987 resultados para feminist post-humanism


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This thesis builds on the scholarship and practical know-how that have emerged from digital storytelling projects around the world with diverse groups of participants in a range of institutions. I have used the results of these projects to explore the opportunities Digital Storytelling workshop practice may hold for women’s participation in the public sphere in Turkey. Through theoretical discussion and practical experimentation, I examine the potential of Digital Storytelling workshop practice as a means to promote agency and self-expression in a feminist activist organisation, focusing in particular on whether Digital Storytelling can be used as a change agent – as a tool for challenging the idea of public sphere in ways that make it more inclusive of women’s participation. The thesis engages with feminist scholarship’s critiques of the public/private dichotomy, as well as the concept of gender, to seek connections with narrative identity in the light of the analysis of the Digital Storytelling workshops and the digital stories that were created in a feminist context. The study on which this thesis is based saw the introduction of Digital Storytelling to Turkey for the first time through workshops in Istanbul and Antakya, conducted in partnership with the feminist activist organisation Amargi Women’s Academy. Applying the principles of feminist post-structuralist discourse analysis as used by Judith Baxter (2003), I examine two sets of data collected in this project. First, I analyse the interactions during the Digital Storytelling workshops, where women from Amargi created their digital stories in a collaborative setting. This is done through participatory observation notes and in-depth interviews with the workshop participants and facilitators. Second, I seek to uncover the strategies that these women used to ‘speak back to power’ in their digital stories, reading these as texts. I conclude that women from the Amargi network used the workshops to create digital content in order to communicate their concerns about issues that can be classified as gender-specific matters. During this process, they also cooperated, established new connections, and at the end of the process even defined new ways of using, circulating and repurposing their digital stories for feminist activism in Turkey. My research thereby contributes equally to feminist discourse analysis, the study of new-media usage and uptake among non-professionals, and the study of media–public sphere interactions in a particular national setting: Turkey. My conclusion indicates that the process of production is as important as the product itself, and from that I am able to draw out some strategies for developing digitally equipped women’s activism in Turkey.


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'To Tremble the Zero: Art in the Age of Algorithmic Reproduction' is a philosophic, political and sensuous journey playing with (and against) Benjamin's 'Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction'. In an age inundated by the 'post-': postmodernity, posthuman, post art, postsexual, post-feminist, post-society, post-nation, etc, 'To Tremble the Zero' sets out to re/present the nature of what it means to do or make 'art', as well as what it means to be or have 'human/ity' when the ground is nothing other than the fractal, and algorithmically infinite, combinations of zero and one. The work will address also the unfortunate way in which modern forms of metaphysics continue to creep 'unsuspectingly' into our understanding of contemporary media/electronic arts, despite (or perhaps even because of) the attempts by Latour, Badiou, or Agamben especially when addressing the zero/one as if a contradictory 'binary' rather than as a kind of 'slice' or (to use Deleuze and Guattari) an immanent plane of immanence. This work argues that by retrieving Benjamin, Einstein, Gödel, and Haraway, a rather different story of art can be told.


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While spatial justice could be the most radical offspring of law’s recent spatial turn, it remains instead a geographically informed version of social justice. The majority of the existing literature on the subject has made some politically facile assumptions about space, justice and law, thereby subsuming the potentially radical into the banal. In this article, I suggest that the concept of spatial justice is the most promising platform on which to redefine, not only the connection between law and geography, but more importantly, the conceptual foundations of both law and space. More concretely, the article attempts two things: first, a radical understanding of legal spatiality. Space is not just another parameter for law, a background against which law takes place, or a process that the law needs to take into consideration. Space is intertwined with normative production in ways that law often fails to acknowledge, and part of this article is a re-articulation of the connection. Second, to suggest a conception of spatial justice that derives from a spatial law. Such a conception cannot rely on given concepts of distributive or social justice. Instead, the concept of spatial justice put forth here is informed by post-structural, feminist, post-ecological and other radical understandings of emplacement and justice, as well as arguably the most spatial of philosophical discourses, that of Deleuze–Guattari and the prescribed possibilities of space as manifold.


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This project is a deconstructive discourse analysis of smart girlhood. From a feminist post structural framework, with a focus on discourse and performative identity, I scrutinize three dominant discourses of smartness that are prevalent and academic and popular press. These constructions frame smart girls as being either Losers, Have-It-All Girls, or Imposters. By conducting semi-structured group interviews with six self-identified smart girls, I explore the question of how smart girls perform their smart girl identities in their current sociocultural context. After analyzing the data from the group interviews, I outline five themes that seem to be prevalent in the stories told by the smart girls in this thesis. Finally, I discuss how the performative identities of the smart girls in my thesis appear to be much more complex, multiple and rhizomatic than the discourses under review allow.


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The purpose of this research project was to explore how women lightweight rowers in Ontario negotiate their gender and body identity. Through a feminist post-structural lens I investigated both ‘acceptable’ and contradictory gender and sport performances that exist in the culture of rowing in order to understand how identity is constructed at the intersection of these discourses. My goal was to learn how human experiences are shaped by discourses of power, and resulting constructions of acceptable gender attributes. Seven university-aged lightweight women’s rowers were interviewed, and the following themes were uncovered: the women are constantly engaging in acts of bodily control; often body image is affected by participation in the sport; there are instances of femininity that exist within the culture of lightweight rowing; inequalities are present within the culture, as are excuse making practices; and the potential for resistance is extremely complicated.


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This study examines how children make sense of “anti-oppressive” children’s literature in the classroom, specifically, books that integrate and promote positive portrayals of gender non-conformity and sexual diversity. Through a feminist poststructural lens, I conducted ethnographic observations and reading groups with twenty students in a grade one/two classroom to explore how children engage with these storybooks. I further explored how the use of these books in the classroom might help to mediate and negotiate existing gendered and heteronormative beliefs and practices within educational settings. The books used in this study challenge oppressive gender and sexuality regimes within mainstream children’s literature that have traditionally served to marginalize and silence gender non-conforming and LGBTQ individuals. Responses from participants in this study aid in questioning how dominant discourses of gender and sexuality are produced and reinforced, as well as where we may find opportunities for change and reform within the elementary school classroom.


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Cette thèse analyse les incidences des avancées d’une rationalité technoscientifique sur les définitions classiques de l’humain. Elle discerne, dans sa présentation de ce phénomène, le lien entre la technoscience, la cybernétique et le posthumanisme qui en découle. Elle souligne les mutations et projets de remodèlement de l’humain qui traversent cette rationalité technoscientifique et son paradigme informationnel cybernéticien. Cette rationalité technoscientifique, polémique aux ontologies dites conservatrices, soutenant une vision amorale de la RDTS (Recherche & Développement technoscientifique), accouche d’un posthumanisme – en rapport difficile avec le corps – qui bouscule les définitions classiques de l’humain judéo-chrétien, dont l’anthropologie théologique évangélique. Traitant, dans une première grande section de trois chapitres, de la rationalité technoscientifique et de ses visions de l’humain, la thèse permet la mise en exergue des enjeux principaux se dégageant des nouveaux questionnements des anthropologies classiques soumises aux pressions de la RDTS. Dans la deuxième partie, encore de trois chapitres, qui porte sur l’anthropologie évangélique, la thèse situe les Évangéliques historiquement et doctrinalement, pour mieux relever les éléments identitaires du mouvement et les grandes déterminations théologiques à l’intérieur desquels se déploie cette anthropologie. La présentation de cette dernière se décline à partir des différentes compréhensions du motif anthropologique évangélique par excellence, l’imago Dei et le concept de l’unicité de l’humain dont les fondements semblent de plus en plus fragiles à la lumière des conclusions des recherches en paléontologie et en cognition animale. Si plusieurs défis importants sont posés à l’anthropologie évangélique, la thèse, se limitant à une critique évangélique de la rationalité technoscientifique et des réponses évangéliques à cette dernière, analyse une question essentielle pour la pensée évangélique, celle de l’humain homo ii faber et l’anthropotechnie, versus le remodèlement de l’humain autour des interrogations posthumanistes sur le corps et la question du salut. Cette thèse apporte une contribution 1) sur le plan de la synthèse qu’elle présente de l’anthropologie évangélique, 2) de la compréhension de l’identité évangélique, sa singularité et sa diversité, et 3) des manières dont une théologie évangélique peut entrer en dialogue avec la raison technoscientifique. Elle lève le voile sur l’utilisation tous azimuts du concept de l’imago Dei et de son insuffisance, à lui seul, pour apprécier les véritables enjeux du débat avec la rationalité technoscientique. Elle insinue que ce motif doit être analysé en conjonction avec la christologie dans l’approfondissement du Logos incarné, pour en mieux apprécier l'étendue. Ce n'est que dans ce lien qu’ont pu être trouvés des éléments capables d'articuler ce qui est en germe dans l'imago Dei et suggérer une définition de l’humain capable de prendre en considération les défis d’une rationalité technoscientifique et de son posthumanisme.


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This article outlines a process of using critical incidents to reflect on professional practice. The process begins, in this article, by observing and describing an 'incident' in a rock climbing teaching experience. Then, through a feminist post-structuralist lens, this 'ordinary' educational experience is analysed to reveal some of the underlying tendencies, patterns and values directing practice. Particular attention is given to exposing my role in maintaining and reproducing dominant discourses relating to socially differentiated gender identities. Finally, I explore pedagogies that will help lead students to understand their own and others' identities and provide alternative ways of being and valuing.


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This paper discusses pre-service teachers' responses to a critical analysis of gender/power relations using examples from a final assessment for an intensive elective unit called Teaching Sexuality in the Middle Years. This unit critically examines gender/ power relations, the production of difference, heteronormativity and pleasure and desire, employing a feminist post-structural framework. Despite the focus on critical thinking, reflection and interrogating structural inequalities in this unit some students were resistant or unable to engage with this approach in their assessments, although appearing to do so in workshops. We consider the broad range of sexuality education discourses mobilised by this unit to try to make sense of what looks like resistance but may be something more complex and difficult to negotiate. The paper ends with a consideration of some of the implications of this approach for practice.


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This work starts from the principle that the word humanism has been currently used to advocate certain behaviors or ways of acting which had been constituted for more than 2500 years, mainly in what refers to the most basic human values, which are clearly validated without any questioning. Humanism has been seen continually as a stone of civility touch. Thus, in 1999, the philosopher Peter Sloterdijk presented a conference in Baviera entitled Rules for the Human Zoo, whose subtitle was clear that it dealt with an answer to Martin Heidegger s text Letter on Humanism, basically showing that civility is necessarily bound to human domestication. So, the present work is split in three chapters. The first one aims to set the cultural and metaphysical bases of humanism. The second one will adopt an approach about what we will call epistolary humanism and its corollaries. Besides, in the third chapter, we will compose theoretical statements to the Heideggerian criticism against humanism and the post humanist contemporary proposition, as well as about the anthropotechnics. We can state that these two elements are considered as anthropological fundamentals of humanism and post humanism, and by understanding their mentioned historical relationship from their biological and ontological assumptions. Therefore, this work, which has been presented here, when it tries to map humanism under the theoretical influence of Sloterdijk, it distinguishes itself precisely by realizing the coherence with which he aims at diagnosing the directions of the contemporary humanism


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En las últimas fechas, los estudios de biopolítica y biopoder se han elevado significativamente. Es un asunto antiguo, presente en la filosofía griega y en su realidad. Es la vieja discusión de la relación y la intromisión de la política en la vida y la superación del Estado de naturaleza. La actualidad de la biopolítica se refleja en las dimensiones que adquiere la tecnología y en el asedio de los poderes globales contra la democracia. El cuerpo humano, entidad visible y externa, resiente toda clase de intervenciones y sujeciones encaminadas a la individualización y al establecimiento de una realidad totalitaria. La Biopolítica y la Tanatopolítica se entrelazan al administrar la vida y la muerte en una realidad escalofriante donde la técnica introduce el artificio más allá de lo natural. El cuerpo humano como zona fronteriza de lo natural y lo artificial expresa los alcances del post-humanismo. Una cultura física más equilibrada ayudaría a contener la deshumanización tan extendida, que reduce y degrada lo corporal a la vez, mientras los poderes someten, discriminan, intervienen a través de cuerpos cada vez más dóciles


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En las últimas fechas, los estudios de biopolítica y biopoder se han elevado significativamente. Es un asunto antiguo, presente en la filosofía griega y en su realidad. Es la vieja discusión de la relación y la intromisión de la política en la vida y la superación del Estado de naturaleza. La actualidad de la biopolítica se refleja en las dimensiones que adquiere la tecnología y en el asedio de los poderes globales contra la democracia. El cuerpo humano, entidad visible y externa, resiente toda clase de intervenciones y sujeciones encaminadas a la individualización y al establecimiento de una realidad totalitaria. La Biopolítica y la Tanatopolítica se entrelazan al administrar la vida y la muerte en una realidad escalofriante donde la técnica introduce el artificio más allá de lo natural. El cuerpo humano como zona fronteriza de lo natural y lo artificial expresa los alcances del post-humanismo. Una cultura física más equilibrada ayudaría a contener la deshumanización tan extendida, que reduce y degrada lo corporal a la vez, mientras los poderes someten, discriminan, intervienen a través de cuerpos cada vez más dóciles


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En las últimas fechas, los estudios de biopolítica y biopoder se han elevado significativamente. Es un asunto antiguo, presente en la filosofía griega y en su realidad. Es la vieja discusión de la relación y la intromisión de la política en la vida y la superación del Estado de naturaleza. La actualidad de la biopolítica se refleja en las dimensiones que adquiere la tecnología y en el asedio de los poderes globales contra la democracia. El cuerpo humano, entidad visible y externa, resiente toda clase de intervenciones y sujeciones encaminadas a la individualización y al establecimiento de una realidad totalitaria. La Biopolítica y la Tanatopolítica se entrelazan al administrar la vida y la muerte en una realidad escalofriante donde la técnica introduce el artificio más allá de lo natural. El cuerpo humano como zona fronteriza de lo natural y lo artificial expresa los alcances del post-humanismo. Una cultura física más equilibrada ayudaría a contener la deshumanización tan extendida, que reduce y degrada lo corporal a la vez, mientras los poderes someten, discriminan, intervienen a través de cuerpos cada vez más dóciles


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My thesis thinks through the ways Newtonian logics require linear mobility in order to produce narratives of progress. I argue that this linear mobility, and the resulting logics, potentially erases the chaotic and non-linear motions that are required to navigate a colonial landscape. I suggest that these non-linear movements produce important critiques of the seeming stasis of colonial constructs and highlight the ways these logics must appear neutral and scientific in an attempt to conceal the constant and complex adjustments these frameworks require. In order to make room for these complex motions, I develop a quantum intervention. Specifically, I use quantum physics as a metaphor to think through the significance of black life, the double-consciousness ofland, and the intricate motions of sound. In order to put forth this intervention, I look at news coverage of Hurricane Katrina, Du Bois’s characterization of land in Souls of Black Folks, and the aural mobilities of blackness articulated in an academic discussion and interview about post- humanism.


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This chapter explores the different ways in which discourse-analytic approaches reveal the ‘meaningfulness’ of text and talk. It reviews four diverse approaches to discourse analysis of particular value for current research in linguistics: Conversation Analysis (CA), Discourse Analysis (DA), Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Feminist Post-structuralist Discourse Analysis (FPDA). Each approach is examined in terms of its background, motivation, key features, and possible strengths and limitations in relation to the field of linguistics. A key way to schematize discourse-analytic methodology is in terms of its relationship between microanalytical approaches, which examine the finer detail of linguistic interactions in transcripts, and macroanalytical approaches, which consider how broader social processes work through language (Heller, 2001). This chapter assesses whether there is a strength in a discourse-analytic approach that aligns itself exclusively with either a micro- or macrostrategy, or whether, as Heller suggests, the field needs to fi nd a way of ‘undoing’ the micro–macro dichotomy in order to produce richer, more complex insights within linguistic research.