958 resultados para enzymatic cleavage
Two different RNA editing systems have been described in the kinetoplast-mitochondrion of trypanosomatid protists. The first involves the precise insertion and deletion of U residues mostly within the coding regions of maxicircle-encoded mRNAs to produce open reading frames. This editing is mediated by short overlapping complementary guide RNAs encoded in both the maxicircle and the minicircle molecules and involves a series of enzymatic cleavage-ligation steps. The second editing system is a C34 to U34 modification in the anticodon of the imported tRNATrp, thereby permitting the decoding of the UGA stop codon as tryptophan. U-insertion editing probably originated in an ancestor of the kinetoplastid lineage and appears to have evolved in some cases by the replacement of the original pan-edited cryptogene with a partially edited cDNA. The driving force for the evolutionary fixation of these retroposition events was postulated to be the stochastic loss of entire minicircle sequence classes and their encoded guide RNAs upon segregation of the single kinetoplast DNA network into daughter cells at cell division. A large plasticity in the relative abundance of minicircle sequence classes has been observed during cell culture in the laboratory. Computer simulations provide theoretical evidence for this plasticity if a random distribution and segregation model of minicircles is assumed. The possible evolutionary relationship of the C to U and U-insertion editing systems is discussed.
Substance P (SP) is a neuropeptide that mediates multiple physiological responses including transmission of painful stimuli and inflammation via an interaction with a receptor of known primary sequence. To identify the regions of the SP receptor, also termed the NK-1 receptor, involved in peptide recognition, we are using analogues of SP containing the photoreactive amino acid p-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine (Bpa). In the present study, we used radioiodinated Bpa8-SP to covalently label with high efficiency the rat SP receptor expressed in a transfected mammalian cell line. To identify the amino acid residue that serves as the site of covalent attachment, a membrane preparation of labeled receptor was subjected to partial enzymatic cleavage by trypsin. A major digestion product of 22 kDa was identified. Upon reduction with 2-mercaptoethanol the mass of this product decreased to 14 kDa. The 22-kDa tryptic fragment was purified in excellent yield by preparative SDS/PAGE under nonreducing conditions. Subcleavage with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease and endoproteinase ArgC yielded fragments of 8.2 and 9.0 kDa, respectively. Upon reductive cleavage, the V8 protease fragment decreased to 3.0 kDa while the endoproteinase ArgC fragment decreased to 3.2 kDa. Taking into consideration enzyme specificity, molecular size, determination of the presence or absence of N-glycosylation sites, and recognition by antibodies to specific sequences of the SP receptor, the V8 protease fragment is Thr-173 to Glu-183, while the endoproteinase ArgC fragment is Val-178 to Arg-190. These two fragments share the common sequence Val-Val-Cys-Met-Ile-Glu (residues 178-183). The site of covalent attachment of radioiodinated Bpa8-SP is thus restricted to a residue within this overlap sequence. The data presented here also establish that the cysteine residue in this sequence Cys-180, which is positioned in the middle of the second extracellular loop, participates in a disulfide bond that links the first and second extracellular loops of the receptor.
Oceanic dimethyl sulfide (DMS) is the enzymatic cleavage product of the algal metabolite dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and is the most abundant form of sulfur released into the atmosphere. To investigate the effects of two emerging environmental threats (ocean acidification and warming) on marine DMS production, we performed a large-scale perturbation experiment in a coastal environment. At both ambient temperature and 2 °C warmer, an increase in partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in seawater (160-830 ppmv pCO2) favored the growth of large diatoms, which outcompeted other phytoplankton species in a natural phytoplankton assemblage and reduced the growth rate of smaller, DMSP-rich phototrophic dinoflagellates. This decreased the grazing rate of heterotrophic dinoflagellates (ubiquitous micrograzers), resulting in reduced DMS production via grazing activity. Both the magnitude and sign of the effect of pCO2 on possible future oceanic DMS production were strongly linked to pCO2-induced alterations to the phytoplankton community and the cellular DMSP content of the dominant species and its association with micrograzers.
The development of an ultrasensitive biosensor for the low-cost and on-site detection of pathogenic DNA could transform detection capabilities within food safety, environmental monitoring and clinical diagnosis. Herein, we present an innovative approach exploiting endonuclease-controlled aggregation of plasmonic gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for label-free and ultrasensitive detection of bacterial DNA. The method utilizes RNA-functionalized AuNPs which form DNA-RNA heteroduplex structures through specific hybridization with target DNA. Once formed, the DNA-RNA heteroduplex is susceptible to RNAse H enzymatic cleavage of the RNA probe, allowing the target DNA to liberate and hybridize with another RNA probe. This continuously happens until all of the RNA probes are cleaved, leaving the nanoparticles unprotected and thus aggregated upon exposure to a high electrolytic medium. The assay is ultrasensitive, allowing the detection of target DNA at femtomolar level by simple spectroscopic analysis (40.7 fM and 2.45 fM as measured by UV-vis and dynamic light scattering (DLS), respectively). The target DNA spiked food matrix (chicken meat) is also successfully detected at a concentration of 1.2 pM (by UV-vis) or 18.0 fM (by DLS). In addition to the ultra-high sensitivity, the total analysis time of the assay is less than 3 hours, thus demonstrating its practicality for food analysis.
Dissertação de mestrado em Química Medicinal
RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLIC En biologie, si une découverte permet de répondre à quelques questions, en général elle en engendre beaucoup d'autres. C'est ce qui s'est produit récemment dans le monde des kallicréines. De la famille des protéases, protéines ayant la faculté de couper plus ou moins spécifiquement d'autres protéines pour exercer un rôle biologique, la famille des kallicréines humaines n'était composée que de 3 membres lors du siècle dernier. Parmi eux, une kallicréine mondialement utilisée pour détecter le cancer de la prostate, le PSA. En 2000, un chercheur de l'hôpital universitaire Mont Sinaï à Toronto, le Professeur Eleftherios Diamandis, a découvert la présence de 12 nouveaux gènes appartenant à cette famille, situés sur le même chromosome que les 3 premières kallicréines. Cette découverte majeure a placé les spécialistes des kallicréines face à une montagne d'interrogations car les fonctions de ces nouvelles protéases étaient totalement inconnues. La kallicréine humaine 14 (hK14) présente un intérêt particulier, car elle se retrouve associée à différents cancers, notamment les carcinomes ovariens et mammaires. Cette association ne répond cependant pas à la fonction de cette protéase. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse était donc de découvrir, dans un premier temps, la spécificité de cette nouvelle kallicréine, c'est-à-dire le type de coupure qu'elle engendre au niveau des protéines qu'elle cible. Utilisant une technologie de pointe qui exploite la propriété des bactériophages à se répliquer dans les bactéries à l'infini, des dizaines de millions de combinaisons protéiques aléatoires ont été présentées à hK14, qui a pu sélectionner celles qui lui étaient favorables pour la coupure. Cette technique qualitative porte le nom de Phage Display Substrate. Une fois la sélection réalisée, il fallait transférer ces séquences coupées ou substrats dans un système permettant de donner une valeur quantitative à l'efficacité de coupure. Pour cela nous avons développé une technologie qui permet d'évaluer cette efficacité en utilisant des protéines fluorescentes de méduse, modifiées génétiquement, dont l'excitation de la première (CFP : cyan fluorescent protein) par la lumière à une certaine longue d'onde permet le transfert d'énergie à la seconde (YFP : yellow fluorescent protein), via un substrat qui les lie. Pour que ce transfert d'énergie se produise, il faut que les deux protéines fluorescentes soient proches, comme c'est le cas lorsqu'elles sont liées par un substrat. La coupure de ce lien provoque un changement de transfert d'énergie qui est quantifiable en utilisant un spectrofluoromètre. Cette technologie permet donc de suivre la réaction d'hydrolyse (coupure) des protéases. Afin de poursuivre certaines expériences permettant de mieux comprendre la fonction biologique d'hK14 ainsi que son éventuelle implication dans le cancer, nous avons développé des inhibiteurs spécifiques d'hK14. Les séquences qui on été le plus efficacement coupées par hK14 ont été utilisées pour transformer deux types d'inhibiteurs classiques, qui circulent dans notre sang, en inhibiteurs d'hK14 hautement efficaces et spécifiques. Selon les résultats obtenus in vitro, ils pourront être évalués in vivo en tant que traitement potentiel contre le cancer. RESUME Les protéases sont des enzymes impliquées dans des processus physiologiques mais aussi parfois pathologiques. La famille des kallicréines tissulaires humaines représente le plus grand groupe de protéases humaines, dont plusieurs pourraient participer au développement de certaines maladies. D'autre part, ces protéases sont apparues comme des marqueurs de pathogénicité potentiels, notamment dans les cas de cancers hormono-dépendants. La kallicréine humaine 14 a été récemment découverte et son implication dans quelques maladies, particulièrement dans le cas de tumeurs, semble probable. En effet, son expression génique est augmentée au niveau des tissus cancéreux de la prostate et du sein et son expression protéique s'est révélée plus élevée dans le sérum de patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein ou des ovaires. Cependant, comme c'est le cas pour la plupart des kallicréines, sa fonction est encore inconnue. Afin de mieux connaître son rôle biologique et/ou pathologique, nous avons décidé de caractériser son activité enzymatique. Nous avons tout d'abord mis au point un système de substrats entièrement biologique permettant d'étudier in vitro l'activité des protéases. Ce système est basé sur le phénomène de FRET, à savoir le transfert d'énergie de résonance fluorescente qui intervient entre deux molécules fluorescentes voisines si le spectre d'émission de la protéine donneuse chevauche le spectre d'excitation de la protéine receveuse. Nous avons fusionné de manière covalente une protéine fluorescente bleue (CFP) et une jaune (YFP) en les liant avec diverses séquences. Par clivage de la séquence de liaison, une perte du transfert d'énergie peut être mesurée par un spectrofluoromètre. Cette technologie représente un moyen facile de suivre la réaction d'hydrolyse des protéases. Les conditions optimales de production de ces substrats CFP-YFP ont été déterminées, de même que les paramètres pouvant éventuellement influencer le FRET. Ce système possède une grande résistance à la protéolyse non spécifique et est applicable à un grand nombre de protéase. Contrairement aux substrats fluorogéniques, il permet d'étudier les acides aminés se trouvant des deux côtés du site de clivage. Ce système étant entièrement biologique, il est le reflet des interactions protéine-protéine et représente un outil biologique facile, bon marché et rapide pour caractériser les protéases. Dans un premier temps, hK14 a été mise en présence d' une banque de haute diversité de pentapeptides aléatoires présentée à la surface de phages afin d'identifier des substrats spécifiques. Ensuite, le système CFP-YFP a été employé pour trier les peptides sélectionnés afin d'identifier les séquences de substrats les plus sensibles et spécifiques pour hK14. Nous avons montré, qu'en plus de sa prévisible activité de type trypsine, hK14 possède aussi une très surprenante activité de type chymotrypsine. Les séquences les plus sensibles ont été choisies pour cribler la banque de donnée Swissprot, permettant ainsi l'identification de 6 substrats protéiques humains potentiels pour hK14. Trois d'entre eux, la laminine α-5, le collagène IV et la matriline-4, qui sont des composants de la matrice extracellulaire, ont démontré une grande susceptibilité à l'hydrolyse par hK14. De plus, la séparation éléctrophorétique a montré que la dégradation de la laminine α-5 et de la matriline-4 par hK14 devait se produire aux sites identifiés par la technologie du phage display. Pour terminer, nous avons transformé, par mutagenèse dirigée, deux serpines (inhibiteurs de protéases de type sérine) connues, AAT et ACT (alpha anti-trypsine et alpha anti-chymotrypsine), qui inhibent un vaste éventail d'enzymes humaines en inhibiteurs d'hK14 hautement efficaces et spécifiques. Ces inhibiteurs pourront être utilisés d'une part pour poursuivre certaines expériences permettant de mieux comprendre l'implication d'hK14 dans des voies physiologiques ou dans le cancer et d'autre part pour les évaluer in vivo en tant que traitement potentiel contre le cancer. SUMMARY Proteases consist of enzymes involved in physiological events, but also, in case of dysregulation, in pathogenicity. The human tissue kallikrein family represents the largest human protease cluster and includes several members that either could participate in the course of certain diseases or emerged as potential biological markers, especially in hormone dependent cancers. The human kallikrein 14 has been recently discovered and suggested implications in some disorders, particularly in tumors since its gene expression is up-regulated in prostate and breast cancer tissues and its protein expression increased in the serum of patients with breast and ovarian cancers. However, like most kallikreins, its function remains unknown. To better understand hK14 biological and/or pathological role, we decided to characterize its enzymatic activity. First of all, we developped a biological system suitable for in vitro study of protease activity. This system is based on the so-called FRET phenomenon, that is the Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer that occurs between two nearby fluorescent proteins if the emission spectrum of the donor overlaps the excitation spectrum of the acceptor. We fused covalently a cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and a yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) with diverses sequences. Upon cleavage of the linker sequence by protease, the loss of energy transfer can be measured by a spectrofluorometer allowing an easy following of hydrolysis reaction. The optimal conditions to produce in bacterial system these CFP-YFP substrates were determined as well as the parameters that could eventually influence the FRET. This system demonstrated a high degree of resistance to non-specific proteolysis and applicability to various conditions corresponding to a great number of existing proteases. Other avantages are the possibility to study the amino acids located both sides of the cleavage site as well as the interest to work in a full biological system reflecting protein-protein interaction. A phage substrate library with exhaustive diversity was used prior to CFP-substrate-YFP system to isolate specific human kallikrein 14 substrates. After that the CFP-YFP system was used to sort peptides and identify highly sensitive and specific substrate sequences for hK14. We showed that besides its predictable trypsin-like activity, hK14 also possesses a surprising chymotrypsin-like activity. The screening of the Swissprot database was achieved with the most sensitive sequences and allowed the identification of 6 potential human protein substrates for hK14. Three of them, laminin α-5, collagen IV and matrilin-4, which are components of the extracellular matrix were incubated with hK14, by which they were efficiently hydrolyzed. Moreover, electrophoretic separation revealed that degradation of laminin α-5 and matrilin-4 by hK14 generated fragments with identical molecular size than the predicted N-terminal fragments that would result from hK14 specific cleavage, proving the value of phage display substrate to identify potential substrates. Finally, with site-directed mutagenesis, we transformed two well-known serpins (serine protease inhibitors), AAT and ACT (alpha anti-trypsin and alpha anti-chymotrypsin), which inhibit a vast spectrum of human enzymes into highly efficient and specific hK14 inhibitors. These inhibitors will be used to pursue experiments that could help understand hK14 implication in physiological pathways as well as in cancer biology and also to perform their in vivo evalution as potential cancer treatment.
Human HCF-1 (also referred to as HCFC-1) is a transcriptional co-regulator that undergoes a complex maturation process involving extensive O-GlcNAcylation and site-specific proteolysis. HCF-1 proteolysis results in two active, noncovalently associated HCF-1N and HCF-1C subunits that regulate distinct phases of the cell-division cycle. HCF-1 O-GlcNAcylation and site-specific proteolysis are both catalyzed by O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT), which thus displays an unusual dual enzymatic activity. OGT cleaves HCF-1 at six highly conserved 26 amino acid repeat sequences called HCF-1PRO repeats. Here we characterize the substrate requirements for OGT cleavage of HCF-1. We show that the HCF-1PRO-repeat cleavage signal possesses particular OGT-binding properties. The glutamate residue at the cleavage site that is intimately involved in the cleavage reaction specifically inhibits association with OGT and its bound cofactor UDP-GlcNAc. Further, we identify a novel OGT-binding sequence nearby the first HCF-1PRO-repeat cleavage signal that enhances cleavage. These results demonstrate that distinct OGT-binding sites in HCF-1 promote proteolysis, and provide novel insights into the mechanism of this unusual protease activity.
Piratoxins (PrTX) I and III are phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)s) or PLA(2) homologue myotoxins isolated from Bothrops pirajai snake venom, which also induce myonecrosis, bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli, disruption of artificial membranes, and edema. PrTX-III is a catalytically active hemolytic and anticoagulant Asp49 PLA(2), while PrTX-I is a Lys49 PLA, homologue, which is catalytically inactive on artificial substrates, but promotes blockade of neuromuscular transmission. Chemical modifications of His, Lys, Tyr, and Trp residues of PrTX-I and PrTX-III were performed, together with cleavage of the N-terminal octapeptide by CNBr and inhibition by heparin and EDTA. The lethality, bactericidal activity, myotoxicity, neuromuscular effect, edema inducing effect, catalytic and anticoagulant activities, and the liposome-disruptive activity of the modified toxins were evaluated. A complex pattern of functional differences between the modified and native toxins was observed. However, in general, chemical modifications that significantly affected the diverse pharmacological effects of the toxins did not influence catalytic or membrane disrupting activities. Analysis of structural changes by circular dichroism spectroscopy demonstrated significant changes in the secondary structure only in the case of N-terminal octapeptide cleavage. These data indicate that PrTX-I and PrTX-III possess regions other than the catalytic site, which determine their toxic and pharmacological activities. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Using the post-mitochondrial fraction of rat intestinal mucosa, we have investigated lycopene metabolism. The incubation media was composed of NAD+, KCI, and DTT with or without added lipoxygenase. The addition of lipoxygenase into the incubation significantly increased the production of lycopene metabolites. The enzymatic incubation products of 2H10 lycopene were separated using high-performance liquid chromatography and analyzed by UV/Vis spectrophotometer and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectroscopy. We have identified two types of products: cleavage products and oxidation products. The cleavage products are likely: (1) 3-keto-apo-13-lycopenone (C18H24O2 or 6,10,14-trimethyl-12-one-3,5,7,9,13-pentadecapentaen-2-one) with lambdamax = 365 nm and m/z =272 and (2) 3,4-dehydro-5,6-dihydro-15-apo-lycopenal (C20H28O or 3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-2,4,6,8,12,14-hexadecahexaen-l-al) with lambdamax= 380 nm and m/z = 284. The oxidative metabolites are likely: (3) 2-ene-5,8-lycopenal-furanoxide (C37H50O) with lambdamax = 415 nm, 435 nm, and 470 nm, and m/z = 510; (4) lycopene-5, 6, 5', 6'-diepoxide (C40H56O2) with lambdamax = 415 nm, 440 nm, and 470 nm, and m/z =568; (5) lycopene-5,8-furanoxide isomer (I) (C40H56O2) with lambdamax = 410 nm, 440 nm, and 470 nm, and m/z = 552; (6) lycopene-5,8-epoxide isomer (II) (C40H56O) with lambdamax = 410, 440, 470 nm, and m/z = 552; and (7) 3-keto-lycopene-5',8'-furanoxide (C40H54O2) with lambdamax = 400 nm, 420 nm, and 450 nm, and m/z = 566. These results demonstrate that both central and excentric cleavage of lycopene occurs in the rat intestinal mucosa in the presence of soy lipoxygenase.
A hyaluronidase (CdtHya1) from Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venom (CdtV) was isolated and showed to exhibit a high activity on hyaluronan cleavage. However, surveys on this enzyme are still limited. This study aimed at its isolation, functional/structural characterization and the evaluation of its effect on the spreading of crotoxin and phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)). The enzyme was purified through cation exchange, gel filtration and hydrophobic chromatography. After that, it was submitted to a reverse-phase fast protein liquid chromatography (RP-FPLC) and Edman degradation sequencing, which showed the first N-terminal 44 amino acid residues whose sequence evidenced identity with other snake venom hyaluronidases. CdtHya1 is a monomeric glycoprotein of 64.5 kDa estimated by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions. It exhibited maximum activity in the presence of 0.2 M NaCl, at 37 degrees C, pH 5.5 and a specificity to hyaluronan higher than that to chondroitin-4-sulphate, chondroitin-6-sulphate or dermatan. Divalent cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+) and 1 M NaCl significantly reduced the enzyme activity. The specific activity of CdtHya1 was 5066 turbidity reducing units (TRU)/mg, against 145 TRU/mg for the soluble venom, representing a 34.9-fold purification. The pure enzyme increased the diffusion of crotoxin and PLA (2) through mice tissues. CdtHya1 (32 TRU/40 mu L) potentiated crotoxin action, as evidenced by mice death, and it decreased the oedema caused by subplantar injections of buffer, crotoxin or PLA(2), thus evidencing the relevance of hyaluronidase in the crotalic envenoming. This work yielded a highly active antiedematogenic hyaluronidase from CdtV, the first one isolated from rattlesnake venoms. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Heparin has been used as a clinical anticoagulant for more than 50 years, making it one of the most effective pharmacological agents known. Much of heparin's activity can be traced to its ability to bind antithrombin III (AT-III). Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), derived from heparin by its controlled breakdown, maintains much of the antithrombotic activity of heparin without many of the serious side effects. The clinical significance of LMWH has highlighted the need to understand and develop chemical or enzymatic means to generate it. The primary enzymatic tools used for the production of LMWH are the heparinases from Flavobacterium heparinum, specifically heparinases I and II. Using pentasaccharide and hexasaccharide model compounds, we show that heparinases I and II, but not heparinase III, cleave the AT-III binding site, leaving only a partially intact site. Furthermore, we show herein that glucosamine 3-O sulfation at the reducing end of a glycosidic linkage imparts resistance to heparinase I, II, and III cleavage. Finally, we examine the biological and pharmacological consequences of a heparin oligosaccharide that contains only a partial AT-III binding site. We show that such an oligosaccharide lacks some of the functional attributes of heparin- and heparan sulfate-like glycosaminoglycans containing an intact AT-III site.
Ethidium-dependent uncoupling of substrate binding and cleavage by Escherichia coli ribonuclease III
Ethidium bromide (EB) is known to inhibit cleavage of bacterial rRNA precursors by Escherichia coli ribonuclease III, a dsRNA-specific nuclease. The mechanism of EB inhibition of RNase III is not known nor is there information on EB-binding sites in RNase III substrates. We show here that EB is a reversible, apparently competitive inhibitor of RNase III cleavage of small model substrates in vitro. Inhibition is due to intercalation, since (i) the inhibitory concentrations of EB are similar to measured EB intercalation affinities; (ii) substrate cleavage is not affected by actinomycin D, an intercalating agent that does not bind dsRNA; (iii) the EB concentration dependence of inhibition is a function of substrate structure. In contrast, EB does not strongly inhibit the ability of RNase III to bind substrate. EB also does not block substrate binding by the C-terminal dsRNA-binding domain (dsRBD) of RNase III, indicating that EB perturbs substrate recognition by the N-terminal catalytic domain. Laser photocleavage experiments revealed two ethidium-binding sites in the substrate R1.1 RNA. One site is in the internal loop, adjacent to the scissile bond, while the second site is in the lower stem. Both sites consist of an A-A pair stacked on a CG pair, a motif which apparently provides a particularly favorable environment for intercalation. These results indicate an inhibitory mechanism in which EB site-specifically binds substrate, creating a cleavage-resistant complex that can compete with free substrate for RNase III. This study also shows that RNase III recognition and cleavage of substrate can be uncoupled and supports an enzymatic mechanism of dsRNA cleavage involving cooperative but not obligatorily linked actions of the dsRBD and the catalytic domain.
It has been reported that His-119 of ribonuclease A plays a major role as an imidazolium ion acid catalyst in the cyclization/cleavage of normal dinucleotides but that it is not needed for the cyclization/cleavage of 3'-uridyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate. We see that this is also true for simple buffer catalysis, where imidazole (as in His-12 of the enzyme), but not imidazolium ion, plays a significant catalytic role with the nitrophenyl substrate, but both are catalytic for normal dinucleotides such as uridyluridine. Rate studies show that the enzyme catalyzes the cyclization of the nitrophenylphosphate derivative 47,000,000 times less effectively (kcat/kuncat) than it does uridyladenosine, indicating that approximately 50% of the catalytic free energy change is lost with this substrate. This suggests that the nitrophenyl substrate is not correctly bound to take full advantage of the catalytic groups of the enzyme and is thus not a good guide to the mechanism used by normal nucleotides. The published data on kinetic effects with ribonuclease A of substituting thiophosphate groups for the phosphate groups of normal substrates has been discussed elsewhere, and it was argued that these effects are suggestive of the classical mechanism for ribonuclease action, not the novel mechanism we have recently proposed. The details of these rate effects, including stereochemical preferences in the thiophosphate series, can be invoked as support for our newer mechanism.
We have studied the mechanism of accurate in vitro RNA editing of Trypanosoma brucei ATPase 6 mRNA, using four mRNA-guide RNA (gRNA) pairs that specify deletion of 2, 3, or 4 U residues at editing site 1 and mitochondrial extract. This extract not only catalyzes deletion of the specified number of U residues but also exhibits a novel endonuclease activity that cleaves the input pre-mRNA in a gRNA-directed manner, precisely at the phosphodiester bond predicted in a simple enzymatic model of RNA editing. This cleavage site is inconsistent with a chimera-based editing mechanism. The U residues to be deleted, present at the 3' end of the upstream cleavage product, are then removed evidently by a 3' U-specific exonuclease and not by a reverse reaction of terminal U transferase. RNA ligase can then join the mRNA halves through their newly formed 5' P and 3' OH termini, generating mRNA faithfully edited at the first editing site. This resultant, partially edited mRNA can then undergo accurate, gRNA-directed cleavage at editing site 2, again precisely as predicted by the enzymatic editing model. All of these enzymatic activities cofractionate with the U-deletion activity and may reside in a single complex. The data imply that each round of editing is a four-step process, involving (i) gRNA-directed cleavage of the pre-mRNA at the bond immediately 5' of the region base paired to the gRNA, (ii) U deletion from or U addition to the 3' OH of the upstream mRNA half, (iii) ligation of the mRNA halves, and (iv) formation of additional base pairing between the correctly edited site and the gRNA that directs subsequent nuclease cleavage at the next editing site.