19 resultados para ethnobiology


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Ethnobiology research contributes significantly to initiatives that aim to enhance food sovereignty among indigenous and/or traditional people. In Bolivia, one of the Latin-American countries that shows the highest poverty and undernourishment levels, the purpose of this research-action project was to enhance food sovereignty through the revitalization of the local ecological knowledge and to promote local technological innovation processes in the Andean community of Tallija-Confital. During a first step the endogenous knowledge and strategies related to food security and sovereignty were investigated, based on the principles and tools of the Revitalizing Participatory Research (RPR). In a second step local technical innovation processes were supported through a “knowledge dialogue” between exogenous and endogenous knowledge systems, focusing on the processing of the cañahua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) gluten. The research results demonstrate that Andean people have developed complex endogenous knowledge and strategies to adapt to socio-environmental changes that show a great potential to contribute to the enhancement of food sovereignty. Nevertheless, in the current globalized context that translates into new challenges for local communities, beyond the revitalization of local ecological knowledge, a dialogue between different knowledge systems can lead to important local technological innovation for the improvement of their well-being. Key words: food sovereignty, knowledge dialogue, endogenous development, technological innovation


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Endogenous development is defined as development that values primarily locally available resources and the way people organized themselves for that purpose. It is a dynamic and evolving concept that also embraces innovations and complementation from other than endogenous sources of knowledge; however, only as far as they are based on mutual respect and the recognition of cultural and socioeconomic self-determination of each of the parties involved. Experiences that have been systematized in the context of the BioAndes Program are demonstrating that enhancing food security and food sovereignty on the basis of endogenous development can be best achieved by applying a ‘biocultural’ perspective: This means to promote and support actions that are simultaneously valuing biological (fauna, flora, soils, or agrobiodiversity) and sociocultural resources (forms of social organization, local knowledge and skills, norms, and the related worldviews). In Bolivia, that is one of the Latin-American countries with the highest levels of poverty (79% of the rural population) and undernourishment (22% of the total population), the Program BioAndes promotes food sovereignty and food security by revitalizing the knowledge of Andean indigenous people and strengthening their livelihood strategies. This starts by recognizing that Andean people have developed complex strategies to constantly adapt to highly diverse and changing socioenvironmental conditions. These strategies are characterized by organizing the communities, land use and livelihoods along a vertical gradient of the available eco-climatic zones; the resulting agricultural systems are evolving around the own sociocultural values of reciprocity and mutual cooperation, giving thus access to an extensive variety of food, fiber and energy sources. As the influences of markets, competition or individualization are increasingly affecting the life in the communities, people became aware of the need to find a new balance between endogenous and exogenous forms of knowledge. In this context, BioAndes starts by recognizing the wealth and potentials of local practices and aims to integrate its actions into the ongoing endogenous processes of innovation and adaptation. In order to avoid external impositions and biases, the program intervenes on the basis of a dialogue between exogenous, mainly scientific, and indigenous forms of knowledge. The paper presents an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of enhancing endogenous development through a dialogue between scientific and indigenous knowledge by specifically focusing on its effects on food sovereignty and food security in three ‘biocultural’ rural areas of the Bolivian highlands. The paper shows how the dialogue between different forms of knowledge evolved alongside the following project activities: 1) recuperation and renovation of local seeds and crop varieties (potato – Solanum spp., quinoa – Chenopodium quinoa, cañahua – Chenopodium pallidicaule); 2) support for the elaboration of community-based norms and regulations for governing access and distribution of non-timber forest products, such as medicinal, fodder, and construction plants; 3) revitalization of ethnoveterinary knowledge for sheep and llama breeding; 4) improvement of local knowledge about the transformation of food products (sheep-cheese, lacayote – Cucurbita sp. - jam, dried llama meat, fours of cañahua and other Andean crops). The implementation of these activities fostered the community-based livelihoods of indigenous people by complementing them with carefully and jointly designed innovations based on internal and external sources of knowledge and resources. Through this process, the epistemological and ontological basis that underlies local practices was made visible. On this basis, local and external actors started to jointly define a renewed concept of food security and food sovereignty that, while oriented in the notions of well being according to a collectively re-crafted world view, was incorporating external contributions as well. Enabling and hindering factors, actors and conditions of these processes are discussed in the paper.


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La medicina tradicional no solamente sigue vigente en los Andes bolivianos, sino constituye la opción de primera elección para las familias rurales. Un estudio realizado en dos comunidades de la Subcentral Waka Playa, Municipio Tapacarí, muestra que los campesinos quechua-hablantes de los valles interandinos integran el sistema tradicional con el sistema de salud formal en el marco de sus estrategias familiares, reflejando un diálogo ínter-ontológico entre diferentes concepciones de salud y de enfermedad. A lo largo de una larga interacción con su entorno natural, los pobladores de los Andes han desarrollado concepciones específicas sobre el ser humano, su relación con la naturaleza, la salud y la enfermedad. Este proceso resultó en un sistema de salud complejo, donde intervienen expertos locales como son los curanderos-adivinos y los parteros y que se basa en un amplio uso y conocimiento de la flora y fauna nativas. A parte de estos conocimientos especializados, la medicina tradicional andina se expresa también en las prácticas terapéuticas diarias de la población, transmitidas y re-inventadas de generación en generación en el contexto de la familia y de la comunidad. La introducción del sistema de salud formal en el área de estudio en los años 90, representado por una posta de salud, impactó las comunidades locales principalmente por el acceso a vacunas – y la consecuente erradicación de algunas enfermedades - y a métodos contraceptivos. Sin embargo, la biomedicina es todavía de acceso muy limitado además de, según la población local, no tener la capacidad para curar ciertas enfermedades locales como el “susto,” el “mal viento” o la “colerina”. Como en otras áreas del conocimiento ecológico local, se observa una pérdida general de los conocimientos vinculados a la medicina tradicional andina debido a varios factores socioeconómicos, el más impactante siendo el proceso masivo de migración de las zonas rurales a los centros urbanos y al trópico boliviano. Sin embargo, estos conocimientos todavía se mantienen vigentes y son altamente valorizados por la población local, como un elemento del mantenimiento de sus formas de vida y de relacionamiento con la “Madre Tierra” (Pachamama). Las familias de Waka Playa integran la medicina tradicional y el sistema de salud formal en sus estrategias de vida, en diferentes grados según factores como la migración, la educación, el sexo y la edad. El uso de la flora medicinal local también es diferenciado según la localización de la vivienda principal de las familias y la consecuente concentración geográfica de sus actividades en las diferentes zonas de producción agroecológicas. Por ultimo, el interés personal influye sobre el grado y el tipo de conocimiento de cada familia. La medicina tradicional juega un rol fundamental en el bien-estar de las familias campesinas andinas y por ello constituye un potencial importante para un desarrollo sostenible. En esta perspectiva, la revalorización de los saberes locales y la construcción de puentes de diálogo con el sistema de salud local son sumamente importantes. Este punto de vista tiene perspectivas prometedoras en el contexto político actual boliviano, que apoya la medicina tradicional en el marco del reconocimiento de las identidades indígenas, en miras a un desarrollo endógeno.


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Background: The importance that birds of the Columbidae family have had throughout history is visible on the Mediterranean coast. Pigeon fancying is the art of breeding and training carrier pigeons and currently, several breeds exist. The sport of racing pigeons consists in covering a distance at maximum possible speed. However, pigeon breeding has another modality called “sport pigeon”, where several males follow a female. This study focusses on ethnobotanical knowledge of native and exotic plant species that are used for diet, breeding, stimulation, healing illnesses and staining the plumage of pigeons bred in captivity. Methods: Using semi-structured interviews, we gathered information about the different plant species traditionally used for pigeon-breeding in the region of Valencia. Background material on remedies for bird illnesses was gathered from folk botanical references, local books and journals. The plant species were collected in the study area, then identified in the laboratory using dichotomous keys and vouchered in the ABH (Herbarium of Alicante University). We used Excel ® 2003 to perform a simple statistical analysis of the data collected. Results: We collected 56 species of plants (and one variety) that included 29 botanical families. The total number of species was made up of 35 cultivated and 21 wild plants. The most common were Gramineae (14 species), Leguminosae (6 species), and Compositae (4 species). Conclusions: Pigeon breeding is an immensely popular activity in Eastern Spain, and ethnobiological knowledge about breeding pigeons and caring for them is considerable. The names and traditional uses of plants depend on their geographical location, vernacular names serve as an intangible heritage. Feeding, environmental features, and genetic makeup of individuals are relevant aspects in the maintenance of avian health.