989 resultados para financial losses


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John Butler (1728-1796) was originally from Connecticut but settled with his family in the Mohawk valley of New York around 1742. His father was a Captain in the British army and well acquainted with William Johnson (superintendent of Northern Indians). Butler impressed Johnson with his aptitude for Indian languages and diplomacy. He began to work with Johnson in 1755, and received several promotions in the department, until his apparent retirement in the early 1770s. At the onset of the Revolutionary War in 1775, Butler relocated to Canada to join the British forces, settling in Niagara. During the War, Butler was instrumental in maintaining the alliance with the Indians. After the War, Butler became prominent in local affairs in Niagara, but failed to secure any important offices when the province of Upper Canada was formed in 1792. In an effort to recoup some of the financial losses his family suffered during the War, Butler illegally attempted to supply trade goods to the Indian department with his son Andrew, his nephew Walter Butler Sheehan, and Samuel Street, a Niagara merchant.


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Les tendinites sont des lésions communes chez le cheval athlète, ayant un impact financier et sportif considérable. Les cellules souches mésenchymateuses (CSMs) de moelle osseuse (MO) sont empiriquement utilisées en clinique pour améliorer la guérison des affections myoarthrosquelettiques. Cependant, il est nécessaire de standardiser les protocoles d’isolement des CSMs équines et d’analyser leurs effets sur la guérison tendineuse pour ajuster leur dose. Les objectifs de cette étude étaient de comparer 3 méthodes d’isolement des CSMs équines et d’établir un modèle de guérison tendineuse minimal invasif pour analyser l’effet des CSMs sur cette guérison. Des CSMs de MO du sternum de juments étaient isolées par 3 protocoles couramment utilisés (adhérence au pétri (Classique) et 2 méthodes par gradient de densité (Percoll et Ficoll)). La viabilité des cellules après isolement, le rendement d’isolement, le nombre de CSMs obtenues après 14 jours de culture et leurs caractéristiques fonctionnelles (renouvellement et différentiation) étaient comparés entre les 3 protocoles. Les résultats suggéraient que le Percoll était le meilleur protocole en termes de rendement et de capacité de renouvellement des cellules. La différence n’était pas significative pour leur viabilité et leur capacité de différentiation. Un modèle de guérison tendineuse, consistant en une ténectomie du tendon extenseur latéral du doigt fut ensuite développé. Cependant, la grande variabilité interindividuelle de qualité de guérison dans le groupe pilote implique une ré-évaluation du modèle. Des études futures, avec des CSMs isolées par le Percoll dans de nouveaux modèles de guérison tendineuse devraient permettre de déterminer la dose adéquate de CSMs.


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Dans des contextes de post-urgence tels que le vit la partie occidentale de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), l’un des défis cruciaux auxquels font face les hôpitaux ruraux est de maintenir un niveau de médicaments essentiels dans la pharmacie. Sans ces médicaments pour traiter les maladies graves, l’impact sur la santé de la population est significatif. Les hôpitaux encourent également des pertes financières dues à la péremption lorsque trop de médicaments sont commandés. De plus, les coûts du transport des médicaments ainsi que du superviseur sont très élevés pour les hôpitaux isolés ; les coûts du transport peuvent à eux seuls dépasser ceux des médicaments. En utilisant la province du Bandundu, RDC pour une étude de cas, notre recherche tente de déterminer la faisabilité (en termes et de la complexité du problème et des économies potentielles) d’un problème de routage synchronisé pour la livraison de médicaments et pour les visites de supervision. Nous proposons une formulation du problème de tournées de véhicules avec capacité limitée qui gère plusieurs exigences nouvelles, soit la synchronisation des activités, la préséance et deux fréquences d’activités. Nous mettons en œuvre une heuristique « cluster first, route second » avec une base de données géospatiales qui permet de résoudre le problème. Nous présentons également un outil Internet qui permet de visualiser les solutions sur des cartes. Les résultats préliminaires de notre étude suggèrent qu’une solution synchronisée pourrait offrir la possibilité aux hôpitaux ruraux d’augmenter l’accessibilité des services médicaux aux populations rurales avec une augmentation modique du coût de transport actuel.


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Introducción: La Peste Porcina Clásica es una enfermedad de declaración obligatoria de la OIE que limita el comercio internacional. El Tolima tiene restringida la comercialización de animales con el 48% del país por no tener el mismo estatus de Zona Libre; la inclusión del departamento dentro de la zona en proceso de declaración mejoraría la condición sanitaria y permitiría la admisibilidad comercial a los productores. Metodología: Es un estudio descriptivo con dos componentes; el primero incluye la caracterización y evaluación cualitativa de las condiciones sanitarias relacionadas con PPC y el segundo la caracterización virológica mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple para determinar circulación viral. Resultados: se encontró que la atención de las notificaciones se realiza en ≤ 1 día, mientras que entre la atención y resultados existen demoras en el 84% de los casos; las coberturas vacunales son ≥90% que evidencian inmunidad poblacional prolongada y sostenida; en el departamento no se presentan focos desde hace mas de 8 años, no han tenido importaciones de animales con riesgo sanitario, no cuenta barreras geográficas en los limites con la Zona Control que permitan aislamiento y en el muestreo todos los resultados fueron negativos a PPC por RT PCR, con un VPN de 0.99. Discusión: El Tolima cumple con las condiciones sanitarias para incluirse en la próxima zona en proceso de declaración, sin embargo es necesario mejorar las rutas cítricas para la atención de sospechas de PPC e instaurar puestos de control para aislar el departamento y controlar las movilizaciones de porcinos.


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Since the advent of the internet in every day life in the 1990s, the barriers to producing, distributing and consuming multimedia data such as videos, music, ebooks, etc. have steadily been lowered for most computer users so that almost everyone with internet access can join the online communities who both produce, consume and of course also share media artefacts. Along with this trend, the violation of personal data privacy and copyright has increased with illegal file sharing being rampant across many online communities particularly for certain music genres and amongst the younger age groups. This has had a devastating effect on the traditional media distribution market; in most cases leaving the distribution companies and the content owner with huge financial losses. To prove that a copyright violation has occurred one can deploy fingerprinting mechanisms to uniquely identify the property. However this is currently based on only uni-modal approaches. In this paper we describe some of the design challenges and architectural approaches to multi-modal fingerprinting currently being examined for evaluation studies within a PhD research programme on optimisation of multi-modal fingerprinting architectures. Accordingly we outline the available modalities that are being integrated through this research programme which aims to establish the optimal architecture for multi-modal media security protection over the internet as the online distribution environment for both legal and illegal distribution of media products.


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This paper examines the changes in the length of commercial property leases over the last decade and presents an analysis of the consequent investment and occupational pricing implications for commercial property investmentsIt is argued that the pricing implications of a short lease to an investor are contingent upon the expected costs of the letting termination to the investor, the probability that the letting will be terminated and the volatility of rental values.The paper examines the key factors influencing these variables and presents a framework for incorporating their effects into pricing models.Approaches to their valuation derived from option pricing are critically assessed. It is argued that such models also tend to neglect the price effects of specific risk factors such as tenant circumstances and the terms of break clause. Specific risk factors have a significant bearing on the probability of letting termination and on the level of the resultant financial losses. The merits of a simulation methododology are examined for rental and capital valuations of short leases and properties with break clauses.It is concluded that in addition to the rigour of its internal logic, the success of any methodology is predicated upon the accuracy of the inputs.The lack of reliable data on patterns in, and incidence of, lease termination and the lack of reliable time series of historic property performance limit the efficacy of financial models.


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The aim of this study is to assess whether universities are meeting the needs of marketing students and consequently the needs of the corporate marketing sector. A comparison is made between marketing classes using a specific technology of study called an autarchic system, and those classes not using this method. As part of this analysis the study investigates the application of self-determination theory and psychological needs  satisfaction. The basic needs scale, comprising two constructs; Control and Caring was adapted and used to evaluate students' perception of subjects using autarchic study system and those not utilising this methodology. The study used a multi-method approach consisting of a literature review, a qualitative phase involving in-depth interviews with marketing teaching staff and focus groups with marketing students and a survey of students. An adapted version of the basic psychological needs scale was included in a questionnaire that was administered to a convenience sample of 441 students. ANOVAlMANOVA and descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. The pedagogy used in a conventional university setting is detailed and contrasted with the autarchic learning system. Findings strongly indicate students become far more able as learners when they have the knowledge of the types of learning barriers, they are coached to recognise the barrier when it occurs and apply the appropriate remedy as researched in this paper. These findings are of interest to educators, students, and industry as all sectors face significant social and financial losses because individuals are unable to duplicate instructions, maintain currency and plan tactically and strategically.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral verificar como uma empresa gerencia seus riscos trabalhistas com vistas a preveni-los. É um estudo de caso único, de natureza descritiva e qualitativa. Foi desenvolvido junto ao Grupo Eberle Mundial, através de entrevista do Gerente de Recursos Humanos, questionário auto-aplicado por sete membros do corpo executivo da organização, exame de documentos e análise de artigos de revistas e de jornais. Paralelamente, buscou experiências e opiniões de quatro especialistas da área trabalhista, também mediante questionário auto-aplicado. Em face dos resultados obtidos, o trabalho descreve a forma de gerenciamento de riscos trabalhistas adotada pelo Grupo Eberle Mundial e atende os objetivos específicos nos termos adiante sintetizados. Demonstra que o Grupo mantém rotinas para identificação de riscos trabalhistas, porém, não pratica a definição prévia do que sejam riscos relevantes e não relevantes. Identifica uma diversidade de riscos trabalhistas percebidos pelo Grupo e verifica que esses não abrangem riscos operacionais. Mostra que o Grupo criou métodos e instrumentos de trabalho próprios para o gerenciamento de seus riscos trabalhistas, atua de forma permanente na prevenção desses e faz a revisão anual de seus processos, buscando chegar à incorporação dessa filosofia à cultura da empresa, contudo, não mantém um sistema que integre seus procedimentos, na forma proposta pela literatura. Confirma que, através do projeto implantado pela nova administração, o Grupo que, em 1998, estava com sua sobrevivência comprometida, até 2003 já reduziu em mais de 50% as perdas financeiras que vinha sofrendo e restabeleceu sua credibilidade e imagem internas e externas. Constata que existe comprometimento da alta direção do Grupo com o gerenciamento de riscos trabalhistas, todavia, esse comprometimento não é do conhecimento de todos membros do corpo executivo da organização. Aponta que o Grupo não mantém área específica para gerenciamento de seus riscos trabalhistas, nem tem claro quem são os profissionais responsáveis por esses procedimentos.


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As diretrizes de política monetária são definidas com base em resultados dos indicadores macroeconômicos divulgados ao mercado periodicamente. Os agentes deste mercado respondem rapidamente às alterações de cenário, com o objetivo de obter lucro ou evitar perdas financeiras expressivas. Com este motivacional, a proposta deste trabalho é avaliar como reage o mercado futuro de juros diante da divulgação de surpresas em determinados indicadores macroeconômicos, propondo um indicador de surpresa agregado para prever os impactos causados. Através dos dados extraídos da Bloomberg e da BM&F Bovespa, foi construída uma base de dados simplificada pela adoção de premissas para mensuração do impacto das surpresas divulgadas no preço do DI Futuro. A padronização dos parâmetros, a realização dos testes de média e as regressões otimizadas pelo método OLS possibilitaram ponderar os indicadores econômicos de acordo com a oscilação que os mesmos causam a este mercado. Por fim, o teste de comparação mostrou que o indicador de surpresa proposto foi mais eficiente nas previsões da reação do mercado do que um indicador que pondere de forma igualitária todos os indicadores macroeconômicos.


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With the increasing complexity of software systems, there is also an increased concern about its faults. These faults can cause financial losses and even loss of life. Therefore, we propose in this paper the minimization of faults in software by using formally specified tests. The combination of testing and formal specifications is gaining strength in searches mainly through the MBT (Model-Based Testing). The development of software from formal specifications, when the whole process of refinement is done rigorously, ensures that what is specified in the application will be implemented. Thus, the implementation generated from these specifications would accurately depict what was specified. But not always the specification is refined to the level of implementation and code generation, and in these cases the tests generated from the specification tend to find fault. Additionally, the generation of so-called "invalid tests", ie tests that exercise the application scenarios that were not addressed in the specification, complements more significantly the formal development process. Therefore, this paper proposes a method for generating tests from B formal specifications. This method was structured in pseudo-code. The method is based on the systematization of the techniques of black box testing of boundary value analysis, equivalence partitioning, as well as the technique of orthogonal pairs. The method was applied to a B specification and B test machines that generate test cases independent of implementation language were generated. Aiming to validate the method, test cases were transformed manually in JUnit test cases and the application, created from the B specification and developed in Java, was tested. Faults were found with the execution of the JUnit test cases


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As concentrações de nutrientes (fósforo e nitrogênio) na nascente, cidade e foz do ribeirão Lavapés/ Botucatu-SP foram avaliadas e comparadas com as do rio Capivara. O rio Capivara como o ribeirão Lavapés, possui nascente no alto da cuesta e desemboca suas águas na represa de Barra Bonita/ rio Tietê (Figura 1). O rio Capivara possui uma das nascentes próxima a uma do ribeirão Lavapés e, ambos possuem a foz próxima uma da outra na represa de Barra Bonita. O uso e tipo de solo nas margens de ambos cursos d´águas são bastante parecidos, o que implica em uma poluição rural semelhante, assim a grande diferença que afeta a qualidade da água, entre os dois cursos d´águas é a poluição urbana, na cidade de Botucatu (ribeirão Lavapés). Deste modo procurou-se avaliar a contribuição de nutrientes (fósforo e nitrogênio) do ribeirão Lavapés e rio Capivara na represa de Barra Bonita , e estimar a carga retida no lodo do ribeirão Lavapés e a despejada na represa em função dos lançamentos de esgotos sanitários no mesmo, na cidade de Botucatu. O trabalho foi realizado em um período de seca, sem alagamentos, o que permitiu medir as vazões próximas da foz e avaliar a carga diária, no período, de nutrientes lançados na represa. Foram avaliados também, oxigênio dissolvido, demanda química do oxigênio e condutividade Elétrica. Embora os resultados sejam estimativos e variáveis no tempo, podemos concluir que a poluição na cidade de Botucatu por esgoto sanitário além de inviabilizar o uso da água no seu percurso, e causar outros prejuízos, contribui para agravar a eutrofização na represa de Barra Bonita.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE