92 resultados para eminence


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"Books sold by Paul Vaillant ...": p. [1]-[3] at end.


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Australian labour law, at least from the mid-twentieth century, was dominated by the employment paradigm: the assumption that labour law’s scope was the regulation of employment relationships –full-time and part-time, and continuing, fixed term or casual – with a single (usually corporate) entity employer. But no sooner had the employment paradigm established and consolidated its shape, it began to fall apart. Since the 1980s there has been a significant growth of patterns of work that fall outside this paradigm, driven by organisational restructuring and management techniques such as labour hire, sub-contracting and franchising. Beyond Employment analyses the way in which Australian labour law is being reframed in this shift away from the pre-eminence of the employment paradigm. Its principal concern is with the legal construction and regulation of various forms of contracting, including labour hire arrangements, complex contractual chains and modern forms like franchising, and of casual employment. It outlines the current array of work relationships in Australia, and describes and analyses the way in which those outside continuous and fixed term employment are regulated. The book seeks to answer the central question: How does law (legal rules and principles) construct these work relationships, and how does it regulate these relationships? The book identifies the way in which current law draws the lines between the various work relationships through the use of contract and property ownership, and describes, analyses and synthesises the legal rules that govern these different forms of work relationships. The legal rules that govern work relationships are explored through the traditional lens of labour law’s protective function, principally in four themes: control of property, and the distribution of risks and rewards; maintenance of income security; access to collective voice mechanisms, focusing on collective bargaining; and health, safety and welfare. The book critically evaluates the gaps in the coverage and content of these rules and principles, and the implications of these gaps for workers. It also reflects upon the power relationships that underpin the work arrangements that are the focus of the book and that are enhanced through the laws of contract and property. Finally, it frames an agenda to address the gaps and identified weaknesses insofar as they affect the economic wellbeing, democratic voice, and health and safety of workers.


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The Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi which is currently in its Platinum Jubilee year, has maintained its eminence and dignity all these years. The Fellowship of INSA is highly cherished. The Academy enjoys considerable prestige. This prestige needs to be converted into influence. INSA is in the process of setting up a Science Policy Study Cell. The Academy needs to strengthen its role as a think-tank in the service of the nation on science-related issues. INSA is also in the process of establishing an archive. We can understand the present and plan for the future only in the context of the past. Thirdly, we would like to establish an electronic hub of science information at INSA. We do not wish to solely hold large quantities of information. But we need to have links with all major depositories of science- related information in the country. This is in consonance with the general philosophy of an Academy. The Academy is not a major implementer or executor of policies and programmes. It is a catalyst and a beacon that guides.


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Former President of Finland Urho Kekkonen was not only a powerful politician but also a well-known sportsman and keep-fit enthusiast. The president’s sports hobbies were covered and celebrated in the media and thus became an integral part of his public persona. This paper looks at Kekkonen’s athletic and able-bodied image and its significance for his power from the perspective of gender. In his exercise activities, Kekkonen was able to display his bodily prowess and demonstrate his version of masculinity, which emphasized both physical and mental strength. The union of mind and muscle in turn buttressed his political ascendancy. Kekkonen’s athletic body served as a cornerstone of his dominance over his country and, simultaneously, as a shield protecting Finland from both internal and external threats. Furthermore, Kekkonen’s sports performances were essential elements in the myth that was created around the president during his term and which was carefully conserved after his fall from power. Drawing upon scholarship on men and masculinities, this paper reassesses the still-effective mythical image of Kekkonen as an invincible superman. The article reveals the performative nature of his athletic activities and shows that in part, his pre-eminence in them was nothing more than theatre enacted by him and his entourage. Thus, Kekkonen’s superior and super-masculine image was actually surprisingly vulnerable and dependent on the success of the performance. The president’s ageing, in particular, demonstrates the fragility of his displays of prowess, strength and masculinity, and shows how fragile the entanglement of body and power can be.


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A articulação temporomandibular (ATM) é uma articulação complexa com características e funções únicas. Certamente é uma das articulações mais utilizadas e seu uso inadequado e excessivo consequentemente promove inúmeros transtornos. Dentre as alterações de hipermobilidade articular, o deslocamento mandibular refere-se ao posicionamento, geralmente anterior, do côndilo mandibular sobre a eminência articular, com completa separação das superfícies articulares e consequente travamento. Quando os episódios se tornam frequentes, algum método de tratamento, seja conservador ou cirúrgico, deve ser utilizado, devido ao grande transtorno funcional e social gerados. A injeção de sangue autógeno na articulação temporomandibular é uma técnica minimamente invasiva, com escassos relatos na literatura e que foi recentemente reintroduzida. Onze pacientes diagnosticados com luxação recidivante da articulação da cabeça mandibular receberam injeções bilaterais de sangue autógeno no compartimento articular superior e região pericapsular. Em acompanhamento, que variou de 24 a 35 meses (média de 29,6 meses), 3 (27,3%) pacientes apresentaram recidivas. O mesmo protocolo de tratamento foi repetido para estes três casos, porém sem sucesso, sendo então encaminhados para procedimento cirúrgico de eminectomia. Dessa forma, dos 11 pacientes inicialmente tratados, 8 (72,7%) não apresentaram episódios de deslocamento mandibular recorrente após o procedimento proposto. Trata-se de um procedimento simples, rápido, pouco invasivo, de baixo custo e com mínima possibilidade de complicações, sendo uma alternativa de tratamento viável, antes de se indicar procedimentos cirúrgicos.


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用模拟高原低氧的方法研究急性低氧条件下促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子(corticotrop in-releasing factor,CRF) 分泌的变化及第二信使参与CRF分泌的作用。低氧(海拔7 km ) 1 h 后, 正中隆起(median eminence,M E) 处CRF 含量明显下降(P < 0. 05) , 下丘脑(hypothalamus, Hy)CRF (不含M E) 含量无明显变化, 而Hy 内cAM P 含量明显增加(P < 0. 01)。脑室注射Forsklin、TPA 后低氧暴露(海拔5 km ) 1 h,M E CRF 含量下降(P < 0. 05; P < 0.05) ,Hy CRF 无明显变化。脑室注射Forsk lin 后Hy cAM P 含量升高(P < 0. 05)。脑室注射H7 和PKA 抑制剂,M ECRF 升高(P < 0. 05; P < 0. 01) ,Hy CRF 和Hy cAM P 均无显著变化。上述结果表明急性低氧应激中CRF 分泌显著增加, 第二信使通路PKA 和PKC 通路均参与CRF 分泌。


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We studied the effect of neuro transmitter no repin ephrine (N E) on immuno reactive cortico trop inreleasing factor (CRF) of median eminence (M E) in the native pika (Ochotona cu rz oniae). At one hour after intra cerebrovent ricular ( icv) adm inistrat ion of N E in doses of 3.75,7.5, 15 and 30 μg/100 g BW , the CRF level ofM E increased. And the plasma cortico sterone concent rat ion also increased. Two and six days after adrenalectomy (ADX) , N E concent ration in hypothalamus declined to 76.32% and 76.27% of those in intact pika, plasma cortico rsterone concent ration also decreased to 16.57 and 2.05% of the control. These results indicated that N E have a effect on activating HPA axis through activating hypothalamic CRF in Ochotona curzoniae.


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本文研究了模拟高原低氧条件下内源性阿片肽β- 内啡肽(β-endorphin ,β-EP) 对大鼠和高原土著动物高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae) 促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子(corticotropin releasing factor , CRF) 分泌的影响。7000m 低氧2h ,正中隆起(median eminence , ME) 和下丘脑(Hypothalamus , Hy) CRF 含量水平降低。脑室注射β-EP 后,海拔7000m 低氧暴露2h ,大鼠和高原鼠兔ME 处的CRF 含量升高,大鼠Hy的CRF 含量也升高,而高原鼠兔下丘脑CRF 含量下降。β-EP 的作用被纳洛酮反转。上述结果提示,β-EP 有抑制由低氧引起的大鼠CRF 分泌的作用。


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This is a study of identity and geopolitics in Hergé's Adventures of Tintin, a series of adventure comics created from 1929 to 1976. The Tintin comics became increasingly popular throughout the mid-twentieth century, and their creator, Hergé, is still a subject of intrigue in the press and popular publications. Recent work in popular geopolitics has pioneered the use of comics as a new type of source material in critical geography. Hergé's approach to the comics format combines an iconic protagonist with detailed and textured environments that draw upon some of the geopolitical discourses of the twentieth century. Three forms of geopolitical meaning are identified within the Tintin comics: discourses of colonialism, European pre-eminence and anti-Americanism. These overlapping trends amount to different facets of one single discourse, which places European ideologies at the centre of its world-view. This is highlighted by focusing on three geographical spaces of the Tintin series, and by contextualising the life and selected works of Hergé. © 2009 Taylor & Francis.


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Intracerebroventricular (ICV) administration of bombesin (BN) induces a syndrome characterized by stereotypic locomotion and grooming, hyperactivity and sleep elimination, hyperglycemia and hypothermia, hyperhemodynamics, feeding inhibition, and gastrointestinal function changes. Mammalian BN-like peptides (MBNs), e.g. gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP), Neuromedin C (NMC), and Neuromedin B (NMB), have been detected in the central nervous system. Radio-labeled BN binds to specific sites in discrete cerebral regions. Two specific BN receptor subtypes (GRP receptor and NMB receptor) have been identified in numerous brain regions. The quantitative 2-[14C]deoxyglucose ([14C]20G) autoradiographic method was used to map local cerebral glucose utilization (LCGU) in the rat brain following ICV injection of BN (vehicle, BN O.1Jlg, O.5Jlg). At each dose, experiments were conducted in freely moving or restrained conditions to determine whether alterations in cerebral function were the result of BN central administration, or were the result of BN-induced motor stereotypy. The anteroventral thalamic nucleus (AV) (p=O.029), especially its ventrolateral portion (AVVL) (peminence (ME) (p=O.011). Restraint, however, decreased LCGU in the lateral dorsal thalamic nucleus, ventrolateral and dorsomedial parts (LOVL and LOOM) (p=O.044, p=O.009), and the lateral geniculate (LG) (p=O.027). In sum, BN induced a marked and highly localized alteration in cerebral metabolism within parts of the anterior thalamus, which is the principle relay in the limbic circuitry. BN effects were also observed in IGr, Mi, SCh, and ME. Effects of restraint were found in LOVL, LOOM, and LG. It is suggested that increased LCGU in AV and AVVL may be the result of functional change in the limbic circuitry and the hypothalamus caused by BN receptor functional modification. In IGr, increased LCGU following BN administration is considered to be mainly the result the activation of NMB receptor, a subtype of BN receptors. In SCh, increased LCGU is believed to be caused both by BN effects on the thalamic, the hypothalamic, and the limbic functions and by activation of GRP receptor, another BN receptors subtype found in SCh. In ME, increased LCGU is suggested to be caused by BN effects on the hypothalamic functions, especially those related to the neuroendocrine functions. None of the alterations seen in these regions reflects the emission of stereotyped motor behaviors. Rather, they reflect a direct influence of BN central administration upon functioning of the cerebral regions influenced by BN administration. The restraint effects seen in LO, including LOOM and LOVL, are suggested to be the result of altered behavioral expression. The restraint effects seen in LG is suggested to be the result of reduced locomotion.


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Sean O’Sullivan was born in Hamilton, Ontario, in 1952. At an early age, he demonstrated an interest in politics. A chance meeting with John Diefenbaker in 1963, when Sean was just 11 years old, marked the beginning of his involvement with the Progressive Conservative Party. Diefenbaker became a mentor to him, and the two exchanged correspondence for many years. Sean became an active member of the Party, and his political career took off quickly. In 1965, he was elected to the executive of the Hamilton Area Young Progressive Conservatives, in 1968 was elected President, and also served as Youth Director for Diefenbaker’s re-election campaign. In 1970 he was elected President of the Ontario Young Progressive Conservatives, and in 1971 became Youth Adviser to Premier William Davis. Later that year, Diefenbaker chose Sean to be his Executive Assistant. In addition to his political activities, Sean enrolled at Brock University in 1969 to study political science. In 1972, he resigned as Diefenbaker’s assistant in order to run as a candidate for Hamilton-Wentworth in the federal election that year. At just 20 years of age, Sean was the youngest MP elected to the House of Commons. While working as an MP, Sean continued his studies at Brock University part-time, graduating with distinction. After being re-elected in 1974, he rose to greater prominence when he succeeded in having a private member’s bill passed making the beaver one of Canada’s national symbols. In 1977, he resigned as MP in order to pursue religious studies and become a Catholic priest. After completing four years of studies at the Irish College of Rome’s Gregorian University, Sean was ordained a priest in Toronto in 1981. In July, 1982, he was appointed Director of Vocations (full-time recruiter) for the archdiocese of Toronto. In this capacity, he implemented a controversial and widely publicized campaign to recruit priests. The recruitment succeeded in generating interest in the priesthood, doubling the number of students in the archdiocese. He was one of the founding members of Serra House, a residence for students considering the priesthood. After his term as Vocations Director ended in 1985, O’Sullivan became publisher of The Catholic Register, a weekly church newspaper. That same year, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from Brock University. In January 1987, he was appointed a Member of the Order of Canada. Later that year, he submitted a report to the Attorney General of Ontario, titled You’ve got a Friend, after conducting an independent review of Advocacy for Vulnerable Adults in Ontario at the request of the government. In 1983, O’Sullivan was diagnosed with leukemia. The disease went into remission after treatment, but was incurable. In 1989, he had a bone marrow transplant at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto, but died shortly afterwards. He was 37 years old. A memorial fund was established in his name, and included contributions from prominent business, church and political leaders such as Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Toronto Sun Chairman Doug Crieghton and His Eminence G. Emmett Carter. The O’Sullivan family requested that Brock University be the beneficiary of the proceeds of the campaign.