1000 resultados para fluazifop-p-butil fomesafen


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Este projeto objetivou relacionar a eficiência de controle de herbicidas inibidores da ACCase aplicados em pós-emergência em plantas de Digitaria horizontalis submetidas a diferentes teores de água no solo. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação, com a aplicação de três diferentes herbicidas (fluazifop-p-butil, haloxyfop-methyl e sethoxydim + óleo mineral Assist). O delineamento experimental utilizado para cada herbicida foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, constituído de um fatorial 3 x 4, sendo a combinação de três manejos hídricos (-0,03, 0,07 e -1,5 MPa) e quatro doses desses produtos (100, 50, 25 e 0% da dose recomendada). A aplicação dos herbicidas foi feita em dois estádios vegetativos: 4-6 folhas e 2-3 perfilhos. As avaliações visuais de fitotoxicidade foram realizadas aos 14 dias após a aplicação e avaliou-se a matéria seca das plantas ao final do estudo. A eficiência de controle não foi influenciada pelos manejos hídricos quando se aplicou a dose recomendada de todos os herbicidas na fase inicial de desenvolvimento das plantas (estádio de 4-6 folhas). em aplicações tardias (estádio de 2-3 perfilhos), as plantas mantidas sob estresse hídrico apresentaram menor fitotoxicidade.


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Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a eficiência de controle de herbicidas inibidores da ACCase aplicados em pós-emergência em plantas de Brachiaria plantaginea submetidas a diferentes teores de água no solo. O estudo foi conduzido em casa de vegetação. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, utilizando-se o esquema fatorial 9 x 4, sendo a combinação de três manejos hídricos (-0,03, -0,07 e -1,5 MPa) com três herbicidas (fluazifop-p-butil, haloxyfop-methyl e sethoxydim + óleo mineral Assist) e quatro doses destes (100, 50, 25 e 0% da dose recomendada). A aplicação dos herbicidas foi realizada em dois estádios vegetativos das plantas: 4-6 folhas e 2-3 perfilhos. As avaliações visuais de fitointoxicação das plantas de B. plantaginea foram realizadas aos 3, 7 e 14 dias após a aplicação, sendo determinada a massa seca das plantas no final do experimento. A eficiência de controle foi menor em plantas mantidas em potencial de água no solo de -1,5 MPa (manejo hídrico de 8%), independentemente do herbicida utilizado, nos dois estádios de aplicação, com exceção do herbicida haloxyfop-methyl aplicado no estádio de 2-3 perfilhos. Não houve diferenças de controle entre as aplicações com 100 e 50% da dose recomendada dos herbicidas nas plantas no estádio de 4-6 folhas, independentemente do manejo hídrico.


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Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar a eficiência de controle de herbicidas inibidores da ACCase aplicados em pós-emergência em plantas de Eleusine indica submetidas a diferentes teores de água no solo. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação, com a aplicação de três diferentes herbicidas (fluazifop-p-butil, haloxyfop-methyl e sethoxydim + óleo mineral Assist); o delineamento experimental utilizado para cada herbicida foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, constituído de um fatorial 3 x 4, sendo a combinação de três manejos hídricos (-0,03, -0,07 e -1,5 MPa) e quatro doses desses produtos (100, 50, 25 e 0% da dose recomendada). Os parâmetros fisiológicos avaliados foram: taxa fotossintética, condutância estomática, transpiração, temperatura da folha e matéria seca das plantas. As avaliações visuais de fitotoxicidade foram realizadas aos 14 dias após a aplicação. Os manejos hídricos aplicados não influenciaram o controle das plantas nos tratamentos testados, com exceção do herbicida sethoxydim, que teve sua eficiência hídrica prejudicada quando da deficiência hídrica nas aplicações das doses fracionadas. A taxa fotossintética, a transpiração e a condutância estomática foram maiores em plantas submetidas ao manejo hídrico de 13%, as quais apresentaram as menores temperaturas foliares em relação à temperatura ambiente.


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M.R. Rocha-Pereira, A.E. Klar, D. Martins, G.S. Ferreira de Souza, and J. Villalba. 2012. Effect of water stress on herbicide efficiency applied to Urochloa decumbens. Cien. Inv. Agr. 39(1): 211-220. This project aimed to measure the control efficiency of Acctil Coenzime A Carboxilase (ACCase)-inhibiting herbicides post-emergence applied to Urochloa decumbens (Stapf) R.D. Webster under different soil water contents. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Department of Plant Production, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, Silo Paulo. The experimental design was a completely randomized design with four replications, consisting of a 9 x 4 factorial, combined with three water management systems (-0.03, -0.07 and -1.5 MPa) and three herbicides (fluazifop-p-butyl, haloxyfop-methyl and sethoxydim + oil using four doses (100, 50, 25 and 0% of the recommended dose). Herbicide applications were conducted at two vegetative stages for all species: a 4-6 leaf stage and a 2-3 tiller stage. The physiological parameters evaluated were as follows: photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration, leaf temperature and plant dry matter. The visual assessments of phytotoxicity were performed 28 days after herbicide application. The control efficiency was lower in plants grown under soil water potential conditions of -1.5 MPa, regardless of the herbicide used during the two application stages; however, none reached 100% control. Fractionation of the recommended herbicide doses reduced effectiveness, with the exception of the 50%-dose application of sethoxydim and fluazifop-p-butyl herbicides, which were also effective in the 4-6 leaf plant control under normal water conditions.


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Common bean is an important crop in Brazil primarily because of its nutritional characteristics. Some agronomic practices, such as weed management, are fundamental to cultivation, as a means of obtaining a high crop yield. However, some studies have shown that weed management may alter the function of the cultivar cycle. Thus, this study aimed at determining the optimal phenological stage in early-maturing common bean cultivars to perform the weed control without providing reductions in yield and seed quality. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 20 treatments and four replications, in a 2Ã2Ã5 (cultivars à types of weed control à periods of weed control) factorial scheme. The periods of weed control for both cultivars (Carioca Precoce and IPR-Colibri) consisted of full cycle weeded (control), weed control at the V4-3 stage (first three nodes on the main stem with trifoliate leaves), at the R5 stage (beginning of bloom) and at the R8 stage (appearance of pods) and full cycle unweeded (no weed control). The types of weed control used were chemical (fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen) and mechanical (hoe). The Carioca Precoce cultivar demonstrated higher agronomic performance and yield than the IPR-Colibri cultivar, although the IPR-Colibri seeds had a higher vigor. The type of weed control (chemical or mechanical) did not affect the agronomic characteristics, yield and seed physiological potential of the cultivars. The ideal period for weed control in early-maturing common bean cultivars to obtain a higher yield and seed physiological potential was observed at the V4-3 phenological stage.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This project aimed to relate the efficiency of control of ACCase inhibiting herbicides applied post-emergence in Cenchrus echinatus under different soil water contents. The experiments were conducted in a greenhouse, with the application of three different herbicides (fluazifop-p-butyl, haloxyfop-methyl and sethoxydim + oil Assist) and the experimental design for each herbicide was completely randomized design with four replications, consisting a 3 x 4 factorial, with the combination of water management strategies (-0.03, -0.07 and -1.5 MPa) and four doses of these products (100, 50, 25 and 0% of the recommended dose). Herbicide application was made at vegetative stage of 2-3 tillers. The water management strategies were initiated in the development stage of two leaves, replacing the water until the soil reaches the potential of -0.01 MPa, when it came to severe pre-determined for each water management. The physiological parameters evaluated were: photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration, leaf temperature and plant dry matter. The visual assessments of phytotoxicity were performed at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after application. The efficiency of these herbicides was influenced by soil management and water lowest in plants grown in the minimal potential of water in the soil of -1.5 MPa. All the herbicides were unsatisfactory controls in applications late (2-3 tiller plants).


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Currently, the use of herbicides is essential in a practical and common in agricultural areas, but efficiency of these herbicides can be compromised when applied on plants that thrive in water deficit conditions, due to low uptake and translocation of the product. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the efficiency of control ACCase inhibiting herbicides applied post-emergence in plants of Eleusine indica under different soil water contents. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse and the experimental design was completely randomized design with four replications, consisting of a 9x4 factorial, with the combination of three soil water potentials (-0.03, -0.07 and -1.5 MPa) three herbicides (fluazifop-p -butyl, haloxyfop-methyl and sethoxydim + oil) and four doses (0, 25, 50, and 100 % of the recommended dose). Herbicide application was made in plants in vegetative stage 2-3 tillers. The soil water potential was initiated in the development stage of two leaves, and the water was supplemented until the soil reaches the potential of -0.01 MPa, when it came to minimum pre-determined for each water management. The physiological parameters evaluated were: photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration leaf temperature and plant dry mass. The visual assessments of phytotoxicity were performed at 7 and 14 days after application. The herbicides behaved in different ways according to the used water management. In severe water stress conditions (soil moisture at 8%) only fluazifop-p-butyl herbicide achieved satisfactory control (> 90%) in E. indica plants.


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The aim of this study was to correlate the chemical control efficacy in post-emergence of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. (signal grass) and Brachiaria plantaginea Hitchc. (alexandergrass) through ACCase-inhibitor enzyme herbicide application in function of the stage of development of the plant in order to contribute to the chemical management of these weed species. B. decumbens and B. plantaginea were sown in plastic pots filled with soil and kept in a greenhouse. For chemical control evaluation, the following herbicides were tested (g ha-1): fluazifop-p-butyl at 150, haloxyfop-methyl at 50, and sethoxydim at 230. The herbicides were applied in all three plant development phases: stage 1 (plants presenting 4-6 leaves at 15 days after emergence), stage 2 (plants presenting 3-4 tillers at 23 days after emergence), and stage 3 (adult plants in the beginning of flowering at 48 days after emergence). Evaluations were done at 4, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, and 28 days after herbicide application. The developmental stage of the two Brachiaria species was instrumental in the efficiency of the control provided by different herbicides. Sethoxydim was the most efficient herbicide in controlling Brachiaria species in the three evaluated development stages.


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Durante la época de postrera de 1993, se realizó el siguiente estudio en la finca "San Diego" ubicada en el municipio de Santa Cruz, km. 59 1/2, carretera sur, Carazo. El objetivo fue determinar el efecto de formas de control de malezas mecánicas y químicas sobre la dinámica de las malezas y el crecimiento y rendimiento de frijol común. Los tratamiento con control mecánico evaluados fueron limpia periódica y control durante el período crítico y los tratamiento químicos incluyeron tratamiento pre-emergentes a base de metholachlor, pendimetalin y la combinación de ambos, y los tratamientos post-emergentes a base de Fluazifop-hutil, fomesafen y el tratamiento que incluye la combinación de ambos. Todos los herbicidas se aplicaron en la dosis recomendada comercialmente. Un tratamiento fue dejado enmalezado como parcela control. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la predominancia de las malezas en el tratamiento enmalezado fue de hoja ancha, sin embargo dicha predominancia estuvo influenciada por la especificidad de los herbicidas utilizados. La combinación de los herbicidas post-emergentes fluazifop-butil + fomesafen resulto ser el mejor tratamiento para el control de las malezas, ya que presenta la menor abundancia y biomasa de malezas. La aplicación del herbicida metholachlor resulto la mejor aplicación pre-emergente, sin embargo no es suficiente para reducir la competencia. El tratamiento de mejor rentabilidad es el control durante el período crítico, seguido del tratamiento post-emergente de fomesafen, con estos tratamientos se obtuvo la tasa de retorno marginal más aceptable.


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The low productivity of crambe can be associated with many factors, among these, the competition with weeds, which reduces the yield, harvest affects and contributes to the increase in seed moisture. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the tolerance of crambe plants cv. FMS Brilhante to herbicides applied in preplant incorporated (PPI), preemergence (PRE), and postemergence (POST). The study was installed in a green-house and the treatments consisted of the herbicide application in: pre-plant incorporated ofdiclosulam, flumetsulam, metribuzin, and trifluralin; preemergence applicationof atrazine, diclosulam, diuron, flumetsulam, metribuzim, S-metolachlor, sulfentrazone, and trifluralin; and postemergence application ofbentazon, carfentrazone-ethyl, clefoxydim, cletodim + fenoxaprop-p-ethyl, ethoxysulfuron, fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butyl, flumioxazin, halosulfuron, imazamox, imazapic, lactofen, nicosulfuron, oxadiazon, quinclorac, and setoxydim. Visual evaluations of phytotoxicity on crambe plants were realized after applications, the seedlings were counted and the height and plant dry matter were determined in the end of the evaluation period. In conditions where the studies were conducted, we can conclude that only the trifluralin application in PRE and the application of clefoxidim+fenoxaprop-p-ethyl, fluazifop-p-butyl, quinclorac, setoxydim and clefoxydim in POST showed selectivity and potential use for FMS Brilhante crambe cultivar.


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Twenty three herbicides including the current registered herbicides were screened for activity on pre-emergent, juvenile and mature plants of the weedy Sporobolus grass species Sporobolus pyramidalis P.Beauv. and Sporobolus fertilis (Steud.) Clayton. No new herbicides trialled effectively controlled mature plants. Propaquizafop, fluazifop-P-hutyI, flupropanate, haloxyfop-R-methyl ester, glyphosate-ipa and clethodim + haloxyfop-R-methyl ester mix showed good activity on juvenile plants while atrazine, flupropanate, dithiopyr and imazapyr where effective as pre-emergent herbicides. Further work needs to be done to define the recommended application rates for juvenile and pre-emergent plant stages and to determine the selectivity of these herbicides on native and exotic pasture grasses.


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En el presente estudio se evaluó la influencia de rotaciones de cultivo y métodos de control de malezas, sobre la cenosis de malezas, y el crecimiento y rendimiento de frijol común. El ensayo se realizó en la época de primera con el establecimiento de los cultivos antecesores (mayo - agosto, 1994), y se continuo durante la postrera con el cultivo principal (septiembre - diciembre, 1994), en la estación experimental La Compañía, ubicada en el municipio de San Marcos, Carazo. Se utilizó un diseño de parcelas divididas, arreglados en bloques completos al azar, con cuatro repeticiones. El factor A, estuvo constituido por las rotaciones: al: maíz - frijol, a2: sorgo - frijol, a3: frijol - frijol y a4: malezas - frijol. En el factor B, se incluyeron los controles de malezas: bl: control con cobertura de maíz, b2: control mecánico (azadón a los 21 días después de la siembra) y b3: control químico (fluazifop-butyl más fomesafen en dósis de 1.421/ha de cada uno de los herbicidas). Los resultados muestran que las rotaciones de cultivo tuvieron influencia sobre los niveles de enmalezamiento, siendo más efectiva la rotación maíz-frijol y sorgo frijol en reducir la abundancia y la acumulación de peso seco. Los rendimientos de grano fueron superiores en la rotación malezas-frijol, en cambio la rotación frijol - frijol obtuvo rendimiento bajo debido principalmente a la alta incidencia y severidad de mustia hilachosa (Thanatephorus cucumeris (Frank) Donk). La mejor rentabilidad la presentó la rotación malezas-frijol. En referencia a los controles de malezas, el control químico efectuó un control satisfactorio de las malezas, mientras que los controles cobertura de maíz y mecánico fueron insuficientes por la predominancia de malezas de hoja ancha contra las cuales no existe especificidad de dichos controles. A pesar de lo anterior la mejor rentabilidad se obtuvo en el control mecánico, ya que alcanzó buenos rendimientos y los costos de control de malezas son inferiores al control químico.