31 resultados para farrowing
Este trabalho foi realizado com os objetivos de avaliar a influência de fatores ambientais e estimar a herdabilidade para a característica intervalo desmame-cio (IDC) de fêmeas suínas. Para isso, utilizaram-se 1.032 observações de 347 porcas Dalland (C-40), pertencentes a dois rebanhos. No modelo, incluíram-se como aleatórios os efeitos do pai e da mãe da porca e, como fixos, os efeitos do ano de parto, do rebanho e da estação de parição, bem como as co-variáveis idade da porca ao parto, tamanho da leitegada ao nascer e período de lactação. As estimativas dos componentes de variância e do parâmetro genético foram obtidas utilizando-se o aplicativo MTDFREML, que emprega a metodologia da máxima verossimilhança restrita livre de derivadas. A média foi de 5,3 dias, com um coeficiente de variação de 71,44%. O período de lactação teve influência linear sobre o IDC. do mesmo modo, a regressão quadrática do IDC em relação à idade da porca ao parto foi significativa. O pai e a mãe foram importantes fontes de variação no intervalo desmame-cio, que, provavelmente pelo fato de acontecer tardiamente na vida do animal, não foi influenciado pelo rebanho, pelo ano e pela estação. A estimativa de herdabilidade para o primeiro intervalo desmame-cio foi de 0,11, o que indica que esta característica não apresentaria ganho genético satisfatório como resposta à seleção individual.
The effect of environmental and genetic effects on the farrowing interval in Dalland (C-40) sows in the Southeast of Brazil was studied. Data consisting of 1,013 farrowing intervals recorded in two herds were analyzed, using a model that included the sire and the dam as random effects and the year of farrowing, the herd and the farrowing season as fixed effects, plus the covariables sow's age at farrowing, litter size at birth, lactation length and weaning-estrus interval. For the farrowing interval first only, variance components were estimated by REML, with an animal model that included, as fixed effect, a contemporary group and, as random effects, the additive genetic variance and the error. The mean farrowing interval was 140.9+5.7 days, with a 4.0% coefficient of variation. Variance analysis showed no effect of either year, season of farrowing or herd on the farrowing interval. The sire effect was not important for the farrowing interval, but the dam represented an important source of variation. The total number of piglets born and the sow's age at farrowing had no influence on the farrowing interval. The length of lactation exerted an influence on the farrowing interval, accounting for 19.4% of the total variation of this trait. Likewise, the linear regression of the weaning-estrus interval in relation to the farrowing interval was highly significant, accounting for 51.7% of the total variation. The heritability estimate was 0.00, suggesting that no genetic gain can be obtained by selection for a shorter farrowing interval.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objetivou-se comparar modelos de regressão aleatória com diferentes estruturas de variância residual, a fim de se buscar a melhor modelagem para a característica tamanho da leitegada ao nascer (TLN). Utilizaram-se 1.701 registros de TLN, que foram analisados por meio de modelo animal, unicaracterística, de regressão aleatória. As regressões fixa e aleatórias foram representadas por funções contínuas sobre a ordem de parto, ajustadas por polinômios ortogonais de Legendre de ordem 3. Para averiguar a melhor modelagem para a variância residual, considerou-se a heterogeneidade de variância por meio de 1 a 7 classes de variância residual. O modelo geral de análise incluiu grupo de contemporâneo como efeito fixo; os coeficientes de regressão fixa para modelar a trajetória média da população; os coeficientes de regressão aleatória do efeito genético aditivo-direto, do comum-de-leitegada e do de ambiente permanente de animal; e o efeito aleatório residual. O teste da razão de verossimilhança, o critério de informação de Akaike e o critério de informação bayesiano de Schwarz apontaram o modelo que considerou homogeneidade de variância como o que proporcionou melhor ajuste aos dados utilizados. As herdabilidades obtidas foram próximas a zero (0,002 a 0,006). O efeito de ambiente permanente foi crescente da 1ª (0,06) à 5ª (0,28) ordem, mas decrescente desse ponto até a 7ª ordem (0,18). O comum-de-leitegada apresentou valores baixos (0,01 a 0,02). A utilização de homogeneidade de variância residual foi mais adequada para modelar as variâncias associadas à característica tamanho da leitegada ao nascer nesse conjunto de dado.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Provision of additional floor heating (33 to 34 degrees C) at birth and during the early postnatal hours is favorable for newborn piglets of domestic sows (Sus scrofa). We investigated whether this relatively high temperature influenced sow behavior and physiology around farrowing. One-half of 28 second-parity pregnant sows were randomly chosen to be exposed to floor heating 12 h after onset of nest building and until 48 h after birth of the first piglet (heat treatment), whereas the rest of the sows entered the control group (control treatment) with no floor heating. Hourly blood sampling from 8 h before and until 24 h after the birth of the first piglet was used for investigation of temporal changes in plasma concentrations of oxytocin, cortisol, and ACTH. In addition, occurrence and duration of sow postures were recorded -8 to +48 h relative to the birth of the first piglet. There was a clear temporal development in sow behavior and hormone concentrations (ACTH, cortisol, and oxytocin) across parturition (P < 0.001), independent of treatment. In general, hormone concentrations increased from the start to the end of farrowing. The observed oxytocin increase and peak late in farrowing coincided with the passive phase where sows lie laterally with an overall reduced activity. Floor heating increased the mean concentration of cortisol (P = 0.02; estimated as 29% greater than in controls) and tended to increase the mean concentration of ACTH (P = 0.08; estimated as 17% greater than in controls), but we did not find any treatment effect on mean oxytocin concentrations, the course of parturition, or the behavior of sows. Behavioral thermoregulation may, however, have lost some function for the sows because the floor was fully heated in our study. In addition, exposure to heat decreased the between-sow variation of plasma oxytocin (approximately 31% less relative to control) and ACTH (approximately 46% less relative to control). Whether this decreased variation may be indicative of acute stress or linked to other biological events is unclear. In conclusion, inescapable floor heating (around 33.5 degrees C) may be considered a stressor for sows around farrowing, giving rise to elevated plasma concentrations of cortisol, but without concurrent changes in oxytocin or behavioral activity.
BACKGROUND Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is the etiologic agent of enzootic pneumonia mainly occurring in fattening pigs. It is assumed that horizontal transmission of the pathogen during nursery and growing phase starts with few suckling pigs vertically infected by the sow. The aim of the present study was the exploration of the herd prevalence of M. hyopneumoniae infections in suckling pigs followed by an investigation of various herd specific factors for their potential of influencing the occurrence of this pathogen at the age of weaning. RESULTS In this cross-sectional study, 125 breeding herds were examined by taking nasal swabs from 20 suckling pigs in each herd. In total, 3.9% (98/2500) of all nasal swabs were tested positive for M. hyopneumoniae by real-time PCR. Piglets tested positive originated from 46 different herds resulting in an overall herd prevalence of 36.8% (46/125) for M. hyopneumoniae infection in pigs at the age of weaning. While the herds were epidemiologically characterized, the risk for demonstration of M. hyopneumoniae was significantly increased, when the number of purchased gilts per year was more than 120 (OR: 5.8), and when the number of farrowing pens per compartment was higher than 16 (OR: 3.3). In herds with a planned and segregated production, where groups of sows entered previously emptied farrowing units, the risk for demonstration of M. hyopneumoniae in piglets was higher in herds with two or four weeks between batches than in herds with one or three weeks between batches (OR: 2.7). CONCLUSIONS In this cross-sectional study, several risk factors could be identified enhancing the probability of breeding herds to raise suckling pigs already infected with M. hyopneumoniae at the time of weaning. Interestingly, some factors (farrowing rhythm, gilt acclimatisation issues) were overlapping with those also influencing the seroprevalences among sows or the transmission of the pathogen between older age groups. Taking the multifactorial character of enzootic pneumonia into account, the results of this study substantiate that a comprehensive herd specific prevention programme is a prerequisite to reduce transmission of and disease caused by M. hyopneumoniae.
Every year around 100 million male piglets are castrated in the EU, usually without anaesthesia or post-operative analgesia. This surgical intervention is painful and stressful. Several main players within the pig industry have voluntarily agreed to end the practice of surgical pig castration in the EU by 2018. One alternative to castration is entire male pig production. However, entire males behave differently than castrates, for example, by performing more mounting behaviour, which is suggested to be a welfare problem. The aim of our study was to develop a comprehensive ethogram of different types of mounting and to investigate properties, causes and consequences of mounting behaviour in finishing pigs. The study included 80 entire male and 80 female pigs from two farrowing batches born six weeks apart. Mixed sex and single-sex housing of pigs are both common in pig farming, so to ensure our study was representative, the 160 pigs were assigned to social groups of 20 in three treatments: entire male pigs only (MM, 2 groups, n = 40), entire females only (FF, 2 groups, n = 40) and entire males and females mixed together (MF, 4 groups, n = 80). Measurements took place during the final six weeks before slaughter (between 63.5 and 105.5 kg). Observations of mounting behaviour on 12 days per batch suggested that: (i) males mounted more than females, (ii) within sex, there was no effect of treatment on the amount of mounting (although the statistical power of the study to detect these effects was low), and (iii) there were individual differences in mounting that were stable over time (within sex). Classification of mounting into different categories revealed that sexual mounting was most common overall and in males but only rare in females. Compared to other types of mounting (e.g. caused by crowding or during a fight), sexual mounts lasted longer and provoked more screaming by the recipient. There were no relationships between mounting behaviour on the one hand and dominance rank in food competition tests, the circulating levels of sex hormones (oestradiol, testosterone and progesterone) at the end of the study, the health scores (lameness and scratches) or weight gain on the other hand. The stable individual differences of mounting over time suggest that mounting behaviour is a trait of the individual rather than the appearance of random outbreaks. However, these differences in mounting cannot be explained by dominance behaviour or by differences in sex hormone concentrations that could indicate the onset of puberty. Mounting behaviour and in particular sexual mounting provoked high pitched screaming of the recipients indicating that mounting is a welfare problem. For the welfare assessment of entire male pig production the performance of mounting behaviour should be considered. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mastitis-Metritis-Agalactia (MMA), also known as postpartum dysgalactia syndrome (PPDS) is the most important disease complex in sows after birth. The present study compared 30 MMA problem herds (over 12% of farrowing sows affected) with 30 control farms (less than 10% of farrowing sows affected) to identify risk factors and treatment incidence. Important risk factors identified were in gilts the integration into the herd after the first farrowing, in gestating sows firm fecal consistency as well as in lactating sows soiled troughs, a low flow rate (<2 liters per minute) in drinking nipples and a high prevalence of lameness. The treatment incidence was also significantly different between the two groups. The MMA prevalence could be reduced through optimization of husbandry, feeding and management, which could essentially diminish the use of antibiotics.
BACKGROUND: This study was aimed at evaluating the clinical protection, the level of Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) viremia and the immune response (antibodies and IFN-γ secreting cells (SC)) in piglets derived from PCV2 vaccinated sows and themselves vaccinated against PCV2 at different age, namely at 4, 6 and 8 weeks. The cohort study has been carried out over three subsequent production cycles (replicates). At the start/enrolment, 46 gilts were considered at first mating, bled and vaccinated. At the first, second and third farrowing, dams were bled and re-vaccinated at the subsequent mating after weaning piglets. Overall 400 piglets at each farrowing (first, second and third) were randomly allocated in three different groups (100 piglets/group) based on the timing of vaccination (4, 6 or 8 weeks of age). A fourth group was kept non-vaccinated (controls). Piglets were vaccinated intramuscularly with one dose (2 mL) of a commercial PCV2a-based subunit vaccine (Porcilis® PCV). Twenty animals per group were bled at weaning and from vaccination to slaughter every 4 weeks for the detection of PCV2 viremia, humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. Clinical signs and individual treatments (morbidity), mortality, and body weight of all piglets were recorded. RESULTS: All vaccination schemes (4, 6 and 8 weeks of age) were able to induce an antibody response and IFN-γ SC. The highest clinical and virological protection sustained by immune reactivity was observed in pigs vaccinated at 6 weeks of age. Overall, repeated PCV2 vaccination in sows at mating and the subsequent higher levels of maternally derived antibodies did not significantly interfere with the induction of both humoral and cell-mediated immunity in their piglets after vaccination. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of vaccination in sows at mating and in piglets at 6 weeks of age was more effective for controlling PCV2 natural infection, than other vaccination schemas, thus sustaining that some interference of MDA with the induction of an efficient immune response could be considered. In conclusion, optimal vaccination strategy needs to balance the levels of passive immunity, the management practices and timing of infection.
The objective was to improve the protocol that was used to obtain the first reported piglets from transferred vitrified and warmed zona-intact blastocysts. Blastocysts were collected from superovulated sows and gilts, centrifuged to polarize lipid, vitrified, warmed and cultured for 24 h or transferred immediately. Removing the zona pellucida after warming increased the number of cells in the surviving blastocysts (zona-free 60.8 +/- 4.3, zona-intact 39.1 +/- 2.8; P < 0.05). Thinning the zona pellucida produced similar results to zona removal. Changing the basal medium of the vitrification and warming solutions from modified PBS to phosphate buffered NCSU-23 increased the number of cells (44.7 +/- 2.2 versus 56.0 +/- 3.9, respectively; P < 0.05). Reducing the plunge temperature of the liquid nitrogen from - 196 degrees C to less than -204 degrees C improved the embryo survival rate (61.9% versus 82.9%, respectively; P < 0.05). These modifications were incorporated into the vitrification protocol that was used to vitrify and warm 105 blastocysts (that were subsequently transferred into four recipients). Three recipients became pregnant, farrowing three litters (average litter size, 5.3; 18.8% embryo survival in farrowing sows). Changing the warming protocol to using sucrose rather than ethylene glycol resulted in a trend towards improved embryo survival (73.5% versus 91.2%) but this was not statistically significant. Incorporating this modification, 203 blastocysts were vitrified, warmed and transferred into seven recipients. Five became pregnant and 36 fetuses were recovered (average litter size 7.2; 24.8% embryo survival in pregnant sows) at Day 40 of pregnancy. In conclusion, changes made to the vitrification protocol improved pregnancy rate and in vivo embryo survival compared to an earlier study using the original protocol. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Frozen-thawed boar sperm holds the potential to have an impact on the future of the swine industry. Utilization of this technology could improve a swine producer’s ability to access top-tier genetics from around the world, to improve efficiency, profitability, and the quality of product to meet consumer demands. Effective application of frozen-thawed sperm can help reduce the potential risk associated with devastating economic loss due to the spread of disease. Frozen storage of boar sperm also provides a safeguard in the event of disease outbreaks, as genetic material from paternal lines can be preserved and banked for repopulation purposes. Historically these benefits have been masked by reduction in fertility measures such as litter size. The reduced fertility results from the damage sustained by the sperm cell during cryopreservation. However, increased understanding of this damage has lead to improved cryopreservation methods, ultimately increasing post-thaw viability and fertility. Enhancements in breeding technology have also resulted in a better understanding of the AI methods required to achieve acceptable farrowing rates and litter size. Fertility following AI with frozen-thawed sperm is approaching that of liquid stored sperm, and producers may soon reap the benefits of this technology. This thesis will outline the current swine industry, opportunities for utilizing frozen-thawed sperm, the main components of sperm, why they are susceptible to damage, and current freezing and breeding practices. Objective 1 was to develop a cryopreservation protocol for our lab that resulted in consistent post-thaw motility ( ≥ 40%) that would eventually be used by Illinois boar studs for domestic and international sale of frozen sperm. Evaluation with both manual microscopy and CASA methods were conducted to verify quality. A preliminary breeding trial was then conducted to test the fertility of sperm frozen with this method. There were 41 ejaculates from 23 boars used for freezing. Sperm were frozen at 1.4x109 sperm/mL, averaging 55.61.1% (meanSE) motility, following thaw. The samples assessed were not different (P>0.05) in motility when compared with manual or CASA systems, and results were most reliable at a 1:40 sperm dilution. In the preliminary breeding trial, gilts (n=14) were inseminated with either a single (n=10) or double (n=4) AI using 1, 2, or 4x109 motile, frozen-thawed sperm. Overall, the resulting pregnancy rates averaged 71.4% and numbers of normal fetuses per litter averaged 15.51.3 per litter. A feasibility study for freezing cost per ejaculate was estimated at $275/ejaculate or $11/dose of frozen-thawed semen at standard doses of 5x109 total frozen-thawed sperm. This cost estimate did not include genetic value, fixed equipment costs, depreciation, or variable lab space fees. Objective 2 focused on the proper methods for breeding with frozen-thawed boar sperm to achieve fertility. Our hypothesis was that increased numbers of inseminations and increased numbers of motile frozen-thawed sperm would improve pregnancy rate and litter size. Results showed acceptable fertility at high sperm numbers, but also the optimal method for insemination with the lowest dose tested. Gilts (n=111) responded to synchronization methods and were bred with 1, 2, or 4x109 motile frozen-thawed sperm from six boars using a single AI at 32 h, or a double AI, with the first AI at 24 and 32 h following estrus. Ultrasound was conducted at 12 h intervals to estimate the time of ovulation. On day 32 of gestation, overall pregnancy rate (73%) and number of normal fetuses per litter (10.80.5) across all treatments did not differ, and were not affected by number of motile sperm, or the interaction of number of motile sperm and number of inseminations. However, the number of inseminations tended to affect (P=0.14) the number of normal fetuses. Litter size increased with a double AI compared to single AI. Multiple inseminations helped to allow insemination to occur close to ovulation in response to variation in the time of ovulation. Both pregnancy rate and number of normal fetuses were greater when the time of the AI at 32 h occurred closer to the estimated time of ovulation (P<0.05). In addition, other factors such as presence of an abnormal ovary at day 30 decreased (P<0.001) pregnancy rate, while boar affected number of normal fetuses (P<0.01). Analysis of our data using a fertility index revealed doses of 2x109 motile sperm with multiple AI can achieve acceptable fertility with use of less sperm, when compared to AI using 4x109 motile sperm. The methods described here will investigate the potential for improved fertility when using frozen-thawed sperm, while accounting for variation in time of ovulation.
Dissertação de mestrado apresentada na área Produção e Tecnologia Animal, na Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém, do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.
Dissertação de mestrado apresentada na área Produção e Tecnologia Animal, na Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém, do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.
The present trail aimed to study the effect of crossbreeding between Alentejano (AL) and Bísaro (BI) swine breeds (“Ribatejano pig”) on some reproductive and productive traits. Nine AL gilts and sows and six BI gilts were crossed with BI and AL boars, respectively. Mating and farrowing dates, prolificacy and litter size at 28d were registered for all sows. The pregnancy length of AL sows was shorter (111±0.4d vs 113.7±0.5d; p=0.002) than the observed on BI females. The BI gilts presented higher prolificacy rate than AL on both total born (11.0±1.0 vs 6.7±0.8; P=0.004) and born alive piglets (10.0±1.0 vs 6.7±0.8; p=0.026). The mortality rate was similar in both genotypes (p=0.255) being on average 12%, therefore at 28d after farrowing the litter size remained higher in BI sows (8.5±0.8 vs 6.1±0.6; p= 0.032). A subset of each genotype (4 gilts) was supervised during farrowing and lactation (until 28d) and piglets were weighed at birth, 24h and 28d of live. Farrowing length was not significantly different (p=0.253) between genotypes, averaging 97±22 min. When compared to ALBI (AL x BI) piglets, the BIAL (BI x AL) piglets were heavier at birth (1402±46g vs 1209±36g; p=0.002). Colostrum intake of piglets per kg of birth weight on the first 24h of life was similar between genotypes (p=0.735) being 289±15g for ALBI and 281±19g for BIAL piglets. The growth rate of piglets from birth to 28d and piglet weight at 28d was not different between genotypes (p=0.161 and p=0.091) averaging 195±6g and 6761±181g, respectively. Litter weight at 28d tended (P=0.06) to be higher on ALBI litters (56.6±4.0kg) than BIAL litters (43.2±4.0kg). This results obtained within the frame of Treasure project* are, at our knowledge, the first data of these crossbred piglets and could be used in future as reference for further studies and also for farmers that may try these cross on a commercial basis.