987 resultados para family interventions


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Les écrits rapportent qu’entre 10% et 40% des personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux ont présenté des comportements agressifs depuis l’établissement du diagnostic, et qu’entre 50% et 65% de ces comportements sont perpétrés envers les membres de la famille (Estroff et al., 1998). Or, les aidants naturels se sentent fréquemment démunis devant le comportement impulsif et agressif de leur proche atteint d’un trouble de santé mentale (Bonin & Lavoie-Tremblay, 2010) et la majorité des proches aidants ne reçoivent pas de soutien professionnel (Doornbos, 2001). À cet effet, une équipe de chercheurs et d’organismes communautaires ont mis sur pied un projet de formation adaptée par et pour les familles relativement à la gestion des comportements agressifs de leur proche atteint d’un trouble de santé mentale s’appuyant sur l’approche OMEGA communautaire (Bonin et al., 2011). La présente recherche est inspirée du modèle de Fresan et ses collaborateurs (2007), qui inclut les familles et leur proche atteint dans la prévention de la rechute et le rétablissement de ce dernier. Cette étude avait donc pour but de décrire et analyser, par un devis mixte, les perceptions de l’agressivité, du fonctionnement familial ainsi que de l’observance au traitement médical de personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux, suite à une formation de gestion des comportements agressifs adaptée par et pour des membres de familles, et suivie par leur proche aidant. Des questionnaires auto-administrés ont été remis et complétés par 25 personnes atteintes et comprenaient trois instruments qui étaient : 1. un questionnaire sociodémographique; 2. le Basis-24 (Eisen, 2007) permettant d’évaluer la condition mentale de la personne atteinte; 3. l’Échelle de perception de l’agressivité permettant de mesurer la fréquence et le niveau des comportements agressifs (De Benedictis et al., 2011); et 4. l'Échelle du fonctionnement familial permettant de mesurer le fonctionnement familial (Epstein, Baldwin, & Bishop, 1983). Des questions supplémentaires au questionnaire portaient sur l’observance au traitement médical et sur les changements observés. Des analyses descriptives et corrélationnelles bivariées ont été réalisées pour analyser les données quantitatives. Par la suite, des entrevues individuelles ont été réalisées auprès de huit personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux dont le membre de famille avait suivi la formation de gestion des comportements agressifs. La méthode d’analyse classique de Miles et Huberman (2003) a été utilisée pour réaliser l’analyse des données. L’analyse des données a permis de dégager les perceptions des personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux au regard de la formation de gestion des comportements agressifs que leur membre de famille avait suivi. Ainsi, le programme de formation OMÉGA adaptée par et pour les familles permettrait d’une part de diminuer l’agressivité et, d’autre part, d’améliorer le climat familial. De plus, selon les personnes atteintes, leur membre de famille était plus à l’écoute et faisait moins preuve d’intrusion, ce qui diminuaient les conflits et favorisaient une meilleure dynamique familiale. Cette étude a mis en évidence qu’il est nécessaire d’impliquer les familles dans les programmes de prévention de la rechute de la maladie mentale dans les soins de première ligne. Cette étude contribue ainsi à l’amélioration des connaissances sur la dynamique famille-patient et sur le rétablissement des personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux. Aussi, cette recherche propose des recommandations pour la recherche, la pratique, la formation et la gestion en sciences infirmières.


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Youth involvement in substance abuse can be a source of considerable distress for their parents. Unilateral family interventions have been advocated as one means by which concerned family members can be supported to assist substance-abusing family members. To date there has been little research examining the impact of unilateral family interventions on the directly participating family members. In this study the early impact of an 8-week parent-group programme known as Behavioural Exchange Systems Training (BEST) was evaluated using a quasi-experimental, waiting list control design. The professionally led programme had been developed to support and assist parents in their efforts to cope with adolescent substance abuse. Subjects were 66 parents (48 families) accepted for entry into the programme between 1997 and 1998. Comparison was made between 46 parents offered immediate entry into the programme and 20 parents whose entry to the programme was delayed by an 8-week waiting list. At the first assessment 87% of parents showed elevated mental health symptoms on the General Health Questionnaire. Evidence suggested exposure to the intervention had a positive impact on parents. Compared to parents on the waiting list, parents entered immediately into the intervention demonstrated greater reductions in mental health symptoms, increased parental satisfaction, and increased use of assertive parenting behaviours.


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Objective: We assessed, from a health sector perspective, options for change that could improve the efficiency of Australia's current mental health services by directing available resources toward 'best practice' cost-effective services.

Method: We summarize cost-effectiveness results of a range of interventions for depression, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and anxiety disorders that have been presented in previous papers in this journal. Recommendations for change are formulated after taking into account 'second-filter criteria' of equity, feasibility of implementing change, acceptability to stakeholders and the strength of the evidence. In addition, we estimate the impact on total expenditure if the recommended mental health interventions for depression and schizophrenia are to be implemented in Australia.

Results: There are cost-effective treatment options for mental disorders that are currently underutilized (e.g. cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) for depression and anxiety, bibliotherapy for depression, family interventions for schizophrenia and clozapine for the worst course of schizophrenia). There are also less cost-effective treatments in current practice (e.g. widespread use of olanzapine and risperidone in the treatment of established schizophrenia and, within those atypicals, a preference for olanzapine over risperidone). Feasibility of funding mechanisms and training of staff are the main second-filter issues for CBT and family interventions. Acceptability to various stakeholders is the main barrier to implementation of more cost-effective drug treatment regimens. More efficient drug intervention options identified for schizophrenia would cost A$68 million less than current practice. These savings would more than cover the estimated A$36M annual cost of delivering family interventions to the 51% of people with schizophrenia whom we estimated to be eligible and this would lead to an estimated 12% improvement in their health status. Implementing recommended strategies for depression would cost A$121M annually for the 24% of people with depression who seek care currently, but do not receive an evidence-based treatment.

Conclusions: Despite considerable methodological problems, a range of cost-effective and less cost-effective interventions for major mental disorders can be discerned. The biggest hurdle to implementation of more efficient mental health services is that this change would require reallocation of funds between interventions, between disorders and between service providers with different funding mechanisms.


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Children affected by psychosis often endure unresolved mental health and psychosocial disturbances that impede social, academic, and behavioral functioning (Algon, Yi, Calkins, Kohler, & Borgmann-Winter, 2012). This article provides clinicians with a discussion of play therapy and empirically informed techniques to improve treatment outcomes for children diagnosed with psychosis. The literature review comprises various aspects of this unique pediatric population, including prevalence, assessment/evaluation, symptoms, and psychosocial treatment. Additionally, an integrative play therapy approach is highlighted, comprising (a) family interventions (McFarlane, Dixon, Lukens, & Lucksted, 2003), (b) psychosocial approaches (Green & Drewes, 2013; Stewart & Green, 2015), and (c) school-based support (Flanagan, Allen, & Henry, 2010). The article concludes with a case study depicting the psychological challenges a typical child with psychosis encounters and the associated treatment options available to play therapy practitioners from an integrative standpoint.


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Over the past years, evidence for the efficacy of psychological therapies in schizophrenia has been summarized in a series of meta-analyses. The present contribution aims to provide a descriptive survey of the evidence for the efficacy of psychological therapies as derived from these meta-analyses and to supplement them by selected findings from an own recent meta-analysis. Relevant meta-analyses and randomized controlled trials were identified by searching several electronic databases and by hand searching of reference lists. In order to compare the findings of the existing meta-analyses, the reported effect sizes were extracted and transformed into a uniform effect size measure where possible. For the own meta-analysis, weighted mean effect size differences between comparison groups regarding various types of outcomes were estimated. Their significance was tested by confidence intervals, and heterogeneity tests were applied to examine the consistency of the effects. From the available meta-analyses, social skills training, cognitive remediation, psychoeducational coping-oriented interventions with families and relatives, as well as cognitive behavioral therapy of persistent positive symptoms emerge as effective adjuncts to pharmacotherapy. Social skills training consistently effectuates the acquisition of social skills, cognitive remediation leads to short-term improvements in cognitive functioning, family interventions decrease relapse and hospitalization rates, and cognitive behavioral therapy results in a reduction of positive symptoms. These benefits seem to be accompanied by slight improvements in social functioning. However, open questions remain as to the specific therapeutic ingredients, to the synergistic effects, to the indication, as well as to the generalizability of the findings to routine care.


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Auf der Grundlage von Metaanalysen und umfassenden Überblicksarbeiten werden Schlussfolgerungen über eine wirksame psychosoziale Behandlung von Patienten mit einer Komorbidität von psychischen Störungen und Sucht (Doppeldiagnosen) gezogen. Dabei wird näher auf die Studienergebnisse zu schweren und zu leichten Formen von Doppeldiagnosen eingegangen. Die Heterogenität der Patienten-, Behandlungs-, Settings- und Ergebnismerkmale erschweren allgemeingültige Schlussfolgerungen über die Wirksamkeit psychosozialer Behandlungen. Integrative, gestufte Behandlungsprogramme, die störungsspezifische Interventionen kombinieren und motivierende Gesprächsführung, kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutische Interventionen, suchtmittelreduzierende Interventionen wie Rückfallprävention oder Kontingenzmanagement und/oder Familieninterventionen enthalten, sind Kontrollgruppen (z.B. Wartegruppen, Standardbehandlungen) meistens, anderen aktiven Behandlungen (z.B. Psychoedukation) manchmal in den drei Ergebnisbereichen (Sucht, psychische Störung und Funktionsniveau) überlegen.


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Aims: This review provides evidence of which interventions need to be part of effective outpatient integrated treatment for patients with comorbid schizophrenia and substance use disorders. Methods: A total of 14 randomized controlled trials were included. Effect sizes are provided to assess the magnitude of the treatments’ efficacy. Results: Despite the studies’ heterogeneity, we can conclude that certain programs (e.g., Behavioral Treatment for Substance Abuse in Schizophrenia) and specific interventions (e.g., motivational interviewing, family interventions) seem to be effective. Moreover, programs integrating multiple interventions are more likely to be positively related to better outcomes than single interventions. Finally, the lack of difference between effect sizes of assertive community treatment compared to case management suggests that a lower caseload is not necessary for positive treatment outcomes. Conclusion: Integrated treatment seems advantageous, although effect sizes are mostly modest. More homogeneous and qualitative sound studies are needed.


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Results on the effectiveness of psychosocial treatments for patients with comorbid psychiatric and substance use disorders (dual disorders) will be discussed based on relevant meta-analyses and comprehensive reviews. Findings pertaining to severe (e.g., schizophrenia) and mild to moderate (e.g., anxiety disorders) dual disorders will be presented. The heterogeneity in patient characteristics, treatments, settings, and measured outcomes within the studies hinders the extraction of simple conclusions regarding how to effectively integrate psychiatric and addiction-oriented services into one psychosocial treatment. However, promising treatment strategies and interventions include integrative programs that comprise motivational interviewing; disorder-specific cognitive-behavioral interventions; substance use reduction interventions such as relapse prevention or contingency management; and/or family interventions. Such programs are generally superior to control groups (e.g., waiting list, treatment as usual) and are sometimes superior to other active treatments (e.g., skills training) in outcomes of substance use, psychiatric disorders, and social functioning.


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L'hébergement d'un enfant polyhandicapé, c'est-à-dire un enfant présentant une association de déficience motrice et intellectuelle sévère et profonde, est existant au Québec et peu connu de la population. Jusqu’à maintenant, les savoirs sur l’hébergement pédiatrique et l’expérience des parents sont peu nombreux et ne permettent pas de guider le développement d’interventions infirmières adaptées aux besoins des parents. Pour pallier cette situation, une étude d’inspiration phénoménologique a été effectuée afin d’explorer la signification de l’expérience d’être parent d’un enfant polyhandicapé hébergé en établissement de longue durée pédiatrique. Sept entretiens semi-structurés individuels ont été réalisés avec le parent d’un enfant polyhandicapé hébergé dans un établissement pédiatrique de la grande région montréalaise. Afin d’adopter une vision systémique et contextuelle au domaine des sciences infirmières, l’approche systémique familiale selon le modèle de Calgary (Wright & Leahey, 2013) a été utilisée comme cadre de référence. Cette étude d’inspiration phénoménologique a permis de faire émerger trois thèmes quant au phénomène à l’étude, soit : a) héberger son enfant : une décision difficile à accepter, b) la signification de l’hébergement : une expérience tant positive que négative et c) la réappropriation du rôle de parent. Cette étude novatrice permet de fournir des résultats inédits sur l’expérience d’être parent d’un enfant gravement handicapé hébergé. Ils permettent aussi de mettre en évidence les sentiments des parents, leurs impressions et l’adaptation de leur rôle parental lorsque leur enfant est hébergé. Ces résultats pourront influencer ou guider les infirmières dans l’application quotidienne d’interventions familiales adaptées et personnalisées au besoin des parents vivant une situation semblable.


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L'hébergement d'un enfant polyhandicapé, c'est-à-dire un enfant présentant une association de déficience motrice et intellectuelle sévère et profonde, est existant au Québec et peu connu de la population. Jusqu’à maintenant, les savoirs sur l’hébergement pédiatrique et l’expérience des parents sont peu nombreux et ne permettent pas de guider le développement d’interventions infirmières adaptées aux besoins des parents. Pour pallier cette situation, une étude d’inspiration phénoménologique a été effectuée afin d’explorer la signification de l’expérience d’être parent d’un enfant polyhandicapé hébergé en établissement de longue durée pédiatrique. Sept entretiens semi-structurés individuels ont été réalisés avec le parent d’un enfant polyhandicapé hébergé dans un établissement pédiatrique de la grande région montréalaise. Afin d’adopter une vision systémique et contextuelle au domaine des sciences infirmières, l’approche systémique familiale selon le modèle de Calgary (Wright & Leahey, 2013) a été utilisée comme cadre de référence. Cette étude d’inspiration phénoménologique a permis de faire émerger trois thèmes quant au phénomène à l’étude, soit : a) héberger son enfant : une décision difficile à accepter, b) la signification de l’hébergement : une expérience tant positive que négative et c) la réappropriation du rôle de parent. Cette étude novatrice permet de fournir des résultats inédits sur l’expérience d’être parent d’un enfant gravement handicapé hébergé. Ils permettent aussi de mettre en évidence les sentiments des parents, leurs impressions et l’adaptation de leur rôle parental lorsque leur enfant est hébergé. Ces résultats pourront influencer ou guider les infirmières dans l’application quotidienne d’interventions familiales adaptées et personnalisées au besoin des parents vivant une situation semblable.


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This paper describes a number of interventions being developed to address the emotional, social and behavioural problems experienced by Aboriginal people in Australia. These are: the We-Al-Li program to help people deal with the impact of transgenerational trauma; and the RAP Indigenous Parenting Program. It is argued that the emotional well being of indigenous people will be enhanced through the integration of interventions targeting the individual, family and community.


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Introduction: Decompressive hemicraniectomy, clot evacuation, and aneurysmal interventions are considered aggressive surgical therapeutic options for treatment of massive cerebral artery infarction (MCA), intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), and severe subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) respectively. Although these procedures are saving lives, little is actually known about the impact on outcomes other than short-term survival and functional status. The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of personal and social consequences of surviving these aggressive surgical interventions in order to aid acute care clinicians in helping family members make difficult decisions about undertaking such interventions. Methods: An exploratory mixed method study using a convergent parallel design was conducted to examine functional recovery (NIHSS, mRS & BI), cognitive status (Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale, MoCA), quality of life (Euroqol 5-D), and caregiver outcomes (Bakas Caregiver Outcome Scale, BCOS) in a cohort of patients and families who had undergone aggressive surgical intervention for severe stroke between the years 2000–2007. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, univariate and multivariate analysis of variance, and multivariate logistic regression. Content analysis was used to analyze the qualitative interviews conducted with stroke survivors and family members. Results: Twenty-seven patients and 13 spouses participated in this study. Based on patient MOCA scores, overall cognitive status was 25.18 (range 23.4-26.9); current functional outcomes scores: NIHSS 2.22, mRS 1.74, and BI 88.5. EQ-5D scores revealed no significant differences between patients and caregivers (p=0.585) and caregiver outcomes revealed no significant differences between male/female caregivers or patient diagnostic group (MCA, SAH, ICH; p=""0.103).<"/span><"/span> Discussion: Overall, patients and families were satisfied with quality of life and decisions made at the time of the initial stroke. There was consensus among study participants that formal community-based support (e.g., handibus, caregiving relief, rehabilitation assessments) should be continued for extended periods (e.g., years) post-stroke. Ongoing contact with health care professionals is valuable to help them navigate in the community as needs change over time.


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- Background Tobacco is the main preventable cause of death and disease worldwide. Adolescent smoking is increasing in many countries with poorer countries following the earlier experiences of affluent countries. Preventing adolescents starting smoking is crucial to decreasing tobacco-related illness. - Objective To assess effectiveness of family-based interventions alone and combined with school-based interventions to prevent children and adolescents from initiating tobacco use. - Data Sources 14 bibliographic databases and the Internet, journals hand-searched, experts consulted. - Study Eligibility Criteria, Participants, and Interventions Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) with children or adolescents and families, interventions to prevent starting tobacco use, follow-up ≥ 6 months. - Study Appraisal/Synthesis methods Abstracts/titles independently assessed and data independently entered by two authors. Risk-of-bias assessed with the Cochrane Risk-of-Bias tool. - Results Twenty-seven RCTs were included. Nine trials of never-smokers compared to a control provided data for meta-analysis. Family intervention trials had significantly fewer students who started smoking. Meta-analysis of twoRCTs of combined family and school interventions compared to school only, showed additional significant benefit. The common feature of effective high intensity interventions was encouraging authoritative parenting. - Limitations Only 14 RCTs provided data for meta-analysis (about 1/3 of participants). Of the 13 RCTs which did not provide data for meta-analysis eight compared a family intervention to no intervention and one found significant effects, and five compared a family + school intervention to a school intervention and none found additional significant effects. - Conclusions and Implications of Key Findings There is moderate quality evidence that family-based interventions prevent children and adolescents starting to smoke.