499 resultados para etniset ryhmät - ashanti - Ghana
Challenging the view of asymmetrical power relations between China and Africa, this thesis questions the "Chinese comparative advantages" (monolithic state power and economic advantages) of Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Africa. It argues that the power dynamics between Chinese and African actors are dialectical and pluralistic, with localized social capital representing the true Chinese competitive advantage in Africa. Based on ethnographical fieldwork conducted in Ghana, this thesis shows that Chinese SOEs pursue their globalization in a double context - that of the deliberate "retreat" of the Chinese state, and more importantly, that of Ghanaian governance and society (characterized by political party patronage, extraversion dynamics, and worker agency). The trajectories of Chinese expatriates' expatriation/ social promotion and their SOEs' globalization/ localization are mutually influenced and reinforced. By cultivating local relationships and knowledge, a provincial Chinese SOE in Ghana can outperform a large Chinese central SOE, even if the latter has more support from the Chinese state. Moreover, the recent effort to build a "socially acceptable Chinese community" in Ghana has renewed the power dynamics between the Chinese state and the SOEs. All these observations provide for constructing a new perspective of Chinese SOEs in Africa - a "second-class" Chinese globalization - the SOEs may begin with few privileges, but promotion over time is possible. -- A contre pied des approches postulant des relations de pouvoir asymétriques entre la Chine et l'Afrique, cette thèse interroge les « avantages comparatifs chinois » (pouvoir de l'État monolithique et avantages économiques) des entreprises publiques chinoises (EPC) en Afrique. Elle soutient l'idée selon laquelle les dynamiques de pouvoir entre les acteurs chinois et africains est dialectique et pluraliste, et le capital social localisé étant le véritable avantage compétitif chinois en Afrique. S'appuyant sur un travail de terrain ethnographique au Ghana, cette thèse montre que les EPC poursuivent leur mondialisation dans un double contexte - celui de la «retraite» délibérée de l'État chinois, et, de façon plus importante, celui de la gouvernance et de la société ghanéennes (caractérisées par un clientélisme des partis politiques, une dynamique d'extraversion et le pouvoir de négociation des travailleurs). Les trajectoires d'expatriation / de promotion sociale des expatriés chinois et la mondialisation / localisation de leurs EPC s'influencent et se renforcent mutuellement. En cultivant des relations et des connaissances locales, une EPC provinciale au Ghana peut surpasser une grande EPC centrale, même si cette dernière reçoit plus de soutien de l'État chinois. En outre, les efforts récents visant à construire une «communauté chinoise socialement acceptable» au Ghana ont renouvelé la dynamique du pouvoir entre l'État chinois et les EPC. Ces observations permettent de construire une nouvelle perspective des EPC en Afrique - la globalisation chinoise de « deuxième classe » - les EPC peuvent débuter avec peu de privilèges, mais leur promotion reste possible avec le temps.
Differences in parasite transmission intensity influence the process of acquisition of host immunity to Plasmodium falciparum malaria and ultimately, the rate of malaria related morbidity and mortality. Potential vaccines being designed to complement current intervention efforts therefore need to be evaluated against different malaria endemicity backgrounds. The associations between antibody responses to the chimeric merozoite surface protein 1 block 2 hybrid (MSP1 hybrid), glutamate-rich protein region 2 (GLURP R2) and the peptide AS202.11, and the risk of malaria were assessed in children living in malaria hyperendemic (Burkina Faso, n = 354) and hypo-endemic (Ghana, n = 209) areas. Using the same reagent lots and standardized protocols for both study sites, immunoglobulin (Ig) M, IgG and IgG sub-class levels to each antigen were measured by ELISA in plasma from the children (aged 6-72 months). Associations between antibody levels and risk of malaria were assessed using Cox regression models adjusting for covariates. There was a significant association between GLURP R2 IgG3 and reduced risk of malaria after adjusting age of children in both the Burkinabe (hazard ratio 0.82; 95 % CI 0.74-0.91, p < 0.0001) and the Ghanaian (HR 0.48; 95 % CI 0.25-0.91, p = 0.02) cohorts. MSP1 hybrid IgM was associated (HR 0.85; 95 % CI 0.73-0.98, p = 0.02) with reduced risk of malaria in Burkina Faso cohort while IgG against AS202.11 in the Ghanaian children was associated with increased risk of malaria (HR 1.29; 95 % CI 1.01-1.65, p = 0.04). These findings support further development of GLURP R2 and MSP1 block 2 hybrid, perhaps as a fusion vaccine antigen targeting malaria blood stage that can be deployed in areas of varying transmission intensity.
This study sets out to examine the extent to which access to credit and credit rationing are influenced by the microfinance type based on the major factors determining micro, small and medium enterprises’ access to credit from microfinance institutions in the era of financial liberalization. The data for the study were gleaned from the microfinance institutions’ credit and loan records consisting of the various pieces of information provided by the borrowers in the application process. Our results are puzzling and show that credit rationing is not influenced by the microfinance types but by the individual microfinance institutions. Keywords: Microfinance, Ghana, Credit Rationing. JEL codes: G21
There are many opportunities to utilise coconut in Nzema to support farmers. Coconut oil that is mainly used for food preparation in Nzema can be utilized as fuel to support overcoming of the energy crisis in the Ghana. Coconut oil in Nzema is not used in both transportation and electricity generation. A few of the waste husk and shell are mainly used as fuel in homes for heating but greater amount is left to rot or burn the coconut plantation. In addition, some portion of the granulated coconut kernel is sometime used as feed for piggery feed and the rest of the granulated kernel are left as waste on the oil processing site. In this thesis, the author identified alternative utilization of cocoanut, for instance the use of coconut husk and shell for charcoal production, and the use of coconut trunks as construction materials. It is envisaged that exploring these alternatives will not only reduce carbon emission in the country but will also contribute significantly to the sustainability of the local agro-industry.
This study focuses on understanding the internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from an emerging market to a developed market. In particular, it examines the internationalisation process of a firm in the clothing and textile manufacturing industry in Ghana. Theoretically, the study is limited to the network internationalisation approach (e.g. Johanson & Mattsson, 1988; Johanson & Vahlne, 2009) and the industrial network approach (Håkansson & Snehota, 1995). Methodologically, a qualitative abductive case study approach is employed. The research process relies on a longitudinal method involving primary and secondary data and critical event analysis. Primary data has been collected from relevant informants at two different times in the internationalisation process. The research findings highlight the significance of both domestic and foreign business relationships in the internationalisation of an SME from an emerging African market to a developed country market. They show the greater importance of exogenous critical events than has been found in the research regarding firms in developed countries. Institutional actors were essential in the network and as sources of exogenous critical events. In addition, the successful SME should possess unique resources in the form of an entrepreneurial spirit, sufficient knowledge of internationalisation, and specific product knowledge. Theoretically, the present study contributes to business network research through providing an understanding of the process of developing network relationships and their impact in an African context. By focusing on SMEs, a contribution has been made in relation to the advancement of SME research. This research reveals empirical insight into SME internationalisation in a setting where an SME is internationalising to a developed country market from a newly emerging African market. Methodologically, the study provides an example of longitudinal research based on abductive methodology. The results provide implications for firms, managers, and policy-makers within the industry, especially on how to manage and use network relationships to promote SME internationalisation from newly emerging markets.
Today industries and commerce in Ghana are facing enormous energy challenge. The pressure is on for industries to reduce energy consumption, lower carbon emissions and provide se-cured power supply. Industrial electric motor energy efficiency improvement is one of the most important tools to reduce global warming threat and reduce electricity bills. In order to develop a strategic industrial energy efficiency policy, it is therefore necessary to study the barriers that inhibit the implementation of cost – effective energy efficiency measures and the driving forces that promote the implementation. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the energy consumption pattern of electric motors, study factors that promote or inhibit energy efficiency improvements in EMDS and provide cost – effective solutions that improve energy efficiency to bridge the existing energy efficiency gap in the surveyed industries. The results from this thesis has revealed that, the existence of low energy efficiency in motor-driven systems in the surveyed industries were due to poor maintenance practices, absence of standards, power quality issues, lack of access to capital and limited awareness to the im-portance of energy efficiency improvements in EMDS. However, based on the results pre-sented in this thesis, a policy approach towards industrial SMEs should primarily include dis-counted or free energy audit in providing the industries with the necessary information on potential energy efficiency measures, practice best motor management programmes and estab-lish a minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) for motors imported into the country. The thesis has also shown that education and capacity development programmes, financial incentives and system optimization are effective means to promote energy efficiency in elec-tric motor – driven systems in industrial SMEs in Ghana
Abstract This thesis argues that poverty alleviation strategies and programs carried out by the government and Non Governmental Organizations in Ghana provide affirmative solutions to poverty. This is because, these intervention strategies have been influenced by conventional discourses on poverty that fail to adequately address non-economic issues of poverty such as powerlessness, marginalization and tmder-representation. The study is carried out in a two-pronged manner; first, it analyses state policies and strategies, particularly the Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS), on poverty alleviation and compares these to NGO programs, implemented with funds and support from external donor organizations. Specifically, I focus on how NGOs and the governnlent of Ghana negotiate autonomy and financial dependency with their funding donor-partners and how these affect their policies and programs. Findings from this study reveal that while external influences dominate poverty alleviation policies and strategies, NGOs and the government of Ghana exercise varying degrees of agency in navigating these issues. In particular, NGOs have been able to adapt their programs to the changing needs of donor markets, and are also actively engaged in re-orienting poverty back to the political domain through advocacy campaigns. Overall, rural communities in Ghana depend on charitable NGOs for the provision of essential social services, while the Ghanaian government depends on international donor assistance for its development projects.
This thesis invites geographers to pay more attention to public policy research by addressing the need to rethink fiscal decentralization policies in Ghana. By applying “Simandan’s wise stance in human geography” and “Grix’s building blocks of social research design”, I developed a conceptual framework that unites two incommensurable ontological and epistemological research positions in geography—the positive and normative positions. I used the framework to investigate two key research questions. First, does fiscal decentralization actually work in Ghana? Through quantitative analysis of empirical revenue and expenditure data (1994-2011) of local governments in Ghana, this study reveals significant issues of inefficiency, inequity, and unaccountability. Local governments generate less revenue, and therefore depend largely on central government transfers for developing their jurisdictions. Worse yet, these transfers are highly unpredictable in terms of amount and timing. Even though a multivariate regression analysis revealed that these transfers are apolitical, the actual disbursement formula tends to focus on equality instead of equity. Additionally, the unclear expenditure assignments in each locality make accountability difficult. In view of these problems, I addressed the question: why is fiscal decentralization held out as a good thing in Ghana? By drawing lessons from Foucault’s and Escobar’s critical discourse analysis, I traced a genealogy of Ghana’s fiscal decentralization. I found that the policy is held out as a good thing in Ghana because of the triangular operation of multiplicities of power, knowledge, and truth regimes at the local, national and international scale. I concluded that although nation-states remains a necessary causal link in fiscal decentralization policy process in Ghana, direct and indirect international involvement have profound effect on these policies. Therefore, rethinking fiscal decentralization involves acknowledging the complex intermingling effects that global, national, and local territories produce.
Abstract Despite the plethora of published studies on rights, including employment rights, for persons with intellectual disabilities (Hatton, 2002; Tarulli, et al., 2004; Ward & Stewart, 2008), relatively few have discussed their applicability to individuals with intellectual disabilities to facilitate their full involvement in socio-economic development. This study explored the mechanisms facilitating and inhibiting the full participation of persons with intellectual disabilities in the area of employment through a comparative case analysis of policies and practices in Ontario, Canada (a developed country) and in Ghana (a developing country) both of which are signatories to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). The study employed targeted recruitment based on the nature of the research which is a combination of policy and practice investigation.
L'anémie de l'enfant reste un problème d'importance pour la santé mondiale, malgré les décennies de recherche visant à comprendre son étiologie et à développer des interventions efficaces pour réduire sa prévalence et ses conséquences. Bien que les facteurs de risque individuels de l'anémie soient connus, y compris les facteurs liés à la malnutrition et à la morbidité, l'interaction entre lesdits facteurs est moins documentée dans des contextes où les enfants sont fréquemment exposés à plusieurs facteurs en même temps. Cette étude vise à documenter les efforts de lutte contre l'anémie du programme MICAH qui a été mis en oeuvre au Ghana, au Malawi et en Tanzanie. Ensuite, en utilisant les données relatives à la fois au processus et à l'évaluation colligées au cours du programme, elle vise à mieux comprendre les facteurs de risque d'anémie chez les jeunes enfants dans ces contextes et à comprendre comment les relations entre ces facteurs peuvent avoir changé au fil du temps lors de l'intervention. Spécifiquement, cette étude vérifie s‘il y a des preuves d'une réduction de la vulnérabilité des enfants aux facteurs de risque associés à l'anémie dans chaque contexte. Un examen de la documentation a été réalisé afin de caractériser le contexte du programme et des interventions, leur l'intensité et étendue. Les données transversales sur la nutrition et l'état de santé des enfants âgés de 24 à 59 mois (N = 2405) obtenues en 2000 et 2004 à partir des enquêtes d'évaluation du programme MICAH au Ghana, au Malawi et en Tanzanie, ont été utilisées pour décrire la prévalence de l'anémie. Les modèles polynomiaux de régression logistique et linéaire ont été utilisés pour estimer les risques d'anémie légère et d'anémie modérée / sévère et les niveaux d‘hémoglobine associés à des groupes de variables. Les estimations du risque attribuable à une population (RAP) ont aussi été calculées. Une anémie (Hb <110 g/L) a touché au moins 60% des enfants dans les trois pays; l'anémie modérée / sévère (<100 g/L) constituait la majorité des cas. Une forte diminution de l'anémie a été observée entre 2000 et 2004 au Ghana, mais seulement une légère baisse au Malawi et en Tanzanie. Le risque d'anémie modérée / sévère était associé au retard de croissance chez les enfants du Ghana (OR 2,68, IC 95% 1,70-4,23) et du Malawi (OR 1,71; 1,29-2,27) mais pas de la Tanzanie (OR 1,29; 0,87- 1,92). Le paludisme et les maladies récentes étaient associées à une hémoglobine plus basse. Une atténuation de cette association en 2004 a été observée seulement au Malawi pour le paludisme et au Ghana pour les maladies récentes. Le risque d'anémie modérée / sévère était 44% moindre chez les enfants âgés de 48 à 59 mois comparativement aux enfants de 24 à 35 mois dans les trois pays et cela n'a pas changé entre 2000 et 2004. Les RAP estimés ont montré qu‘environ un cinquième des cas d‘anémie modérée à sévère était attribuable au retard de croissance au Ghana et Malawi, mais pas en Tanzanie. Des RAP moindres et dépendants des contextes ont été trouvés pour le paludisme et les maladies récentes. Dans ces zones d‘intervention intégrées de santé et de nutrition la relation de certains facteurs de risque à l'anémie se modifia avec le temps. Le retard de croissance est resté toutefois un facteur de risque indépendant et non mitigé de l'anémie. Une réduction efficace des causes de la malnutrition chronique est nécessaire afin de réduire la vulnérabilité des enfants et de garantir un impact maximum des programmes de lutte contre l'anémie. Une mitigation de l'impact du paludisme peut par contre être visée dans les régions endémiques.