899 resultados para excess current effects
The common feature of urea cycle diseases (UCD) is a defect in ammonium elimination in liver, leading to hyperammonemia. This excess of circulating ammonium eventually reaches the central nervous system, where the main toxic effects of ammonium occur. These are reversible or irreversible, depending on the age of onset as well as the duration and the level of ammonium exposure. The brain is much more susceptible to the deleterious effects of ammonium during development than in adulthood, and surviving UCD patients may develop cortical and basal ganglia hypodensities, cortical atrophy, white matter atrophy or hypomyelination and ventricular dilatation. While for a long time, the mechanisms leading to these irreversible effects of ammonium exposure on the brain remained poorly understood, these last few years have brought new data showing in particular that ammonium exposure alters several amino acid pathways and neurotransmitter systems, cerebral energy, nitric oxide synthesis, axonal and dendritic growth, signal transduction pathways, as well as K(+) and water channels. All these effects of ammonium on CNS may eventually lead to energy deficit, oxidative stress and cell death. Recent work also proposed neuroprotective strategies, such as the use of NMDA receptor antagonists, nitric oxide inhibitors, creatine and acetyl-l-carnitine, to counteract the toxic effects of ammonium. Better understanding the pathophysiology of ammonium toxicity to the brain under UCD will allow the development of new strategies for neuroprotection.
Drought is the main constraint on wheat yield in Mediterranean conditions. The photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence and plant growth parameters of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum, L. var. durum) were compared at three [CO2] (i.e., depleted 260 ppm, current 400ppm and elevated 700 ppm) in plants subjected to twowater regimes (i.e.,well-wateredWW, and mildwater stress by drought orwater deficit WS), during pre-anthesis, post-anthesis and the end of grain filling. We showed that [CO2] effects on plants are modulated by water availability. Plants at depleted [CO2] showed photosynthetic acclimation (i.e., up-regulation) and reduced plant biomass and Harvest Index, but depleted [CO2] combined with WS has a more negative impact on plants with decreases in C assimilation and biomass. Plants at elevated [CO2] had decreased plant growth and photosynthesis in response to a down-regulation mechanism resulting from a decrease in Rubisco and N content, but plants exposed to a combination of elevated [CO2] and WS were the most negatively affected (e.g., on plant biomass).
L’inflammation: Une réponse adaptative du système immunitaire face à une insulte est aujourd’hui reconnue comme une composante essentielle à presque toutes les maladies infectieuses ou autres stimuli néfastes, tels les dommages tissulaires incluant l’infarctus du myocarde et l’insuffisance cardiaque. Dans le contexte des maladies cardiovasculaires, l’inflammation se caractérise principalement par une activation à long terme du système immunitaire, menant à une faible, mais chronique sécrétion de peptides modulateurs, appelés cytokines pro-inflammatoires. En effet, la littérature a montré à plusieurs reprises que les patients souffrant d’arythmies et de défaillance cardiaque présentent des taux élevés de cytokines pro-inflammatoires tels le facteur de nécrose tissulaire alpha (TNFα), l’interleukine 1β (IL-1β) et l’interleukine 6. De plus, ces patients souffrent souvent d’une baisse de la capacité contractile du myocarde. Le but de notre étude était donc de déterminer si un lien de cause à effet existe entre ces phénomènes et plus spécifiquement si le TNFα, l’IL-1β et l’IL-6 peuvent affecter les propriétés électriques et contractiles du cœur en modulant le courant Ca2+ de type L (ICaL) un courant ionique qui joue un rôle primordial au niveau de la phase plateau du potentiel d’action ainsi qu’au niveau du couplage excitation-contraction. Les possibles méchansimes par lesquels ces cytokines exercent leurs effets seront aussi explorés. Pour ce faire, des cardiomyocytes ventriculaires de souris nouveau-nées ont été mis en culture et traités 24 heures avec des concentrations pathophysiologiques (30 pg/mL) de TNFα, IL-1β ou IL-6. Des enregistrements de ICaL réalisés par la technique du patch-clamp en configuration cellule entière ont été obtenus par la suite et les résultats montrent que le TNFα n’affecte pas ICaL, même à des concentrations plus élevées (1 ng/mL). En revanche, l’IL-1β réduisait de près de 40% la densité d’ICaL. Afin d’examiner si le TNFα et l’IL-1β pouvaient avoir un effet synergique, les cardiomyocytes ont été traité avec un combinaison des deux cytokines. Toutefois aucun effet synergique sur ICaL n’a été constaté. En outre, l’IL-6 réduisait ICaL significativement, cependant la réduction de 20% était moindre que celle induite par IL-1β. Afin d’élucider les mécanismes sous-jacents à la réduction de ICaL après un traitement avec IL-1β, l’expression d’ARNm de CaV1.2, sous-unité α codante pour ICaL, a été mesurée par qPCR et les résultats obtenus montrent aucun changement du niveau d’expression. Plusieurs études ont montré que l’inflammation et le stress oxydatif vont de pair. En effet, l’imagerie confocale nous a permis de constater une augmentation accrue du stress oxydatif induit par IL-1β et malgré un traitement aux antioxydants, la diminution de ICaL n’a pas été prévenue. Cette étude montre qu’IL-1β et IL-6 réduisent ICaL de façon importante et ce indépendamment d’une régulation transcriptionelle ou du stress oxydatif. De nouvelles données préliminaires suggèrent que ICaL serait réduit suite à l’activation des protéines kinase C mais des études additionelles seront nécessaires afin d’étudier cette avenue. Nos résultats pourraient contribuer à expliquer les troubles du rythme et de contractilité observés chez les patients souffrant de défaillance cardiaque.
Voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCCs) have emerged as targets to treat neuropathic pain; however, amongst VDCCs, the precise role of the CaV2.3 subtype in nociception remains unproven. Here, we investigate the effects of partial sciatic nerve ligation (PSNL) on Ca2+ currents in small/medium diameter dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurones isolated from CaV2.3(−/−) knock-out and wild-type (WT) mice. DRG neurones from CaV2.3(−/−) mice had significantly reduced sensitivity to SNX-482 versusWTmice. DRGs from CaV2.3(−/−) mice also had increased sensitivity to the CaV2.2 VDCC blocker -conotoxin. In WT mice, PSNL caused a significant increase in -conotoxin-sensitivity and a reduction in SNX-482-sensitivity. In CaV2.3(−/−) mice, PSNL caused a significant reduction in -conotoxin-sensitivity and an increase in nifedipine sensitivity. PSNL-induced changes in Ca2+ current were not accompanied by effects on voltagedependence of activation in either CaV2.3(−/−) or WT mice. These data suggest that CaV2.3 subunits contribute, but do not fully underlie, drug-resistant (R-type) Ca2+ current in these cells. In WT mice, PSNL caused adaptive changes in CaV2.2- and CaV2.3-mediated Ca2+ currents, supporting roles for these VDCCs in nociception during neuropathy. In CaV2.3(−/−) mice, PSNL-induced changes in CaV1 and CaV2.2 Ca2+ current, consistent with alternative adaptive mechanisms occurring in the absence of CaV2.3 subunits.
We investigate the “flux excess” effect, whereby open solar flux estimates from spacecraft increase with increasing heliocentric distance. We analyze the kinematic effect on these open solar flux estimates of large-scale longitudinal structure in the solar wind flow, with particular emphasis on correcting estimates made using data from near-Earth satellites. We show that scatter, but no net bias, is introduced by the kinematic “bunching effect” on sampling and that this is true for both compression and rarefaction regions. The observed flux excesses, as a function of heliocentric distance, are shown to be consistent with open solar flux estimates from solar magnetograms made using the potential field source surface method and are well explained by the kinematic effect of solar wind speed variations on the frozen-in heliospheric field. Applying this kinematic correction to the Omni-2 interplanetary data set shows that the open solar flux at solar minimum fell from an annual mean of 3.82 × 1016 Wb in 1987 to close to half that value (1.98 × 1016 Wb) in 2007, making the fall in the minimum value over the last two solar cycles considerably faster than the rise inferred from geomagnetic activity observations over four solar cycles in the first half of the 20th century.
Depression is associated with glucocorticoid hypersecretion, due to dysfunction of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocorticol axis (HPA-axis). Because excess glucocorticoids are associated with depressive-like features in humans, glucocorticoid receptor antagonists are currently being tested for antidepressant efficacy in clinical trials. In the current study the hypothesis that mifepristone (RU486), a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist, would decrease the neuroendocrine and central HPA-axis responses to an acute stressor and attentuate depressive like behavior in an animal model of behavioral helplessness (forced swim test) was tested. Adult male rats were treated with 10 mglkg RU486 (subcutaneous) for five days and then exposed to a IO-minute forced swim test (FST), conducted in Plexiglas cylinders. FST sessions were videotaped for later analysis of behavioral immobility. Plasma ACTH and corticosterone CORT were measured at 15min and 90min after FST cessation. Animals were perfused and brains were collected for immunocytochemical assessment of c-Fos expression in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), a brain region implicated in both depression and central control of the HPA axis. RU486 significantly decreased peak ACTH and CORT concentrations following FST exposure. In addition, glucocorticoid negative feedback was at1enuated in RU486-treated animals exposed to the FST. Exposure to FST alone induced c-FOS expression in the mPFC, as measured by the number of c-Fos positive neurons. Treatment with RU486 significantly increased the number of rnPFC c-Fos positive cell following FST exposure. The behavioral data obtained from FST paradigm, demonstrated that RU486 decreased immobility in the FST illustrating the potential efficacy of this drug as an antidepressant. Collectively these data suggest that RU486 dampens HPA-axis responses to stress, possibly by enhancing the excitability of stress-inhibitory neurons in the mPFC. This is particularly exciting, given the fact that this neural region is associated with decreased neural activity during depression in humans.
Introduction: Fructose is a simple carbohydrate that should be ingested in a restricted manner. However, current data suggest increased daily consumption of fructose which may lead to an increased incidence of diseases such as obesity, diabetes and co-morbidities associated with excess weight. Thus, the objective of the present study was to assess the effect of the ingestion of different fructose sources on weight gain, glycemia and serum triglyceride levels in rats.Methods: The study was conducted on male Wistar rats divided into 5 groups according to the source and concentration of fructuse (ingested ad libitum in liquid form).Results: Drink intake was increased and chow consumption was reduced in all groups compared to control (p<0.05). The animals of the groups receiving 10 and 20% fructose solutions showed increased triglyceride levels and the 20% group also showed weight gain. The exaggerate consumption of fructose promotes a reduced consumption of chow, an increase in serum triglyceride levels, and weight gain in some animals.
It is well established that sibutramine produces weight loss and is used frequently in women of childbearing age. However, the potential adverse consequences attributed to sibutramine use by women who may become pregnant is not known. It was thus of interest to determine the effects of sibutramine on the reproductive performance of pregnant rats. Overweight as well as non-overweight female Wistar rats were treated with sibutramine (6 mg/kg) orally, daily for 15 d and then mated with normal male rats. Pregnancy was confirmed and treatment continued with sibutramine until d 14 of pregnancy. on d 20 of pregnancy all rats were anesthetized for determination of various maternal and fetal parameters. There was a significant maternal weight reduction at the end of pregnancy in the non-overweight drug-treated group compared to the control (non-overweight, no drug). Sibutramine alone and overweight condition alone produced a significant increase in postimplantation loss and placental index. In the overweight with or without sibutramine groups a significant decrease in fetal weight was noted. Data suggest that sibutramine alone or the condition of excess weight in the absence of drugs produced impaired reproductive performance. However, treatment of overweight rats with sibutramine did not further exacerbate fetal loss compared to sibutramine alone or the effects noted with excess weight alone.
Application of high temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox. (Bi-2223) compound embedded in an Ag matrix requires the knowledge of critical current as a function of mechanical properties. Commercial tapes available in different types have been developed in industrial production scale in which a combination of small diameter filaments, long tape lengths and a ductile matrix results in a conductor with low crack formation and good tolerance against strain. The measurement of critical current and the evaluation of n-index from V-I characteristic curves of Bi-2223/Ag composite tapes subjected to an initial bending strain as a function of number of thermal cycles were done for two types of Bi-2223/Ag composite tapes: with and without steel tape reinforcement. The results showed that tapes with reinforcement presented small critical current degradation as a function of the number of thermal cycles whereas tapes without reinforcement exhibited steadily critical current degradation caused by the propagation of cracks. The n-index followed the same critical current behavior.
The radial magnetic field profile during implosion of a reversed field current sheath in a theta-pinch was investigated through local measurements and simulation of hybrid code. The actual profile was defined by Hermite interpolation polynomial through mean value of the field at discrete radial position of measurements. Simulation profile was provided by the numerical code with appropriate initial conditions. Classical and anomalous collision process were taken in account in the theoretical model. The results indicated that anomalous effects play major role during the implosion phase of current sheath in a slow rising theta pinch device.
Objectives: Evaluate the cytotoxic effect of the three dental adhesive systems. Methods: The immortalized mouse odontoblast cell line (MDPC-23) was plated (30,000 cell/cm 2) in 24 well dishes, allowed to grow for 72 h, and counted under inverted light microscopy. Uncured fresh adhesives were added to culture medium to simulate effects of unset adhesive. Three adhesives systems were applied for 120 min to cells in six wells for each group: Group 1) Single Bond (3M), Group 2) Prime & Bond 2.1 (Dentsply), and Group 3) Syntac Sprint (Vivadent). In the control group, PBS was added to fresh medium. The cell number was counted again and the cell morphology was assessed under SEM. In addition, the adhesive systems were applied to circles of filter paper, light-cured for 20 s, and placed in the bottom of 24 wells (six wells for each experimental materials and control group). MDPC-23 cells were plated (30,000 cell/cm 2) in the wells and allowed to incubate for 72 h. The zone of inhibition around the filter papers was measured under inverted light microscopy; cell morphology was evaluated under SEM; and the MTT assay was performed for mitochondrial respiration. Results: The fresh adhesives exhibited more toxic (cytopathic effects) to MDPC-23 cells than polymerized adhesives on filter papers, and as compared to the control group. The cytopathic effect of the adhesive systems occurred in the inhibition zone around the filter papers, which was confirmed by the MTT assay and statistical analysis (ANOVA) combined with Fisher's PLSD test. In the control group, MDPC-23 cells were dense on the plastic substrate and were in contact with the filter paper. In the experimental groups, when acid in the adhesive systems was removed by changing the culture medium, or when the adhesives were light-cured, some cells grew in the wells in spite of the persistent cytotoxic effect. Significance: All dentin adhesive systems were cytotoxic odontoblast-like cells. Both acidity and non-acidic components of these systems were responsible for the high cytopathic effect of those dental materials. © 1999 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Androgen exposure during sexual development induces alterations in steroidal target tissues. The objective of this study was to evaluate the uterine responsiveness to estradiol after perinatal androgenization. Pregnant Wistar rats were exposed to corn oil or testosterone propionate at 0.05, 0.1, or 0.2 mg/kg from gestational day 12 until postnatal day 21. Female offspring was challenged with estradiol (E2 ) after weaning (0.4 mg/kg) and at adulthood (10 or 100 µg/day), when the pituitary response was also evaluated. At adulthood, control and 0.05 mg/kg groups presented a uterine weight increment when exposed to 100 µg/day of E2 , 0.1 mg/kg group only responded to 10 µg/day of E2 , and the 0.2 mg/kg group showed increased uterine weight at both doses. The pituitary weight was similarly increased after estradiol stimulation in all experimental groups. In conclusion, testosterone propionate exposure induced an abnormal stimulation of uterine tissue growth by estrogen stimulus without affecting pituitary response. More studies are needed to clarify whether these alterations are capable of impairing the reproductive capacity of the female tract. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol, 2015.
Objective: Obesity is a major public health problem leading to, among other things, reduced functional capacity. Moreover, obesity-related declines in functional capacity may be compounded by the detrimental consequences of menopause. The aim of this study was to understand the potential effects of excess body mass on measures of functional capacity in postmenopausal women. Methods: Forty-five postmenopausal women aged 50 to 60 years were divided into two groups according to body mass index (BMI): obese (BMI, >= 30 kg/m(2); n = 19) and nonobese (BMI, 18.5-29.9 kg/m(2); n = 26). To determine clinical characteristics, body composition, bone mineral density, and maximal exercise testing was performed, and a 3-day dietary record was estimated. To assess quadriceps function, isokinetic exercise testing at 60 degrees per second (quadriceps strength) and at 300 degrees per second (quadriceps fatigue) was performed. Results: The absolute value of the peak torque was not significantly different between the groups; however, when the data were normalized by body mass and lean mass, significantly lower values were observed for obese women compared with those in the nonobese group (128% +/- 25% vs 155% +/- 24% and 224% +/- 38% vs 257% +/- 47%, P < 0.05). The fatigue index did not show any significant difference for either group; however, when the data were normalized by the body mass and lean mass, significantly lower values were observed for obese women (69% +/- 16% vs 93% +/- 18% and 120% +/- 25% vs. 135% +/- 23%, P < 0.01). Conclusions: Our results show that despite reduced muscle force, the combination of obesity and postmenopause may be associated with greater resistance to muscle fatigue.