982 resultados para emergency hormonal contraception


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Biochemical markers of cardiovascular disease, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), are altered in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), with many of these alterations thought to be due to excess androgen concentrations. Despite oral contraceptives (OCs) being the first-line pharmacological treatment in women with PCOS and the importance of MMPs in many physiological conditions and pathological states, including cardiovascular diseases, no study has yet evaluated whether OCs alter plasma concentrations of MMPs. We therefore assessed whether treatment with an OC containing the anti-androgenic progestogen alters MMP profiles in women with PCOS. We analysed 20 women with PCOS who wanted hormonal contraception (OC-PCOS group), 20 ovulatory women who required hormonal contraception (OC-control group) and 20 ovulatory women who wanted non-hormonal contraception (non-OC-control group). OC consisted of cyclic use of 2 mg chlormadinone acetate/30 mu g ethinylestradiol for 6 months. Plasma concentrations of MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 were measured by gelatin zymography or enzyme-linked immunoassays. OC treatment for 6 months significantly reduced plasma MMP-2 concentrations in the OC-control and OC-PCOS groups and TIMP-2 and TIMP-1 concentrations levels in the OC-control group (all p < 0.05), but had no effects on MMP-9 concentrations or on MMP-2/TIMP-2 and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratios in any group (all p > 0.05). These findings indicated that long-term treatment with an OC containing chlormadinone acetate plus ethinylestradiol reduced plasma MMP-2 concentrations in both healthy and PCOS women. As the latter have imbalances in circulating matrix MMPs, treatment of these women with an OC may be beneficial.


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Antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) and antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) have been described in primary Sjogren's syndrome (pSS) with controversial findings regarding aPL prevalence and their association with thrombotic events. We evaluated 100 consecutive pSS patients (American-European criteria) and 89 age-gender-ethnicity-matched healthy controls for IgG/IgM anticardiolipin (aCL), IgG/IgM anti-beta2-glycoprotein-I (a beta 2GPI), and lupus anticoagulant (LA) (positivity according to APS Sydney's criteria). Clinical analysis followed standardized interview and physical examination assessing thrombotic and nonthrombotic APS manifestations and thrombosis risk factors. aPLs were detected in 16 % patients and 5.6 % controls (p = 0.035). LA was the most common aPL in patients (9 %), followed by a beta 2GPI (5 %) and aCL (4 %). Thrombotic events occurred in five patients [stroke in two, myocardial infarction in one and deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) in four], but in none of controls (p = 0.061). Mean age at time of stroke was 35 years. Three patients with thrombotic events (including the two with stroke) had APS (Sydney's criteria) and were positive exclusively for LA. Comparison of patients with (n = 16) and without (n = 84) aPL revealed similar mean age, female predominance, and ethnicity (p > =0.387). Frequencies of livedo reticularis (25 vs. 4.8 %, p = 0.021), stroke (12.5 vs. 0 %, p = 0.024), and DVT (18.8 vs. 1.2 %, p = 0.013) were significantly higher in APL + patients. Conversely, frequencies of hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, obesity, smoking, sedentarism, and hormonal contraception were similar in patients with or without aPL (p a parts per thousand yenaEuro parts per thousand 0.253). Our study identified LA as an important marker for APS in pSS, particularly for stroke in young patients, warranting routine evaluation of these antibodies and rigorous intervention in modifiable risk factors.


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La contraccezione è un diritto fondamentale dell’uomo per il suo ruolo sulla salute, sulla qualità della vita e sul benessere della persona. La pianificazione familiare è uno dei principali strumenti che dà la possibilita’ a uomini e donne di condividere le proprie responsabilità sulla scelta contraccettiva e di decidere nella stessa misura della propria vita riproduttiva. Sin dall’introduzione della contraccezione femminile, la responsabilita’ della pianificazione familiare è ricaduta unicamente sulla donna. Attualmente infatti vi sono pochissimi metodi contraccettivi a disposizione degli uomini anche se vi e’ un rinnovato interesse da parte di questi ultimi nel sostenere le proprie partner nella scelta contraccettiva. Questo lavoro riassume i principali studi effettuati negli ultimi 10 allo scopo di sviluppare un contraccettivo che sia sicuro, efficace, reversibile e accettabile per l’uomo.


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Questa ricerca, suddivisa in due parti, si concentra sulle problematiche connesse alla normazione della vita e dei corpi delle donne al tempo delle biotecnologie. La Parte I è una genealogia filosofico-politica che ripercorre le tappe analitico-concettuali del dibattito intorno a biopolitica e tecnoscienza, a partire dai contributi teorici di poststrutturalismo e femminismo neomaterialista, e risponde alle domande: Cosa sono diventati i corpi nell’attuale società bio-info-modificata? Qual'è il ruolo delle scienze nelle metamorfosi che interessano soggettività e rapporti di potere? La Parte II è una cartografia dei modi in cui le biotecnologie, riguardanti i corpi delle donne, si sono sviluppate e diffuse. Essa indaga in modo transdisciplinare come in Italia, e più in generale in Europa, sono state normate le tecniche di interruzione volontaria di gravidanza e fecondazione in vitro. Ampio spazio è dedicato ai modi in cui gli attori della bioetica, istituzionale e non, i medici, laici e cattolici, e le case farmaceutiche hanno affrontato questi temi e quello della contraccezione ormonale maschile. Medicina riproduttiva e rigenerativa sono tematizzate sempre in relazione al quadro normativo, per mostrare in che modo esso influenzi l’accesso ai diritti alla salute e all’autodeterminazione delle donne. Il quadro normativo è analizzato, a sua volta, alla luce dei fatti storici più rilevanti e delle culture più diffuse. L’obiettivo della ricerca è duplice: da un lato essa ha il fine di mostrare il modo in cui i corpi delle donne, e la relativa potenza generatrice, siano diventati uno snodo fondamentale nell’articolazione del biocontrollo e nell'apertura dei nuovi mercati legati a medicina riproduttiva e rigenerativa; dall’altro si propone di argomentare come un biodiritto flessibile, a contenuto storico variabile, condiviso e partecipato, sia un’ipotesi praticabile e virtuosa, utile all'eliminazione del gender gap ancora esistente in materia di diritti riproduttivi e sessuali.


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The prevalence of obesity has increased sharply in the United States since the mid 1970's. Obese women who become pregnant are at increased risk of pregnancy complications for both mother and fetus. This study assessed whether women in higher body mass index (BMI) categories engage in the preventive behaviors of contraception more frequently than normal weight women. It also evaluated the type of contraception used by both obese and normal weight women. The study used cross-sectional data from 7 states participating in the Family Planning Module of the 2006 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System survey is an annual random digit dialed telephone survey of the non-institutionalized civilian population aged 18 years and older. The Family Planning Module was administered by Arizona, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Oregon, and Wisconsin. Of the 4,757 women who participated in the Family Planning Module, 2,244 (53.2%) were normal weight, 1,202 (25.6%) were overweight, and 1,072 (21.2%) were obese. The majority of these women 4,115 (86.2%) reported using some type of contraception to prevent pregnancy. Six hundred forty two women (13.8%) stated they did not use any type of contraception to prevent pregnancy. Within body mass index categories, 14% of normal weight women, 13% of overweight women, and 13.4% of obese women did not use any type of contraception. Neither the bivariate analysis nor the logistic regressions found body mass index categories to be statistically associated with contraceptive use. The relationship between body mass index categories and contraceptive method was found to be statistically significant. The predictive probability graph found that women at all levels of BMI have a lower probability of using barrier contraception methods as compared to procedural and hormonal methods. Hormonal contraception methods have the highest probability of use for women with a BMI of 15 to 25. In contrast, the probability of using procedural contraception methods is relatively flat and less than hormonal methods for BMI between 15 and 25. However, the probability of using procedural contraception increases dramatically with a BMI greater than 25. At a BMI greater than 42, women have a greater than 50% probability of using procedural contraception. Although a relationship between body mass index and contraception use was not found, contraception method was found to be associated with body mass index. The reasons why normal weight women prefer hormonal contraception while overweight/obese women are more likely to use procedural methods needs to be explored. By understanding the relationship between obesity and contraception, we can hopefully decrease unintended pregnancies and overall improve pregnancy related health outcomes. To determine if relationships between contraception use/type and body mass index exist, further research needs to be conducted on a national level. ^


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Male aging is accompanied by reduced testosterone production by the Leydig cells, the testosterone-producing cells of the testis. The mechanism by which this occurs is unknown. Based on the observations that reactive oxygen is capable of damaging components of the steroidogenic pathway and that reactive oxygen is produced during steroidogenesis itself, we hypothesized that long-term suppression of steroidogenesis might inhibit or prevent age-related deficits in Leydig cell testosterone production. To test this, we administered contraceptive doses of testosterone to groups of young (3 months old) and middle-aged (13 months old) Brown Norway rats via Silastic implants to suppress endogenous Leydig cell testosterone production. After 8 months, the implants were removed, which rapidly (days) restores the ability of the previously suppressed Leydig cells to produce testosterone. Two months after removing the implants, when the rats of the two groups were 13 and 23 months of age, respectively, the Leydig cells in both cases were found to produce testosterone at the high levels of young Leydig cells, whereas significantly lower levels were produced by the 23-month-old controls. Thus, by placing the Leydig cells in a state of steroidogenic “hibernation,” the reductions in Leydig cell testosterone production that invariably accompany aging did not occur. If hormonal contraception in the human functions the same way, the adverse consequences of reduced testosterone in later life (osteoporosis, reduced muscle mass, reduced libido, mood swings, etc.) might be delayed or prevented.


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OBJECTIVES: Develop recommendations for women's health issues and family planning in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and/or antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). METHODS: Systematic review of evidence followed by modified Delphi method to compile questions, elicit expert opinions and reach consensus. RESULTS: Family planning should be discussed as early as possible after diagnosis. Most women can have successful pregnancies and measures can be taken to reduce the risks of adverse maternal or fetal outcomes. Risk stratification includes disease activity, autoantibody profile, previous vascular and pregnancy morbidity, hypertension and the use of drugs (emphasis on benefits from hydroxychloroquine and antiplatelets/anticoagulants). Hormonal contraception and menopause replacement therapy can be used in patients with stable/inactive disease and low risk of thrombosis. Fertility preservation with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues should be considered prior to the use of alkylating agents. Assisted reproduction techniques can be safely used in patients with stable/inactive disease; patients with positive antiphospholipid antibodies/APS should receive anticoagulation and/or low-dose aspirin. Assessment of disease activity, renal function and serological markers is important for diagnosing disease flares and monitoring for obstetrical adverse outcomes. Fetal monitoring includes Doppler ultrasonography and fetal biometry, particularly in the third trimester, to screen for placental insufficiency and small for gestational age fetuses. Screening for gynaecological malignancies is similar to the general population, with increased vigilance for cervical premalignant lesions if exposed to immunosuppressive drugs. Human papillomavirus immunisation can be used in women with stable/inactive disease. CONCLUSIONS: Recommendations for women's health issues in SLE and/or APS were developed using an evidence-based approach followed by expert consensus.


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La matérialité biologique du corps humain est devenue l’objet d’interventions inédites au moyen de nouvelles technologies biomédicales, comme la procréation médicalement assistée, les tests génétiques, la contraception hormonale. Cette thèse part des difficultés inhérentes à une approche antinaturaliste pour aborder la dimension biologique des corps sexués. “On ne naît pas femme, on le devient” : mais qu’en est-il des corps ? Les technologies biomédicales investissent la chair selon des modalités qui échappent aux grilles d’analyses matérialiste et butlérienne. Faut-il y voir une réfutation du constructivisme, la revanche d’un socle biologique – hormonal, génétique, moléculaire – primant sur les effets anatomiques de la socialisation, comme le suggèrent les partisan·e·s d’un material turn féministe ? À partir d’une analyse de l’évolution de la notion de nature, définie comme "vie elle-même" depuis la révolution moléculaire de la biologie, cette thèse propose une autre interprétation, en définissant les technologies biomédicales comme des technologies de pouvoir relevant d’une biopolitique moléculaire de genre. Sans infirmer la perspective constructiviste, ces médiations sociales originales (adossées au nouveau paradigme épistémique) permettent de comprendre comment les frontières et limites du genre sont déplacées, tout en produisant des identités, des expériences et des subjectivités genrées inédites. En dégageant les coordonnées d’un véritable dispositif biomédical, notre étude comparative entre techniques disciplinaires et biopolitique moléculaire de genre plaide pour une critique antinaturaliste renouvelée, s’articulant à une critique de la technique qui permette d’inventer collectivement des moyens pour se réapproprier démocratiquement les technologies biomédicales.


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Background Emergency contraception can prevent pregnancy when taken after unprotected intercourse.Obtaining emergency contraception within the recommended time frame is difficult for many women. Advance provision could circumvent some obstacles to timely use. Objectives To summarize randomized controlled trials evaluating advance provision of emergency contraception to explore effects on pregnancy rates, sexually transmitted infections, and sexual and contraceptive behaviors. Search strategy In November 2009, we searched CENTRAL, EMBASE, POPLINE,MEDLINE via PubMed, and a specialized emergency contraception article database. We also searched reference lists and contacted experts to identify additional published or unpublished trials. Selection criteria We included randomized controlled trials comparing advance provision and standard access (i.e., counseling whichmay ormay not have included information about emergency contraception, or provision of emergency contraception on request at a clinic or pharmacy). Data collection and analysis Two reviewers independently abstracted data and assessed study quality. We entered and analyzed data using RevMan 5.0.23. Main results Eleven randomized controlled trials met our criteria for inclusion, representing 7695 patients in the United States, China, India and Sweden. Advance provision did not decrease pregnancy rates (odds ratio (OR) 0.98, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.76 to 1.25 in studies for which we included twelve-month follow-up data; OR 0.48, 95% CI 0.18 to 1.29 in a study with seven-month follow-up data; OR 0.92, 95% CI 0.70 to 1.20 in studies for which we included six-month follow-up data; OR 0.49, 95% CI 0.09 to 2.74 in a study with three-month follow-up data), despite reported increased use (single use: OR 2.47, 95% CI 1.80 to 3.40; multiple use: OR 4.13, 95% CI 1.77 to 9.63) and faster use (weighted mean difference (WMD) -12.98 hours, 95% CI -16.66 to -9.31 hours). Advance provision did not lead to increased rates of sexually transmitted infections (OR 1.01, 95% CI 0.75 to 1.37), increased frequency of unprotected intercourse, or changes in contraceptive methods.Women who received emergency contraception in advance were equally likely to use condoms as other women. Authors’ conclusions Advance provision of emergency contraception did not reduce pregnancy rates when compared to conventional provision. Results from primary analyses suggest that advance provision does not negatively impact sexual and reproductive health behaviors and outcomes. Women should have easy access to emergency contraception, because it can decrease the chance of pregnancy.However, the interventions tested thus far have not reduced overall pregnancy rates in the populations studied.


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Background : The emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) has the potential to assist in reducing unintended pregnancy and abortion rates. Since its rescheduling to pharmacy availability without prescription in Australia in January 2004, there is little information about Australian women's knowledge, attitudes and use of the ECP. The aim of this study was to measure the knowledge about the ECP and sociodemographic patterns of and barriers to use of the ECP.

Study Design : A cross-sectional study, using a computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) survey conducted with a national random sample of 632 Australian women aged 16–35 years.

Results : Most women had heard of the ECP (95%) and 26% had used it. The majority of women agreed with pharmacy availability of the ECP (72%); however, only 48% were aware that it was available from pharmacies without a prescription. About a third (32%) believed the ECP to be an abortion pill. The most common reason for not using the ECP was that women did not think they were at risk of getting pregnant (57%). Logistic regression showed that women aged 20–29 years (OR 2.58; CI: 1.29–5.19) and 30–35 years (OR 3.16; CI: 1.47–6.80) were more likely to have used the ECP than those aged 16–19 years. Women with poor knowledge of the ECP were significantly less likely to have used it than those with very good knowledge (OR 0.28; CI: 0.09–0.77). Those in a de facto relationship (OR 2.21; CI: 1.27–3.85), in a relationship but not living with the partner (OR 2.46; 95% CI 1.31–4.63) or single women (OR 2.40; CI: 1.33–4.34) were more likely to have used the ECP than married women.

Conclusions : Women in Australia have a high level of awareness of the ECP, but more information and education about how to use it and where to obtain it are still needed.