995 resultados para eye injury


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Purpose: To compare the eye and head movements and lane-keeping of drivers with hemianopia and quadrantanopia with that of age-matched controls when driving under real world conditions. Methods: Participants included 22 hemianopes and 8 quadrantanopes (M age 53 yrs) and 30 persons with normal visual fields (M age 52 yrs) who were ≥ 6 months from the brain injury date and either a current driver or aiming to resume driving. All participants drove an instrumented dual-brake vehicle along a 14-mile route in traffic that included non-interstate city driving and interstate driving. Driving performance was scored using a standardised assessment system by two “backseat” raters and the Vigil Vanguard system which provides objective measures of speed, braking and acceleration, cornering, and video-based footage from which eye and head movements and lane-keeping can be derived. Results: As compared to drivers with normal visual fields, drivers with hemianopia or quadrantanopia on average were significantly more likely to drive slower, to exhibit less excessive cornering forces or acceleration, and to execute more shoulder movements off the seat. Those hemianopic and quadrantanopic drivers rated as safe to drive by the backseat evaluator made significantly more excursive eye movements, exhibited more stable lane positioning, less sudden braking events and drove at higher speeds than those rated as unsafe, while there was no difference between safe and unsafe drivers in head movements. Conclusions: Persons with hemianopic and quadrantanopic field defects rated as safe to drive have different driving characteristics compared to those rated as unsafe when assessed using objective measures of driving performance.


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Vitamin D, along with calcium, may help decrease the risk of falls and fractures in older adults. Sunlight and other sources of ultraviolet radiation are not recommended because they increase the risk of skin cancers and sun-induced eye disorders. Rather, vitamin D and calcium needs should be met through foods and dietary supplements. As a preventive measure to reduce the risk of falls and fractures, it is recommended that older adults meet the 2005 Dietary Guidelines and consume 1000 IU of vitamin D, preferably as vitamin D3.


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The Queensland Great Barrier Reef line fishery in Australia is regulated via a range of input and output controls including minimum size limits, daily catch limits and commercial catch quotas. As a result of these measures a substantial proportion of the catch is released or discarded. The fate of these released fish is uncertain, but hook-related mortality can potentially be decreased by using hooks that reduce the rates of injury, bleeding and deep hooking. There is also the potential to reduce the capture of non-target species though gear selectivity. A total of 1053 individual fish representing five target species and three non-target species were caught using six hook types including three hook patterns (non-offset circle, J and offset circle), each in two sizes (small 4/0 or 5/0 and large 8/0). Catch rates for each of the hook patterns and sizes varied between species with no consistent results for target or non-target species. When data for all of the fish species were aggregated there was a trend for larger hooks, J hooks and offset circle hooks to cause a greater number of injuries. Using larger hooks was more likely to result in bleeding, although this trend was not statistically significant. Larger hooks were also more likely to foul-hook fish or hook fish in the eye. There was a reduction in the rates of injuries and bleeding for both target and non-target species when using the smaller hook sizes. For a number of species included in our study the incidence of deep hooking decreased when using non-offset circle hooks, however, these results were not consistent for all species. Our results highlight the variability in hook performance across a range of tropical demersal finfish species. The most obvious conservation benefits for both target and non-target species arise from using smaller sized hooks and non-offset circle hooks. Fishers should be encouraged to use these hook configurations to reduce the potential for post-release mortality of released fish.


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Primary Objective: To investigate the utility of using a new method of assessment for deficits in selective visual attention (SVA). Methods and Procedures: An independent groups design compared six participants with brain injuries with six participants from a non-brain injured control group. The Sensomotoric Instruments Eye Movement system with remote eye-tracking device (eye camera), and 2 sets of eight stimuli were employed to determine if the camera would be a sensitive discriminator of SVA in these groups. Main Outcomes and Results: The attention profile displayed by the brain injured group showed that they were slower, made more errors, were less accurate, and more indecisive than the control group. Conclusions: The utility of eye movement analysis as an assessment method was established, with implications for rehabilitation requiring further development. Key words: selective visual attention, eye movement analysis, brain injury


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This study was conducted to determine the perivascular cell responses to increased endothelial cell expression of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) in mouse retina. The contribution of bone marrow cells in the IGFBP-3-mediated response was examined using green fluorescent protein-positive (GFP(+)) adult chimeric mice subjected to laser-induced retinal vessel occlusion injury. Intravitreal injection of an endothelial-specific IGFBP-3-expressing plasmid resulted in increased differentiation of GF(P)+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) into pericytes and astrocytes as determined by immunohistochemical analysis. Administration of IGFBP-3 plasmid to mouse pups that underwent the oxygen-induced retinopathy model resulted in increased pericyte ensheathment and reduced pericyte apoptosis in the developing retina. Increased IGFBP-3 expression reduced the number of activated microglial cells and decreased apoptosis of neuronal cells in the oxygen-induced retinopathy model. In summary, IGFBP-3 increased differentiation of GFP(+) HSCs into pericytes and astrocytes while increasing vascular ensheathment of pericytes and decreasing apoptosis of pericytes and retinal neurons. All of these cytoprotective effects exhibited by IGFBP-3 overexpression can result in a more stable retinal vascular bed. Thus, endothelial expression of IGFBP-3 may represent a physiologic response to injury and may represent a therapeutic strategy for the treatment of ischemic vascular eye diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy and retinopathy of prematurity. (Am J Pathol 2011, 178:1517-1524; DOI: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2010.12.031)


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Plaques constructed with 125I were used to irradiate the sites of perforating ocular injuries in rabbits. An approximate dose of 16Gy given over a period of 6 days was shown to significantly reduce intraocular cellular proliferation when irradiation was commenced within 24 hours after injury. If irradiation was delayed until day 5, this reduction in cellular proliferation and intraocular membrane formation did not occur. Smaller radiation doses of approximately 6Gy given within 24 hours post-injury and administered over 6 days also reduced the extent of cellular proliferation but was not as effective as the 16Gy dose.


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Introduction: Impacted knife injuries in the maxillofacial region are rare and infrequently reported. In cases of injury involving orbit or eye, these reports are even rarer. Discussion: Damage to the orbital contents may result in a rupture of the globe, extraocular muscle injury, lacrimal gland damage, and others. Orbital foreign bodies are not only difficult to detect, and clinical features vary according to its size, characteristics, shape, penetrating method, and site. In this report, a case of abducens nerve palsy after orbitoethmoidal knife injury is presented. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.


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Ocular enucleation produces significant morphological and physiological changes in central visual areas. However, our knowledge of the molecular events resulting from eye enucleation in visual brain areas remains elusive. We characterized here the transcription nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-kappa B) activation induced by ocular enucleation in the rat superior colliculus (SC). We also tested the effectiveness of the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone in inhibiting its activation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays to detect NF-kappa B indicated that this transcription factor is activated in the SC from 1 h to day 15 postlesion. The expression of p65 and p50 proteins in the nuclear extracts was also increased. Dexamethasone treatment was able to significantly inhibit NF-kappa B activation. These findings suggest that this transcriptional factor is importantly involved in the visual system short-term processes that ensue after retinal lesions in the adult brain. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report a case of an accidental death or potential suicide by revolver with subsequent injury of another person. A 44-year-old man shot himself in the head while manipulating his.38 caliber special revolver in the kitchen in the presence of his wife, standing approximately 1.5 m next to him. After passing through the husband's head, the lead round-nose bullet entered the region underneath his wife's left eye. When the bullet left the man's head, it retained the energy to penetrate the soft tissue at this distance, including the skin and thin bone plates like the orbital wall. Owing to the low energy of the projectile, the entry wound was of atypical in shape and without loss of tissue. Only a small line-resembling a cut-was externally visible. The man died in the hospital from his injuries; his wife suffered visual loss of her left eye.


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In order to analyse the possible basis of subjective complaints following whiplash injury, horizontal eye movements were examined in subjects with persistent complaints ('symptomatic group') and subjects who had completely recovered ('recovered group'). The results for the symptomatic and recovered groups were compared with those for age-matched, healthy volunteers (control group). A battery of different saccade paradigms was employed: two were reflexive saccade tasks including a gap and an overlap task, and two were intentional saccade tasks consisting of an antisaccade and a memory-guided saccade task. In addition, the symptomatic and recovered groups also underwent psychiatric evaluation in a structured clinical interview, and all groups were assessed for emotional functioning using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The recovered group did not differ significantly from the control group in saccade performance and emotional functioning. The symptomatic group showed dissociation of their performances of reflexive and intentional saccade tasks: performance in reflexive saccade tasks was normal, but in intentional saccade tasks the symptomatic group showed significantly impaired inhibition of unwanted reflexive saccades, impaired saccade triggering (i.e. increased latency) and a higher percentage error in amplitude in memory-guided saccades. Based on clinical interviews, no signs of major depression or dysthymia were found in any of the groups. Compared with the other two groups, the symptomatic group had significantly higher overall BDI scores, but these resulted from BDI dimensions that were non-specific to depression, viz. 'physiological manifestations' (e.g. fatigue, sleep disturbance) or 'performance difficulty' (e.g. work inhibition). In summary, in the symptomatic group the pattern of eye movement disturbances together with normal performance in reflexive saccade tasks and impaired performance in the intentional saccade tasks, especially impaired inhibitory function, suggests dysfunction of prefrontal and frontal cortical structures.


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PURPOSE: The present study defines genomic loci underlying coordinate changes in gene expression following retinal injury. METHODS: A group of acute phase genes expressed in diverse nervous system tissues was defined by combining microarray results from injury studies from rat retina, brain, and spinal cord. Genomic loci regulating the brain expression of acute phase genes were identified using a panel of BXD recombinant inbred (RI) mouse strains. Candidate upstream regulators within a locus were defined using single nucleotide polymorphism databases and promoter motif databases. RESULTS: The acute phase response of rat retina, brain, and spinal cord was dominated by transcription factors. Three genomic loci control transcript expression of acute phase genes in brains of BXD RI mouse strains. One locus was identified on chromosome 12 and was highly correlated with the expression of classic acute phase genes. Within the locus we identified the inhibitor of DNA binding 2 (Id2) as a candidate upstream regulator. Id2 was upregulated as an acute phase transcript in injury models of rat retina, brain, and spinal cord. CONCLUSIONS: We defined a group of transcriptional changes associated with the retinal acute injury response. Using genetic linkage analysis of natural transcript variation, we identified regulatory loci and candidate regulators that control transcript levels of acute phase genes.


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Orbital blunt trauma is common, and the diagnosis of a fracture should be made by computed tomographic (CT) scan. However, this will expose patients to ionising radiation. Our objective was to identify clinical predictors of orbital fracture, in particular the presence of a black eye, to minimise unnecessary exposure to radiation. A 10-year retrospective study was made of the medical records of all patients with minor head trauma who presented with one or two black eyes to our emergency department between May 2000 and April 2010. Each of the patients had a CT scan, was over 16 years old, and had a Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) of 13-15. The primary outcome was whether the black eye was a valuable predictor of a fracture. Accompanying clinical signs were considered as a secondary outcome. A total of 1676 patients (mean (SD) age 51 (22) years) and minor head trauma with either one or two black eyes were included. In 1144 the CT scan showed a fracture of the maxillofacial skeleton, which gave an incidence of 68.3% in whom a black eye was the obvious symptom. Specificity for facial fractures was particularly high for other clinical signs, such as diminished skin sensation (specificity 96.4%), diplopia or occulomotility disorders (89.3%), fracture steps (99.8%), epistaxis (95.5%), subconjunctival haemorrhage (90.4%), and emphysema (99.6%). Sensitivity for the same signs ranged from 10.8% to 22.2%. The most striking fact was that 68.3% of all patients with a black eye had an underlying fracture. We therefore conclude that a CT scan should be recommended for every patient with minor head injury who presents with a black eye.


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Cervical joint position error (JPE) has been used as a measure of cervical afferent input to detect disturbances in sensori-motor control as a possible contributor to a neck pain syndrome. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between cervical JPE, balance and eye movement control. It was of particular interest whether assessment of cervical ME alone was sufficient to signal the presence of disturbances in the two other tests. One hundred subjects with persistent whiplash-associated disorders (WADs) and 40 healthy controls subjects were assessed on measures of cervical JPE, standing balance and the smooth pursuit neck torsion test (SPNT). The results indicated that over all subjects, significant but weak-to-moderate correlations existed between all comfortable stance balance tests and both the SPNT and rotation cervical ME tests. A weak correlation was found between the SPNT and right rotation cervical JPE. An abnormal rotation cervical JPE score had a high positive prediction value (88%) but low sensitivity (60%) and specificity (54%) to determine abnormality in balance and or SPNT test. The results suggest that in patients with persistent WAD, it is not sufficient to measure ME alone. All three measures are required to identify disturbances in the postural control system. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The kinin family are a group of bioactive peptides that are closely involved in the modulation of vascular inflammation and local injury. We have demonstrated here, for the first time, a link between kinin activity and contact lens wear. Protein extracts from daily and extended wear etafilcon A, Group IV, Acuvue lenses (Vistakon), were analysed by counter immunoelectrophoresis. In this way, kinin activity associated with contact lens wear was detected. High molecular weight kininogen was used as the marker protein. In contrast, no kinin activity was detected in the non-lens wearing normal eye. © 2002 British Contact Lens Association. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.