999 resultados para empreendimentos económicos
RESUMO: A economia solidária é aqui apresentada como um movimento social emancipatório e como uma das formas de resistências das trabalhadoras e trabalhadores ao modelo de desenvolvimento capitalista. O movimento contemporâneo de economia solidária abrange o processo de produção, comercialização e finanças. A economia solidária é caracterizada pela posse coletiva dos meios de produção e pelo controle dos trabalhadores dos empreendimentos através de autogestão, cooperação e solidariedade. Os empreendimentos econômicos solidários se organizam sob a forma de cooperativas, associações e grupos informais. Um dos maiores desafios da economia solidária está no campo educativo, porque impõe a desconstrução dos princípios individualistas e privatistas preponderantes na maioria das relações econômicas, e exige a construção de outra cultura pautada na solidariedade. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa realizada, tem como objeto de estudo as metodologias de incubação fomentadas pelas universidades nas ações de economia solidária. Para isso, analisamos as experiências da Incubadora de Economia Solidária da Universidade Federal da Paraíba - Brasil e da Incubadora na Universidade de Kassel- Alemanha – Verein für Solidarische Ökonomie e.V. A pesquisa buscou conhecer e analisar as práticas de incubagem das universidades na economia solidária, como processos de mudança social. A coleta de informações foi realizada, tendo por base, uma revisão bibliográfica, relatórios das Incubadoras, registros fotográficos, observação participante e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os resultados da análise indicam que as metodologias de incubação na economia solidaria, por terem um caráter aberto e participativo, por considerarem os condicionamentos históricos e as diferentes culturas, fazem-nas portadoras de mudanças sociais. Esta metodologia pode ser utilizada por diferentes atores, em lugares e situações distintas. A pesquisa indica ainda, a centralidade da questão ecológica como elemento que poderá unificar o movimento internacional de economia solidária.
Este estudo faz uma análise crítica da educação e do trabalho nos Planos Nacionais de Desenvolvimento, via açoes coordenadas pela Superintendência do Desenvolvimento da Amazônia (Sudam), com sua política de desenvolvimento regional, que significa expansão da acumulação capitalista - desenvolvimento em nome da região. A natureza "verdadeira" desta relação (educação e trabalho), no plano real, está contida muito mais nos programas econômicos do que nos formalmente enquadrados como educativos. Se a Amazônia dependesse do ensino formal para modificação das estruturas dominantes e para transformação das relações antagônicas de apropriação e expropiaçao, permaneceria inalterada, como ocorreu até 1960, antes da construção da rodovia Belém-Brasília e implantação dos grandes projetos de desenvolvimento deslanchados pelo Estado. A política de desenvolvimento regional dirigiu-se a favor da classe dominante, que tem seu locus hegemônico no Centro-Sul do Brasil. A ação pedagógica dos grandes projetos econômicos - pedagogia do capital - foi tão ou mais efetiva do que a da escola, exatamente pela "ausência" desta na Amazônia. A rede escolar da região está em torno de 11.626 escolas para atender a uma população escolarizável de cerca de 2 milhões de crianças. Na zona rural se atende a 37% da demanda. Hoje, pouco ou quase nada se tem de uma típica comunidade amazônica: o espaço-homem ou homem-espaço é outro, com pletamente diferente; novos hábitos foram incorporados, há novas maneiras de viver e/ou morrer, próprias do "urbano"; os tipos e formas de produção também se transformaram, as culturas de subsistência, por exemplo, estão sendo gradativamente substituídas por outras de maior valor para exportação, corno café, cacau, pimenta-do-reino, juta etc.; as tradições culturais estão sendo vilipendiadas, até no tratamento de doenças, através da alopatia convencional; há descaracterização das manifestações folclóricas etc. Todas essas transformações ocorridas se integram ao projeto maior de desenvolvimento, como produto da entrada da Amazônia no mundo do "progresso". As ações implementadas pelo Estado se articulam e se completam nos empreendimentos econômicos da iniciativa privada. Em suma, trata-se de um "progresso" que, ao contrário de representar um meio de melhoria das condições de vida, representa para a grande maioria dos trabalhadores urna radicalização da degradação destas condições.
The theme of this dissertation is the collegiate management in the cashew cultivation s productive chain by the reading of the Managerial Committee s role in accordance with Sustainable Regional Development. The research had as aim to reveal the way as Managerial Committee s members of cashew cultivation s productive chain interpret the economic, social and environmental dimensions to the sustainability of entrepreneurships, using as interpretative base Sachs (2004) theoretical model. The theoretical reference is based in precepts of Solidarity Economy as a strategy to the Sustainable Regional Development. To reach this aim was done a case study, based in analysis of contents and semi-structured interviews with the solidarities economic entrepreneurships that integrate the Committee and with the group of Entities of Support and Fomentation responsible for formulating and conducting actions in favour of development of the chain. The research permitted to conclude that the economic, mainly, and social dimension, secondly, to super-impose the environmental dimension. The actions in favour of the chain are yet restricted and with low effectiveness when interpreted, in an integrated way, by a side, by the informers of this research and, by another side, in accordance with precepts of sustainable development
The study aimed to understand how the methodology of hatching contributes to the sustainability of economic enterprises in solidarity. For analysis, we developed a study on the social economy and the incubation methodology, based on the program of teaching, research and extension - Technological Incubator of Popular Cooperatives and Entrepreneurship Solidarity (PITCPES), and as the survey of the Cooperative of Fruit of Abaetetuba - COFRUTA. We started from the exploratory-descriptive approach in a qualitative and quantitative, in order to demonstrate the process of sustainability under the dimensions of different kinds such as: the economic dimension, social dimension, the political dimension, size and scale management training. Based on the analysis of these different dimensions was reached results as: first the recognition that the incubator contributes to the sustainability of COFRUTA, especially with regard to planning, control and the need to diversify production. However, there was suggestion of cooperative for training and technical assistance is continued, to the extent that the performance of projects under the base leaves gaps for the learning and application of social technologies required to the Incubator. It also concluded that the dissertation contributes to the team of the incubator can assess their strengths and weaknesses in their performance
The study aimed to understand how the methodology of hatching contributes to the sustainability of economic enterprises in solidarity. For analysis, we developed a study on the social economy and the incubation methodology, based on the program of teaching, research and extension - Technological Incubator of Popular Cooperatives and Entrepreneurship Solidarity (PITCPES), and as the survey of the Cooperative of Fruit of Abaetetuba - COFRUTA. We started from the exploratory-descriptive approach in a qualitative and quantitative, in order to demonstrate the process of sustainability under the dimensions of different kinds such as: the economic dimension, social dimension, the political dimension, size and scale management training. Based on the analysis of these different dimensions was reached results as: first the recognition that the incubator contributes to the sustainability of COFRUTA, especially with regard to planning, control and the need to diversify production. However, there was suggestion of cooperative for training and technical assistance is continued, to the extent that the performance of projects under the base leaves gaps for the learning and application of social technologies required to the Incubator. It also concluded that the dissertation contributes to the team of the incubator can assess their strengths and weaknesses in their performance
The Women s experiences in the private sphere under the work s field changes the family relationship allowing them more freedom, autonomy and independence. The inequalities, socially built, homemade women s obligations results in discrimination, difficult to insert and recovery on female s job in a job s market, including low salary if compared with men s and difficult to services access in addiction a difficult daily life and in domestic sphere. The women s organisation in productive groups or economically solidary enterprises (ESE) torn possible the social economically organisations and politicians to promote deep changes in a domestically e socially relationship, positioning, for example, women s in publics areas and in the rout of emancipation. The objective of this search are understand men and women relationship in the family agriculture s field starts insert women in economically solidary enterprises (ESE) on Mulunguzinho s settlement (Mossoró/RN). The theoretical framework is inspirited Economical Solidary concept kind division s job and women s empowerment. This search had a qualitative character and exploration through case s study on Mulheres decididas a vencer s group. The secondary information was create through theoretical framework and information collected through semi-structured interviews based in interviews applied for women and yours respective husbands by criterion for women participation on productive activities of beekeeping culture of goat and sheep. This study turns possible conclude that the women s participations in productive groups in solidary economical change significantly their life and their family life. The group s organisations process, the training was received, the collective production, the marketing and the mobilized participation to move it all was fundamental for women share with their families partners some homemade and take care with the children. This finding confirm a different aspect not economical in solidary economy overcoming the monetary value in associative relationship observing principally individuals well-being and the concern with the form of reproduction this way of life in the associated
The dissertating study about the solidarity economy has the objective to analyze the four unions responsible for the selective municipal garbage collection in Natal. It aims at verifying the consolidation of these unions as solidarity economic undertakings, revealing which progresses they have made, as well as the social and economic insertion of the garbage collectors and their process of conquering citizenship. The referred four unions had been founded and are constituted, in their majority, by collectors coming from the Cidade Nova lixão (big garbage). As it was closed in August 2004, they decided to make a union in order to collecting garbage. As what concerns the methodic and theoretic proceedings, our research has been developed with a critical perspective and a qualitative approach without discarding and quantitative one. The central analytical categories of this paper are: association, work, social exclusion and citizenship. Our research has had three articulated axis which aim was to apprehend the subject, disclosing it. The exposition of the investigative results is subdivided in four chapters. The first one approaches the main aspects of the crisis of the capital and its reflexes in the world of work. Here we deal with the question the structural unemployment coming as a result of the present economic model, the mains changes verified in the Brazilian work market, as well as levels of unemployment affecting the work market in Natal s metropolitan region. The second chapter treats of the origin, concept and revival in Brazil concerning the tradition of thought and cooperative economic organization, which has recovered the central elements of the associative thought and is nowadays studied in Latin America under the name of solidarity economy. The third chapter deals with embodiment of the collectors unions, its history, appearing and development of each union. The fourth chapter presents the relative dimensions of the analysis categories supported in the reports of institutional actors as well as the perception collectors have about the recyclable stuffs, the way they face the daily life and so on, what brings about the contradictions present in their reality. The final comments sum up the main trends and particularities of the unions researched under the light of the solidarity economy and disclose the real perspectives of social and economic insertion of these collectors and the process they follow to conquest social recognition
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
A tese teve como objetivo apresentar a leitura e a análise dos processos que levaram conquistas inéditas às comunidades em Juruti, no baixo amazonas, região localizada no estado do Pará. Juruti foi palco de conflitos, negociações, acordos e conquistas frente ao grande empreendimento de extração mineral desenvolvido pela ALCOA. Essas conquistas são resultados de fatores externos e internos. O externo foi marcado por um conjunto favorável, relacionado ao governo de esquerda no âmbito federal, estadual e municipal; e por um arcabouço institucional jurídico que reconhece os direitos coletivos e territoriais, a emergência da questão ambiental e a presença da Igreja Católica, por meio do trabalho pastoral das Irmãs Franciscanas de Maristella, orientadas pela teologia da libertação e a pedagogia do oprimido. No âmbito interno, prevaleceu o caráter tradicional, a vivência comunitária e as práticas coletivas, como o puxirum, que possibilitaram a constituição de um território organizado e capaz de desencadear processos de mobilização e resistência com a mínima fragmentação e cooptação. O apoio de diferentes contribuições teóricas da sociologia, da antropologia entre outras facilitaram a nossa leitura do processo vivido no território de Juruti, assim como as abordagens do pós-desenvolvimento. A metodologia da pesquisa é de natureza exploratória, descritiva e explicativa, articulada com técnicas de campo como: a coleta de informações e entrevistas com pessoas-chave, documentos de empresa, comunidades, Igreja Católica e outros. Tal procedimento buscou compreender os discursos empreendidos pelos autores presentes em Juruti. Identificamos a estreita relação da Igreja com movimentos e grupos que encamparam a luta na região de Juruti junto a ALCOA, por meio da Congregação das Irmãs Franciscana de Maristella, em virtude da sua história de inserção no local, e de sua opção em defesa da tradicionalidade das comunidades. Também percebemos um governo favorável, aberto ao diálogo, à existência de uma conjuntura política favorável; a preocupação da sociedade global com o meio ambiente; a existência de um arcabouço jurídico com o reconhecimento de direitos institucionalizados, como os direitos territoriais. Com tal abordagem, conclui-se que diante das múltiplas ações dos grandes projetos é preciso articular oportunidades e potencialidades de forma a buscar os caminhos de superação da invisibilidade atribuída às comunidades pelo Estado e grandes empreendimentos econômicos. Os aspectos organizativos em Juruti, assim como sua articulação, levaram à superação dos mecanismos de dominação, padronização e invisibilidade das comunidades tradicionais na Amazônia.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
In recent decades, the collective leadership of the Solidary Economical Enterprises (ESS) that are active in providing collection and recycling services, has been presented as a proposal for the organization of urban space with the creation of new enterprises and solidarity production chains. Are activities that have gained a new stimulus to the creation of the National Secretariat of Solidarity Economy and the National Policy on Solid Waste that assigned a leading role in these social actors. These experiences contribute to building a participatory development path, resembling with the pluralistic perspective of development of the Indian economist Amartya Sen, that goes beyond the simplistic design of the increased income, focusing on the process of expanding freedoms that people enjoy. The aim of this work is to situate the perspective of endogenous development with the Collection Services segment and Material Recycling in the field of Solidarity Economy, through the analysis of the experience of the Cooperative of Selective Collection and Recycling Friends of the planet, located in the municipality of Lauro to Freitas - BA, from 2004 to 2013. for this the following procedures were adopted: analysis of the main contributions of the international literature on the phenomenon of pluriactivity; review of national literature that analyzes the emergence and evolution of the projects of solidarity economy in Brazil; bibliographical and documentary research; and socio-economic evaluation of the EES. The guiding problem of this work, understandably, is: what is the meaning of endogenous perspective with the Materials Collection and Recycling Services segment in the field of Solidarity Economy? It starts with the hypothesis that the development of these practices requires an environment that removes the main sources of deprivation involving the conditions of existence of these enterprises. The results show that not enough development to be built with the participation of social actors, but there are minimally necessary conditions for such experiences can take hold in order to achieve their goals. Thus, not only is it a strictly economic issue, but requires political actions for a process of social transformation.
The solidary economy as the organization of production, alternative to the capitalist economy provides new forms of organization and social behavior, that, in the sight of geography, it is shown by the different territory uses. The territory assume new meanings that, influenced by the Solidary Economy movement, tries to reach for new ways of acting that differ from social order already stablished. However, the different uses show themselves in a more complex and contradictory way, given that, in solidary undertakings, different corporative agents start to act, the State being a last resource on this process. Given this reality, our goal on the present paper is to analyze the different uses of the territory from the rural economic solidary undertakings and the relationship it establishes to the different agents involved on the socio-territorial dynamics on Rio Grande do Norte. Starting from a study that contemplates the territorial organization forms and contents of the analyzed phenomena, the methodology utilized for this research is based on a bibliographic review, with authors from the geography and areas related to the Solidary Economy, besides the use of secondary data, acquired from official offices such as SIES and IBGE, from the documented research, SENAES and field interviews conducted with local solidary undertakings. The results obtained in the study reveal the complexity of the agricultural use of the territory by Solidary Economy on the RN, while a resource of intensified use, from the state actions and important economical agents, and regulating the use while shelter, that marginalize solidary workers, making them subdued to the hegemonic logic. Therefore, we can infer that the solidary economy, despite its image of new form of organization between agricultural workers, given the expressivity of the rural solidary undertakings presented on RN, it hasn’t shown a full social development as an instrument of reproduction and emancipation of the associates. Nevertheless, the undertakings articulated in nets excel, even when considering its punctual and residual form. The given contradictions show that it is necessary to fortify the building of the solidary economy as being horizontal and popular based for it to have strength to surpass the regulative actions of the capitalist state and ownership created by the Capital.
The theme of this dissertation is the collegiate management in the cashew cultivation s productive chain by the reading of the Managerial Committee s role in accordance with Sustainable Regional Development. The research had as aim to reveal the way as Managerial Committee s members of cashew cultivation s productive chain interpret the economic, social and environmental dimensions to the sustainability of entrepreneurships, using as interpretative base Sachs (2004) theoretical model. The theoretical reference is based in precepts of Solidarity Economy as a strategy to the Sustainable Regional Development. To reach this aim was done a case study, based in analysis of contents and semi-structured interviews with the solidarities economic entrepreneurships that integrate the Committee and with the group of Entities of Support and Fomentation responsible for formulating and conducting actions in favour of development of the chain. The research permitted to conclude that the economic, mainly, and social dimension, secondly, to super-impose the environmental dimension. The actions in favour of the chain are yet restricted and with low effectiveness when interpreted, in an integrated way, by a side, by the informers of this research and, by another side, in accordance with precepts of sustainable development