950 resultados para false memories


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L’avancement en âge est associé à plusieurs modifications cognitives, dont un déclin des capacités à mémoriser et/ou à rappeler les événements vécus personnellement. Il amène parallèlement une augmentation des faux souvenirs, c.-à-d. le rappel d’événements qui ne se sont pas réellement déroulés. Les faux souvenirs peuvent avoir d’importantes répercussions dans la vie quotidienne des personnes âgées et il importe donc de mieux comprendre ce phénomène en vieillissement normal. Des études ont démontré l’importance de la fonction des lobes temporaux médians (FTM)/mémoire et de la fonction des lobes frontaux (FF)/fonctions exécutives dans l’effet de faux souvenirs. Ainsi, la première étude de la thèse visait à valider en français une version adaptée d’une méthode proposée par Glisky, Polster, & Routhieaux (1995), permettant de mesurer ces fonctions cognitives (Chapitre 2). L’analyse factorielle de cette étude démontre que les scores neuropsychologiques associés à la mémoire se regroupent en un facteur, le facteur FTM/mémoire, alors que ceux associés aux fonctions exécutives se regroupent en un deuxième facteur, le facteur FF/fonctions exécutives. Des analyses « bootstrap » effectuées avec 1 000 ré-échantillons démontrent la stabilité des résultats pour la majorité des scores. La deuxième étude de cette thèse visait à éclairer les mécanismes cognitifs (FTM/mémoire et FF/fonctions exécutives) ainsi que théoriques de l’effet de faux souvenirs accru en vieillissement normal (Chapitre 3). La Théorie des Traces Floues (TTF; Brainerd & Reyna, 1990) propose des explications de l’effet de faux souvenirs pour lesquelles la FTM/mémoire semble davantage importante, alors que celles proposées par la Théorie de l’Activation et du Monitorage (TAM; Roediger, Balota, & Watson, 2001) sont davantage reliées à la FF/fonctions exécutives. Les tests neuropsychologiques mesurant la FTM/mémoire ainsi que ceux mesurant la FF/fonctions exécutives ont été administrés à 52 participants âgés (moyenne de 67,81 ans). Basé sur l’étude de validation précédente, un score composite de la FTM/mémoire et un score composite de la FF/fonctions exécutives ont été calculés pour chaque participant. Ces derniers ont d’abord été séparés en deux sous-groupes, un premier au score FTM/mémoire élevé (n = 29, âge moyen de 67,45 ans) et un deuxième au score FTM/mémoire faible (n = 23, âge moyen de 68,26 ans) en s’assurant de contrôler statistiquement plusieurs variables, dont le score de la FF/fonctions exécutives. Enfin, ces participants ont été séparés en deux sous-groupes, un premier au score FF/fonctions exécutives élevé (n = 26, âge moyen 68,08 ans) et un deuxième au score FF/fonctions exécutives faible (n = 25, âge moyen de 67,36 ans), en contrôlant les variables confondantes, dont le score de la FTM/mémoire. Les proportions de vraie et de fausse mémoire (cibles et leurres associatifs) ont été mesurées à l’aide d’un paradigme Deese-Roediger et McDermott (DRM; Deese, 1959; Roediger & McDermott, 1995), avec rappel et reconnaissance jumelée à une procédure « Je me souviens / Je sais » (Tulving, 1985) chez les 52 participants âgés ainsi que chez 22 jeunes (âge moyen de 24,59 ans), apparié pour les années de scolarité. D’abord, afin de tester l’hypothèse de la TTF (Brainerd & Reyna, 1990), ces proportions ont été comparées entre les jeunes adultes et les deux sous-groupes de personnes âgées catégorisées selon le score de la FTM/mémoire. Ensuite, afin de tester l’hypothèse de la TAM (Roediger et al., 2001), ces proportions ont été comparées entre les jeunes adultes et les deux sous-groupes de personnes âgées catégorisées selon le score de la FF/fonctions exécutives. Il s’agit de la première étude qui compare directement ces hypothèses à travers de nombreuses mesures de vraie et de fausse mémoire. Les résultats démontrent que seule la FTM/mémoire modulait l’effet d’âge en vraie mémoire, et de manière quelque peu indirecte, en fausse mémoire et dans la relation entre la vraie et la fausse remémoration. Ensuite, les résultats démontrent que seule la FF/fonctions exécutives jouerait un rôle dans la fausse reconnaissance des leurres associatifs. Par ailleurs, en des effets d’âge sont présents en faux rappel et fausse remémorations de leurres associatifs, entre les jeunes adultes et les personnes âgées au fonctionnement cognitif élevé, peu importe la fonction cognitive étudiée. Ces résultats suggèrent que des facteurs autres que la FTM/mémoire et la FF/fonctions exécutives doivent être identifiés afin d’expliquer la vulnérabilité des personnes âgées aux faux souvenirs. Les résultats de cette thèse sont discutés à la lumière des hypothèses théoriques et cognitives en faux souvenirs (Chapitre 4).


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Here we present young knitters’ reflections on their acquisition of textile skills and we review media images of women and knitting. While the image of the grandmother as teacher is clear, the mother is absent or obscure. This absence is also reflected in knitting groups, blogs and in one of the authors’ false memories. We propose further investigation of the construction of identity through craft and of both the materiality and the ethereality of nostalgic references.


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The episodic memory system allows us to retrieve information about events, including its contextual aspects. It has been suggested that episodic memory is composed by two independent components: recollection and familiarity. Recollection is related to the vivid e detailed retrieval of item and contextual information, while familiarity is the capability to recognize items previously seen as familiars. Despite the fact that emotion is one of the most influent process on memory, only a few studies have investigated its effect on recollection and familiarity. Another limitation of studies about the effect of emotion on memory is that the majority of them have not adequately considered the differential effects of arousal and positive/negative valence. The main purpose of the current work is to investigate the independent effect of emotional valence and arousal on recollection and familiarity, as well as to test some hypothesis that have been suggested about the effect of emotion on episodic memory. The participants of the research performed a recognition task for three lists of emotional pictures: high arousal negative, high arousal positive and low arousal positive. At the test session, participants also rated the confidence level of their responses. The confidence ratings were used to plot ROC curves and estimate the contributions of recollection and familiarity of recognition performance. As the main results, we found that negative valence enhanced the component of recollection without any effect on familiarity or recognition accuracy. Arousal did not affect recognition performance or their components, but high arousal was associated with a higher proportion of false memories. This work highlight the importance of to consider both the emotional dimensions and episodic memory components in the study of emotion effect on episodic memory, since they interact in complex and independent way


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WE INVESTIGATED HOW WELL STRUCTURAL FEATURES such as note density or the relative number of changes in the melodic contour could predict success in implicit and explicit memory for unfamiliar melodies. We also analyzed which features are more likely to elicit increasingly confident judgments of "old" in a recognition memory task. An automated analysis program computed structural aspects of melodies, both independent of any context, and also with reference to the other melodies in the testset and the parent corpus of pop music. A few features predicted success in both memory tasks, which points to a shared memory component. However, motivic complexity compared to a large corpus of pop music had different effects on explicit and implicit memory. We also found that just a few features are associated with different rates of "old" judgments, whether the items were old or new. Rarer motives relative to the testset predicted hits and rarer motives relative to the corpus predicted false alarms. This data-driven analysis provides further support for both shared and separable mechanisms in implicit and explicit memory retrieval, as well as the role of distinctiveness in true and false judgments of familiarity.


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Recent research findings have illustrated that false memories induced in the laboratory can be dissociated from the beliefs that the events had in fact occurred. In this study we assessed whether this dissociability is a quality peculiar to false memory, or whether it represents a general characteristic of autobiographical memory. To this end we examined whether people can be induced to stop believing in memories for true experiences. Participants observed and performed simple actions, and were later falsely informed that they had not performed some of them-that false memories for these actions had been implanted through the use of fabricated evidence. Before and after receiving this misinformation, participants rated their belief in and memory of performing those actions, other actions that they had also performed, and actions that they had not performed. Whereas the misinformation substantially undermined participants' beliefs in the specific performed actions about which they had been misinformed, it had little effect on their endorsement of remembering those actions. The misinformation thus boosted the proportion of occasions in which participants rated their memories as stronger than their beliefs, and it weakened the correlation between belief and memory ratings. Thus, this study provides the first experimental demonstration of non-believed memories of true experiences. We discuss our findings with reference to the small literature concerning the use of socially-communicated misinformation to undermine event memories, and with reference to the structure of autobiographical memory. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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People are always at risk of making errors when they attempt to retrieve information from memory. An important question is how to create the optimal learning conditions so that, over time, the correct information is learned and the number of mistakes declines. Feedback is a powerful tool, both for reinforcing new learning and correcting memory errors. In 5 experiments, I sought to understand the best procedures for administering feedback during learning. First, I evaluated the popular recommendation that feedback is most effective when given immediately, and I showed that this recommendation does not always hold when correcting errors made with educational materials in the classroom. Second, I asked whether immediate feedback is more effective in a particular case—when correcting false memories, or strongly-held errors that may be difficult to notice even when the learner is confronted with the feedback message. Third, I examined whether varying levels of learner motivation might help to explain cross-experimental variability in feedback timing effects: Are unmotivated learners less likely to benefit from corrective feedback, especially when it is administered at a delay? Overall, the results revealed that there is no best “one-size-fits-all” recommendation for administering feedback; the optimal procedure depends on various characteristics of learners and their errors. As a package, the data are consistent with the spacing hypothesis of feedback timing, although this theoretical account does not successfully explain all of the data in the larger literature.


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ResumenEl presente artículo se propone como una disertación en torno al fenómeno del abuso sexual infantily el Backlash, comprendiendo a este último como un contra-movimiento social que buscalegitimar diversas manifestaciones de violencia en contra de las mujeres y las personas menoresde edad. En aras de alcanzar dicho propósito, el artículo parte de la conceptualización del términoabuso sexual infantil, resaltando sus principales características y consecuencias, continúa con unadiscusión conceptual en torno al Backlash y sus principales derivaciones y concluye con una reflexiónrespecto a la relación entre este y el abuso sexual infantil. Producto del recorrido emprendido seafirma que, si bien el Backlash nace como una respuesta contraria y contestataria al éxito obtenidopor el movimiento de mujeres, ha evolucionado e incursionado en otras áreas temáticas, como lo esel abuso sexual infantil, cuya comprensión y atención se ha visto influenciada por teorías “pseudocientíficas” como el síndrome de alienación parental y el síndrome de falsas memorias, desde lascuales se desacredita la revelación de las víctimas. En tanto el uso de teorías compatibles con elBacklash en procesos de custodia y juicios por denuncias de abuso sexual se encuentra en aumentovertiginoso, se concluye que el movimiento de derechos humanos debe fortalecer una respuestaconjunta y sólida frente a esta reacción extrema.AbstractThe present article is a dissertation proposal regarding the child sexual abuse phenomenon and the Backlash, being the last a social countermovement which pretends to legitimize various manifestations of violence towards women and underage people. The article starts from the conceptualization of the term child sexual abuse, highlighting its key characteristics and consequences, moving on to a conceptual discussion concerning Backlash and its main derivations, and ending in a reflection about its relationship with child sexual abuse. From the research undertaken it is stated that, while Backlash started out as a counter response to the success achieved by the women movement, it has evolved and moved into other thematic areas, such as child sexual abuse, which understanding and focus have been influenced by pseudoscientific theories like the parental alienation syndrome and the false memory syndrome, from which the victims’ declarations are discredited. While the use of Backlash compatible theories in custody processes and sexual abuse accusation trials shows an accelerated increase, it is concluded that the human rights movement needs to build up a solid and joint answer against this extreme response.Keywords:Backlash, child sexual abuse, parental alienation syndrome, false memories syndrome.


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When people receive descriptions or doctored photos of events that never happened, they often come to remember those events. But if people receive both a description and a doctored photo, does the order in which they receive the information matter? We asked people to consider a description and a doctored photograph of a childhood hot air balloon ride, and we varied which medium they saw first. People who saw a description first reported more false images and memories than did people who saw a photo first, a result that fits with an anchoring account of false childhood memories. © 2010 The Psychonomic Society, Inc.


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The false memory/recovered memory debate, research regarding the malleability of memory, and the current lack of methods for validating recovered memories all support the view that heightened care is required of therapists dealing with clients whom they suspect have been sexually abused. The judgmental heuristics that underlie the major clinical inference biases of confirmatory bias, biased covariation, base rate fallacies, and schematic processing errors are all relevant to the processes leading to therapist-client constructions of memories of sexual abuse. Suggestions for minimizing each of these biases are offered. Personal motivations of the client and client suggestibility are factors that may contribute to the construction of memories of sexual abuse, and suggestions for minimizing the impact of these motivations are offered. In conclusion, general suggestions for minimizing the impact of clinical inference biases within the sexual abuse treatment context are summarized.


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We report an extension of the procedure devised by Weinstein and Shanks (Memory & Cognition 36:1415-1428, 2008) to study false recognition and priming of pictures. Participants viewed scenes with multiple embedded objects (seen items), then studied the names of these objects and the names of other objects (read items). Finally, participants completed a combined direct (recognition) and indirect (identification) memory test that included seen items, read items, and new items. In the direct test, participants recognized pictures of seen and read items more often than new pictures. In the indirect test, participants' speed at identifying those same pictures was improved for pictures that they had actually studied, and also for falsely recognized pictures whose names they had read. These data provide new evidence that a false-memory induction procedure can elicit memory-like representations that are difficult to distinguish from "true" memories of studied pictures. © 2012 Psychonomic Society, Inc.


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False information can influence people's beliefs and memories. But can fabricated evidence induce individuals to accuse another person of doing something they never did? We examined whether exposure to a fabricated video could produce false eyewitness testimony. Subjects completed a gambling task alongside a confederate subject, and later we falsely told subjects that their partner had cheated on the task. Some subjects viewed a digitally manipulated video of their partner cheating; some were told that video evidence of the cheating exists; and others were not told anything about video evidence. Subjects were asked to sign a statement confirming that they witnessed the incident and that their corroboration could be used in disciplinary action against the accused. See-video subjects were three times more likely to sign the statement than Told-video and Control subjects. Fabricated evidence may, indeed, produce false eyewitness testimony; we discuss probable cognitive mechanisms. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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In prior research on false autobiographical beliefs and memories, subjects have been asked to imagine fictional events and have been exposed to false evidence that indicates that the fictional events occurred. But what are the relative contributions of imagination and false evidence toward false belief and memory construction? In the present study, subjects observed and copied various simple actions; then they viewed doctored videos that suggested that they had performed extra actions and they imagined performing some of those and some other actions. Subjects returned 2 weeks later for a memory test. False evidence or imagination alone was often sufficient to cause belief and memory distortions; in combination, they appeared to have additive or even superadditive effects. The results bear on the mechanisms underlying false beliefs and memories, and we propose legal and clinical applications of these findings. © 2009 The Psychonomic Society, Inc.


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Objectives. Intrusive memories of extreme trauma can disrupt a stepwise approach to imaginal exposure. Concurrent tasks that load the visuospatial sketchpad (VSSP) of working memory reduce the vividness of recalled images. This study tested whether relief of distress from competing VSSP tasks during imaginal exposure is at the cost of impaired desensitization . Design. This study examined repeated exposure to emotive memories using 18 unselected undergraduates and a within-subjects design with three exposure conditions (Eye Movement, Visual Noise, Exposure Alone) in random, counterbalanced order. Method. At baseline, participants recalled positive and negative experiences, and rated the vividness and emotiveness of each image. A different positive and negative recollection was then used for each condition. Vividness and emotiveness were rated after each of eight exposure trials. At a post-exposure session 1 week later, participants rated each image without any concurrent task. Results. Consistent with previous research, vividness and distress during imaging were lower during Eye Movements than in Exposure Alone, with passive visual interference giving intermediate results. A reduction in emotional responses from Baseline to Post was of similar size for the three conditions. Conclusion. Visuospatial tasks may offer a temporary response aid for imaginal exposure without affecting desensitization.


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Review of 'Toy Symphony', Queensland Theatre Company, published in The Australian, 17 November 2009.


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The assertion on which this paper is based is that Capitalism has been superseded by Corporatism. I put forward an argument as to why Marxist scholars can and should abandon the idea that Capitalism still exists based on Marx’s approach to understanding political economy. Further, I argue that Marx’s method can be deployed to better understand and change the corporatist system in which we are currently living first by understanding what it means to be “labour” in a system governed by complex structures of debt.