1000 resultados para electron hopping


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Rapid solidification of an equiatomic In-Se alloy resulted in the formation of an equilibrium InSe-In6Se7 phase mixture. The InSe phase was found to be polytypic and exhibited the structural variants 2H, 3H, and 4H. The 4H polytype was found to be in considerably higher proportion compared to 2H and 3H types. The In6Se7 phase was found to be hexagonal with a=0.8919 nm and c=1.4273 nm. Both In6Se 7 and the polytypes of InSe could be identified with the space group P61. The conductivity σ variation with temperature was found to be similar to that observed in disordered semiconducting materials. For temperatures >200 K, ln σ decreased linearly with T-1, phonon-assisted carrier excitation. For temperatures <200 K, ln σ decrease followed T-1/3 behavior, representative of variable-range hopping conduction of electrons.


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Multi-step electron tunneling, or “hopping,” has become a fast-developing research field with studies ranging from theoretical modeling systems, inorganic complexes, to biological systems. In particular, the field is exploring hopping mechanisms in new proteins and protein complexes, as well as further understanding the classical biological hopping systems such as ribonuclease reductase, DNA photolyases, and photosystem II. Despite the plethora of natural systems, only a few biologically engineered systems exist. Engineered hopping systems can provide valuable information on key structural and electronic features, just like other kinds of biological model systems. Also, engineered systems can harness common biologic processes and utilize them for alternative reactions. In this thesis, two new hopping systems are engineered and characterized.

The protein Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin is used as a building block to create the two new hopping systems. Besides being well studied and amenable to mutation, azurin already has been used to successfully engineer a hopping system. The two hopping systems presented in this thesis have a histidine-attached high potential rhenium 4,7-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline tricarbonyl [Re(dmp)(CO)3] + label which, when excited, acts as the initial electron acceptor. The metal donor is the type I copper of the azurin protein. The hopping intermediates are all tryptophan, an amino acid mutated into the azurin at select sites between the photoactive metal label and the protein metal site. One system exhibits an inter-molecular hopping through a protein dimer interface; the other system undergoes intra-molecular multi-hopping utilizing a tryptophan “wire.” The electron transfer reactions are triggered by excitation of the rhenium label and monitored by UV-Visible transient absorption, luminescence decays measurements, and time-resolved Infrared spectroscopy (TRIR). Both systems were structurally characterized by protein X-ray crystallography.


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A temperature-dependent mobility model in amorphous oxide semiconductor (AOS) thin film transistors (TFTs) extracted from measurements of source-drain terminal currents at different gate voltages and temperatures is presented. At low gate voltages, trap-limited conduction prevails for a broad range of temperatures, whereas variable range hopping becomes dominant at lower temperatures. At high gate voltages and for all temperatures, percolation conduction comes into the picture. In all cases, the temperature-dependent mobility model obeys a universal power law as a function of gate voltage. © 2011 IEEE.


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A generalized scattering matrix formalism is constructed to elucidate the interplay of electron resonance, coherence, dephasing, inelastic scattering, and heterogeneity, which play important roles in the physics of long-range electron transfer/transport. The theory consists of an extension of the standard Buttiker phase-breaking model and an analytical expression of the electron transmission coefficient for donor-bridge-acceptor systems with arbitrary length and sequence. The theory incorporates the following features: Dephasing-assisted off-resonance enhancement, inelasticity-induced turnover, resonance enhancement and its dephasing-induced suppression, dephasing-induced smooth superexchange-hopping transition, and heterogeneity effects. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Based on the Buttiker dephasing model, we propose an analytical scattering matrix approach to the long-range electron transfer phenomena. The present efficient scheme smoothly interpolates between the superexchange and the sequential hopping mechanisms. Various properties such as the drastic dephasing-assisted enhancement and turnover behaviors are demonstrated in good agreement with those obtained via the dynamical reduced density-matrix methods. These properties are further elucidated as results of the interplay among the dephasing strength, the tunneling parameter, and the bridge length of the electron transfer system. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Trajectory surface hopping (TSH) is one of the most widely used quantum-classical algorithms for nonadiabatic molecular dynamics. Despite its empirical effectiveness and popularity, a rigorous derivation of TSH as the classical limit of a combined quantum electron-nuclear dynamics is still missing. In this work, we aim to elucidate the theoretical basis for the widely used hopping rules. Naturally, we concentrate thereby on the formal aspects of the TSH. Using a Gaussian wave packet limit, we derive the transition rates governing the hopping process at a simple avoided level crossing. In this derivation, which gives insight into the physics underlying the hopping process, some essential features of the standard TSH algorithm are retrieved, namely (i) non-zero electronic transition rate ("hopping probability") at avoided crossings; (ii) rescaling of the nuclear velocities to conserve total energy; (iii) electronic transition rates linear in the nonadiabatic coupling vectors. The well-known Landau-Zener model is then used for illustration. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4770280]


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Nanosecond laser flash photolysis has been used to investigate injection and back electron transfer from the complex [(Ru-(bpy)(2)(4,4`-(PO(3)H(2))(2)bpy)](2+) surface-bound to TiO(2) (TiO(2)-Ru(II)). The measurements were conducted under conditions appropriate for water oxidation catalysis by known single-site water oxidation catalysts. Systematic variations in average lifetimes for back electron transfer, - were observed with changes in pH, surface coverage, incident excitation intensity, and applied bias. The results were qualitatively consistent with a model involving rate-limiting thermal activation of injected electrons from trap sites to the conduction band or shallow trap sites followed by site-to-site hopping and interfacial electron transfer, TiO(2)(e(-))-Ru(3+) -> TiO(2)-Ru(2+). The appearance of pH-dependent decreases in the efficiency of formation of TiO(2)-Ru(3+) and in incident-photon-to-current efficiencies with the added reductive scavenger hydroquinone point to pH-dependent back electron transfer processes on both the sub-nanosecond and millisecond-microsecond time scales, which could be significant in limiting long-term storage of multiple redox equivalents.


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The diagrammatic strong-coupling perturbation theory (SCPT) for correlated electron systems is developed for intersite Coulomb interaction and for a nonorthogonal basis set. The construction is based on iterations of exact closed equations for many - electron Green functions (GFs) for Hubbard operators in terms of functional derivatives with respect to external sources. The graphs, which do not contain the contributions from the fluctuations of the local population numbers of the ion states, play a special role: a one-to-one correspondence is found between the subset of such graphs for the many - electron GFs and the complete set of Feynman graphs of weak-coupling perturbation theory (WCPT) for single-electron GFs. This fact is used for formulation of the approximation of renormalized Fermions (ARF) in which the many-electron quasi-particles behave analogously to normal Fermions. Then, by analyzing: (a) Sham's equation, which connects the self-energy and the exchange- correlation potential in density functional theory (DFT); and (b) the Galitskii and Migdal expressions for the total energy, written within WCPT and within ARF SCPT, a way we suggest a method to improve the description of the systems with correlated electrons within the local density approximation (LDA) to DFT. The formulation, in terms of renormalized Fermions LIDA (RF LDA), is obtained by introducing the spectral weights of the many electron GFs into the definitions of the charge density, the overlap matrices, effective mixing and hopping matrix elements, into existing electronic structure codes, whereas the weights themselves have to be found from an additional set of equations. Compared with LDA+U and self-interaction correction (SIC) methods, RF LDA has the advantage of taking into account the transfer of spectral weights, and, when formulated in terms of GFs, also allows for consideration of excitations and nonzero temperature. Going beyond the ARF SCPT, as well as RF LIDA, and taking into account the fluctuations of ion population numbers would require writing completely new codes for ab initio calculations. The application of RF LDA for ab initio band structure calculations for rare earth metals is presented in part 11 of this study (this issue). (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The electron beam induced electronic transport in primary alkyl amine-intercalated V2O5 nanotubes is investigated where the organic amine molecules are employed as molecular conductive wires to an aminosilanized substrate surface and contacted to Au interdigitated electrode contacts. The results demonstrate that the high conductivity of the nanotubes is related to the non-resonant tunnelling through the amine molecules and a reduced polaron hopping conduction through the vanadium oxide itself. Both nanotube networks and individual nanotubes exhibit similarly high conductivities where the minority carrier transport is bias dependent and nanotube diameter invariant.


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We report the observation of the insulator-to-metal transition in crystalline silicon samples supersaturated with vanadium. Ion implantation followed by pulsed laser melting and rapid resolidification produce high quality single-crystalline silicon samples with vanadium concentrations that exceed equilibrium values in more than 5 orders of magnitude. Temperature-dependent analysis of the conductivity and Hall mobility values for temperatures from 10K to 300K indicate that a transition from an insulating to a metallic phase is obtained at a vanadium concentration between 1.1 × 10^(20) and 1.3 × 10^(21) cm^(−3) . Samples in the insulating phase present a variable-range hopping transport mechanism with a Coulomb gap at the Fermi energy level. Electron wave function localization length increases from 61 to 82 nm as the vanadium concentration increases in the films, supporting the theory of impurity band merging from delocalization of levels states. On the metallic phase, electronic transport present a dispersion mechanism related with the Kondo effect, suggesting the presence of local magnetic moments in the vanadium supersaturated silicon material.


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The morphological and chemical changes occurring during the thermal decomposition of weddelite, CaC2O4·2H2O, have been followed in real time in a heating stage attached to an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope operating at a pressure of 2 Torr, with a heating rate of 10 °C/min and an equilibration time of approximately 10 min. The dehydration step around 120 °C and the loss of CO around 425 °C do not involve changes in morphology, but changes in the composition were observed. The final reaction of CaCO3 to CaO while evolving CO2 around 600 °C involved the formation of chains of very small oxide particles pseudomorphic to the original oxalate crystals. The change in chemical composition could only be observed after cooling the sample to 350 °C because of the effects of thermal radiation.


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EPR study of both blue and green sapphire samples confirms the presence of Cr(III) in four different octahedral sites. The g (1.98) value is the same but D values differ for the two the samples. The EPR spectra suggest that the blue sapphire contains more chromium than the green sapphire. No Fe(III) impurity was noted in the EPR spectrum.


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Tungsten trioxide is one of the potential semiconducting materials used for sensing NH3, CO, CH4 and acetaldehyde gases. The current research aims at development, microstructural characterization and gas sensing properties of thin films of Tungsten trioxide (WO3). In this paper, we intend to present the microstructural characterization of these films as a function of post annealing heat treatment. Microstructural and elemental analysis of electron beam evaporated WO3 thin films and iron doped WO3 films (WO3:Fe) have been carried out using analytical techniques such as Transmission electron microscopy, Rutherford Backscattered Spectroscopy and XPS analysis. TEM analysis revealed that annealing at 300oC for 1 hour improves cyrstallinity of WO3 film. Both WO3 and WO3:Fe films had uniform thickness and the values corresponded to those measured during deposition. RBS results show a fairly high concentration of oxygen at the film surface as well as in the bulk for both films, which might be due to adsorption of oxygen from atmosphere or lattice oxygen vacancy inherent in WO3 structure. XPS results indicate that tungsten exists in 4d electronic state on the surface but at a depth of 10 nm, both 4d and 4f electronic states were observed. Atomic force microscopy reveals nanosize particles and porous structure of the film. This study shows e-beam evaporation technique produces nanoaparticles and porous WO3 films suitable for gas sensing applications and doping with iron decreases the porosity and particle size which can help improve the gas selectivity.