965 resultados para fish populations


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This study showed that large prefabricated units and concrete rubble patch reefs, placed as artificial marine habitats on sand bottom, greatly enhance the abundance, diversity, and biomass of fish in an area. Densities of individuals and biomass were found considerably higher at artificial reefs than at nearby, natural, bank reefs, a result consistent with other studies. Location, depth, and vertical profile are important factors determining fish assemblages at artificial habitats in the Keys. Fishes were both produced at artificial reefs and attracted from the surrounding area. Fish assemblages at the Hawk Channel artificial reefs were considerably different from those on the offshore reef tract, particularly in terms of dominant species. Rescue of the original 1992 work in 2005 was funded by the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Prediction and Modeling Program.


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The Tortugas Integrated Biogeographic Assessment presents a unique analysis of demographic changes in living resource populations, as well as societal and socioeconomic benefits that resulted from the Tortugas Ecological Reserves during the first five years after their implementation. In 2001, state and federal agencies established two no-take reserves within the region as part of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The northern reserve (Tortugas Ecological Reserve North) was established adjacent to the Dry Tortugas National Park, which was first declared a national monument in 1935. The reserves were designed to protect a healthy coral reef ecosystem that supports diverse faunal assemblages and fisheries, serves as important spawning grounds for groupers and snappers, and includes essential feeding and breeding habitats for seabirds. The unique ecological qualities of the Tortugas region were recognized as far back as 1850, and it remains an important ecosystem and research area today. The two main goals of the Tortugas Ecological Reserve Integrated Ecological Assessment were: 1) to determine if demographic changes such as increases in abundance, average size and spawning potential of exploited populations occurred in the Tortugas region after reserve implementation; and 2) whether short-term economic losses occurred to fishers displaced by the reserve. This project utilized a biogeographic approach in which information on the physical features (i.e., habitat) and oceanographic patterns were first used to determine the spatial distribution of selected fish populations within and outside the Tortugas Ecological Reserve. Before-and-after reserve implementation comparisons of selected fish populations were then conducted to determine if demographic changes occurred in reef fish assemblages. These comparisons were done for the Tortugas region and also for a subset of available habitats within the Tortugas Ecological Reserve Study Area. Social and economic impacts of the reserves were determined through: 1) analyses of commercial landings and revenues from fishers, operating in the Tortugas region before and after reserve implementation and 2) surveys of recreational tour guides. Analyses of the commercial landings and revenues excluded areas inside Dry Tortugas National Park because commercial fishing has been prohibited within park boundaries since 1992. Key findings and outcomes of this integrated ecological assessment are organized by chapter and listed below.


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A year-round comparison was made of the picophytoplankton populations in three lakes of different trophic status (oligotrophic, mesotrophic, and hypereutrophic), as well as in experimental enclosures stocked with various densities of fish. Picophytoplankton abundance was significantly different between the hypereutrophic lake and the oligotrophic lake (P<0.018) and between the hypereutrophic lake and the mesotrophic lake (P<0.021), whereas the difference between the mesotrophic and oligotrophic lakes was not significant (P<0.745). The effect of total nitrogen:total phosphorus ratio on the abundance of picophytoplankton was demonstrated in the oligotrophic lake, but such effect did not manifest itself in the other lakes or in the experimental enclosures. The average annual picophytoplankton population sizes in the three lakes in 1995-1998 were correlated with estimated fish abundance (r=0.824, n=9, P=0.006). The results of enclosure experiments demonstrated that the abundance of picophytoplankton increased with the stocking density of fish (r=0.619, n=8, P=0.100).


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Since its completion in 1973 the Danjiangkou Dam has markedly changed downstream flows, water levels, temperatures, sediment loads and other water quality characteristics in downstream reaches of the Hanjiang River. There have been changes in the growth, spawning behaviour and overwintering condition of local fish populations, in the composition and abundance of food organisms and in the composition of the commercial fish catch. Despite the changed environment and the absence of a fish pass, fish populations are still able to grow and spawn under the new regime. Where conditions are like those of the Hanjiang River, dams may not necessarily have calamitous consequences for fishery production.


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The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) dataset on fish larvae has an extensive spatio-temporal coverage that allows the responses of fish populations to past changes in climate variability, including abrupt changes such as regime shifts, to be investigated. The newly available dataset offers a unique opportunity to investigate long-term changes over decadal scales in the abundance and distribution of fish larvae in relation to physical and biological factors. A principal component analysis (PCA) using 7 biotic and abiotic parameters is applied to investigate the impact of environmental changes in the North Sea on 5 selected taxa of fish larvae during the period 1960 to 2004. The analysis revealed 4 periods of time (1960–1976; 1977–1982; 1983–1996; 1997–2004) reflecting 3 different ecosystem states. The larvae of clupeids, sandeels, dab and gadoids seemed to be affected mainly by changes in the plankton ecosystem, while the larvae of migratory species such as Atlantic mackerel responded more to hydrographic changes. Climate variability seems more likely to influence fish populations through bottom-up control via a cascading effect from changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) impacting on the hydro dynamic features of the North Sea, in turn impacting on the plankton available as prey for fish larvae. The responses and adaptability of fish larvae to changing environmental conditions, parti cularly to changes in prey availability, are complex and species-specific. This complexity is enhanced with fishing effects interacting with climate effects and this study supports furthering our under - standing of such interactions before attempting to predict how fish populations respond to climate variability


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Size-spectrum theory is used to show that (i) predation mortality is a decreasing function of individual size and proportional to the consumption rate of predators; (ii) adult natural mortality M is proportional to the von Bertalanffy growth constant K; and (iii) productivity rate P/B is proportional to the asymptotic weight W8 -1/3. The constants of proportionality are specified using individual level parameters related to physiology or prey encounter. The derivations demonstrate how traditional fisheries theory can be connected to community ecology. Implications for the use of models for ecosystem-based fisheries management are discussed.


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The water quality and fish populations of the Welland River were observed to decline with distance downstream. This coincided with increased agricultural , domestic and industrial waste loadings. The river upstream of the City of Welland received considerable loadings from agricultural sources. Centrarchids, sciaenids, ictalurids, cyprinids and esocids characterized this upper section of the river. Most of these species were tolerant of low dissolved oxygen concentrations and the high turbidity which prevailed there . The river near Port Robinson receives many industrial and domestic wastes as evidenced by the water quality data. The fish in this section were less abundant and the observed population was comprised almost solely of cyprinids. Further downstream, near Montrose, the Welland River received shock loads of chemical wastes that exceeded a specific conductance of ISiOOO ;umhos/cm. Few fish were captured at this site and those that were captured were considered to be transients. A review of the literature revealed that none of the common indices of water quality in use today could adequately predict the observed distributions. In addition to the above, the long-term trend (l3 yrs) of water quality of the lower Welland River revealed a gradual improvement. The major factor thought to be responsible for this improvement was the operation of the Welland Sewage Treatment Plant. The construction of the New Welland Ship Canal coincided with large fluctuations of the total solids and other parameters downstream. These conditions prevailed for a maximum of three years (1972- 1975)' Furthermore, spawning times and temperatures, geographic distributions, length-weight regressions and many other descriptive aspects of the ecology of some 26 species/ taxa of fish were obtained. Several of these species are rare or new to southern Ontario.


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Fish are frequently considered the top predator in freshwater food web models despite evidence that predatory birds can impact fish populations. In this study, we quantified bird predation rates on experimental populations of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792)) created by stocking nine small lakes in British Columbia, Canada. Combining estimates of fish mortality with estimated bird predation rates allowed us to partition fish mortality into that due to birds versus cannibalism. Our results indicated that bird predators had significant impacts on age-1 trout populations, but little impact on age-0 trout. Common loons (Gavia immer Brunnich, 1764) were the principle predator among eight predatory bird species present, apparently consuming nearly 50% of all stocked age-1 trout and explaining almost 50% of variation in mortality rates. Age-1 trout mortality did not differ significantly from zero in lakes without loons. Birds consumed a small proportion of age-0 trout, and estimated consumption explained none of the variation in age-0 trout mortality among lakes. We conclude that birds affect fish populations by asymmetric predation on different age (size) classes and can be important top predators that should not be ignored when characterizing freshwater food webs in lakes.


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The possibility for fishery-induced evolution of life history traits is an important but unresolved issue for exploited fish populations. Because fisheries tend to select and remove the largest individuals, there is the evolutionary potential for lasting effects on fish production and productivity. Size selection represents an indirect mechanism of selection against rapid growth rate, because individual fish may be large because of rapid growth or because of slow growth but old age. The possibility for direct selection on growth rate, whereby fast-growing genotypes are more vulnerable to fishing irrespective of their size, is unexplored. In this scenario, faster-growing genotypes may be more vulnerable to fishing because of greater appetite and correspondingly greater feeding-related activity rates and boldness that could increase encounter with fishing gear and vulnerability to it. In a realistic whole-lake experiment, we show that fast-growing fish genotypes are harvested at three times the rate of the slow-growing genotypes within two replicate lake populations. Overall, 50% of fast-growing individuals were harvested compared with 30% of slow-growing individuals, independent of body size. Greater harvest of fast-growing genotypes was attributable to their greater behavioral vulnerability, being more active and bold. Given that growth is heritable in fishes, we speculate that evolution of slower growth rates attributable to behavioral vulnerability may be widespread in harvested fish populations. Our results indicate that commonly used minimum size-limits will not prevent overexploitation of fast-growing genotypes and individuals because of size-independent growth-rate selection by fishing.


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The effects of climate change on plant and animal populations are widespread and documented for many species in many areas of the world. However, projections of climate impacts will require a better mechanistic understanding of ecological and behavioral responses to climate change and climate variation. For vertebrate animals, there is an absence of whole-system manipulative experiments that express natural variation in predator and prey behaviors. Here we investigate the effect of elevated water temperature on the physiology, behavior, growth, and survival of fish populations in a multiple whole-lake experiment, by using 17 lake-years of data collected over 2 years with differing average temperatures. We found that elevated temperatures in excess of the optimum reduced the scope for growth through reduced maximum consumption and increased metabolism in young rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Increased metabolism at high temperatures resulted in increased feeding activity (consumption) by individuals to compensate and maintain growth rates similar to that observed at cooler (optimum) temperatures. However, greater feeding activity rates resulted in greater vulnerability to predators that reduced survival to only half that of the cooler year. Our work therefore identifies temperature-dependent physiology and compensatory feeding behavior as proximate mechanisms for substantial climate-induced mortality in fish populations at the scale of entire populations and waterbodies.


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We investigated the potential selective effect of fish ladders on physiological and morphological profiles of the curimbata, Prochilodus lineatus, during reproductive migration in Brazil. We registered sex, body weight and length, plasma glucose, hepatosomatic and gonadosomatic indices (HSI and GSI, respectively), hematocrit, leucocrit, blood cell and nucleus areas, and the diameter of white and red muscle fibers in fish sampled at the bottom (downstream) and at the top (upstream) of a fish ladder at a hydroelectric dam. Males and females at the top of the ladder showed higher size (weight and length), white muscle fiber diameters, plasma glucose levels and lower hematocrit when compared with those at the bottom. These size and muscle traits assist fish to overcome the ladder barrier and bypass the dam, an effort that might be reflected in the glucose levels. Females also showed higher GSI at the top of the fish ladder, a trait possibly facilitating their reproduction upstream. These results indicate that a dam system favors fish with specific morphological-physiological profile. This may have a strong influence upon upstream fish populations over generations and implies the presence of artificial selective pressure.