22 resultados para fetuin A


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Die Metalloprotease Ovastacin, ein Vertreter der Astacin-Familie, wurde erstmals 2004 beschrieben. Im Ovar von Säugetieren ist Ovastacin-mRNA im Zeitfenster vom Stadium der Sekundärfollikel bis kurz nach der Befruchtung der Eizelle zu finden. Der Expressionsort und -zeitpunkt sowie die Sequenzähnlichkeit von über 60% mit sogenannten „Schlüpfenzymen“ (engl. hatching enzymes), die man in den Eizellen und Zygoten niederer Wirbeltiere und Wirbelloser gefunden hatte, ließen die Vermutung aufkommen, es könnte sich hier um das Säugerhomolog dieser Proteasen handeln. Generell lösen hatching Enzyme die derben embryonalen Hüllstrukturen (bei Säugern die Zona pellucida, ZP) beim Schlüpfvorgang auf. Die essentielle Bedeutung des Ovastacins für die Befruchtung wird durch die um ca. 30% reduzierte Fruchtbarkeit von Ovastacin defizienten Mäusen belegt. Hochinteressant war in diesem Zusammenhang die Entdeckung des Ovastacins in den Cortikalgranula der Oocyten sowie seine Fähigkeit, das Zona pellucida Protein 2 zu schneiden. Die dadurch bewirkte Verhärtung der Zona pellucida verhindert das Eindringen weiterer Spermien, das heißt sie baut eine Barriere gegen Polyspermie auf. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, Belege für die physiologische Funktion des Ovastacins zu finden. Vor allem galt es, potentielle Aktivatoren zu identifizieren, da das Enzym wie alle Astacine als inaktive Vorstufe gebildet wird, die proteolytisch aktiviert werden muss. Zu diesem Zweck exprimierte ich rekombinantes Pro-Ovastacin in Insektenzellen. Aktivierungsstudien in vitro zeigten, dass ein saures Milieu zu einer Aktivierung führt, ohne die Abspaltung des Propeptids zu bewirken. Sequenzalignments und ein homologes Strukturmodell des Ovastacins wiesen auf Trypsin- oder Elastase-ähnliche Serinproteasen als potentielle Aktivierungsenzyme hin. Tatsächlich konnte mit diesen beiden Proteasetypen zum ersten Mal aktives Ovastacin aus Pro-Ovastacin erzeugt werden. Trypsin kommt als physiologischer Aktivator allerdings nicht in Betracht, da es bisher in keinem der Gewebe nachgewiesen werden konnte, in dem Ovastacin exprimiert wird. Die neutrophile Elastase dagegen konnte in der Leber, im Herz sowie im Blutplasma nachgewiesen werden. Mit Hilfe spezifischer Antikörper konnte das Herz als Expressionsort für Ovastacin bestätigt werden. Somit wäre Elastase ein potentieller physiologischer Aktivator von Ovastacin. Die Identifikation des Ovastacins in Geweben wie Leber, Herz, Nabelschnur und im Blutplasma weist auf eine Rolle der Protease in proteolytischen Netzwerken außerhalb der Spermien-Ei-Interaktion hin. Die Bedeutung der biologischen Kontrolle des Ovastacins bei der Befruchtung der Säugereizelle wird durch die Beobachtung untermauert, dass das Leberprotein Fetuin B als physiologischer Ovastacininhibitor fungiert und dadurch eine vorzeitige Verhärtung der Zona pellucida verhindert, die andernfalls die Penetration von Spermien prinzipiell verhindern würde.


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Vascular and soft tissue calcification contributes to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in both the general population and CKD. Because calcium and phosphate serum concentrations are near supersaturation, the balance of inhibitors and promoters critically influences the development of calcification. An assay that measures the overall propensity for calcification to occur in serum may have clinical use. Here, we describe a nanoparticle-based assay that detects, in the presence of artificially elevated calcium and phosphate concentrations, the spontaneous transformation of spherical colloidal primary calciprotein particles (CPPs) to elongate crystalline secondary CPPs. We used characteristics of this transition to describe the intrinsic capacity of serum to inhibit the precipitation of calcium and phosphate. Using this assay, we found that both the sera of mice deficient in fetuin-A, a serum protein that inhibits calcification, and the sera of patients on hemodialysis have reduced intrinsic properties to inhibit calcification. In summary, we developed a nanoparticle-based test that measures the overall propensity for calcification in serum. The clinical use of the test requires evaluation in a prospective study.


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The in vivo roles of meprin metalloproteases in pathophysiological conditions remain elusive. Substrates define protease roles. Therefore, to identify natural substrates for human meprin α and β we employed TAILS (terminal amine isotopic labeling of substrates), a proteomics approach that enriches for N-terminal peptides of proteins and cleavage fragments. Of the 151 new extracellular substrates we identified, it was notable that ADAM10 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease domain-containing protein 10)-the constitutive α-secretase-is activated by meprin β through cleavage of the propeptide. To validate this cleavage event, we expressed recombinant proADAM10 and after preincubation with meprin β, this resulted in significantly elevated ADAM10 activity. Cellular expression in murine primary fibroblasts confirmed activation. Other novel substrates including extracellular matrix proteins, growth factors and inhibitors were validated by western analyses and enzyme activity assays with Edman sequencing confirming the exact cleavage sites identified by TAILS. Cleavages in vivo were confirmed by comparing wild-type and meprin(-/-) mice. Our finding of cystatin C, elafin and fetuin-A as substrates and natural inhibitors for meprins reveal new mechanisms in the regulation of protease activity important for understanding pathophysiological processes.


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Medial arterial calcification is accelerated in patients with CKD and strongly associated with increased arterial rigidity and cardiovascular mortality. Recently, a novel in vitro blood test that provides an overall measure of calcification propensity by monitoring the maturation time (T50) of calciprotein particles in serum was described. We used this test to measure serum T50 in a prospective cohort of 184 patients with stages 3 and 4 CKD, with a median of 5.3 years of follow-up. At baseline, the major determinants of serum calcification propensity included higher serum phosphate, ionized calcium, increased bone osteoclastic activity, and lower free fetuin-A, plasma pyrophosphate, and albumin concentrations, which accounted for 49% of the variation in this parameter. Increased serum calcification propensity at baseline independently associated with aortic pulse wave velocity in the complete cohort and progressive aortic stiffening over 30 months in a subgroup of 93 patients. After adjustment for demographic, renal, cardiovascular, and biochemical covariates, including serum phosphate, risk of death among patients in the lowest T50 tertile was more than two times the risk among patients in the highest T50 tertile (adjusted hazard ratio, 2.2; 95% confidence interval, 1.1 to 5.4; P=0.04). This effect was lost, however, after additional adjustment for aortic stiffness, suggesting a shared causal pathway. Longitudinally, serum calcification propensity measurements remained temporally stable (intraclass correlation=0.81). These results suggest that serum T50 may be helpful as a biomarker in designing methods to improve defenses against vascular calcification.


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BACKGROUND The mechanisms of childhood and perinatal arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) are poorly understood. Multiple risk factors include cerebral arteriopathy, congenital cardiac disease, infection, sickle cell disease, and maternal-fetal conditions in neonates. For infections and parainfectious conditions being the most important a possible inflammatory pathophysiology has long been suspected. This pilot study aims to detect, whether there are any abnormalities of inflammatory markers associated with childhood and neonatal stroke. METHODS The concentration of 23 different metalloproteinases (MMPs), tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs), endothelial factors, vascular cell adhesion proteins, and cytokines in plasma were measured in 12 children with AIS, 7 healthy age matched controls and 6 full term neonates with perinatal AIS. RESULTS At the time of the acute event children with AIS had significantly elevated levels of MMP-9, TIMP4, IL-6, IL-8 and CRP compared to controls (p < 0.05). Except for lower IL-6 and CRP levels the pattern of children with a history of varizella-zoster virus (VZV) and other viral infections did not differ to the non-infectious group. Median levels of MMP-1, MMP-2, TIMP-1, TIMP-2, sE-selectin, sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-alpha, VEGF, Fetuin A were found to be higher in the neonatal group when compared with older children. CONCLUSION This pilot study supports the assumption of an inflammatory process and up-regulation of metalloproteinases and their inhibitors, and altered pattern of circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines, CRP and vWF levels in pediatric and neonatal AIS. It highlights the feasibility but also difficulties for similar larger future studies that should aim to clarify childhood stroke etiopathogenesis and consecutive further therapeutic options.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) is considered to be the major receptor for tumour promoting phorbol esters such as 12-0- tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). These agents evoke a plethora of biological effects on cells in culture. The growth of A549 human lung carcinoma cells maintained in medium fortified with 10% foetal calf serum (FCS) is arrested for 6 days by TPA and other biologically active phorbol esters. In the work described in this thesis, the hypothesis was tested that modulation of PKC activity is closely related to events pivotal for cytostasis to occur. The effect of several phorbol esters, of newly synthesized analogues of diacylglycerols (DAG) and of bryostatins (bryos) on cell growth and ability to modulate activity of PKC has been investigated.Determination of the subcellular distribution of PKC following treatment of cells with TPA and partial enzyme purification by non-denaturing poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed translocation of enzyme activity from cytosoUc to paniculate fraction. Chronic exposure of cells to TPA resulted in a time and concentration dependent degradation of enzyme activity. Synthetic DAG and DAG analogues, unable to arrest the growth of cells at non-toxic concentrations, were neither able to affect subcellular PKC distribution nor compete effectively for phorbol ester binding sites at physiologically relevant concentrations. Bryos 1,2,4 and 5, natural products, possessing antineoplastic activity in mice, elicited transient arrest of A549 cell growth in vitro. They successfully competed for phorbol ester receptors in A549 cells with exquisite affinity and induced a shift in sub-cellular PKC distribution, though not to the same extent as PTA. Enzyme down-regulation resulted from prolonged exposure of cells to nanomolar concentrations of bryos. In vivo studies demonstrated that neither PDBu nor bryo 1 was able to inhibit A549 xenograft growth in athymic mice. The growth of A549 cell populations cultured under conditions of serum-deprivation was inhibited only transiently by biologically active phorbol esters. Fortification of serum-free medium with EGF or fetuin was able to partially restore sensitivity to maintained growth arrest by PTA. PKC translocation to the paniculate cellular fraction and subsequent enzyme down-regulation, induced by TPA, occurred in a manner similar to that observed in serum-supplemented cells. However, total PKC activity and cytosolic phorbol ester binding potential were greatly reduced in the serum-deprived cell population. Western blot analysis using monospecific monoclonal antibodies revealed the presence of PKC-a in both A549 cell populations, with significantly reduced protein levels in serum- deprived cells. PKC-/9 was not detected in either cell population.


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Acute phase proteins (APPs) are proteins synthesised predominantly in the liver, whose plasma concentrations increase (positive APP) or decrease (negative APP) as a result of infection, inflammation, trauma and tissue injury. They also change as a result of the introduction of immunogens such as bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), turpentine and vaccination. While publications on APPs in chickens are numerous, the limited availability of anti-sera and commercial ELISAs has resulted in a lot of information on only a few APPs. Disease is a threat to the poultry industry, as pathogens have the potential to evolve, spread and cause rapid onset of disease that is detrimental to the welfare of birds. Low level, sub-acute disease with non-specific, often undiagnosed causes can greatly affect bird health and growth and impact greatly on productivity and profitability. Developing and validating methods to measure and characterise APPs in chickens will allow these proteins to be used diagnostically for monitoring flock health. Using immune parameters such as APPs that correlate with disease resistance or improvements in production and welfare will allow the use of APPs as selection parameters for breeding to be evaluated. For APPs to be useful parameters on which to evaluate chicken health, information on normal APP concentrations is required. Ceruloplasmin (Cp) and PIT54 concentrations were found to be much lower in healthy birds form commercial production farms than the reported normal values obtained from the literature. These APPs were found to be significantly higher in culled birds from a commercial farm and Cp, PIT54 and ovotransferrin (Ovt) were significantly higher in birds classified as having obvious gait defects. Using quantitative shotgun proteomics to identify the differentially abundant proteins between three pools: highly acute phase (HAP), acute phase (AP) and non-acute phase (NAP), generated data from which a selection of proteins, based on the fold difference between the three pools was made. These proteins were targeted on a individual samples alongside proteins known to be APPs in chickens or other species: serum amyloid A (SAA), C-reactive protein (CRP), Ovt, apolipoprotein A-I (apo-AI), transthyretin (Ttn), haemopexin (Hpx) and PIT54. Together with immunoassay data for SAA, Ovt, alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) and Cp the results of this research reveal that SAA is the only major APP in chickens. Ovotransferrin and AGP behave as moderate APPs while PIT54 and Cp are minor APPs. Haemopexin was not significantly different between the three acute phase groups. Apolipoprotein AI and Ttn were significantly lower in the HAP and AP groups and as such can be classed as negative APPs. In an effort to identify CRP, multiple anti-sera cross reacting with CRP from other species were used and a phosphorylcholine column known to affinity purify CRP were used. Enriched fractions containing low molecular weight proteins, elutions from the affinity column together with HAP, AP and NAP pooled samples were applied to a Q-Exactive Hybrid Quadrupole–Orbitrap mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific) for Shotgun analysis and CRP was not identified. It would appear that CRP is not present as a plasma protein constitutively or during an APR in chickens and as such is not an APP in this species. Of the proteins targeted as possible novel biomarkers of the APR in chickens mannan binding lectin associated serine protease-2, α-2-HS-glycoprotein (fetuin) and major facilitator superfamily domain-containing protein 10 were reduced in abundance in the HAP group, behaving as negative biomarkers. Myeloid protein and putative ISG(12)2 were positively associated with the acute phase being significantly higher in the HAP and AP groups. The protein cathepsin D was significantly higher in both HAP and AP compared to the NAP indicating that of all the proteins targeted, this appears to have the most potential as a biomarker of the acute phase, as it was significantly increased in the AP as well as the HAP group. To evaluate APPs and investigate biomarkers of intestinal health, a study using re-used poultry litter was undertaken. The introduction of litter at 12 days of age did not significantly increase any APPs measured using immunoassays and quantitative proteomics at 3, 6 and 10 days post introduction. While no APP was found to be significantly different between the challenged and control groups at anytime point, the APPs AGP, SAA and Hpx did increase over time in all birds. The protein apolipoprotein AIV (apo-AIV) was targeted as a possible APP and because of its reported role in controlling satiety. An ELISA was developed, successfully validated and used to measure apo-AIV in this study. While no significant differences in apo-AIV plasma concentrations between challenged and control groups were identified apo-AIV plasma concentrations did change significantly between certain time points in challenged and control groups. Apoliporotein AIV does not appear to behave as an APP in chickens, as it was not significantly different between acute phase groups. The actin associated proteins villin and gelsolin were investigated as possible biomarkers of intestinal health. Villin was found not to be present in the plasma of chickens and as such not a biomarker target. Gelsolin was found not to be differentially expressed during the acute phase or as a result of intestinal challenge. Finally a proteomic approach was undertaken to investigate gastrocnemius tendon (GT) rupture in broiler chickens with a view of elucidating to and identify proteins associated with risk of rupture. A number of proteins were found to be differentially expressed between tendon pools and further work would enable further detailing of these findings. In conclusion this work has made a number of novel findings and addressed a number of data poor areas. The area of chicken APPs research has stagnated over the last 15 years with publications becoming repetitive and reliant on a small number of immunoassays. This work has sought to characterise the classic APPs in chickens, and use a quantitative proteomic approach to measure and categorise them. This method was also used to take a fresh approach to biomarker identification for both the APR and intestinal health. The development and validation of assays for Ovt and apo-AIV and the shotgun data mean that these proteins can be further characterised in chickens with a view of applying their measurement to diagnostics and selective breeding programs.