1000 resultados para foliar fertilizer


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1. Tagged superphosphate was applied to 2.5 year old passion fruit plants from a commercial plantation established in a sandy loam. 2. 100 grams of the fertilizer were distributed in the following ways: in a circular furrow 20 cm around the plant 40 cm from the stems; in a circular strip 10 cm wide, 40 cm from the stems; in six holes around the plants, 40 cm from the stems 20 cm deep, 2.5 cm in diameter. 3. 10 grams of the fertilizer in 11 of water were sprayed to the leaves. 4. Three weeks after the treatments were made, leaf samples were taken for analysis. 5. Determinations of specific activities both in the leaves and in the fertilizer used have shown that R in the plant was derived from the superphosphate in the following relative proportions (by making the first treatment equal to 100): circular furrow = 100; circular strip = 120; holes = 30; foliar spray = 230.


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An experiment was carried out with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) in a Red Yellow Latossol, sandy phase, in order to study the influence of foliar spraying of the Hanway nutrient solution (NPKS) at grain filling stage on: 1) grain yield; 2) the uptake of fertilizer and soil nitrogen by this crop through the root system and 3) the efficiency of utilization of the nitrogen in the foliar spray solution by the grain. The results of this experiment showed that the foliar application of the Hanway solution with ammonium nitrate at the pod filling period caused severe leaf burn and grain yield was inferior to that of the plants which received a soil application of this fertilizer at the same stage. These facts can be attributed to the presence of ammonium nitrate in the concentration used. The composition of final spray was: 114,28 Kg NH4NO3 + 43,11 Kg potassium poliphosphate + 12,44 Kg potassium sulphate per 500 litres. The uptake of nitrogen fertilizer through the root system and the efficiency of its utilization was greater than that through the leaves.


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Two nutrient foliar sprays, namely Ferti-Foliage (21-21 -21) and Wuxal (9-9-7), were applied to peanut plants under field conditions. Both were applied 23 days after germination of seeds, at the beginning of flowering, and during flowering. Other treatments were application of NPK fertilizer (9-30-16, 250 kg/ha) into the soil and check (no fertilizer). The experiment was carried out on a latosolic B "Terra Roxa" soil, sowing being made on March 6th and harvest on July 10th. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences amongst treatments. However, certain treatments had better yields. For instance, application of Ferti-Foliage showed a tendency to increasing number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pod. Same product when applied at the beginning of flowering had a tendency to increase production of seeds and of forage. Application of NPK (9-30-16) into the soil showed similar results.


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The effects of the application of a macronutrient foliar spray combined with micronutrients and growth regulators (Unifol) on peanut grown in a soil with high fertility were investigated. A control without fertilizer and a soil fertilization (250 kg/ha) with NPK 9-30-16 were also established. Other treatments were as follows: Unifol fertilizer (18-12 16) applied 23 days after germination: Unifol (18-12-6) applied at the beginning of flowering; Unifol (18-12-6) applied during flowering, and Unifol (18-12-6) applied 23 days after germination plus Unifol (7-23-7) at the beginning of flowering. No significant differences were found amongst treatments, but certain treatments showed higher productivity e given Unifol fertilizer (18-12-6) applied 23 days after germination plus Unifol (7-23-7) at the flower anthesis. In this treatment, the number of pods, weight of seeds and production of seeds were higher. Best production of forage occurred in the treatment receiving soil fertilization.


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The genotypic variability in molybdenum (Mo) accumulation in common bean seeds has been demonstrated in cases in which soil is the main Mo source, but this variability is yet unknown when Mo is foliar-applied. Therefore, seed Mo concentrations (SMoCc) and seed Mo contents (SMoCt) of 12 genotypes were determined in four experiments in the Zona da Mata, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in which plants were sprayed with 600 g ha-1 Mo. For comparison, two additional experiments without external Mo were conducted. Without Mo application, the average SMoCc was undetectable or 2.83 µg g-1, without significant differences among genotypes. On average, with Mo applications, SMoCc ranged from 14.7 to 25.0 µg g-1 and SMoCt, from 3.94 to 6.84 µg. 'Majestoso' was among the genotypes with the highest SMoCc in the four experiments. However, the large-seeded 'Jalo MG-65' and 'Carnaval' generally had higher SMoCt than the small-seeded 'Majestoso'. 'Ouro Negro' and especially 'Valente' were among the genotypes with the lowest SMoCc and SMoCt. The values of these variables were 61 and 90 %, respectively, higher for 'Majestoso' than those for 'Valente'. Our results suggest that common bean genotypes differ in their capacity to accumulate foliar-applied Mo in the seeds. Mo-rich seeds of large-seeded genotypes or of small-seeded of small-seeded genotypes with good capacity to accumulate Mo in seeds can be produced with relatively less Mo fertilizer.


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The type and quantity of fertilizer supplied to a crop will differ between organic and conventional farming practices. Altering the type of fertilizer a plant is provided with can influence a plant’s foliar nitrogen levels, as well as the composition and concentration of defence compounds, such as glucosinolates. Many natural enemies of insect herbivores can respond to headspace volatiles emitted by the herbivores’ host plant in response to herbivory. We propose that manipulating fertilizer type may also influence the headspace volatile profiles of plants, and as a result, the tritrophic interactions that occur between plants, their insect pests and those pests’ natural enemies. Here, we investigate a tritrophic system consisting of cabbage plants, Brassica oleracea, a parasitoid, Diaeretiella rapae, and one of its hosts, the specialist cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae. Brassica oleracea plants were provided with either no additional fertilization or one of three types of fertilizer: Nitram (ammonium nitrate), John Innes base or organic chicken manure. We investigated whether these changes would alter the rate of parasitism of aphids on those plants and whether any differences in parasitism could be explained by differences in attractivity of the plants to D. rapae or attack rate of aphids by D. rapae. In free-choice experiments, there were significant differences in the percentage of B. brassicae parasitized by D. rapae between B. oleracea plants grown in different fertilizer treatments. In a series of dual-choice Y-tube olfactometry experiments, D. rapae females discriminated between B. brassicae-infested and undamaged plants, but parasitoids did not discriminate between similarly infested plants grown in different fertilizer treatments. Correspondingly, in attack rate experiments, there were no differences in the rate that D. rapae attacked B. brassicae on B. oleracea plants grown in different fertilizer treatments. These findings are of direct relevance to sustainable and conventional farming practices.


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Interest in sustainable farming methods that rely on alternatives to conventional synthetic fertilizers and pesticides is increasing. Sustainable farming methods often utilize natural populations of predatory and parasitic species to control populations of herbivores, which may be potential pest species. We investigated the effects of several types of fertilizer, including those typical of sustainable and conventional farming systems, on the interaction between a herbivore and parasitoid. The effects of fertilizer type on percentage parasitism, parasitoid performance, parasitoid attack behaviour and responses to plant volatiles were examined using a model Brassica system, consisting of Brassica oleracea var capitata, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera) larvae and Cotesia vestalis (parasitoid). Percentage parasitism was greatest for P. xylostella larvae feeding on plants that had received either a synthetic ammonium nitrate fertilizer or were unfertilized, in comparison to those receiving a composite fertilizer containing hoof and horn. Parasitism was intermediate on plants fertilized with an organically produced animal manure. Male parasitoid tibia length showed the same pattern as percentage parasitism, an indication that offspring performance was maximized on the treatments preferred by female parasitoids for oviposition. Percentage parasitism and parasitoid size were not correlated with foliar nitrogen concentration. The parasitoids did not discriminate between hosts feeding on plants in the four fertilizer treatments in parasitoid behaviour assays, but showed a preference for unfertilized plants in olfactometer experiments. The percentage parasitism and tibia length results provide support for the preference–performance hypothesis


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of leaf spray of molybdenum (Mo) and nitrogen (N) rates in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), cultivar Carioca Precoce, evaluating the yield components, yield and leaves nitrate levels. The research was carried out in Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The sowing of the beans (06/03/2003) was made with the supply of 230 kg ha(-1) of NPK (4-30-10) granulated fertilizer at planting. The experiment was a complete randomized block, with four replications and a 5 x 2 factorial arrangement, involving five N rates (25; 50; 75 and 125 kg ha(-1)), applied 20 days after emergency (DAE), with or without 80 g ha(-1) of Mo, applied on leaves at 25 DAE. The Mo absence by leaf spray promoted the nitrate accumulation in the leaves in treatments with higher rates of N. The weight of 100 grains increased with the Mo by leaf spray, reducing the need for N to get the best results. The molybdenum fertilization increased bean yield regardless of N rate applied to the beans.


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Dentre os micronutrientes, o Zn e o Mn limitam a produção dos citros, no Brasil. A aplicação foliar tem sido a forma tradicional de fornecimento, contudo, a eficiência desta adubação depende de uma série de fatores, entre eles o tipo de fertilizante. Foram realizados dois experimentos em pomar com laranjeiras Pêra, enxertadas em limão cravo, com sete anos de idade, em Botucatu, SP. No primeiro experimento foram avaliadas três fontes de Mn via foliar: carbonato de manganês A, carbonato de manganês B e sulfato manganoso, em duas doses para cada fertilizante, correspondente a 250 e 500 g ha-1 de Mn, mais o controle, pulverizado somente com água. No segundo experimento foram testadas três fontes de Zn para aplicação foliar: óxido de zinco A, óxido de zinco B e sulfato de zinco, em duas doses para cada fertilizante, correspondente a 375 e 750 g ha-1 de Zn, mais o controle. As amostragens de folhas foram realizadas mensalmente, iniciando aos 30 dias após aplicação dos tratamentos. A aplicação foliar com carbonato de manganês B, na dose de 500 g ha-1 Mn, e com óxido de zinco B, na dose de 750 g ha-1, proporcionaram, respectivamente, níveis nutricionais adequados de Mn e Zn nas folhas de laranjeira. Na ausência de chuvas, os teores adequados de Mn e Zn no solo, não permitem suprir satisfatoriamente as laranjeiras Pêra enxertadas em limoeiro cravo.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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As bromélias apresentam formas exóticas com uma grande diversidade de cores e de flores, constituindo importantes espécies para uso em paisagismo e floricultura. em conseqüência disto, são muito comercializadas. Porém, parte das plantas que se encontram no mercado, ainda são provenientes do extrativismo. Esta situação é também reflexo do pequeno número de informações sobre técnicas de propagação e cultivo. Uma das limitações é o desconhecimento do tipo de substrato e adubação adequados ao cultivo destas espécies. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento de bromélias do Neoregelia cruenta, cultivadas em diferentes substratos e adubações foliares através da altura, do número de folhas, da matéria fresca e seca, da parte aérea e das raízes. As mudas utilizadas foram provenientes de cultura de tecidos. Após um período de pré-aclimatização, foram transplantadas para estufa sem nebulização. Os substratos foram constituídos da mistura de diferentes proporções de solo, areia, casca de arroz carbonizada e por um substrato comercial à base de vermiculita. Aos substratos foi aplicada adubação foliar, combinando uréia e sacarose, em intervalos de quinze dias. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as interações entre os substratos, dose de sacarose e de uréia, não afetaram a altura das mudas e o número de folhas. O uso de sacarose também não influenciou o desenvolvimento das mudas. O substrato comercial à base de vermiculita, independente da aplicação de adubação foliar, proporcionou maior altura das mudas e número de folhas. A aplicação de uréia apresentou efeito linear crescente durante o período avaliado.


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Lady palm, [Rhapis excelsa (Thunberg) Henry ex. Rehder] is one of the most cultivated ornamental palms in the world, for use as a vase plant or in shaded landscapes. Because limited information exists on lady palm response to fertilizers, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different types of fertilization and substrates on lady palm seedling growth and development. Three year old lady palms were planted in 8-L pots, filled with a mix of soil, manure, and sand 1:1:1 (v:v:v), placed under a 50% shade, and irrigated with microspray. Treatments were substrate fertilization with 500 g P(2)O(5) and 100 g K(2)O per m(3); fertilization with 1.8 kg of P(2)O(5) (simple superphosphate) per m3; 50 g of nitrogen (N), P(2)O(5), and K(2)O of a granulated fertilizer (10:10:10) per m(3), control (without fertilization), and a foliar fertilization in addition to these treatments using the commercial product Biofert (8:9:9). Treatments were replicated four times in a randomized block design. Each treatment plot consisted of four plants. Data were collected at 140, 170, 200, 230, 260, and 290 days after transplanting (DAT) for plant heights, stem diameter at substrate level, number of leaves, shoots, and canopy, roots fresh and dry matter samples were harvest at 290 days. Foliar fertilization resulted in significantly greater plant height in a 140, 120, 200, and 230 DAT and plant diameter on the 140, 260, and 290 DAT. There was interaction among factors for number of leaves with fertilization based on P(2)O(5) and K(2)O when leaf fertilizer was added that resulted in a greater number of leaves.


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The present work was conducted in Selvíria county (MS-Brazil), in the agricultural year of 1998/99, for evaluating nitrogen and potassium foliar application to supplement sowing fertilization on cotton (IAC 22) crop. A randomized complete block design with 13 treatments and four replications was used. The treatments were constituted by a control (without foliar application) and nitrogen and/or potassium foliar applications two, four, six or eight weeks after beginning of flowering. The urea was used as source of N and potassium chloride as source of K. Urea in the concentration of 10% and potassium chloride at 4% were applied at a rate of 250 L.ha-1. Height of plants, nodule number, number of reproductive branches, boll per plant, 30 boll mass, yield and fiber percentage were evaluated. It is concluded that the N doses increased the yield and decreased the fiber percentage. There was no evaluated response to the application of K or NK.


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Commonly grown in tropical and sub-tropical regions, guava (Psidium guajava L.) is an important fruit crop of Brazil. It is cultivated on a large scale in São Paulo state, and covers about 6,500 hectares. As a result of the guava selection program developed at FCAV/UNESP, two new cultivars were created: 'Rica' and 'Paluma' with a high productivity, and also with higher nutritional requirement. Leaves analysis has become a powerful tool in mineral-nutrition research with fruit crops, not only to determine response to different nutrients, but also for diagnostic techniques in making fertilizer recommendations and assessing deficiency symptoms. Nutrient composition of the leaves varies depending on the leaf maturity, tree age, variety and nutrient supply. For the interpretation of analytical values, selection of the index tissue is important. The results of experiments conducted in the field during 1989-2000 were studied. The nutritional status was evaluated by annual leaf sampling, carried out at full bloom. Recent fully developed leaves, corresponding to the third pair (with the petiole) were collected, starting at the end of the branch, all around the tree, at a height of 1.5 m from the soil, with a total of 30 leaf pairs per sample. The yield was evaluated by weighing all the fruits in the useful area of each lot. Foliar chemical analysis showed excellent correlation with the fruit production. Through the results it was verified that the maximum yield was associated to the following levels: N = 22-26; P = 1.5-1.9; K = 17-20; Ca = 11-15; Mg = 2.5-3.5; S = 3.0-3.5 g kg -1; B = 20-25; Cu = 10-40; Fe = 50-150; Mn = 180-250; Zn = 25-35 mg kg-1 DW in the leaves of the 'Rica' guava and to N = 20-23; P = 1.4-1.8; K = 14-17; Ca = 7-11; Mg = 3.4-4.0; S = 2.5-3.5 g kg-1; B = 20-25; Cu = 20-40; Fe = 60-90; Mn = 40-80; Zn = 25-35 mg kg-1 DW in the leaves of the 'Paluma' guava.


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Influence of different foliar fertilizers (phosphite, micronutrients, biostimulant, phosphite + micronutrients, phosphite + biostimulant, micronutrients + biostimulant and phosphite + micronutrients + biostimulant) on yield of sugarcane was evaluated after fertilization at 30, 90 and 150 days after harvesting two-year-old sugarcane. The experiment was carried out in a commercial crop employing a randomized block design in four replicates. Higher stalk masses were observed for fertilization at 30 days after harvest, and the higher content of sucrose, total recoverable sugar and Brix degrees were observed for sugarcane fertilized after 150 days. Statistical analysis (Duncan's test) revealed no significant variation (P & 0.05) in Brix degree, sucrose content and total recoverable sugar. For total recoverable sugar x stalk weight (the main payment type for sugarcane producers), the following sequence (time treatment, fertilizer composition) 30-days, micronutrient + biostimulant; 150-days, biostimulant; and 90-days, biostimulant increased 11%, 17%, and 21% the yield of sugarcane. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.