186 resultados para fot


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A doença pulmonar obstrução crônica (DPOC) é caracterizada pela limitação de fluxo parcialmente reversível, classificada por níveis de obstrução pós-broncodilatador. Há várias evidências de que o FEV1 sozinho não é capaz de mostrar a broncodilatação de pacientes com DPOC, mesmo naqueles que apresentam melhora clínica. A técnica de oscilações forçadas (TOF) tem mostrado alta sensibilidade na detecção precoce de alterações mecânicas na DPOC, contudo o efeito broncodilatador na impedância respiratória de pacientes com DPOC ainda não está esclarecido. Objetiva avaliar a utilidade da TOF nos diferentes estágios de obstrução das vias aéreas; (2) avaliar a resposta da impedância respiratória ao salbutamol em indivíduos saudáveis ao exame espirométrico e pacientes com DPOC em diferentes graus de gravidade. Foram avaliados 25 indivíduos saudáveis sem história de tabagismo, 24 tabagistas e 151 pacientes com DPOC classificados em graus I, II, III e IV. Todos os sujeitos foram avaliados pela TOF seguida da espirometria, antes e após o uso do salbutamol spray. As curvas de resistência e reatância demonstraram alteração em todos os estágios de obstrução das vias aéreas após o uso do salbutamol. O grupo de risco apresentou alterações mecânicas semelhantes ao grupo leve (p=ns). Os parâmetros R0, Rm, Csr,din e Z4Hz apresentam desempenho diagnóstico adequado (AUC > 0,85) em todos os estágios de gravidade da doença. Todos os parâmetros de TOF e espirometria apresentaram diminuição após uso do salbutamol. Os indivíduos saudáveis apresentaram uma pequena diminuição comparada aos subgrupos de DPOC. A variação em termos absolutos da ΔZ4Hz e das derivadas da resistência, ΔR0, ΔRm, ΔS, apresentaram variação significativa (p<0,0001, p<0,003; p<0,04; p<0,0002, respectivamente) com o aumento da obstrução brônquica. Nas derivadas da reatância o ΔXm aumentou com a gravidade da doença (p<0,0002). Por outro lado, a ΔCrs,dyn não demonstrou diferença significativa com a gravidade da DPOC. Em termos percentuais os parâmetros da TOF apresentaram variação expressiva em ΔRm% (p<0,02), ΔS% (p<0,02) e ΔXm% (p<0,004) com o aumento da obstrução nas vias aéreas. Por outro lado, ΔR0%, ΔCrs,dyn% e ΔZ4Hz% não variaram entre os estágios da DPOC. A associação entre a broncodilatação nas vias aéreas e a impedância pulmonar foi fraca entre ΔXm vs ΔFVC (r=0,32, p<0,0001) e ΔZ4Hz% vs ΔFEV1% vs ΔFVC% (r=0.28, p<0,0005; r=0,29, p<0,0003, respectivamente). A TOF é útil na avaliação das alterações mecânicas nos diferentes níveis de obstrução das vias aéreas na DPOC. Demonstramos o benefício da medicação broncodilatadora, quantificando a melhora da ventilação através da TOF. A impedância respiratória diminui em todos os estágios da DPOC, o estágio leve melhorou tanto quanto o estágio muito grave. Isto sugere que a medida da impedância pulmonar não é dependente do volume como ocorre na espirometria e que a broncodilatação ocorre em todas as fases da progressão da DPOC.


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During 1982 and 1983 I studied male attributes and attributes of the territory of male Eastern Meadowlarks (Sturnella magna) in order to determine whether there was a correlation between any of the attributes investigated and the number of females attracted by a male. Seventeen males, nine of which were polygynous and eight monogamous, were studied in 1982 and sixteen males.of which .. seven were polygynous and nine ~onogamous, were studied in 1983. The study was conducted in Short Hills Park, 10 km southwest of St. Catharines, Ontario and was designed to compare two hypotheses: the "sexy son" hypothesis (Weatherhead and Robertson,1977) and the polygyny threshold model (Verner and Willson,1966, Orians, 1969). Male attributes investigated were male size and song behaviour. Six measures of male size were taken: weight, flattened and natural wing chord length, culmen length, bill depth and length of the tarsometatarsus. In 1983 song repertoire size and song versatility measures were investigated. Attributes of the territory studied were: territory size, density of plant stems, percentage plant cover and measures of vegetation structure. In 1983 Arthropods were collected from each territory and sorted according to taxonomic group and size. During 1983, territory attributes were sampled twice, once early and once later in the nesting season. Analysis of data involved univariate comparisons between monogamous and polygynous males using T-tests and multivariate comparisons were made using discriminant function analysis (DFA) and principle components analysis (PCA).No correlations were found between the number of females attracted with, .ny measure of male size or with me, .sures of song versatili or size of song repertoire. Also no correlation was found between terri size and the number of females nesting on a terri . Some attributes of the male's terri id distinguish between monog,mous and po s males of thistudy. Analysis of Arthropod numbers showed that e~ .eran counts were significantly great~r on polygynous territories, a1 the total numb~rs of Arthropods collected showed no s fico .nt differences between territories of monogamous and po males. DFA chose ear teran and Hymenopteran counts as multivariate discriminators; both variables we' e more vegetation revealed that there were no univariate differences between the two groups of males fOT 1982 stem densities, but ~ spp. and Solidago spp. were chosen DFA as multivariate discriminators. The total number of plant stems and of Vicia spp. stems were s ficantly the early 1983 ing on monogamous territories for however DFA found no multivariate discriminators" Variables concerned with the overall aspects of vegetation structure showed significant differences between territories of monogamous and polygynous males. DFA of the 1982 sampling of vegetation structure showed significantly greater mat depth and vegetation height on polygynous territories, a finding which was not supported, however, by peA. For the early 1983 sampling period, plant height was greater on polygynous territories. Multivariate analysis identified greater green cover on polygynous territories, greater ground cover on monogamous territories, and greater depth of mat material on monogamous territories as discriminators between territories of monogamous and polygynous males. A DFA on the major variables of the study showed no significant difference between the territories of monogamous and polygynous male Meadowlarks. Of the correlations found, some were for non-prey Arthr~ods, for cover plants with very small samples sizes, or for variables which were greater for monogamous males during one sampling period and polygynous males during the next. While multivariate discriminators were found, peA showed no grouping of monogamous or polygynous males according to any of the variables investigated. On the basis of the univariate and multivariate analysis of major variables, I concluded that there were no correlations between the number of females attracted with male attributes and no unambiguous correlation with attributes of the territory. My study does not unequivocally support either the "sexy son" or the polygyny threshold hypothesis.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Inmunología) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Inmunología) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Morfología) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Ingeniería Ambiental) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Mécanica con Especialidad en Materiales) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Entomología Médica) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Botánica). UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Ingeniería Ambiental) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Inmunobiología) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biología Moleculare Ingeniería Genética) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Hidrología Subterránea) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Botánica) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Química de Productos Naturales) UANL