to improve the accuracy of the interpolation reconstruction and to make the local information obvious. The traditional fractal interpolation method mainly based on the randomly Fractional Brown Motion (FBM) model, furthermore, the vertical scaling factor which plays a critical role in the implementation of fractal interpolation is assigned the same value during the whole interpolating process, so it can not make the local information obvious. In addition, the maximal defect of the traditional fractal interpolation method is that it cannot obtain the function values on each interpolating nodes, thereby it cannot analyze the node error quantitatively and cannot evaluate the feasibility of this method. Detailed discussions about the applications of fractal interpolation in seismology have not been given by the pioneers, let alone the interpolating processing of the single trace seismogram. On the basis of the previous work and fractal theory this dissertation discusses the fractal interpolation thoroughly and the stability of this special kind of interpolating function is discussed, at the same time the explicit presentation of the vertical scaling factor which controls the precision of the interpolation has been proposed. This novel method develops the traditional fractal interpolation method and converts the fractal interpolation with random algorithms into the interpolation with determined algorithms. The data structure of binary tree method has been applied during the process of interpolation, and it avoids the process of iteration that is inevitable in traditional fractal interpolation and improves the computation efficiency. To illustrate the validity of the novel method, this dissertation develops several theoretical models and synthesizes the common shot gathers and seismograms and reconstructs the traces that were erased from the initial section using the explicit fractal interpolation method. In order to compare the differences between the theoretical traces that were erased in the initial section and the resulting traces after reconstruction on waveform and amplitudes quantitatively, each missing traces are reconstructed and the residuals are analyzed. The numerical experiments demonstrate that the novel fractal interpolation method is not only applicable to reconstruct the seismograms with small offset but to the seismograms with large offset. The seismograms reconstructed by explicit fractal interpolation method resemble the original ones well. The waveform of the missing traces could be estimated very well and also the amplitudes of the interpolated traces are a good approximation of the original ones. The high precision and computational efficiency of the explicit fractal interpolation make it a useful tool to reconstruct the seismic data; it can not only make the local information obvious but preserve the overall characteristics of the object investigated. To illustrate the influence of the explicit fractal interpolation method to the accuracy of the imaging of the structure in the earth’s interior, this dissertation applies the method mentioned above to the reverse-time migration. The imaging sections obtained by using the fractal interpolated reflected data resemble the original ones very well. The numerical experiments demonstrate that even with the sparse sampling we can still obtain the high accurate imaging of the earth’s interior’s structure by means of the explicit fractal interpolation method. So we can obtain the imaging results of the earth’s interior with fine quality by using relatively small number of seismic stations. With the fractal interpolation method we will improve the efficiency and the accuracy of the reverse-time migration under economic conditions. To verify the application effect to real data of the method presented in this paper, we tested the method by using the real data provided by the Broadband Seismic Array Laboratory, IGGCAS. The results demonstrate that the accuracy of explicit fractal interpolation is still very high even with the real data with large epicenter and large offset. The amplitudes and the phase of the reconstructed station data resemble the original ones that were erased in the initial section very well. Altogether, the novel fractal interpolation function provides a new and useful tool to reconstruct the seismic data with high precision and efficiency, and presents an alternative to image the deep structure of the earth accurately.
The ability to transmit and amplify weak signals is fundamental to signal processing of artificial devices in engineering. Using a multilayer feedforward network of coupled double-well oscillators as well as Fitzhugh-Nagumo oscillators, we here investigate the conditions under which a weak signal received by the first layer can be transmitted through the network with or without amplitude attenuation. We find that the coupling strength and the nodes' states of the first layer act as two-state switches, which determine whether the transmission is significantly enhanced or exponentially decreased. We hope this finding is useful for designing artificial signal amplifiers.
Una evolución del método de diferencias finitas ha sido el desarrollo del método de diferencias finitas generalizadas (MDFG) que se puede aplicar a mallas irregulares o nubes de puntos. En este método se emplea una expansión en serie de Taylor junto con una aproximación por mínimos cuadrados móviles (MCM). De ese modo, las fórmulas explícitas de diferencias para nubes irregulares de puntos se pueden obtener fácilmente usando el método de Cholesky. El MDFG-MCM es un método sin malla que emplea únicamente puntos. Una contribución de esta Tesis es la aplicación del MDFG-MCM al caso de la modelización de problemas anisótropos elípticos de conductividad eléctrica incluyendo el caso de tejidos reales cuando la dirección de las fibras no es fija, sino que varía a lo largo del tejido. En esta Tesis también se muestra la extensión del método de diferencias finitas generalizadas a la solución explícita de ecuaciones parabólicas anisótropas. El método explícito incluye la formulación de un límite de estabilidad para el caso de nubes irregulares de nodos que es fácilmente calculable. Además se presenta una nueva solución analítica para una ecuación parabólica anisótropa y el MDFG-MCM explícito se aplica al caso de problemas parabólicos anisótropos de conductividad eléctrica. La evidente dificultad de realizar mediciones directas en electrocardiología ha motivado un gran interés en la simulación numérica de modelos cardiacos. La contribución más importante de esta Tesis es la aplicación de un esquema explícito con el MDFG-MCM al caso de la modelización monodominio de problemas de conductividad eléctrica. En esta Tesis presentamos un algoritmo altamente eficiente, exacto y condicionalmente estable para resolver el modelo monodominio, que describe la actividad eléctrica del corazón. El modelo consiste en una ecuación en derivadas parciales parabólica anisótropa (EDP) que está acoplada con un sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias (EDOs) que describen las reacciones electroquímicas en las células cardiacas. El sistema resultante es difícil de resolver numéricamente debido a su complejidad. Proponemos un método basado en una separación de operadores y un método sin malla para resolver la EDP junto a un método de Runge-Kutta para resolver el sistema de EDOs de la membrana y las corrientes iónicas. ABSTRACT An evolution of the method of finite differences has been the development of generalized finite difference (GFD) method that can be applied to irregular grids or clouds of points. In this method a Taylor series expansion is used together with a moving least squares (MLS) approximation. Then, the explicit difference formulae for irregular clouds of points can be easily obtained using a simple Cholesky method. The MLS-GFD is a mesh-free method using only points. A contribution of this Thesis is the application of the MLS-GFDM to the case of modelling elliptic anisotropic electrical conductivity problems including the case of real tissues when the fiber direction is not fixed, but varies throughout the tissue. In this Thesis the extension of the generalized finite difference method to the explicit solution of parabolic anisotropic equations is also given. The explicit method includes a stability limit formulated for the case of irregular clouds of nodes that can be easily calculated. Also a new analytical solution for homogeneous parabolic anisotropic equation has been presented and an explicit MLS- GFDM has been applied to the case of parabolic anisotropic electrical conductivity problems. The obvious difficulty of performing direct measurements in electrocardiology has motivated wide interest in the numerical simulation of cardiac models. The main contribution of this Thesis is the application of an explicit scheme based in the MLS-GFDM to the case of modelling monodomain electrical conductivity problems using operator splitting including the case of anisotropic real tissues. In this Thesis we present a highly efficient, accurate and conditionally stable algorithm to solve a monodomain model, which describes the electrical activity in the heart. The model consists of a parabolic anisotropic partial differential equation (PDE), which is coupled to systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) describing electrochemical reactions in the cardiac cells. The resulting system is challenging to solve numerically, because of its complexity. We propose a method based on operator splitting and a meshless method for solving the PDE together with a Runge-Kutta method for solving the system of ODE’s for the membrane and ionic currents.
In this paper, we consider a time-space fractional diffusion equation of distributed order (TSFDEDO). The TSFDEDO is obtained from the standard advection-dispersion equation by replacing the first-order time derivative by the Caputo fractional derivative of order α∈(0,1], the first-order and second-order space derivatives by the Riesz fractional derivatives of orders β 1∈(0,1) and β 2∈(1,2], respectively. We derive the fundamental solution for the TSFDEDO with an initial condition (TSFDEDO-IC). The fundamental solution can be interpreted as a spatial probability density function evolving in time. We also investigate a discrete random walk model based on an explicit finite difference approximation for the TSFDEDO-IC.
A number of mathematical models investigating certain aspects of the complicated process of wound healing are reported in the literature in recent years. However, effective numerical methods and supporting error analysis for the fractional equations which describe the process of wound healing are still limited. In this paper, we consider numerical simulation of fractional model based on the coupled advection-diffusion equations for cell and chemical concentration in a polar coordinate system. The space fractional derivatives are defined in the Left and Right Riemann-Liouville sense. Fractional orders in advection and diffusion terms belong to the intervals (0; 1) or (1; 2], respectively. Some numerical techniques will be used. Firstly, the coupled advection-diffusion equations are decoupled to a single space fractional advection-diffusion equation in a polar coordinate system. Secondly, we propose a new implicit difference method for simulating this equation by using the equivalent of the Riemann-Liouville and Gr¨unwald-Letnikov fractional derivative definitions. Thirdly, its stability and convergence are discussed, respectively. Finally, some numerical results are given to demonstrate the theoretical analysis.
Many physical processes exhibit fractional order behavior that varies with time or space. The continuum of order in the fractional calculus allows the order of the fractional operator to be considered as a variable. In this paper, we consider the time variable fractional order mobile-immobile advection-dispersion model. Numerical methods and analyses of stability and convergence for the fractional partial differential equations are quite limited and difficult to derive. This motivates us to develop efficient numerical methods as well as stability and convergence of the implicit numerical methods for the fractional order mobile immobile advection-dispersion model. In the paper, we use the Coimbra variable time fractional derivative which is more efficient from the numerical standpoint and is preferable for modeling dynamical systems. An implicit Euler approximation for the equation is proposed and then the stability of the approximation are investigated. As for the convergence of the numerical scheme we only consider a special case, i.e. the time fractional derivative is independent of time variable t. The case where the time fractional derivative depends both the time variable t and the space variable x will be considered in the future work. Finally, numerical examples are provided to show that the implicit Euler approximation is computationally efficient.