29 resultados para fenofibrate


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O atual quadro de obesidade instalado no mundo estimula o estudo em busca de seu tratamento. O fenofibrato, um agonista PPAR-α, é usado atualmente para tratar a dislipidemia. No entanto, efeitos pleiotrópicos sobre a perda de massa corporal (MC) e redução nos depósitos de gordura necessitam de maiores estudos. O objetivo do trabalho foi examinar os efeitos do agonista PPAR-α fenofibrato sobre o gasto energético, MC, metabolismo de carboidratos, perfil secretor de adipocinas, plasticidade e termogênese do tecido adiposo branco subcutâneo (TABs) em camundongos com obesidade induzida por dieta. Este experimento foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética para Experimentação Animal local sob o protocolo CEUA/032/2013. Camundongos machos C57BL/6 de 3 meses foram divididos em dois grupos: dieta padrão (SC, 10% lipídios) e dieta hiperlipídica (HF, 50% de lipídios), as quais foram administradas durante 10 semanas para induzir o sobrepeso. Em seguida, foi iniciado o tratamento com fenofibrato (100 mg/kg MC, adicionado à dieta), formando quatro grupos: SC, SC-F, HF, HF-F. O tratamento teve duração de cinco semanas, com o total de 15 semanas de experimento. A análise estatística utilizou teste t de student no pré-tratamento e one way ANOVA seguida pelo pós-teste de Holm-Sidak durante o tratamento. O two way ANOVA foi utilizado para testar possíveis interações entre dieta e tratamento. O nível de significância P<0,05 foi considerado estatisticamente significativo. O grupo HF apresentou sobrepeso, resistência à insulina, além de remodelamento do tecido adiposo branco subcutâneo (TABs). O fenofibrato atenuou significativamente estes parâmetros (P<0,05). Os grupos tratados apresentaram formação de células beges no TABs, confirmado através de maior expressão gênica do PPAR-α, PPAR-β, PGC1-α, BMP8, UCP-1, PRDM16 e FNDC5/Irisina nos grupos tratados do que em suas contrapartes (P<0,05). O tratamento com fenofibrato também foi capaz de aumentar os niveis plasmáticos de FNDC5/Irisina em ambos os grupos tratados (P<0,005). Os grupos SC-F e HF-F apresentaram aumento do gasto energético, a produção de CO2 e consumo de O2 após o tratamento com fenofibrato (P<0,05). A ativação do PPAR-α parece ser fundamental para provocar browning através da indução da irisina e da transcrição de UCP-1. O fenofibrato restaurou a MC, a sensibilidade à insulina e a morfometria do TABs. Relevantemente, o fenofibrato aumentou a expressão de genes tipicamente expressos no tecido adiposo marrom no TABs, evidenciando a plasticidade do TABs em células beges com capacidade termogênica, caracterizando o browning.


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The objective of this thesis was to improve the dissolution rate of the poorly waters-soluble drug, fenofibrate by processing it with a high surface area carrier, mesoporous silica. The subsequent properties of the drug – silica composite were studied in terms of drug distribution within the silica matrix, solid state and release properties. Prior to commencing any experimental work, the properties of unprocessed mesoporous silica and fenofibrate were characterised (chapter 3), this allowed for comparison with the processed samples studied in later chapters. Fenofibrate was a highly stable, crystalline drug that did not adsorb moisture, even under long term accelerated storage conditions. It maintained its crystallinity even after SC-CO2 processing. Its dissolution rate was limited and dependent on the characteristics of the particular in vitro media studied. Mesoporous silica had a large surface area and mesopore volume and readily picked up moisture when stored under long term accelerated storage conditions (75% RH, 40 oC). It maintained its mesopore character after SC-CO2 processing. A variety of methods were employed to process fenofibrate with mesoporous silica including physical mixing, melt method, solvent impregnation and novel methods such as liquid and supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) (chapter 4). It was found that it was important to break down the fenofibrate particulate structure to a molecular state to enable drug molecules enter into the silica mesopores. While all processing methods led to some increase in fenofibrate release properties; the impregnation, liquid and SC-CO2 methods produced the most rapid release rates. SC-CO2 processing was further studied with a view to optimising the processing parameters to achieve the highest drug-loading efficiency possible (chapter 5). In this thesis, it was that SC-CO2 processing pressure had a bearing on drug-loading efficiency. Neither pressure, duration or depressurisation rate affected drug solid state or release properties. The amount of drug that could be loaded onto to the mesoporous silica successfully was also investigated at different ratios of drug mass to silica surface area under constant SC-CO2 conditions; as the drug – silica ratio increased, the drug-loading efficiency decreased, while there was no effect on drug solid state or release properties. The influence of the number of drug-loading steps was investigated (chapter 6) with a view to increasing the drug-loading efficiency. This multiple step approach did not yield an increase in drug-loading efficiency compared to the single step approach. It was also an objective in this chapter to understand how much drug could be loaded into silica mesopores; a method based on the known volume of the mesopores and true density of drug was investigated. However, this approach led to serious repercussions in terms of the subsequent solid state nature of the drug and its release performance; there was significant drug crystallinity and reduced release extent. The impact of in vitro release media on fenofibrate release was also studied (chapter 6). Here it was seen that media containing HCl led to reduced drug release over time compared to equivalent media not containing HCl. The key findings of this thesis are discussed in chapter 7 and included: 1. Drug – silica processing method strongly influenced drug distribution within the silica matrix, drug solid state and release. 2. The silica surface area and mesopore volume also influenced how much drug could be loaded. It was shown that SC-CO2 processing variables such as processing pressure (13.79 – 41.37 MPa), duration time (4 – 24 h) and depressurisation rate (rapid or controlled) did not influence the drug distribution within the SBA- 15 matrix, drug solid state form or release. Possible avenues of research to be considered going forward include the development and application of high resolution imaging techniques to visualise drug molecules within the silica mesopores. Also, the issues surrounding SBA-15 usage in a pharmaceutical manufacturing environment should be addressed.


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Obese AT (adipose tissue) exhibits increased macrophage number. Pro-inflammatory CD16+ peripheral monocyte numbers are also reported to increase with obesity. The present study was undertaken to simultaneously investigate obesity-associated changes in CD16+ monocytes and ATMs (AT macrophages). In addition, a pilot randomized placebo controlled trial using the PPAR (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor) agonists, pioglitazone and fenofibrate was performed to determine their effects on CD14+/CD16+ monocytes, ATM and cardiometabolic and adipose dysfunction indices. Obese glucose-tolerant men (n=28) were randomized to placebo, pioglitazone (30 mg/day) and fenofibrate (160 mg/day) for 12 weeks. A blood sample was taken to assess levels of serum inflammatory markers and circulating CD14+/CD16+ monocyte levels via flow cytometry. A subcutaneous AT biopsy was performed to determine adipocyte cell surface and ATM number, the latter was determined via assessment of CD68 expression by IHC (immunohistochemistry) and real-time PCR. Subcutaneous AT mRNA expression of CEBPß (CCAAT enhancer-binding protein ß), SREBP1c (sterol-regulatory-element-binding protein 1c), PPAR?2, IRS-1 (insulin receptor substrate-1), GLUT4 (glucose transporter type 4) and TNFa (tumour necrosis factor a) were also assessed. Comparisons were made between obese and lean controls (n=16) at baseline, and pre- and post-PPAR agonist treatment. Obese individuals had significantly increased adipocyte cell surface, percentage CD14+/CD16+ monocyte numbers and ATM number (all P=0.0001). Additionally, serum TNF-a levels were significantly elevated (P=0.017) and adiponectin levels reduced (total: P=0.0001; high: P=0.022) with obesity. ATM number and percentage of CD14+/CD16+ monocytes correlated significantly (P=0.05). Pioglitazone improved adiponectin levels significantly (P=0.0001), and resulted in the further significant enlargement of adipocytes (P=0.05), without effect on the percentage CD14+/CD16+ or ATM number. Pioglitazone treatment also significantly increased subcutaneous AT expression of CEBPß mRNA. The finding that improvements in obesity-associated insulin resistance following pioglitazone were associated with increased adipocyte cell surface and systemic adiponectin levels, supports the centrality of AT to the cardiometabolic derangement underlying the development of T2D (Type 2 diabetes) and CVD (cardiovascular disease).


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Retinal vascular leakage, inflammation, and neovascularization (NV) are features of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Fenofibrate, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor a (PPARa) agonist, has shown robust protective effects against DR in type 2 diabetic patients, but its effects on DR in type 1 diabetes have not been reported. This study evaluated the efficacy of fenofibrate on DR in type 1 diabetes models and determined if the effect is PPARa dependent. Oral administration of fenofibrate significantly ameliorated retinal vascular leakage and leukostasis in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and in Akita mice. Favorable effects on DR were also achieved by intravitreal injection of fenofibrate or another specific PPARa agonist. Fenofibrate also ameliorated retinal NV in the oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) model and inhibited tube formation and migration in cultured endothelial cells. Fenofibrate also attenuated overexpression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and blocked activation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 and nuclear factor-?B in the retinas of OIR and diabetic models. Fenofibrate's beneficial effects were blocked by a specific PPARa antagonist. Furthermore, Ppara knockout abolished the fenofibrate-induced downregulation of VEGF and reduction of retinal vascular leakage in DR models. These results demonstrate therapeutic effects of fenofibrate on DR in type 1 diabetes and support the existence of the drug target in ocular tissues and via a PPARa-dependent mechanism.


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Clinical epidemiological studies have revealed relatively weak, yet statistically significant, associations between dyslipidemia/dyslipoproteinemia and diabetic retinopathy (DR). Recent large interventional studies, however, demonstrated an unexpectedly robust efficacy of fenofibrate on the development of DR, possibly independent of plasma lipids. To unify the apparent discrepancies, we hypothesize that plasma lipoproteins play an indirect but important role in DR, contingent on the integrity of the blood-retina-barrier (BRB). In retinas with an intact BRB, plasma lipoproteins may be largely irrelevant; however, important effects become operative after the BRB is impaired in diabetes, leading to lipoprotein extravasation and subsequent modification, hence toxicity to the neighbouring retinal cells. In this hypothesis, BRB leakage is the key, plasma lipoprotein concentrations mainly modulate its consequences, and fenofibrate has intra-retinal actions. This review summarizes our current knowledge of the direct effects and mechanisms of modified lipoproteins on retinal cells and their potential contribution to the pathogenesis of DR.


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L’activité catalytique du cytochrome P450 dépend de la disponibilité d’électrons produits par la NADPH P450 réductase (NPR). Notre étude a pour but de déterminer comment l’expression de la NPR est modulée chez le lapin. Afin de comprendre comment l’expression de la NPR est modulée, des hépatocytes de lapins témoins ont été incubés pendant 2, 4, 24 et 48 heures en présence de plusieurs activateurs de facteurs de transcription connus du cytochrome P450. De plus, des lapins ayant reçu une injection sous-cutanée de térébenthine afin de produire une réaction inflammatoire aseptique sont sacrifiés 48 heures plus tard dans le but d’étudier les effets de l’inflammation sur l’expression de la NPR. La rosiglitazone, le fénofibrate, l’acétate de plomb et le chlorure de cobalt (des inducteurs des PPAR, PPAR, AP-1 et HIF-1), après 48 heures d’incubation, n’ont provoqué aucun changement d’expression ou d’activité de la NPR. Après 48 heures d’incubation, la dexaméthasone (Dexa) a augmenté la quantité d’ARNm (QT-PCR), l’expression et l’activité de la NPR (p<0,05), en plus d’augmenter l’ARNm des récepteurs nucléaires CAR (récepteur constitutif à l’androstane) et PXR (récepteur X prégnane) (p<0.05). Le phénobarbital (PB) a augmenté seulement l’activité de la NPR (p<0.05). Par contre, après 48 heures d’incubation, la combinaison PB et Dexa a augmenté la quantité d’ARNm, ainsi que l’expression et l’activité de la NPR (p<0.05). La combinaison de PB et Dexa a induit une augmentation d’ARNm des récepteurs nucléaires CAR, PXR et RXR (récepteur X du rétinoïde) plus précocement, soit après 2 heures d’incubation (p<0.05). Le PD098059 (PD), un bloqueur de l’activation de MAPK1 (mitogen-activated protein kinase), et l’acide okadaïque (OA), un inhibiteur de la protéine phosphatase 2A (PP2A), ont bloqué l'augmentation d'expression et d'activité de la NPR induite par le PB après 48 heures d’incubation. La réaction inflammatoire aseptique a diminué l’expression et l’activité de la NPR après 48 heures d’incubation (p<0.05). On conclue que la dexaméthasone et le phénobarbital sont des inducteurs potentiels de la NPR et que les voies de signalisation de CAR, PXR et RXR semblent être impliquées dans le contrôle de cette induction. Des études supplémentaires devront être complétées afin de confirmer ces résultats préliminaires.


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AIDA-I (adhesin involved in diffuse adherence) est une importante adhésine autotransporteur exprimée par certaines souches de Escherichia. coli impliquée dans la colonisation des porcelets sevrés causant la diarrhée post-sevrage et la maladie de l’œdème. Une précédente étude de notre laboratoire a identifié l’apolipoprotéine AI (ApoAI) du sérum porcin, la protéine structurale des lipoprotéines à haute densité, comme récepteur cellulaire putatif de AIDA-I. L’interaction entre ces deux protéines doit être caractérisée. Ici, nous montrons par ELISA que AIDA-I purifiée est capable d’interagir avec l’ApoAI humaine, mais également avec les apolipoprotéines B et E2. L’ApoAI est rencontrée sous deux formes, soit libre ou associée aux lipides. Nous montrons que la forme libre n’interagit pas avec les bactéries AIDA-I+ mais s’associe spécifiquement à l’ApoAI membranaire de cellules épithéliales HEp-2. Afin d’étudier le rôle de l’ApoAI dans l’adhésion des bactéries, nous avons infecté des cellules HEp-2 en présence d’anticorps dirigés contre l’ApoAI, mais l’adhésion des bactéries AIDA I+ n’a jamais été réduite. De plus, l’induction de l’expression de l’ApoAI par fénofibrate et GW7647 chez les cellules Caco 2 polarisée et Hep G2, n’a pas permis l’augmentation de l’adhésion cellulaire des E. coli exprimant AIDA-I. Notre étude suggère davantage que l’interaction entre AIDA-I et ApoAI n’intervient pas dans les mécanismes d’adhésion cellulaire.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this study a novel method MicroJet reactor technology was developed to enable the custom preparation of nanoparticles. rnDanazol/HPMCP HP50 and Gliclazide/Eudragit S100 nanoparticles were used as model systems for the investigation of effects of process parameters and microjet reactor setup on the nanoparticle properties during the microjet reactor construction. rnFollowing the feasibility study of the microjet reactor system, three different nanoparticle formulations were prepared using fenofibrate as model drug. Fenofibrate nanoparticles stabilized with poloxamer 407 (FN), fenofibrate nanoparticles in hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose phthalate (HPMCP) matrix (FHN) and fenofibrate nanoparticles in HPMCP and chitosan matrix (FHCN) were prepared under controlled precipitation using MicroJet reactor technology. Particle sizes of all the nanoparticle formulations were adjusted to 200-250 nm. rnThe changes in the experimental parameters altered the system thermodynamics resulting in the production of nanoparticles between 20-1000 nm (PDI<0.2) with high drug loading efficiencies (96.5% in 20:1 polymer:drug ratio).rnDrug releases from all nanoparticle formulations were fast and complete after 15 minutes both in FaSSIF and FeSSIF medium whereas in mucodhesiveness tests, only FHCN formulation was found to be mucoadhesive. Results of the Caco-2 studies revealed that % dose absorbed values were significantly higher (p<0.01) for FHCN in both cases where FaSSIF and FeSSIF were used as transport buffer.rn


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Biorelevante Medien sind entwickelt worden, um die Bedingungen im Magen-Darm-Trakt vor und nach der Mahlzeit zu imitieren. Mit FaSSIF und FeSSIF wurden Medien eingeführt, die nicht nur die pH- und Puffer-Kapazität des Dünndarms widerspiegeln, sondern auch Lipid und physiologische Tensid-Arten enthalten. Diese Medien (FaSSIF-V2 und FaSSlFmod6.5) wurden für Bioverfügbarkeitstudien in der Medikamentenentwicklung im Laufe der Jahre kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt. Dennoch sind die auf dem Markt verfügbaren Medien immer noch nicht in der Lage, die realen physiologischen Bedingungen zu simulieren. In der jetzigen Zusammensetzung sind nicht alle Kompetenten enthalten, welche natürlicher Weise im Duodenum vorkommen. Darüber hinaus wird nur eine 1:5 Verdünnung von FeSSIF zu FaSSIF angenommen, die individuelle Wasserzufuhr bei Medikamentengabe wird hierdurch jedoch nur eingeschränkt simuliert, obwohl diese von Patient zu Patient schwanken kann. rnZiel dieser Dissertation war die Verbesserung der Vorhersage der Auflösung und Absorption lipophiler Arzneistoffe durch Simulation der Bedingungen im zweiten Teil des Zwölffingerdarms mit neuen biorelevanten Medien, sowie unter Einwirkung zusätzlicher Detergention als Wirkstoffträger. rnUm den Effekt der Verdünnungsrate und Zeit im Dünndarm zu untersuchen, wurde die Entwicklung der Nanopartikel in der Magen-Darm-Flüssigkeit FaSSIFmod6.5 zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten und Wassergehalten untersucht. Dafür wurden kinetische Studien an verschieden konzentrierten Modellmedien nach Verdünnungssprung untersucht. Das Modell entspricht der Vermischung der Gallenflüssigkeit mit dem Darminhalt bei variablem Volumen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Art und Größe der Nanopartikel stark von Verdünnung und Einirkungszeit abhängen. rnrnDie menschliche Darmflüssigkeit enthält Cholesterin, welches in allen früheren Modellmedien fehlt. Daher wurden biokompatible und physiologische Modellflüssigkeiten, FaSSIF-C, entwickelt. Der Cholesteringehalt von FaSSIF - 7C entspricht der Gallenflüssigkeit einer gesunden Frau, FaSSIF - 10C der einer gesunden männlichen Person und FaSSIF - 13C der in einigen Krankheitszuständen. Die intestinale Teilchen-Struktur-Untersuchung mit dynamische Lichtstreuung (DLS) und Neutronen-Kleinwinkelstreuung (SANS) ergab, dass die Korngröße von Vesikeln mit zunehmender Cholesterin-Konzentration abnahm. Zu hohe Cholesterin-Konzentration bewirkte zusätzlich sehr große Partikel, welche vermutlich aus Cholesterin-reichen “Disks“ bestehen. Die Löslichkeiten einiger BCS Klasse II Wirkstoffe (Fenofibrat, Griseofulvin, Carbamazepin, Danazol) in diesen neuen Medien zeigten, dass die Löslichkeit in unterschiedlicher Weise mit der Cholesteringehalt zusammen hing und dieser Effekt selektiv für die Droge war. rnDarüber hinaus wurde die Wirkung von einigen Tensiden auf die kolloidale Struktur und Löslichkeit von Fenofibrat in FaSSIFmod6.5 und FaSSIF -7C untersucht. Struktur und Löslichkeit waren Tensid- und Konzentrations-abhängig. Im Falle von FaSSIFmod6.5 zeigten die Ergebnisse eine dreifache Verzweigung der Lösungswege. Im Bereich mittlerer Tensidkonzentration wurde eine Löslichkeitslücke der Droge zwischen der Zerstörung der Galle-Liposomen und der Bildung von Tensid-reichen Mizellen beobachtet. In FaSSIF - 7C, zerstörten Tenside in höherer Konzentration die Liposomenstruktur trotz der allgemeinen Stabilisierung der Membranen durch Cholesterin. rnDie in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Ergebnisse ergeben, dass die Anwesenheit von Cholesterin als eine fehlende Komponente der menschlichen Darmflüssigkeit in biorelevanten Medien wichtig ist und dazu beitragen kann, das in vivo Verhalten schwerlöslicher Arzneistoffe im Körper besser vorhersagen zu können. Der Verdünnungsgrad hat einen Einfluss auf die Nanopartikel-Struktur und Tenside beeinflussen die Löslichkeit von Medikamenten in biorelevanten Medien: Dieser Effekt ist sowohl von der Konzentration das Tensids abhängig, als auch dessen Typ.rnrn


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Visceral fat differs from subcutaneous fat by higher local inflammation and increased release of IL-6 and free fatty acids (FFA) which contribute to hepatic steatosis. IL-6 has been shown to upregulate the monocyte/macrophage specific receptor CD163 whose soluble form, sCD163, is increased in inflammatory diseases. Here, it was analyzed whether CD163 and sCD163 are differentially expressed in the human fat depots and fatty liver. CD163 mRNA and protein were similarly expressed in paired samples of human visceral and subcutaneous fat, and comparable levels in portal venous and systemic venous blood of liver-healthy controls indicate that release of sCD163 from visceral adipose tissue was not increased. CD163 was also similarly expressed in steatotic liver when compared to non-steatotic tissues and sCD163 was almost equal in the respective sera. Concentrations of sCD163 were not affected when passing the liver excluding substantial hepatic removal/release of this protein. A high concentration of IL-6 upregulated CD163 protein while physiological doses had no effect. However, sCD163 was not increased by any of the IL-6 doses tested. FFA even modestly decreased CD163 and sCD163. The anti-inflammatory mediators fenofibrate, pioglitazone, and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) did not influence sCD163 levels while CD163 was reduced by EPA. These data suggest that in humans neither visceral fat nor fatty liver are major sources of sCD163.


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Activation of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) is associated with increased fatty acid catabolism and is commonly targeted for the treatment of hyperlipidemia. To identify latent, endogenous biomarkers of PPARalpha activation and hence increased fatty acid beta-oxidation, healthy human volunteers were given fenofibrate orally for 2 weeks and their urine was profiled by UPLC-QTOFMS. Biomarkers identified by the machine learning algorithm random forests included significant depletion by day 14 of both pantothenic acid (>5-fold) and acetylcarnitine (>20-fold), observations that are consistent with known targets of PPARalpha including pantothenate kinase and genes encoding proteins involved in the transport and synthesis of acylcarnitines. It was also concluded that serum cholesterol (-12.7%), triglycerides (-25.6%), uric acid (-34.7%), together with urinary propylcarnitine (>10-fold), isobutyrylcarnitine (>2.5-fold), (S)-(+)-2-methylbutyrylcarnitine (5-fold), and isovalerylcarnitine (>5-fold) were all reduced by day 14. Specificity of these biomarkers as indicators of PPARalpha activation was demonstrated using the Ppara-null mouse. Urinary pantothenic acid and acylcarnitines may prove useful indicators of PPARalpha-induced fatty acid beta-oxidation in humans. This study illustrates the utility of a pharmacometabolomic approach to understand drug effects on lipid metabolism in both human populations and in inbred mouse models.


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Aim Cardiovascular disease (CVD) rates are substantially higher among patients with Type 2 diabetes than in the general population. The objective of this study was to identify the determinants of carotid intima media thickness (IMT) in patients with Type 2 diabetes. Methods We measured the thickness of the intima media layer of the carotid artery, a strong predictor of the risk of future vascular events, in 397 Type 2 diabetic patients drawn from the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes study, prior to treatment allocation. Results The mean IMT was 0.78 mm [interquartile range (IQR) 0.23 mm], and the maximum IMT was 1.17 mm (IQR 0.36 mm). By multivariate analysis, age, sex, duration of diabetes, triglycerides, and total cholesterol were independently correlated with IMT, as was urine albumin-creatinine ratio (ACR) (P < 0.001). The effect of ACR on IMT was further examined by tertile. Clinically significant differences in IMT were associated with ACR > 0.65 mg/mmol, approximately one-fifth the standard clinical threshold for microalbuminuria (P < 0.01). Long-term diabetes, independent of other parameters, was associated with a 50% increase in age-related thickening. Conclusions IMT in people with Type 2 diabetes is independently and continuously related to urine albumin levels and to the duration of diabetes. These results support previous data linking urine albumin measurements within the normal range with increased ischaemic cardiac mortality in the setting of Type 2 diabetes, and strongly suggest that urine albumin levels within this range should trigger a formal evaluation for CVD.


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OBJECTIVE: Low HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) and small HDL particle size may directly promote hyperglycemia. We evaluated associations of HDL-C, apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), and HDL-C/apoA-I with insulin secretion, insulin resistance, HbA1c, and long-term glycemic deterioration, reflected by initiation of pharmacologic glucose control.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: The 5-year Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) study followed 9,795 type 2 diabetic subjects. We calculated baseline associations of fasting HDL-C, apoA-I, and HDL-C/apoA-I with HbA1c and, in those not taking exogenous insulin (n = 8,271), with estimated β-cell function (homeostasis model assessment of β-cell function [HOMA-B]) and insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). Among the 2,608 subjects prescribed lifestyle only, Cox proportional hazards analysis evaluated associations of HDL-C, apoA-I, and HDL-C/apoA-I with subsequent initiation of oral hypoglycemic agents (OHAs) or insulin.

RESULTS: Adjusted for age and sex, baseline HDL-C, apoA-I, and HDL-C/apoA-I were inversely associated with HOMA-IR (r = -0.233, -0.134, and -0.230; all P < 0.001; n = 8,271) but not related to HbA1c (all P > 0.05; n = 9,795). ApoA-I was also inversely associated with HOMA-B (r = -0.063; P = 0.002; n = 8,271) adjusted for age, sex, and HOMA-IR. Prospectively, lower baseline HDL-C and HDL-C/apoA-I levels predicted greater uptake (per 1-SD lower: hazard ratio [HR] 1.13 [CI 1.07-1.19], P < 0.001; and HR 1.16 [CI 1.10-1.23], P < 0.001, respectively) and earlier uptake (median 12.9 and 24.0 months, respectively, for quartile 1 vs. quartile 4; both P < 0.01) of OHAs and insulin, with no difference in HbA1c thresholds for initiation (P = 0.87 and P = 0.81). Controlling for HOMA-IR and triglycerides lessened both associations, but HDL-C/apoA-I remained significant.

CONCLUSIONS: HDL-C, apoA-I, and HDL-C/apoA-I were associated with concurrent insulin resistance but not HbA1c. However, lower HDL-C and HDL-C/apoA-I predicted greater and earlier need for pharmacologic glucose control.