938 resultados para four-wave mixing


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Nonlinear optical properties of silicon nanocrystals (nc-Si) embedded in SiO2 films are investigated using time-resolved four-wave mixing technique with a femtosecond laser. the off-resonant third-order nonlinear susceptibility chi((3)) is observed to be 1.3 x 10(-10) esu at 800 nm. The relaxation time of the film is fast as short as 50 fs. The off-resonant nonlinearity is predominantly electronic in origin and enhanced due to quantum confinement.


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Within the one-dimensional tight-binding model;rnd chi-3 approximation, we have calculated four-wave-mixing (FWM) signals for a semiconductor superlattice in the presence of both static and high-frequency electric fields. When the exciton effect is negligible, the time-periodic field dynamically delocalizes the otherwise localized Wannier-Stark states, and accordingly quasienergy band structures are formed, and manifest in the FWM spectra as a series of equally separated continua. The width of each continuum is proportional to the joint width of the valence and conduction minibands and is independent of the Wannier-Stark index. The realistic homogeneous broadening blurs the continua into broad peaks, whose line shapes, far from the Lorentzian, vary with the delay time in the FWM spectra. The swinging range of the peaks is just the quasienergy bandwidth. The dynamical delocalization (DDL) also induces significant FWM signals well beyond the excitation energy window. When the Coulomb interaction is taken into account, the unequal spacing between the excitonic Wannier-Stark levels weakens the DDL effect, and the FWM spectrum is transformed into groups of discrete lines. Strikingly, the groups are evenly spaced by the ac field frequency, reflecting the characteristic of the quasienergy states. The homogeneous broadening again smears out the line structures, leading to the excitonic FWM spectra quite similar to those without the exciton effect. However, all these features predicted by the dynamical theory do not appear in a recent experiment [Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 301 (1997)], in which, by using the static approximation the observed Wannier-Stark ladder with delay-time-dependent spacing in the FWM spectra is attributed to a temporally periodic dipole field, produced by the Bloch oscillation of electrons in real space. The contradiction between the dynamical theory and the experiments is discussed. In addition, our calculation indicates that the dynamical localization coherently enhances the time-integrated FWM signals. The feasibility of using such a technique to study the dynamical localization phenomena is shown. [S0163-1829(99)10607-6].


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The analytic solutions of coupled-mode equations of four-wave mixings (FWMs) are achieved by means of the undepleted approximation and the perturbation method. The self-stability mechanism of the FWM processes is theoretically proved and is applicable to design a new kind of triple-wavelength erbium-doped fiber lasers. The proposed fiber lasers with excellent stability and uniformity are demonstrated by using a flat-near-zero-dispersion high-nonlinear photonic-crystal-fiber. The significant excellence is analyzed in theory and is proved in experiment. Our fiber lasers can stably lase three waves with the power ripple of less than 0.4 dB. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the four-wave mixing (FWM) in an opening five-level system with two dressing fields. There are three kinds of doubly dressing mechanisms (parallel cascade, sequential cascade, and nested cascade) in the system for doubly dressed four-wave mixing. These mechanisms reflect different correlations between two dressing fields and different effects of two dressing fields to the FWM. Investigation of these mechanisms is helpful to understand the generated high-order nonlinear optical signal dressed by multi-fields.


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Two coupled parametric four-wave-mixing processed in Rb atoms are studied using perturbation theory, which reveals clear evidence of the appearance of quantum beat at 608 cm(-1), corresponding to the energy difference of the 7s - 5d states of Rb atoms, in the parametric four-wave-mixing signals. A pump-probe technique is utilized to observe the quantum beat. Time-varying characteristics of the quantum beat are investigated using time-dependent Fourier transform. The results show that the time-varying characteristics of the quantum beat potential tool for monitoring the dissociation of molecules.


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We numerically investigate four-wave-mixing (FWM) based multichannel wavelength conversion for amplitude-modulated signals, phase-modulated signals, together with mixed amplitude and phase modulated signals. This paper also discusses the influence of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) effects on high-efficiency FWM-based wavelength conversion applications. Our simulation results show that DPSK signals are more suitable for FWM-based multichannel wavelength conversion because the OOK signals will suffer from the inevitable datapattern-dependent pump depletion. In future applications, when the modulation format is partially upgraded from OOK to DPSK, the influence of OOK signals on the updated DPSK signals must be considered when using multichannel wavelength conversion. This influence becomes severe with the increase of OOK channel number. It can be concluded that DPSK signals are more appropriate for both transmission and multichannel wavelength conversion,especially in long haul and high bit-rate system.


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We have proposed a novel type of photonic crystal fiber (PCF) with low dispersion and high nonlinearity for four-wave mixing. This type of fiber is composed of a solid silica core and a cladding with a squeezed hexagonal lattice elliptical airhole along the fiber length. Its dispersion and nonlinearity coefficient are investigated simultaneously by using the full vectorial finite element method. Numerical results show that the proposed highly nonlinear low-dispersion fiber has a total dispersion as low as +/- 2.5 ps nm(-1) km(-1) over an ultrabroad wavelength range from 1.43 to 1.8 mu m, and the corresponding nonlinearity coefficient and birefringence are about 150 W-1 km(-1) and 2.5 x 10(-3) at 1.55 mu m, respectively. The proposed PCF with low ultraflattened dispersion, high nonlinearity, and high birefringence can have important application in four-wave mixing. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America


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We present a generalized nonlinear susceptibility retrieval method for metamaterials based on transfer matrices and valid in the nondepleted pump approximation. We construct a general formalism to describe the transfer matrix method for nonlinear media and apply it to the processes of three- and four-wave mixing. The accuracy of this approach is verified via finite element simulations. The method is then reversed to give a set of equations for retrieving the nonlinear susceptibility. Finally, we apply the proposed retrieval operation to a three-wave mixing transmission experiment performed on a varactor loaded split ring resonator metamaterial sample and find quantitative agreement with an analytical effective medium theory model. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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Supercontinuum generation is investigated experimentally and numerically in a highly nonlinear indexguiding photonic crystal optical fiber in a regime in which self-phase modulation of the pump wave makes a negligible contribution to spectral broadening. An ultrabroadband octave-spanning white-light continuum is generated with 60-ps pump pulses of subkilowatt peak power. The primary mechanism of spectral broadening is identified as the combined action of stimulated Raman scattering and parametric four-wave mixing. The observation of a strong anti-Stokes Raman component reveals the importance of the coupling between stimulated Raman scattering and parametric four-wave mixing in highly nonlinear photonic crystal fibers and also indicates that non-phase-matched processes contribute to the continuum. Additionally, the pump input polarization affects the generated continuum through the influence of polarization modulational instability. The experimental results are in good agreement with detailed numerical simulations. These findings demonstrate the importance of index-guiding photonic crystal fibers for the design of picosecond and nanosecond supercontinuum light sources. © 2002 Optical Society of America.


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Noncollinear four-wave-mixing (FWM) techniques at near-infrared (NIR), visible, and ultraviolet frequencies have been widely used to map vibrational and electronic couplings, typically in complex molecules. However, correlations between spatially localized inner-valence transitions among different sites of a molecule in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) spectral range have not been observed yet. As an experimental step toward this goal, we perform time-resolved FWM spectroscopy with femtosecond NIR and attosecond XUV pulses. The first two pulses (XUV-NIR) coincide in time and act as coherent excitation fields, while the third pulse (NIR) acts as a probe. As a first application, we show how coupling dynamics between odd- and even-parity, inner-valence excited states of neon can be revealed using a two-dimensional spectral representation. Experimentally obtained results are found to be in good agreement with ab initio time-dependent R-matrix calculations providing the full description of multielectron interactions, as well as few-level model simulations. Future applications of this method also include site-specific probing of electronic processes in molecules.


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International School of Photonics, Cochin University of Science & Technology


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Here we report measurements of third-order susceptibility χ(3), figure of merit F defined as χ(3)/α (where α is the absorption coefficient) and second hyperpolarizability 〈γ〉 of some metal substituted phthalocyanines and a naphthalocyanine in solutions of dimethyl formamide using degenerate four wave mixing at 532 nm under nanosecond excitation. It was found that among samples investigated, bis-naphthalocyanine possessed the highest value of 〈γ〉 followed by the bis-phthalocyanine. This observation is explained on the basis that bis-naphthalocyanine followed by bis-phthalocyanine has higher degree of π electron conjugation.


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Third order nonlinear susceptibility χ(3) and second hyperpolarizability (γ) of a bis-naphthalocyanine viz. europium naphthalocyanines, Eu(Nc)2, were measured in dimethyl formamide solution using degenerate four wave mixing at 532 nm under nanosecond pulse excitation. Effective nonlinear absorption coefficient, βeff and imaginary part of nonlinear susceptibility, Im(χ(3)) were obtained using open aperture /Z-scan technique at the same wavelength. Optical limiting property of the sample was also investigated. The role of excited state absorption in deciding the nonlinear properties of this material is discussed.