975 resultados para fluorescence anisotropy


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Under physiological conditions B-form DNA is an exceedingly stable structure. However, experimental evidences obtained through nuclear magnetic resonance and fluorescence anisotropy suggest that the structure of the double helix fluctuates substantially. We describe photoacoustic phase modulation frequency measurements of ethidium bromide (Eb) with calf thymus, DNA. As in fluorescence phase modulation measurements, we used an intercalating dye as a probe; however, we monitored the triplet excited state lifetime at different ionic strengths. The triplet lifetime of Eb varied from about 0.30 ms, with no DNA present, to 20 ms, (at a DNA:Eb molar ratio of 5). With salt titration, this value falls, to about 2.0 ms. This result suggests, a strong coupling between the phenantridinium ring of the ethidium and the base pairs because of the stacking movement of the DNA molecule under salt effect. This, effect may be understood considering DNA as a polyelectrolyte. The counterions, in the solution shield the phosphate groups, reducing the electrostatic repulsion force between them, hence compacting the DNA molecule. The results from Fourier transform infrared demonstrated two important bands: 3187 cm(-1) corresponding to the symmetric stretching of the NH group of the bases, and 1225 cm(-1) corresponding to the asymmetric stretching of phosphate groups shifted toward higher wavenumbers, suggesting a proximity between the intercalant and base pairs and a modification of the DNA backbone state, both induced by salt accretion.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ


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Correlations between GABA(A) receptor (GABA(A)-R) activity and molecular organization of synaptosomal membranes (SM) were studied along the protocol for cholesterol (Cho) extraction with beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD). The mere pre-incubation (PI) at 37A degrees C accompanying the beta-CD treatment was an underlying source of perturbations increasing [H-3]-FNZ maximal binding (70%) and K (d) (38%), plus a stiffening of SMs' hydrocarbon core region. The latter was inferred from an increased compressibility modulus (K) of SM-derived Langmuir films, a blue-shifted DPH fluorescence emission spectrum and the hysteresis in DPH fluorescence anisotropy (A (DPH)) in SMs submitted to a heating-cooling cycle (4-37-4A degrees C) with A (DPH,heating) < A (DPH,cooling). Compared with PI samples, the beta-CD treatment reduced B (max) by 5% which correlated with a 45%-decrement in the relative Cho content of SM, a decrease in K and in the order parameter in the EPR spectrum of a lipid spin probe labeled at C5 (5-SASL), and significantly increased A (TMA-DPH). PI, but not beta-CD treatment, could affect the binding affinity. EPR spectra of 5-SASL complexes with beta-CD-, SM-partitioned, and free in solution showed that, contrary to what is usually assumed, beta-CD is not completely eliminated from the system through centrifugation washings. It was concluded that beta-CD treatment involves effects of at least three different types of events affecting membrane organization: (a) effect of PI on membrane annealing, (b) effect of residual beta-CD on SM organization, and (c) Cho depletion. Consequently, molecular stiffness increases within the membrane core and decreases near the polar head groups, leading to a net increase in GABA(A)-R density, relative to untreated samples.


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This study shows that MP-1, a peptide from the venom of the Polybia paulista wasp, is more toxic to human leukemic T-lymphocytes than to human primary lymphocytes. By using model membranes and electrophysiology measurements to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying this selective action, the porelike activity of MP-1 was identified with several bilayer compositions. The highest average conductance was found in bilayers formed by phosphatidylcholine or a mixture of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine (70:30). The presence of cholesterol or cardiolipin substantially decreases the MP-1 pore activity, suggesting that the membrane fluidity influences the mechanism of selective toxicity. The determination of partition coefficients from the anisotropy of Tip indicated higher coefficients for the anionic bilayers. The partition coefficients were found to be 1 order of magnitude smaller when the bilayers contain cholesterol or a mixture of cholesterol and sphingomyelin. The blue shift fluorescence, anisotropy values, and Stern-Volmer constants are indications of a deeper penetration of MP-1 into anionic bilayers than into zwitterionic bilayers. Our results indicate that MP-1 prefers to target leukemic cell membranes, and its toxicity is probably related to the induction of necrosis and not to DNA fragmentation. This mode of action can be interpreted considering a number of bilayer properties like fluidity, lipid charge, and domain formation. Cholesterol-containing bilayers are less fluid and less charged and have a tendency to form domains. In comparison to healthy cells, leukemic T-lymphocyte membranes are deprived of this lipid, resulting in decreased peptide binding and lower conductance. We showed that the higher content of anionic lipids increases the level of binding of the peptide to bilayers. Additionally, the absence of cholesterol resulted in enhanced pore activity. These findings may drive the selective toxicity of MP-1 to Jurkat cells.


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Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte die neuartige Synthese von Triphyenylamin- und Triazin-Monomeren gezeigt werden. Die hergestellten Monomere konnten sowohl frei als auch lebend radikalisch polymerisiert werden, wodurch sich aus beiden Verbindungen Blockcopolymere herstellen ließen. Mittels GPC und DSC Messungen konnte die erhaltene Blockstruktur nachgewiesen werden. In Cyclovoltammetrie Messungen konnten die Elektronen-leitenden und Loch-leitenden Eigenschaften der Homopolymere nachgewiesen werden. Darüber hinaus war es mit diesen Messungen möglich, die Elektronen-leitenden und Loch-leitenden Blöcke dieser Blockcopolymere gezielt anzusprechen.Weiterhin wurden zwei neue Strukturierungsverfahren für Polymere entwickelt. In dem ersten Verfahren wurden dabei harte Siliziumstempel benutzt, so dass Strukturen im Nanometerbereich generiert werden konnten. Der gesamte Strukturierungsprozess konnte bei Raumtemperatur durchgeführt werden, was einen wesentlichen Zeitvorteil gegenüber NIL entspricht. Weiterhin wurden Linienstrukturen durch das Stempeln mit weichen Silikonstempeln hergestellt. Unabhängig ihrer Herstellungsmethode wirken diese Linienstrukturen als Orientierungsschichten für flüssigkristallines Polyfluoren, wobei die bis heute größte Fluoreszens-Anisotropie auf einem Lochleiter von 1:24 erhalten wurde. Somit sind OLEDs die polarisiertes Licht emittieren möglich.Im zweiten neuartigen Strukturierungsverfahren konnten getrennte Polymerstrukturen aus Loch- und Elektronenleitern durch Bestrahlen einer Monomermischung mit Licht erzeugt werden. Dieses Verfahren bietet den Vorteil, dass kein Material entfernt werden muss und die Strukturierung somit in einem Schritt erfolgt.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Miniemulsionen als räumliche Begrenzungen für die Synthese von unterschiedlichen funktionellen Materialien mit neuartigen Eigenschaften verwendet. Das erste Themengebiet umfasst die Herstellung von Polymer/Calciumphosphat-Hybridpartikeln und –Hybridkapseln über die templatgesteuerte Mineralisation von Calciumphosphat. Die funktionalisierte Oberfläche von Polymernanopartikeln, welche über die Miniemulsionspolymerisation hergestellt wurden, diente als Templat für die Kristallisation von Calciumphosphat auf den Partikeln. Der Einfluss der funktionellen Carboxylat- und Phosphonat-Oberflächengruppen auf die Komplexierung von Calcium-Ionen sowie die Mineralisation von Calciumphosphat auf der Oberfläche der Nanopartikel wurde mit mehreren Methoden (ionenselektive Elektroden, REM, TEM und XRD) detailliert analysiert. Es wurde herausgefunden, dass die Mineralisation bei verschiedenen pH-Werten zu vollkommen unterschiedlichen Kristallmorphologien (nadel- und plättchenförmige Kristalle) auf der Oberfläche der Partikel führt. Untersuchungen der Mineralisationskinetik zeigten, dass die Morphologie der Hydroxylapatit-Kristalle auf der Partikeloberfläche mit der Änderung der Kristallisationsgeschwindigkeit durch eine sorgfältige Wahl des pH-Wertes gezielt kontrolliert werden kann. Sowohl die Eigenschaften der als Templat verwendeten Polymernanopartikel (z. B. Größe, Form und Funktionalisierung), als auch die Oberflächentopografie der entstandenen Polymer/Calciumphosphat-Hybridpartikel wurden gezielt verändert, um die Eigenschaften der erhaltenen Kompositmaterialien zu steuern. rnEine ähnliche bio-inspirierte Methode wurde zur in situ-Herstellung von organisch/anorganischen Nanokapseln entwickelt. Hierbei wurde die flexible Grenzfläche von flüssigen Miniemulsionströpfchen zur Mineralisation von Calciumphosphat an der Grenzfläche eingesetzt, um Gelatine/Calciumphosphat-Hybridkapseln mit flüssigem Kern herzustellen. Der flüssige Kern der Nanokapseln ermöglicht dabei die Verkapselung unterschiedlicher hydrophiler Substanzen, was in dieser Arbeit durch die erfolgreiche Verkapselung sehr kleiner Hydroxylapatit-Kristalle sowie eines Fluoreszenzfarbstoffes (Rhodamin 6G) demonstriert wurde. Aufgrund der intrinsischen Eigenschaften der Gelatine/Calciumphosphat-Kapseln konnten abhängig vom pH-Wert der Umgebung unterschiedliche Mengen des verkapselten Fluoreszenzfarbstoffes aus den Kapseln freigesetzt werden. Eine mögliche Anwendung der Polymer/Calciumphosphat-Partikel und –Kapseln ist die Implantatbeschichtung, wobei diese als Bindeglied zwischen künstlichem Implantat und natürlichem Knochengewebe dienen. rnIm zweiten Themengebiet dieser Arbeit wurde die Grenzfläche von Nanometer-großen Miniemulsionströpfchen eingesetzt, um einzelne in der dispersen Phase gelöste Polymerketten zu separieren. Nach der Verdampfung des in den Tröpfchen vorhandenen Lösungsmittels wurden stabile Dispersionen sehr kleiner Polymer-Nanopartikel (<10 nm Durchmesser) erhalten, die aus nur wenigen oder einer einzigen Polymerkette bestehen. Die kolloidale Stabilität der Partikel nach der Synthese, gewährleistet durch die Anwesenheit von SDS in der wässrigen Phase der Dispersionen, ist vorteilhaft für die anschließende Charakterisierung der Polymer-Nanopartikel. Die Partikelgröße der Nanopartikel wurde mittels DLS und TEM bestimmt und mit Hilfe der Dichte und des Molekulargewichts der verwendeten Polymere die Anzahl an Polymerketten pro Partikel bestimmt. Wie es für Partikel, die aus nur einer Polymerkette bestehen, erwartet wird, stieg die mittels DLS bestimmte Partikelgröße mit steigendem Molekulargewicht des in der Synthese der Partikel eingesetzten Polymers deutlich an. Die Quantifizierung der Kettenzahl pro Partikel mit Hilfe von Fluoreszenzanisotropie-Messungen ergab, dass Polymer-Einzelkettenpartikel hoher Einheitlichkeit hergestellt wurden. Durch die Verwendung eines Hochdruckhomogenisators zur Herstellung der Einzelkettendispersionen war es möglich, größere Mengen der Einzelkettenpartikel herzustellen, deren Materialeigenschaften zurzeit näher untersucht werden.rn


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The TM0727 gene of Thermotoga maritima is responsible for encoding what has been reported to be a modulator of DNA gyrase (pmbA). Although the function of pmbA is still unknown, it is believedto be involved in cell division, carbon storage regulation, and the synthesis of the antibiotic peptide microcin B17. It is suggested that it serves together with tldD, a known zinc dependent protease, tomodulate DNA gyrase. TM0727 is believed to be a zinc dependent protease that binds zinc in the central active site of the molecule, located between two equivalent monomeric units. However, thecrystal structure determined by Wilson et al. (2005) did not contain zinc. It therefore remains to be seen if TM0727 requires zinc for activity, or regulation, and if the protein is indeed a protease. To begin studying this protein, the gene was expressed in BL21(DE3) pLysS cells and the induction time was optimized. Using affinity and ion exchange chromatography, the protein has been successfully purified. The purification procedure can be replicated to obtain sufficient protein for characterization. Purification results show that the protein loses stability after 24 hours and remains stable under an imidazole-free lysis workup. Preliminary characterization of TM0727 has focused on understanding the protein’s structuralproperties through tryptophan fluorescence anisotropy measurements. The four tryptophan residues located within the TM0727 dimer fluoresce at different maximum wavelengths and with differentintensities upon excitation with 295nm light. These emission properties are highly sensitive to the environment (solvent, surrounding residues) of each tryptophan residue. The low number oftryptophans allows for a specific monitoring of the protein’s structure as it denatures. As more denaturant is added to the protein, its tryptophan environments have clearly altered. This is indicative of unfolding and increased solvent exposure of the protein. This unfolding has been confirmed with the addition of a fluorescent quencher. Additionally, fluorescence anisotropy measurements have been carried out on the protein to gain a preliminary understanding of the rotational dynamics of the tryptophan residues. These experiments excite the tryptophan residues within the sample using a polarized light source. Polarized emission is then detected, the degree of which depends on the rotational dynamics and local environment of the tryptophan residues. The protein was denatured and the changes in emission were recorded to detect these structural changes. Results have shown a large change in quaternary structure, consistent with a dimer to monomer transition, occurs at 1.5M Guandidine HCl. There has also been an examination of the crystal structure for the location of a potential active site. The inner cavity of the protein was inspected visually to locate a potential location for a catalytic triad, specifically the amino acids found in the active sites of serine, cyteine, and aspartateproteases. It was found that a potential aspartic protease active site may be located between the Asparate286 and Aspartate287 residues. Further investigation is warranted to test this remotepossibility.


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Antigenic peptide loading of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules is enhanced by lysosomal pH and catalyzed by the HLA-DM molecule. The physical mechanism behind the catalytic activity of DM was investigated by using time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy (TRFA) and fluorescence binding studies with the dye 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (ANS). We demonstrate that the conformations of both HLA-DM and HLA-DR3, irrespective of the composition of bound peptide, are pH sensitive. Both complexes reversibly expose more nonpolar regions upon protonation. Interaction of DM with DR shields these hydrophobic domains from the aqueous environment, leading to stabilization of the DM and DR conformations. At lysosomal pH, the uncovering of additional hydrophobic patches leads to a more extensive DM–DR association. We propose that DM catalyzes class II peptide loading by stabilizing the low-pH conformation of DR, favoring peptide exchange. The DM–DR association involves a larger hydrophobic surface area with DR/class II-associated invariant chain peptides (CLIP) than with stable DR/peptide complexes, explaining the preferred association of DM with the former. The data support a release mechanism of DM from the DM–DR complex through reduction of the interactive surface, upon binding of class II molecules with antigenic peptide or upon neutralization of the DM–DR complex at the cell surface.


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A 14 nt DNA sequence 5′-AGAATGTGGCAAAG-3′ from the zinc finger repeat of the human KRAB zinc finger protein gene ZNF91 bearing the intercalator 2-methoxy,6-chloro,9-amino acridine (Acr) attached to the sugar–phosphate backbone in various positions has been shown to form a specific triple helix (triplex) with a 16 bp hairpin (intramolecular) or a two-stranded (intermolecular) duplex having the identical sequence in the same (parallel) orientation. Intramolecular targets with the identical sequence in the antiparallel orientation and a non-specific target sequence were tested as controls. Apparent binding constants for formation of the triplex were determined by quantitating electrophoretic band shifts. Binding of the single-stranded oligonucleotide probe sequence to the target led to an increase in the fluorescence anisotropy of acridine. The parallel orientation of the two identical sequence segments was confirmed by measurement of fluorescence resonance energy transfer between the acridine on the 5′-end of the probe strand as donor and BODIPY-Texas Red on the 3′-amino group of either strand of the target duplex as acceptor. There was full protection from OsO4-bipyridine modification of thymines in the probe strand of the triplex, in accordance with the presumed triplex formation, which excluded displacement of the homologous duplex strand by the probe–intercalator conjugate. The implications of these results for the existence of protein-independent parallel triplexes are discussed.


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There is still a lack of information on the specific characteristics of DNA-binding proteins from hyperthermophiles. Here we report on the product of the gene orf56 from plasmid pRN1 of the acidophilic and thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus islandicus. orf56 has not been characterised yet but low sequence similarily to several eubacterial plasmid-encoded genes suggests that this 6.5 kDa protein is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. The DNA-binding properties of ORF56, expressed in Escherichia coli, have been investigated by EMSA experiments and by fluorescence anisotropy measurements. Recombinant ORF56 binds to double-stranded DNA, specifically to an inverted repeat located within the promoter of orf56. Binding to this site could down-regulate transcription of the orf56 gene and also of the overlapping orf904 gene, encoding the putative initiator protein of plasmid replication. By gel filtration and chemical crosslinking we have shown that ORF56 is a dimeric protein. Stoichiometric fluorescence anisotropy titrations further indicate that ORF56 binds as a tetramer to the inverted repeat of its target binding site. CD spectroscopy points to a significant increase in ordered secondary structure of ORF56 upon binding DNA. ORF56 binds without apparent cooperativity to its target DNA with a dissociation constant in the nanomolar range. Quantitative analysis of binding isotherms performed at various salt concentrations and at different temperatures indicates that approximately seven ions are released upon complex formation and that complex formation is accompanied by a change in heat capacity of –6.2 kJ/mol. Furthermore, recombinant ORF56 proved to be highly thermostable and is able to bind DNA up to 85°C.


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The intracellular degradation of many proteins is mediated in an ATP-dependent manner by large assemblies comprising a chaperone ring complex associated coaxially with a proteolytic cylinder, e.g., ClpAP, ClpXP, and HslUV in prokaryotes, and the 26S proteasome in eukaryotes. Recent studies of the chaperone ClpA indicate that it mediates ATP-dependent unfolding of substrate proteins and directs their ATP-dependent translocation into the ClpP protease. Because the axial passageway into the proteolytic chamber is narrow, it seems likely that unfolded substrate proteins are threaded from the chaperone into the protease, suggesting that translocation could be directional. We have investigated directionality in the ClpA/ClpP-mediated reaction by using two substrate proteins bearing the COOH-terminal ssrA recognition element, each labeled near the NH2 or COOH terminus with fluorescent probes. Time-dependent changes in both fluorescence anisotropy and fluorescence resonance energy transfer between donor fluorophores in the ClpP cavity and the substrate probes as acceptors were measured to monitor translocation of the substrates from ClpA into ClpP. We observed for both substrates that energy transfer occurs 2–4 s sooner with the COOH-terminally labeled molecules than with the NH2-terminally labeled ones, indicating that translocation is indeed directional, with the COOH terminus of the substrate protein entering ClpP first.


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The bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate/glycose phosphotransferase system (PTS) comprises a group of proteins that catalyze the transfer of the phosphoryl group from phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to sugars concomitant with their translocation. The first two steps of the phosphotransfer sequence are PEP <--> Enzyme I (EI) <--> HPr (the histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein). We have proposed that many functions of the PTS are regulated by EI, which undergoes a monomer/dimer transition. EI monomer (63.5 kDa) comprises two major domains: a flexible C-terminal domain (EI-C) and a protease-resistant, structurally stable N-terminal domain (EI-N) containing the active site His. Trypsin treatment of Salmonella typhimurium EI yielded EI-N, designated EI-N(t). Homogeneous recombinant Escherichia coli EI-N [i.e., EI-N(r)], has now been prepared in quantity, shows the expected thermodynamic unfolding properties and, similarly to EI-N(t), is phosphorylated by phospho-HPr, but not by PEP. In addition, binding of EI-N(r) to HPr was studied by isothermal titration calorimetry: K/a = 1.4 x 10(5) M(-1) and delta H = +8.8 kcal x mol(-1). Both values are comparable to those for HPr binding to intact EI. Fluorescence anisotropy [dansyl-EI-N(r)] and gel filtration of EI-N(r) show that it does not dimerize. These results emphasize the role of EI-C in dimerization and the regulation of intact EI.