999 resultados para fluorescence en voltage imposé


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NO causes pulmonary vasodilation in patients with pulmonary hypertension. In pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells, the activity of voltage-gated K+ (Kv) channels controls resting membrane potential. In turn, membrane potential is an important regulator of the intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) and pulmonary vascular tone. We used patch clamp methods to determine whether the NO-induced pulmonary vasodilation is mediated by activation of Kv channels. Quantitative fluorescence microscopy was employed to test the effect of NO on the depolarization-induced rise in [Ca2+]i. Blockade of Kv channels by 4-aminopyridine (5 mM) depolarized pulmonary artery myocytes to threshold for initiation of Ca2+ action potentials, and thereby increased [Ca2+]i. NO (approximately 3 microM) and the NO-generating compound sodium nitroprusside (5-10 microM) opened Kv channels in rat pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells. The enhanced K+ currents then hyperpolarized the cells, and blocked Ca(2+)-dependent action potentials, thereby preventing the evoked increases in [Ca2+]i. Nitroprusside also increased the probability of Kv channel opening in excised, outside-out membrane patches. This raises the possibility that NO may act either directly on the channel protein or on a closely associated molecule rather than via soluble guanylate cyclase. In isolated pulmonary arteries, 4-aminopyridine significantly inhibited NO-induced relaxation. We conclude that NO promotes the opening of Kv channels in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells. The resulting membrane hyperpolarization, which lowers [Ca2+]i, is apparently one of the mechanisms by which NO induces pulmonary vasodilation.


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Purpose: To determine the heavy metal and trace element composition of the powdered aerial parts of Origanum sipyleum L. and its water extract. Methods: The heavy metal and trace elements content of the powdered plant material and 2 % aqueous extract were evaluated by x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy with silicon drift detector SDD at a resolution of 145 eV and 10,000 pulses. The process conditions were 0.1 g sample weight, process time of 300 s at a voltage of 25 kV and 50 kV, and at a current of 0.5 and 1.0 mA under helium atmosphere. Results: The major elements, K, Ca and Na, known as macronutrients, constituted 11990, 10490 and 970 ppm of the powdered drug and 8910, 2991 and 810 ppm of the water extract, respectively. Among other constituents, arsenic, lead and uranium levels were < 1, 2.1 and < 3 ppm, respectively, in the powdered material while in the aqueous extract, the levels were < 1, < 2 and 200 ppm, respectively. Conclusion: O. sipyleum is a potential source of macro- and micronutrients from which useful food additives and health supplements can be derived.


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A novel solution-processable non-fullerene electron acceptor 6,6′-(5,5′-(9,9-dioctyl-9H-fluorene-2,7-diyl)bis(thiophene-5,2-diyl))bis(2,5-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-3-(thiophen-2-yl)pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4(2H,5H)-dione) (DPP1) based on fluorene and diketopyrrolopyrrole conjugated moieties was designed, synthesized and fully characterized. DPP1 exhibited excellent solubility and high thermal stability which are essential for easy processing. Upon using DPP1 as an acceptor with the classical electron donor poly(3-hexylthiophene), solution processable bulk-heterojunction solar cells afforded a power conversion efficiency of 1.2% with a high open-circuit voltage (1.1 V). As per our knowledge, this value of open circuit voltage is one of the highest values reported so far for a bulk-heterojunction device using DPP1 as a non-fullerene acceptor.


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A small fraction of the energy absorbed in the light reactions of photosynthesis is re-emitted as chlorophyll-a fluorescence. Chlorophyll-a fluorescence and photochemistry compete for excitation energy in photosystem II (PSII). Therefore, changes in the photochemical capacity can be detected through analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence. Chlorophyll fluorescence techniques have been widely used to follow the diurnal (fast), and the seasonal (slow) acclimation in the energy partitioning between photochemical and non-photochemical processes in PSII. Energy partitioning in PSII estimated through chlorophyll fluorescence can be used as a proxy of the plant physiological status, and measured at different spatial and temporal scales. However, a number of technical and theoretical limitations still limit the use of chlorophyll fluorescence data for the study of the acclimation of PSII. The aim of this Thesis was to study the diurnal and seasonal acclimation of PSII in field conditions through the development and testing of new chlorophyll fluorescence-based tools, overcoming these limitations. A new model capable of following the fast acclimation of PSII to rapid fluctuations in light intensity was developed. The model was used to study the rapid acclimation in the electron transport rate under fluctuating light. Additionally, new chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were developed for estimating the seasonal acclimation in the sustained rate constant of thermal energy dissipation and photochemistry. The parameters were used to quantitatively evaluate the effect of light and temperature on the seasonal acclimation of PSII. The results indicated that light environment not only affected the degree but also the kinetics of response of the acclimation to temperature, which was attributed to differences in the structural organization of PSII during seasonal acclimation. Furthermore, zeaxanthin-facilitated thermal dissipation appeared to be the main mechanisms modulating the fraction of absorbed energy being dissipated thermally during winter in field Scots pine. Finally, the integration between diurnal and seasonal acclimation mechanisms was studied using a recently developed instrument MONI-PAM (Walz GmbH, Germany) capable of continuously monitoring the energy partitioning in PSII.


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To obtain data on phytoplankton dynamics with improved spatial and temporal resolution, and at reduced cost, traditional phytoplankton monitoring methods have been supplemented with optical approaches. In this thesis, I have explored various fluorescence-based techniques for detection of phytoplankton abundance, taxonomy and physiology in the Baltic Sea. In algal cultures used in this thesis, the availability of nitrogen and light conditions caused changes in pigmentation, and consequently in light absorption and fluorescence properties of cells. In the Baltic Sea, physical environmental factors (e.g. mixing depth, irradiance and temperature) and related seasonal succession in the phytoplankton community explained a large part of the seasonal variability in the magnitude and shape of Chlorophyll a (Chla)-specific absorption. The variability in Chla-specific fluorescence was related to the abundance of cyanobacteria, the size structure of the phytoplankton community, and absorption characteristics of phytoplankton. Cyanobacteria show very low Chla-specific fluorescence. In the presence of eukaryotic species, Chla fluorescence describes poorly cyanobacteria. During cyanobacterial bloom in the Baltic Sea, phycocyanin fluorescence explained large part of the variability in Chla concentrations. Thus, both Chla and phycocyanin fluorescence were required to predict Chla concentration. Phycobilins are major light harvesting pigments for cyanobacteria. In the open Baltic Sea, small picoplanktonic cyanobacteria were the main source of phycoerythrin fluorescence and absorption signal. Large filamentous cyanobacteria, forming harmful blooms, were the main source of the phycocyanin fluorescence signal and typically their biomass and phycocyanin fluorescence were linearly related. Using phycocyanin fluorescence, dynamics of cyanobacterial blooms can be detected at high spatial and seasonal resolution not possible with other methods. Various taxonomic phytoplankton pigment groups can be separated by spectral fluorescence. I compared multivariate calibration methods for the retrieval of phytoplankton biomass in different taxonomic groups. Partial least squares regression method gave the closest predictions for all taxonomic groups, and the accuracy was adequate for phytoplankton bloom detection. Variable fluorescence has been proposed as a tool to study the physiological state of phytoplankton. My results from the Baltic Sea emphasize that variable fluorescence alone cannot be used to detect nutrient limitation of phytoplankton. However, when combined with experiments with active nutrient manipulation, and other nutrient limitation indices, variable fluorescence provided valuable information on the physiological responses of the phytoplankton community. This thesis found a severe limitation of a commercial fast repetition rate fluorometer, which couldn t detect the variable fluorescence of phycoerythrin-lacking cyanobacteria. For these species, the Photosystem II absorption of blue light is very low, and fluorometer excitation light did not saturate Photosystem II during a measurement. This thesis encourages the use of various in vivo fluorescence methods for the detection of bulk phytoplankton biomass, biomass of cyanobacteria, chemotaxonomy of phytoplankton community, and phytoplankton physiology. Fluorescence methods can support traditional phytoplankton monitoring by providing continuous measurements of phytoplankton, and thereby strengthen the understanding of the links between biological, chemical and physical processes in aquatic ecosystems.


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This dissertation deals with the design, fabrication, and applications of microscale electrospray ionization chips for mass spectrometry. The microchip consists of microchannel, which leads to a sharp electrospray tip. Microchannel contain micropillars that facilitate a powerful capillary action in the channels. The capillary action delivers the liquid sample to the electrospray tip, which sprays the liquid sample to gas phase ions that can be analyzed with mass spectrometry. The microchip uses a high voltage, which can be utilized as a valve between the microchip and mass spectrometry. The microchips can be used in various applications, such as for analyses of drugs, proteins, peptides, or metabolites. The microchip works without pumps for liquid transfer, is usable for rapid analyses, and is sensitive. The characteristics of performance of the single microchips are studied and a rotating multitip version of the microchips are designed and fabricated. It is possible to use the microchip also as a microreactor and reaction products can be detected online with mass spectrometry. This property can be utilized for protein identification for example. Proteins can be digested enzymatically on-chip and reaction products, which are in this case peptides, can be detected with mass spectrometry. Because reactions occur faster in a microscale due to shorter diffusion lengths, the amount of protein can be very low, which is a benefit of the method. The microchip is well suited to surface activated reactions because of a high surface-to-volume ratio due to a dense micropillar array. For example, titanium dioxide nanolayer on the micropillar array combined with UV radiation produces photocatalytic reactions which can be used for mimicking drug metabolism biotransformation reactions. Rapid mimicking with the microchip eases the detection of possibly toxic compounds in preclinical research and therefore could speed up the research of new drugs. A micropillar array chip can also be utilized in the fabrication of liquid chromatographic columns. Precisely ordered micropillar arrays offer a very homogenous column, where separation of compounds has been demonstrated by using both laser induced fluorescence and mass spectrometry. Because of small dimensions on the microchip, the integrated microchip based liquid chromatography electrospray microchip is especially well suited to low sample concentrations. Overall, this work demonstrates that the designed and fabricated silicon/glass three dimensionally sharp electrospray tip is unique and facilitates stable ion spray for mass spectrometry.


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Several pi-electron rich fluorescent aromatic compounds containing trimethylsilylethynyl functionality have been synthesized by employing Sonogashira coupling reaction and they were characterized fully by NMR (H-1, C-13)/IR spectroscopy. Incorporation of bulky trimethylsilylethynyl groups on the peripheral of the fluorophores prevents self-quenching of the initial intensity through pi-pi interaction and thereby maintains the spectroscopic stability in solution. These compounds showed fluorescence behavior in chloroform solution and were used as selective fluorescence sensors for the detection of electron deficient nitroaromatics. All these fluorophores showed the largest quenching response with high selectivity for nitroaromatics among the various electron deficient aromatic compounds tested. Quantitative analysis of the fluorescence titration profile of 9,10-bis(trimethylsilylethynyl) anthracene with picric acid provided evidence that this particular fluorophore detects picric acid even at ppb level. A sharp visual detection of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene was observed upon subjecting 1,3,6,8-tetrakis (trimethylsilylethynyl) pyrene fluorophore to increasing quantities of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in chloroform. Furthermore, thin film of the fluorophores was made by spin coating of a solution of 1.0 x 10(-3) M in chloroform or dichloromethane on a quartz plate and was used for the detection of vapors of nitroaromatics at room temperature. The vapor-phase sensing experiments suggested that the sensing process is reproducible and quite selective for nitroaromatic compounds. Selective fluorescence quenching response including a sharp visual color change for nitroaromatics makes these fluorophores as promising fluorescence sensory materials for nitroaromatic compounds (NAC) with a detection limit of even ppb level as judged with picric acid.


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En vista de la escasez creciente de tierras, se vuelve impos - tergable la necesidad de conocer mejor los procesos de de - gradación y mejoramiento de suelos. Pese a que en el ámbito científico – técnico, se cuenta con parámetros para evaluar la condición física, química y biológica de los suelos, es nece - sario contar con indicadores locales para que sean los mis - mos agricultores quienes evalúen la calidad de los mismos. El objetivo de estudio fue evaluar el estado de los suelos de la planicie y laderas de Nandaime, mediante el uso de indica - dores técnicos y locales de calidad de suelos. La metodología incluyó la selección de 17 fincas, en cada una las cuales se seleccionaron parcelas con cultivo, pasto y bosque. Se de - finieron los indicadores infiltración, estabilidad estructural, compactabilidad, organismos, profundidad, mediante méto - dos sencillos; además, se tomaron muestras de suelos para determinar en laboratorio densidad aparente, porosidad, pH, CIC, N, K, P. Se hicieron entrevistas y un taller con los pro - pietarios, para identificar los indicadores utilizados para de - signar la calidad de los suelos. Los resultados indican que los suelos bajo agricultura han perdido el horizonte super - ficial, están compactados, tienen baja infiltración, CIC baja y niveles bajos de P y K. Se ha reducido la fertilidad natural y capacidad productiva de los suelos producto de prácticas inadecuadas tales como la deforestación, quemas, agricultura migratoria, sobrepastoreo, labranza inadecuada. Entre los in - dicadores usados por los agricultores se encuentran el color, profundidad, rendimiento, soltura, así como la presencia y abundancia de ciertas plantas.


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670 p. Capítulos de introducción, metodología, discusión y conclusiones en castellano e inglés.


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[EN]Nowadays, global society is more aware of electrical energy’s risks than never before, and electrical safety has turned a priority when a new installation is designed. So, a great protection to an unwanted electric hazard is required, being specially careful with indirect contacts. If a circuit has an insulation failure and an indirect contact is produced, there is risk of an accidental electrocution, risk that must be avoided by making a good choice of the grounding methodology and properly coordinating the electrical protections in the installation. In order to minimize that risk, a study of low voltage industrial and residential installation’s grounding methodologies is introduced, analyzing the tree grounding methodologies internationally accepted (TT, TN, IT). In addition, two real examples are solved (using a computer-aided engineering software), confirming the results of the theoretical study.


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[ES]Este trabajo se basa en la aplicación de distintas metodologías (norma europea, método fácil y norma americana) para la obtención de las corrientes de cortocircuito en un sistema eléctrico de baja tensión, de forma que se sepa de antemano el valor de dichas corrientes en cualquier punto del circuito para el correcto dimensionamiento de los dispositivos de protección a emplear.


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Empleo de la técnica BiFC para estudiar la interacción entre los canales Kv7.2 y la CaM. Para ello se realizan clonajes, se co-transfectan distintas combinaciones de éstos en células de mamífero y se analiza y cuantifica la intensidad de fluorescencia obtenida mediante microscopía confocal.