910 resultados para fluid velocity
Koalesenssi on ilmiö, jossa dispergoidun faasin pisarat pyrkivät muodostamaan suurempia pisaroita kunnes erotettava faasi muodostuu. Koalesenssi tapahtuu kolmessa päävaiheessa, jotka ovat lähestyminen, kiinnittyminen ja irrotus. Lähestymiseen vaikuttavat mekanismit ovat muuan muassa sieppaus, diffuusio, törmäysvaikutus, sedimentaatio, sähköiset repul-siovoimat ja van der Waalsin voimat. Kiinnittymisvaiheessa dispergoidun faasin pisarat syrjäyttävät väliaineen nestekalvon samalla kostuttaen väliaineen pinnan. Irrotusvaiheessa pisaran hydrodynaaminen voima voittaa pisaran ja väliaineen välisen adheesiovoiman. Koalesenssin tehokkuuteen vaikuttavat useat eri parametrit kuten virtausnopeus, pedin ominaisuudet, väliaineen ominaisuudet sekä emulsion ominaisuudet. Nämä kaikki asiat tulee ottaa huomioon koalesenssisuodatuksen suunnittelussa. Koalesenssisuodatus lukeutuu syväsuodatusmenetelmiin, jotka on ollut käytössä jo yli 100 vuotta. Koalesenssisuodatusmenetelmä on tehokas menetelmä pienten pisaroiden erottami-seen. Menetelmää käytetään esimerkiksi öljyisten jätevesien puhdistuksessa. Teollisen öljyn syväsuodatuksen etuihin kuuluu muun muassa sen kompakti koko, alhaisemmat käyt-tökustannukset, korkea erotusaste, kyky erotella pienetkin pisarat sekä helppo operointi, automatisointi ja huolto. Suurin haittapuoli on kuitenkin väliaineen tukkeutuminen, joten prosessi vaatii puhdistuksen tai väliaineen uusimisen. Tämän kandidaatintyön tarkoituksena oli koota kirjallisuustyö öljyn koalesenssisuodatuk-sesta. Työssä kartoitettiin koalesenssisuodatuksen lähtökohdat, teoria, tärkeimmät teolli-suuden sovellukset sekä väliaineet.
Kandidaatintyössä pyritään löytämään mittausjärjestelyt takaiskuventtiilin painehäviön mittaamiseksi laboratorio-olosuhteissa. Käyttöolosuhteissa putkistossa on laboratorio-olosuhteita suuremmat virtausnopeudet ja paineet, mikä vaikuttaa fluidin käyttäytymiseen ja siten mittaustulokseen.
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une nouvelle méthode smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) pour la résolution des équations de Navier-Stokes incompressibles, même en présence des forces singulières. Les termes de sources singulières sont traités d'une manière similaire à celle que l'on retrouve dans la méthode Immersed Boundary (IB) de Peskin (2002) ou de la méthode régularisée de Stokeslets (Cortez, 2001). Dans notre schéma numérique, nous mettons en oeuvre une méthode de projection sans pression de second ordre inspirée de Kim et Moin (1985). Ce schéma évite complètement les difficultés qui peuvent être rencontrées avec la prescription des conditions aux frontières de Neumann sur la pression. Nous présentons deux variantes de cette approche: l'une, Lagrangienne, qui est communément utilisée et l'autre, Eulerienne, car nous considérons simplement que les particules SPH sont des points de quadrature où les propriétés du fluide sont calculées, donc, ces points peuvent être laissés fixes dans le temps. Notre méthode SPH est d'abord testée à la résolution du problème de Poiseuille bidimensionnel entre deux plaques infinies et nous effectuons une analyse détaillée de l'erreur des calculs. Pour ce problème, les résultats sont similaires autant lorsque les particules SPH sont libres de se déplacer que lorsqu'elles sont fixes. Nous traitons, par ailleurs, du problème de la dynamique d'une membrane immergée dans un fluide visqueux et incompressible avec notre méthode SPH. La membrane est représentée par une spline cubique le long de laquelle la tension présente dans la membrane est calculée et transmise au fluide environnant. Les équations de Navier-Stokes, avec une force singulière issue de la membrane sont ensuite résolues pour déterminer la vitesse du fluide dans lequel est immergée la membrane. La vitesse du fluide, ainsi obtenue, est interpolée sur l'interface, afin de déterminer son déplacement. Nous discutons des avantages à maintenir les particules SPH fixes au lieu de les laisser libres de se déplacer. Nous appliquons ensuite notre méthode SPH à la simulation des écoulements confinés des solutions de polymères non dilués avec une interaction hydrodynamique et des forces d'exclusion de volume. Le point de départ de l'algorithme est le système couplé des équations de Langevin pour les polymères et le solvant (CLEPS) (voir par exemple Oono et Freed (1981) et Öttinger et Rabin (1989)) décrivant, dans le cas présent, les dynamiques microscopiques d'une solution de polymère en écoulement avec une représentation bille-ressort des macromolécules. Des tests numériques de certains écoulements dans des canaux bidimensionnels révèlent que l'utilisation de la méthode de projection d'ordre deux couplée à des points de quadrature SPH fixes conduit à un ordre de convergence de la vitesse qui est de deux et à une convergence d'ordre sensiblement égale à deux pour la pression, pourvu que la solution soit suffisamment lisse. Dans le cas des calculs à grandes échelles pour les altères et pour les chaînes de bille-ressort, un choix approprié du nombre de particules SPH en fonction du nombre des billes N permet, en l'absence des forces d'exclusion de volume, de montrer que le coût de notre algorithme est d'ordre O(N). Enfin, nous amorçons des calculs tridimensionnels avec notre modèle SPH. Dans cette optique, nous résolvons le problème de l'écoulement de Poiseuille tridimensionnel entre deux plaques parallèles infinies et le problème de l'écoulement de Poiseuille dans une conduite rectangulaire infiniment longue. De plus, nous simulons en dimension trois des écoulements confinés entre deux plaques infinies des solutions de polymères non diluées avec une interaction hydrodynamique et des forces d'exclusion de volume.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fluidization consists in a bed of solid particles acquire fluid behavior by using a fluid (in this case air) flowing through the solid particles. Because of this, it can be a good mix of these materials, as well as to show increased rates of heat and mass transport. The fluid flowing through the spaces between the particles gives an interstitial velocity, that if is too low does not cause movement of the particulates. The gradual increase in speed will generate small vibrations between the particles promotes its fluidization. Our study focus in the fluid state of solid bed , when the fluid velocity reaches a state where the drag forces are sufficient to support the weight of the solid particles making these solids behave like fluids . Knowledge of the minimum velocity required to fluidize that particles is of great importance since below this speed there is no fluidization, and far above it, the solids are carried out of the bed. The fluidized bed reactor is widely used in physics and engineering, particularly in gas-solid fluidization, with emphasis on thermochemical processes
In der Erdöl– und Gasindustrie sind bildgebende Verfahren und Simulationen auf der Porenskala im Begriff Routineanwendungen zu werden. Ihr weiteres Potential lässt sich im Umweltbereich anwenden, wie z.B. für den Transport und Verbleib von Schadstoffen im Untergrund, die Speicherung von Kohlendioxid und dem natürlichen Abbau von Schadstoffen in Böden. Mit der Röntgen-Computertomografie (XCT) steht ein zerstörungsfreies 3D bildgebendes Verfahren zur Verfügung, das auch häufig für die Untersuchung der internen Struktur geologischer Proben herangezogen wird. Das erste Ziel dieser Dissertation war die Implementierung einer Bildverarbeitungstechnik, die die Strahlenaufhärtung der Röntgen-Computertomografie beseitigt und den Segmentierungsprozess dessen Daten vereinfacht. Das zweite Ziel dieser Arbeit untersuchte die kombinierten Effekte von Porenraumcharakteristika, Porentortuosität, sowie die Strömungssimulation und Transportmodellierung in Porenräumen mit der Gitter-Boltzmann-Methode. In einer zylindrischen geologischen Probe war die Position jeder Phase auf Grundlage der Beobachtung durch das Vorhandensein der Strahlenaufhärtung in den rekonstruierten Bildern, das eine radiale Funktion vom Probenrand zum Zentrum darstellt, extrahierbar und die unterschiedlichen Phasen ließen sich automatisch segmentieren. Weiterhin wurden Strahlungsaufhärtungeffekte von beliebig geformten Objekten durch einen Oberflächenanpassungsalgorithmus korrigiert. Die Methode der „least square support vector machine” (LSSVM) ist durch einen modularen Aufbau charakterisiert und ist sehr gut für die Erkennung und Klassifizierung von Mustern geeignet. Aus diesem Grund wurde die Methode der LSSVM als pixelbasierte Klassifikationsmethode implementiert. Dieser Algorithmus ist in der Lage komplexe geologische Proben korrekt zu klassifizieren, benötigt für den Fall aber längere Rechenzeiten, so dass mehrdimensionale Trainingsdatensätze verwendet werden müssen. Die Dynamik von den unmischbaren Phasen Luft und Wasser wird durch eine Kombination von Porenmorphologie und Gitter Boltzmann Methode für Drainage und Imbibition Prozessen in 3D Datensätzen von Böden, die durch synchrotron-basierte XCT gewonnen wurden, untersucht. Obwohl die Porenmorphologie eine einfache Methode ist Kugeln in den verfügbaren Porenraum einzupassen, kann sie dennoch die komplexe kapillare Hysterese als eine Funktion der Wassersättigung erklären. Eine Hysterese ist für den Kapillardruck und die hydraulische Leitfähigkeit beobachtet worden, welche durch die hauptsächlich verbundenen Porennetzwerke und der verfügbaren Porenraumgrößenverteilung verursacht sind. Die hydraulische Konduktivität ist eine Funktion des Wassersättigungslevels und wird mit einer makroskopischen Berechnung empirischer Modelle verglichen. Die Daten stimmen vor allem für hohe Wassersättigungen gut überein. Um die Gegenwart von Krankheitserregern im Grundwasser und Abwässern vorhersagen zu können, wurde in einem Bodenaggregat der Einfluss von Korngröße, Porengeometrie und Fluidflussgeschwindigkeit z.B. mit dem Mikroorganismus Escherichia coli studiert. Die asymmetrischen und langschweifigen Durchbruchskurven, besonders bei höheren Wassersättigungen, wurden durch dispersiven Transport aufgrund des verbundenen Porennetzwerks und durch die Heterogenität des Strömungsfeldes verursacht. Es wurde beobachtet, dass die biokolloidale Verweilzeit eine Funktion des Druckgradienten als auch der Kolloidgröße ist. Unsere Modellierungsergebnisse stimmen sehr gut mit den bereits veröffentlichten Daten überein.
Onondaga Lake has received the municipal effluent and industrial waste from the city of Syracuse for more than a century. Historically, 75 metric tons of mercury were discharged to the lake by chlor-alkali facilities. These legacy deposits of mercury now exist primarily in the lake sediments. Under anoxic conditions, methylmercury is produced in the sediments and can be released to the overlying water. Natural sedimentation processes are continuously burying the mercury deeper into the sediments. Eventually, the mercury will be buried to a depth where it no longer has an impact on the overlying water. In the interim, electron acceptor amendment systems can be installed to retard these chemical releases while the lake naturally recovers. Electron acceptor amendment systems are designed to meet the sediment oxygen demand in the sediment and maintain manageable hypolimnion oxygen concentrations. Historically, designs of these systems have been under designed resulting in failure. This stems from a mischaracterization of the sediment oxygen demand. Turbulence at the sediment water interface has been shown to impact sediment oxygen demand. The turbulence introduced by the electron amendment system can thus increase the sediment oxygen demand, resulting in system failure if turbulence is not factored into the design. Sediment cores were gathered and operated to steady state under several well characterized turbulence conditions. The relationship between sediment oxygen/nitrate demand and turbulence was then quantified and plotted. A maximum demand was exhibited at or above a fluid velocity of 2.0 mm•s-1. Below this velocity, demand decreased rapidly with fluid velocity as zero velocity was approached. Similar relationships were displayed by both oxygen and nitrate cores.
The Internal Structure of Hydrogen-Air Diffusion Flames. Tho purpose of this paper is to study finite rate chemistry effects in diffusion controlled hydrogenair flames undor conditions appearing in some cases in a supersonic combustor. Since for large reaction rates the flame is close to chemical equilibrium, the reaction takes place in a very thin region, so thata "singular perturbation "treatment" of the problem seems appropriate. It has been shown previously that, within the inner or reaction zone, convection effects may be neglocted, the temperature is constant across the flame, and tho mass fraction distributions are given by ordinary differential equations, whore tho only independent variable involved is tho coordinate normal to the flame surface. Tho solution of the outer problom, which is a pure mixing problem with the additional condition that fuol and oxidizer do not coexist in any zone, provides t h e following information: tho flame position, rates of fuel consumption, temperature, concentrators of species, fluid velocity outside of tho flame, and the boundary conditions required to solve the "inner problem." The main contribution of this paper consists in the introduction of a fairly complicated chemical kinetic scheme representing hydrogen-oxygen reaction. The nonlinear equations expressing the conservation of chemical species are approximately integrated by means of an integral method. It has boen found that, in the case considered of a near-equilibrium diffusion flame, tho role played by the dissociation-recombination reactions is purely marginal, and that somo of the second order "shuffling" reactions are close to equilibrium. The method shown here may be applied to compute the distanco from the injector corresponding to a given separation from equilibrium, say ten to twenty percent. For the casos whore this length is a small fraction of the combustion zone length, the equilibrium treatment describes properly tho flame behavior.
La presente Tesis Doctoral tiene como objetivo el estudio de flujo turbulento cargado con partículas sólidas a través de canales y tuberías de sección constante usando un enfoque Euleriano-Lagrangiano. El campo de flujo de la fase de transporte (aire) se resuelve usando simulación de grandes escalas (LES), implementada en un programa de volúmenes finitos mientras que las ecuaciones gobernantes de la fase dispersa son resueltas por medio de un algoritmo de seguimiento Lagrangiano de partículas que ha sido desarrollado y acoplado al programa que resuelve el flujo. Se estudia de manera sistemática y progresiva la interacción fluido→partícula (one-way coupling), a través de diferentes configuraciones geométricas en coordenadas cartesianas (canales de sección constante y variable) y en coordenadas cilíndricas (tuberías de sección constante y sección variable) abarcando diferentes números de Reynolds y diferentes tamaños de partículas; todos los resultados obtenidos han sido comparados con datos publicados previamente. El estudio de flujo multifásico a través de, tuberías de sección variable, ha sido abordada en otras investigaciones mayoritariamente de forma experimental o mediante simulación usando modelos de turbulencia menos complejos y no mediante LES. El patrón de flujo que se verifica en una tubería con expansión es muy complejo y dicha configuración geométrica se halla en múltiples aplicaciones industriales que involucran el transporte de partículas sólidas, por ello es de gran interés su estudio. Como hecho innovador, en esta tesis no solo se resuelven las estadísticas de velocidad del fluido y las partículas en tuberías con diferentes tamaños de expansión y diferentes regímenes de flujo sino que se caracteriza, usando diversas formulaciones del número de Stokes y el parámetro de arrastre, el ingreso y acumulación de partículas dentro de la zona de recirculación, obteniéndose resultados coincidentes con datos experimentales. ABSTRACT The objective of this Thesis research is to study the turbulent flow laden with solid particles through channels and pipes with using Eulerian-Lagrangian approach. The flow field of the transport phase (air ) is solved using large eddy simulation ( LES ) implemented in a program of finite volume while the governing equations of the dispersed phase are resolved by means of a particle Lagrangian tracking algorithm which was developed and coupled to principal program flow solver . We studied systematically and progressively the fluid interaction → particle ( one- way coupling ) , through different geometric configurations in Cartesian coordinates ( channel with constant and variable section) and in cylindrical coordinates ( pipes with constant section and variable section ) covering different Reynolds numbers and different particle sizes, all results have been compared with previously published data . The study of multiphase flow through, pipes with variable section has been addressed in other investigations predominantly experimentally or by simulation using less complex models and no turbulence by LES. The flow pattern is verified in a pipe expansion is very complex and this geometry is found in many industrial applications involving the transport of solid particles, so it is of great interest to study. As an innovator fact , in this Thesis not only finds fluid velocity statistics and particles with different sizes of pipe expansion and different flow regimes but characterized, using various formulations of the Stokes number and the drag parameter are resolved, the entry and accumulation of particles within the recirculation zone , matching results obtained with experimental data.
The dynamics of inviscid, axisymmetric liquid bridges permits a simplified treatment if the bridge is long enough. Under such condition the evolution of the liquid zone is satisfactorily explained through a non-linear one-dimensional model. In the case of breaking, the one-dimensional model fails when the neck radius of the liquid column is close to zero; however, the model allows the calculation of the time variation of the liquid-bridge interface as well as of the fluid velocity field and, because the last part of the evolution is not needed, the overall results such as the breaking time and the volume of each of the two drops resulting after breakage can be calculated. In this paper numerical results concerning the behavior of clinical liquid bridges subjected to a small axial gravitational field are presented.
In this paper we examine the effect of contact angle (or surface wettability) on the convective heat transfer coefficient in microchannels. Slip flow, where the fluid velocity at the wall is non-zero, is most likely to occur in microchannels due to its dependence on shear rate or wall shear stress. We show analytically that for a constant pressure drop, the presence of slip increases the Nusselt number. In a microchannel heat exchanger we modified the surface wettability from a contact angle of 20 degrees-120 degrees using thin film coating technology. Apparent slip flow is implied from pressure and flow rate measurements with a departure from classical laminar friction coefficients above a critical shear rate of approximately 10,000 s(-1). The magnitude of this departure is dependant on the contact angle with higher contact angles surfaces exhibiting larger pressure drop decreases. Similarly, the non-dimensional heat flux is found to decrease relative to laminar non-slip theory, and this decrease is also a function of the contact angle. Depending on the contact angle and the wall shear rate, variations in the heat transfer rate exceeding 10% can be expected. Thus the contact angle is an important consideration in the design of micro, and even more so, nano heat exchangers. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In recent years, freshwater fish farmers have come under increasing pressure from the Water Authorities to control the quality of their farm effluents. This project aimed to investigate methods of treating aquacultural effluent in an efficient and cost-effective manner, and to incorporate the knowledge gained into an Expert System which could then be used in an advice service to farmers. From the results of this research it was established that sedimentation and the use of low pollution diets are the only cost effective methods of controlling the quality of fish farm effluents. Settlement has been extensively investigated and it was found that the removal of suspended solids in a settlement pond is only likely to be effective if the inlet solids concentration is in excess of 8 mg/litre. The probability of good settlement can be enhanced by keeping the ratio of length/retention time (a form of mean fluid velocity) below 4.0 metres/minute. The removal of BOD requires inlet solids concentrations in excess of 20 mg/litre to be effective, and this is seldom attained on commercial fish farms. Settlement, generally, does not remove appreciable quantities of ammonia from effluents, but algae can absorb ammonia by nutrient uptake under certain conditions. The use of low pollution, high performance diets gives pollutant yields which are low when compared with published figures obtained by many previous workers. Two Expert Systems were constructed, both of which diagnose possible causes of poor effluent quality on fish farms and suggest solutions. The first system uses knowledge gained from a literature review and the second employs the knowledge obtained from this project's experimental work. Consent details for over 100 fish farms were obtained from the public registers kept by the Water Authorities. Large variations in policy from one Authority to the next were found. These data have been compiled in a computer file for ease of comparison.
We perform numerical simulations of finite temperature quantum turbulence produced through thermal counterflow in superfluid 4He, using the vortex filament model. We investigate the effects of solid boundaries along one of the Cartesian directions, assuming a laminar normal fluid with a Poiseuille velocity profile, whilst varying the temperature and the normal fluid velocity. We analyze the distribution of the quantized vortices, reconnection rates, and quantized vorticity production as a function of the wall-normal direction. We find that the quantized vortex lines tend to concentrate close to the solid boundaries with their position depending only on temperature and not on the counterflow velocity. We offer an explanation of this phenomenon by considering the balance of two competing effects, namely the rate of turbulent diffusion of an isotropic tangle near the boundaries and the rate of quantized vorticity production at the center. Moreover, this yields the observed scaling of the position of the peak vortex line density with the mutual friction parameter. Finally, we provide evidence that upon the transition from laminar to turbulent normal fluid flow, there is a dramatic increase in the homogeneity of the tangle, which could be used as an indirect measure of the transition to turbulence in the normal fluid component for experiments.
The industrial production of aluminium is an electrolysis process where two superposed horizontal liquid layers are subjected to a mainly vertical electric current supplied by carbon electrodes. The lower layer consists of molten aluminium and lies on the cathode. The upper layer is the electrolyte and is covered by the anode. The interface between the two layers is often perturbed, leading to oscillations, or waves, similar to the waves on the surface of seas or lakes. The presence of electric currents and the resulting magnetic field are responsible for electromagnetic (Lorentz) forces within the fluid, which can amplify these oscillations and have an adverse influence on the process. The electrolytic bath vertical to horizontal aspect ratio is such, that it is advantageous to use the shallow water equations to model the interface motion. These are the depth-averaging the Navier-Stokes equations so that nonlinear and dispersion terms may be taken into account. Although these terms are essential to the prediction of wave dynamics, they are neglected in most of the literature on interface instabilities in aluminium reduction cells where only the linear theory is usually considered. The unknown variables are the two horizontal components of the fluid velocity, the height of the interface and the electric potential. In this application, a finite volume resolution of the double-layer shallow water equations including the electromagnetic sources has been developed, for incorporation into a generic three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics code that also deals with heat transfer within the cell.