997 resultados para estuary management


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ABSTRACT: The Potomac River Fisheries Program is concerned with the longterm effects of power plant ichthyoplankton entrainment on striped bass(hforone smatilis) recruitment. Since striped bass population fluctuations are determined strongly by environmental conditions during spawning and early development, assessment of power plant-induced ichthyoplankton mortalities must consider the mechanisms controlling spawning success. Ichthyoplankton distributions for 1974, spawning population abundance and fecundity, and environmental conditions were considered for analysis. Loss of the early part of the spawn (including the peak) accounted for the highest mortalities among ichthyoplankton. This was due to the proximity of these distributions to the salt wedge where transport into regions un!ivorable to survival seems to have occurred. The later, successful portion of the spawn occurred further upstream, in fresh tidal portions of the river. The sequence of events Ieading to an assessment of factors affecting ichthyoplankton surnnl are evaluated. Due to high early mortalities in ichthyoplankton, 1974 spawning success was low, and a poor yearclass is projected.


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Although ambient (background) noise in the ocean is a topic that has been widely studied since pre-World War II, the effects of noise on marine organisms has only been a focus of concern for the last 25 years. The main point of concern has been the potential of noise to affect the health and behavior of marine mammals. The Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (SBNMS) is a site where the degradation of habitat due to increasing noise levels is a concern because it is a feeding ground and summer haven for numerous species of marine mammals. Ambient noise in the ocean is defined as “the part of the total noise background observed with an omnidirectional hydrophone.” It is an inherent characteristic of the medium having no specific point source. Ambient noise is comprised of a number of components that contribute to the “noise level” in varying degrees depending on where the noise is being measured. This report describes the current understanding of ambient noise and existing levels in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. (PDF contains 32 pages.)


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Monthly catches of the Macrobrachium fisheries were recorded at a commercial shrimp landing site on the coasts of Calabar (Nigeria), from April 1997 to August 1998. Catches fluctuated over an annual cycle, with two peaks occurring from May-July and November-December. These peaks represented periods of major activities, reproduction, recruitment or migration. Also, mean catches decreased in the months of February and August, corresponding to the peak of dry season and the so-called 'August break', respectively. Catches from active gears (seine, push net) varied among the moon phases too, with a main peak during full moon, and the minimum catch was recorded during the first moon quarter. However, the catch from passive gear (trap) depicted an inverse relationship, showing a peak during the first moon quarter. Variation in catches at different months and moon phases were significant at P:0.05. Recognize these variations and trends would help in management decisions such as defining closed seasons without adversely affecting the economy of the fishers


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The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), in continued partnership with the San Francisco Bay Long Term Management Strategies (LTMS) Agencies, is undertaking the development of a Regional Sediment Management Plan for the San Francisco Bay estuary and its watershed (estuary). Regional sediment management (RSM) is the integrated management of littoral, estuarine, and riverine sediments to achieve balanced and sustainable solutions to sediment related needs. Regional sediment management recognizes sediment as a resource. Sediment processes are important components of coastal and riverine systems that are integral to environmental and economic vitality. It relies on the context of the sediment system and forecasting the long-range effects of management actions when making local project decisions. In the San Francisco Bay estuary, the sediment system includes the Sacramento and San Joaquin delta, the bay, its local tributaries and the near shore coastal littoral cell. Sediment flows from the top of the watershed, much like water, to the coast, passing through rivers, marshes, and embayments on its way to the ocean. Like water, sediment is vital to these habitats and their inhabitants, providing nutrients and the building material for the habitat itself. When sediment erodes excessively or is impounded behind structures, the sediment system becomes imbalanced, and rivers become clogged or conversely, shorelines, wetlands and subtidal habitats erode. The sediment system continues to change in response both to natural processes and human activities such as climate change and shoreline development. Human activities that influence the sediment system include flood protection programs, watershed management, navigational dredging, aggregate mining, shoreline development, terrestrial, riverine, wetland, and subtidal habitat restoration, and beach nourishment. As observed by recent scientific analysis, the San Francisco Bay estuary system is changing from one that was sediment rich to one that is erosional. Such changes, in conjunction with increasing sea level rise due to climate change, require that the estuary sediment and sediment transport system be managed as a single unit. To better manage the system, its components, and human uses of the system, additional research and knowledge of the system is needed. Fortunately, new sediment science and modeling tools provide opportunities for a vastly improved understanding of the sediment system, predictive capabilities and analysis of potential individual and cumulative impacts of projects. As science informs management decisions, human activities and management strategies may need to be modified to protect and provide for existing and future infrastructure and ecosystem needs. (PDF contains 3 pages)


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The study was an endeavor to bring forward a concise, factual description of the salient features of the present status of artisanal fisheries resources and its management for sustainable development of fishing communities in Teknaf coast, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. This study was conducted through 14 fishing villages of 4 Unions in Teknaf Upazila. As a hub of various fisheries deeds, a comprehensive coastal fisheries census, conducted on the coast during the study period, revealed that about 566 fishing fleet of two types, 1263 fishing gears of seven kinds, 6466 fishermen were being involved in fishing at Naaf river estuary. The catch composition of the coastal fishing was found 52 finfish species, 10 shrimp and 3 crabs. The unique potentialities provided by mostly affluent fisheries resources are needed to be tapped and channelized in the appropriate direction for maintaining a paragon of these fisheries resources of coastal area and for pursuing ecologically sustainable development via environment friendly intrinsic exploration and exploitation. “Community Based Fisheries Co-management” program should initiate immediately for the fisherman community of Naaf river estuary of Teknaf coastal region. This will go along way to help sustain the coastal fisheries resources with active participation of the fishermen


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This is the history of contamination in sediments from the Mersey Estuary: Development of a chronology for the contamination of the Mersey Estuary by heavy metals and organochlorines Report produced by the Environment Agency in 1998. This report looks at the history of industrial contamination of the Mersey and Ribble Estuaries back to the early part of the last century, many decades before the start of monitoring programmes providing a remarkably detailed picture of very complex changes. There is a clear record in the sediment of the contamination by each heavy metal (including: Cu, Cr, Hg, Pb, Zn) and organochlorine chemical (including DDT isomers and PCB congeners) studied. The results of the study clearly show the increases in levels of contamination as industry expanded early last century followed by various improvements as this century progressed. Each pollutant has its own idiosyncratic pattern of change with some improvements predating modern environmental concerns whilst other changes seem to relate directly to recent improvements in legislative control. Overall, for the pollutants studied, the results clearly demonstrate the magnitude of improvement that has been achieved in what was a very polluted area. The only major reservation to this story is that despite the wide range of substances covered, many other potentially important pollutants remain to be studied in a similar manner.


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This is the Mersey Estuary baseline survey: Analysis of macroinfaunal samples, literature review and database production report produced by the Environment Agency North West in 2002. This report presents an ecological review of the Mersey estuary along with an extensive bibliography of the available environmental literature for this system. The central objective of this programme has been to provide the information necessary to support the Environment Agency's review of existing and future consents (for discharges, abstractions etc) in the Mersey estuary. This review of consents was required because the Mersey had been designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA) under the EC Birds Directive. Therefore under Regulation 50 of the Conservation, the Environment Agency was responsible for reviewing any extant consent, or future applications, which may directly or indirectly, affected this SPA.


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This is the Mersey Estuary Saltmarsh vegetation survey 2002 report produced by the English Nature Cheshire in 2003. This report looks at the mapping of vegetation communities on the saltmarsh of the Mersey Estuary. The total area of saltmarsh and associated communities within the Mersey Estuary was found to be 724.1 ha. Most of the saltmarsh in the Mersey Estuary is presently ungrazed or only very lightly grazed, creating a very rank sward in excess of 20 cm in height which is not generally suitable for grazing or roosting birds. On the northern side of the Mersey Estuary, the saltmarsh around the Hale Decoy was lightly grazed by horses, but the remainder was ungrazed. On the south side, the saltmarsh was fairly heavily sheep-grazed along the Frodsham Score, very lightly grazed at Ince Banks by sheep straying from Frodsham and ungrazed at Stanlow Banks. Despite much of it presently being ungrazed, the saltmarsh of the Mersey Estuary is relatively poor in plant species. It appears that this is because the ungrazed areas have been so for less than 20 years and have thus not had time to develop the diversity of a long-established ungrazed marsh. However, withdrawal or depletion of grazing has produced a rank sward which is less valuable to grazing and roosting birds.


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This is the report on the Leven estuary project: Fisheries Department final report produced by the Environment Agency North West in 1997. This report contains information about Leven estuary, river Leven catchment, river Crake catchment and the Ulverston Discharges. The Leven estuary is characterised by being very shallow, and shares the extremely variable tides and currents that characterize the whole of Morecambe Bay. There was little detailed knowledge of the impact on the Leven estuary, and particularly its fisheries, of the discharges from Ulverston. There has been some concern expressed by the lave netsmen and the general public about the possible harmful effects of the effluents on the biology of the estuary. In the absence of a definite strategy for the protection and management of the estuary was born this project. The project involves water quality monitoring, effluent and estuary toxicity testing, tracking of effluent plumes, and salmonid tagging and tracking. The entire project commenced in June 1995 and was expected to reach a conclusion in March 1997. The information gained from the project was expected to contribute to the creation of a 'mixing zone' for the effluent, and to improve the environmental management of the estuary and protection of its fishery.


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This is the Kent estuary survey 8th July 1980 produced by the North West Water Authority in 1980. This survey was carried out on the Kent Estuary on the 8th July, 1980 during the period 3h hours before to 1.5 hours after low water. The chemical water quality in the vicinity of Arnside was found, in general, to be good. The E. coli counts were found to be at or below the E E C mandatory value for bathing waters. Downstream of the Arnside outfall the E coli counts were generally above the E E C mandatory value, the counts getting higher at and after low water. B O D values also increased at low water though ammonia and phosphate (except for 1 sample) concentrations were low. The total coliform counts both at Arnside and below the outfall were always above the E E C mandatory level (except for 2 samples).


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This is the Kent estuary survey 18th July 1981 produced by the North West Water Authority in 1981. The report focuses on a tidal cycle survey carried out on the Kent estuary on the 18th August, 1981. The chemical water quality at Arnside Pier and at New Barns was, on the whole, acceptable. However, samples taken downstream of the outfall at low water for total coliforms and E. coli were all above the EEC mandatory level whilst those for faecal streptococci were all above the guideline value. This document shows chemical and bacteriological data analysed at Kent estuary such chloride, dissolved oxygen, BOD, ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, total coliforms, E. coli and Faecal streptococci.


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This is the Kent estuary 1992 surveys: Summary of results produced by the National Rivers Authority in 1993. The report summarises routine and baseline water quality surveys carried out on the Kent estuary during 1992. Baseline surveys are designed to respond to regional, national, and European requirements. During 1992 baseline surveys were carried out in June and December. Unfortunately, in June, samples could only be taken from stations 3, 7 and 8. For ease of interpretation the results have been presented in graph form, including the maximum and minimum parameter concentration and the appropriate Environmental Quality Standards (EQS). The parameters measured in this survey were physical parameters (temperature, BOD, dissolved oxygen, Ph, salinity, conductivity); nutrients (ammonia, phosphate, and nitrate); metals (Mercury, Nickel, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Cooper, Boron, and Zinc) and organic compounds.


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Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) is a pelagic, migratory species with a transoceanic distribution in tropical and subtropical waters. Recreational fishing pressure on Cobia in the United States has increased substantially during the last decade, especially in areas of its annual inshore aggregations, making this species potentially susceptible to overfishing. Although Cobia along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the southeastern United States are currently managed as a single fishery, the genetic composition of Cobias in these areas is unclear. On the basis of a robust microsatellite data set from collections along the U.S. Atlantic coast (2008–09), offshore groups were genetically homogenous. However, the 2 sampled inshore aggregations (South Carolina and Virginia) were genetically distinct from each other, as well as from the offshore group. The recapture of stocked fish within their release estuary 2 years after release indicates that some degree of estuarine fidelity occurs within these inshore aggregations and supports the detection of their unique genetic structure at the population level. These results complement the observed high site fidelity of Cobias in South Carolina and support a recent study that confirms that Cobia spawn in the inshore aggregations. Our increased understanding of Cobia life history will be beneficial for determining the appropriate scale of fishery management for Cobia.


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Time series measurements of dimethylsulfide (DMS), particulate dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPp), chlorophyll a (chl a), algal pigments, major nutrients, and the potential activity of DMSP lyase enzymes were made over a 2 yr period (6 March 2003 to 28 March 2005) near the mouth of the shallow, tidally mixed Newport River estuary, North Carolina, USA. DMSPp had a mean of 43 ± 20 nM (range = 10.5 to 141 nM, n = 85) and DMS a mean of 2.7 ± 1.2 nM (range = 0.9 to 7.0 nM). The mean DMS in Gallants Channel was not significantly different from that measured in the Sargasso Sea near Bermuda during a previous 3 yr time series study (2.4 ± 1.5 nM), despite there being a 43-fold higher mean chl a concentration (4.9 ± 2.4 µg l–1) at the coastal site. In winter, DMS was low and chl a was high in the surface waters of the Sargasso Sea, while the opposite was true at the coastal site. Consequently, DMS concentrations per unit algal chl a were on average 170 times higher in the Sargasso Sea than at the coastal site during the summer, but only 7 times higher during the winter. The much higher chl a-specific DMS concentrations at the oceanic site during the summer were linked to higher ratios of intracellular DMSP substrate and DMSP lyase enzyme per unit chl a. These differences in turn appear to be linked to large differences in nutrient concentrations and solar UV stress at the 2 sites and to associated differences in the composition of algal assemblages and physiological acclimation of algal cells.