21 resultados para fishmeal
Aquaculture growth has intensified the need for a diversification of nutritionally appropriate aquafeed ingredients. The purpose of this study was to evaluate Spirulina, a blue-green microalgae, and soybean meal as the sole protein sources in grow-out Tilapia diets. We constructed 3 experimental diets with soybean meal and 0,15, 30, and 45% Spirulina (SBM, SP15, SP30, and SP45 respectively) as their main protein sources. We compared these diets to a commercial Tilapia diet (CC). Additionally, to evaluate the benefit of fishmeal inclusion, fishmeal was added (2 and 10%) to the most successful Spirulina containing diet (FM2, FM10). We evaluated these experimental diets based on their physical properties, palatability, growth potential, waste production, and overall cost. No significant differences in growth performance were found between any of the diets. Total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) and total phosphorus (TP) levels in each tank were significantly affected by diet (p<0.05). CC had significantly higher TP than the experimental diets and SP15 had significantly higher TAN than the other diets. Only CC was found to be significantly more palatable than the experimental diets, and Spirulina inclusion was inversely correlated to pellet stability. Lastly, SP15 was the most profitable experimental diet. We recommend eliminating fishmeal from grow-out Tilapia diets in favour of soybean meal and Spirulina. Spirulina should, however, be limited to 15% to avoid the negative effects it has on stability and profitability, and its possible effect on feed intake.
Groundnut cake (GNC) meal is an important source of dietary protein for domestic animals with a cost advantage over the conventional animal protein sources used in aquaculture feed production. It would be useful to evaluate the effects of GNC processing methods on the density and nutritional values of processed GNC meals. The use of processed GNC meals in the diets of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings was evaluated. Seven iso-proteic and iso-caloric diets were formulated, replacing fish meal with roasted and boiled GNC meals, each at three inclusion levels of 30%, 35%, and 40%. Diet I is 100% fishmeal, Diet II is 30% roasted GNC meal, Diet III is 35% roasted GNC meal, Diet IV is 40% roasted GNC meal, Diet V is 30% boiled GNC meal, Diet VI is 35% boiled GNC meal and Diet VII is 40% boiled GNC meal. Results showed that the crude protein content of GNC meals was 40.5% and 40.8% in boiled and roasted GNC meals respectively; the lower protein content for processed GNC meals might be due to heat denaturation of the seed protein, with boiled GNC meal being more adversely affected. The mean weight gain of fingerlings fed roasted GNC meals ranged between 5.29 – 5.64 while for boiled GNC meals, it was between 4.60 – 5.22. Generally, fish performed better when fed diets containing roasted GNC meals, than boiled GNC meals, and compared favorably with fish fed fish meal based diet. Body mass increase, total feed increase, protein efficiency ratio and specific growth rate by C. gariepinus fingerlings in all diets, showed no significant differences, suggesting that processed GNC meals could partially replace diets for C. gariepinus fingerlings without adverse consequences. This study showed that processed GNC meals could partially replace fish meal up to 30% without significantly influencing fingerling growth and health. It is recommended that the use of fish meal as the main basal ingredient for fingerlings could be discontinued, since GNC meal was a cheaper alternative, and could replace fish meal up to 35%, without any significant adverse effects on the fingerling performance. KEYWORDS: Clarias gariepinus, Fingerlings, Groundnut cake meal, Nutrient utilization, Performance.
Response curves were established for different supplements, offered at intakes ranging from 0 to 20 g/kg liveweight (W).day to young Bos indicus crossbred steers fed low-quality Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) hay ad libitum in two pen experiments. Supplements included protein meals of varying rumen-degradability (cottonseed meal (CSM) or fishmeal), as well as ‘energy sources’ comprising grains of high and low ruminal starch degradability (barley and sorghum) and a highly fermentable sugar source (molasses), with all diets adjusted for rumen-degradable nitrogen and mineral content. Unsupplemented steers gained 0.08 and 0.15 kg/day, in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Growth of steers increased linearly with intake of ‘energy source’ supplements in increasing order of molasses, sorghum and barley (all differences P < 0.05). Steer growth rate also increased linearly with fishmeal, albeit over a narrow intake range (0–4.1 g/kg W.day), whereas the response with CSM was asymptotic, showing a steep response at low intake before levelling at ~1.2 kg/day. All supplement types were associated with a linear reduction in hay intake by the steers (energy substitution) where the reduction was greater (P < 0.05) for barley and molasses (not different) than for sorghum (P < 0.05), and for fishmeal compared with CSM (P < 0.05). In concurrent metabolism studies with the same rations, organic matter digestibility of the total ration (561–578 g/kg DM, unsupplemented) was increased linearly by barley and molasses (both P < 0.05) but was unaffected by CSM and sorghum supplements. The efficiency of microbial protein synthesis in steers increased linearly, from 91 g microbial crude protein/kg digestible organic matter (unsupplemented), in both molasses and CSM-supplemented steers, with the trend for a higher response to molasses (P = 0.05), and appeared most closely related to digestible organic matter intake. The response curves from these studies provide the practical framework upon which to formulate rations for cattle grazing low-quality forages.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar as características e os perfis lipídicos dos óleos brutos e refinados de rejeitos de carpa comum (Cyprinus carpio), obtidos através dos processos de ensilagem ácida e termomecânico de farinha de pescado. Também foram realizados o estudo da reação de alcoólise química do óleo de carpa e obtenção de concentrados de concentrados de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados (PUFAs), através da reação de complexação com uréia. O rendimento obtido em óleo bruto para ambos os processos foi em torno de 85% em relação ao óleo presente nas vísceras de carpa. Os óleos brutos obtidos através do processo de ensilagem e do processo termomecânico apresentaram diferenças significantivas (P < 0,05) para ácidos graxos livres, índice de peróxido, valor do ácido tiobarbitúrico e cor Lovibond. Entretanto, os óleos refinados obtidos por ambos os processos não apresentaram diferença significativa para a cor Lovibond, ácidos graxos livres e valores do ácido tiobarbitúrico. Os principais ácidos graxos identificados nos óleos bruto, branqueado e refinado de vísceras de carpa foram oléico, palmítico, palmitoléico, linoléico e linolênico constituindo aproximadamente 69,6% dos ácidos graxo totais do óleo refinado. A relação ω3/ω6 foi de aproximadamente 1,05 para o óleo refinado. Assim, o óleo refinado das vísceras de carpa pode ser considerado uma rica fonte de ácidos graxos essenciais do grupo ω3 e ω6. No estudo da reação de alcoólise química e obtenção dos concentrados de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados, foi realizada a comparação de três tratamentos para reação de alcoólise variando-se a concentração molar óleo:álcool (1:21, 1:27 e 1:39). Os tratamentos apresentaram diferenças significativas para as respostas rendimento em massa de ácidos graxos livres e índice de acidez. O maior rendimento para a reação de alcoólise foi utilizando a concentração molar de 1:39 (óleo:álcool). Na fração não complexada com uréia obteve-se aumento percentual de ácidos graxos insaturados e poliinsaturados de 31,9%, redução de saturados de 75%, e aumento do conteúdo dos ácidos graxos eicosapentaenóico e docosahexaenóico (EPA+DHA) de 85,3%. A fração não complexada com uréia pode ser considerada uma rica fonte de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados e insaturados com um total de 88,9% desses ácidos graxos.
A incorporação de fontes proteicas alternativas à farinha de peixe na alimentação de espécies piscícolas tem sido objecto de variados estudos no âmbito da nutrição animal. Neste contexto realizou-se o presente trabalho, cujo objectivo foi determinar o nível de substituição ideal de farinha de peixe por glúten de trigo na alimentação de dourada. Foram realizados dois ensaios, um de crescimento e um de digestibilidade. O ensaio de crescimento efectuou-se para determinar qual o nível máximo de substituição sem que os animais apresentassem diferenças significativas em termos de taxa de crescimento. O ensaio de digestibilidade teve como principal objectivo determinar qual das dietas testadas proporcionaria melhores valores de utilização digestiva por parte dos animais. Tendo em conta os resultados dos ensaios e as condições experimentais em que se realizaram, verificou-se que a substituição até 40% não afecta significativamente o desempenho zootécnico das douradas. ABSTRACT; The incorporation of alternative protein sources in fish diets has been the aim of many scientific experiments in animal nutrition. ln this study, the main objective was to evaluate the ideal level of wheat gluten incorporation in substitution of fishmeal in diets for gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L). To reach this objective, two experiments were carried out, in which growth and digestibility were studied. The aim of the growth experiment was to evaluate the maximum level of fish meal substitution by wheat gluten (20%, 40%, 60% and 80%), without affecting significantly the animals growth rate. The digestibility experiment took place to evaluate which animals presented better food utilization with the tested diets (20%, 40%, 60% and 80%). Observing the results of these two experiments, it was concluded that the substitution until 40% did not affect significantly the performance of the fishes.
Replacement of fishmeal by soybean meal in juvenile curimba (Prochilodus lineatus) diets was evaluated. Five isonitrogenous (26% crude protein) and isocaloric (4,000 kcal of gross energy kg(-1)) diets with 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of replacement were used. Fish (3.71 +/- 0.54 g) were distributed in 25 tanks (120 liters). The diets were provided for 84 days. Total replacement of fishmeal (100%) by soybean meal worsened weight gain, feed conversion and protein efficiency ratio. An increase in carcass fat was observed at the expense of reducing protein percentage, as well as an increase in hepatosomatic index. It was concluded that replacing 75.0% fish meal by soybean meal (33.2% of inclusion) did not affect the animal growth, although there been observed changes in corporal composition and hepatic hyperplasia.