33 resultados para electrochromism
Intrinsisch leitfähige Polymere sind durch eine Reihe materialspezifischer Eigenschaften gekennzeichnet. In Abhängigkeit des angelegten Potenzials und der chemischen Umgebung zeigen sie elektrochromes Verhalten, Veränderungen der Masse, des Volumens und der elektronischen Leitfähigkeit. Basierend auf diesen Eigenschaften eignen sich halbleitende organische Polymere als funktionales Material für Anwendungen in der Mikro- und Nanotechnologie, insbesondere für miniaturisierte chemische Sensoren und Aktoren. Im Gegensatz zu konventionellen Piezo-Aktoren operieren diese Aktoren z. B. bei Spannungen unterhalb 1 V. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit den elektrochemomechanischen Eigenschaften der ausgewählten Polymere Polyanilin und Polypyrrol, d. h. mit den potenzialkontrollierten Veränderungen des Volumens, der Struktur und der mechanischen Eigenschaften. Bei diesem Prozess werden positive Ladungen innerhalb der Polymerphase generiert. Um die für den Ladungsausgleich benötigten Gegenionen bereitzustellen, werden alle Messungen in Anwesenheit eines wässrigen Elektrolyten durchgeführt. Der Ladungstransport und die Volumenänderungen werden mit den Methoden der zyklischen Voltammetrie, der elektrochemischen Quarzmikrowaage und der Rastersondenmikroskopie untersucht. Signifikante Ergebnisse können für dünne homogene Polymerschichten erhalten werden, wobei Schichtdicken oberhalb 150 nm aufgrund der insbesondere bei Polyanilin einsetzenden Bildung von Fadenstrukturen (Fibrillen) vermieden werden. Von besonderem Interesse im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist die Kombination der funktionalen Polymere mit Strukturen auf Siliziumbasis, insbesondere mit mikrostrukturierten Cantilevern. Die zuvor erhaltenen Ergebnisse bilden die Grundlage für das Design und die Dimensionierung der Mikroaktoren. Diese bestehen aus Siliziumcantilevern, die eine Elektrodenschicht aus Gold oder Platin tragen. Auf der Elektrode wird mittels Elektrodeposition eine homogene Schicht Polymer mit Schichtdicken bis zu 150 nm aufgebracht. Die Aktorcharakteristik, die Biegung des Cantilevers aufgrund des angelegten Potenzials, wird mit dem aus der Rastersondenmikroskopie bekannten Lichtzeigerverfahren gemessen. Das Aktorsystem wird hinsichtlich des angelegten Potenzials, des Elektrolyten und der Redox-Kinetik charakterisiert. Die verschiedenen Beiträge zum Aktorverhalten werden in situ während des Schichtwachstums untersucht. Das beobachtete Verhalten kann als Superposition verschiedener Effekte beschrieben werden. Darunter sind die Elektrodenaufladung (Elektrokapillarität), die Veränderungen der Elektrodenoberfläche durch dünne Oxidschichten und die Elektrochemomechanik des Polymers.
Vitreous samples containing high concentrations of WO3 (above 40% M) have been used as a target to prepare thin films. Such films were deposited using the electron beam evaporation method onto soda-lime glass substrates. These films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), perfilometry, X-ray energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDS), M-Lines and UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. In this work, experimental parameters were established to obtain stable thin films showing a chemical composition close to the glass precursor composition and with a high concentration of WO3. These amorphous thin films of about 4 mu m in thickness exhibit a deep blue coloration but they can be bleached by thermal treatment near the glass transition temperature. Such bleached films show several guided modes in the visible region and have a high refractive index. Controlled crystallization was realized and thus it was possible to obtain WO3 microcrystals in the amorphous phase. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present work describes the synthesis of platinum nanoparticles followed by their electrophoretic deposition onto transparent fluorine-doped tin oxide electrodes. The nano-Pt-modified electrodes were characterized by voltammetric studies in acidic solutions showing a great electrocatalytic behavior towards H(+) reduction being very interesting for fuel cell applications. Morphological characterization was performed by atomic force microscopy on different modified electrodes showing a very rough surface which can be tuned by means of time of deposition. Also, nickel hydroxide thin films were galvanostatically grown onto these electrodes showing an interesting electrochemical behavior as sharper peaks, indicating a faster ionic exchange from the electrolyte to the film.
The present paper describes the immobilization of nanoparticles onto conducting substrates by using both electrostatic layer-by-layer and electrophoretic deposition (EPD) methods. These two techniques were compared in high-performance electrochromic electrodes based on mixed nickel hydroxide nanoparticles. In addition to easy handling, EPD seems to be the most suitable method for the immobilization of nanoparticles, leading to higher electrochromic efficiencies, lower response times and higher stability upon coloration and bleaching cycling. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Proton-conducting gel polymer electrolytes based on gelatin plasticized with glycerol and containing acetic acid were investigated, characterized, and applied to electrochromic window. For glycerol contents varying from 7% to 48%, the conductivity of the uniform and predominantly amorphous gel electrolyte was found to follow a Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher behavior with the temperature. Typically, for the electrolyte chosen to make 7 x 2 cm(2) electrochromic smart window with the configuration: glass/fluor-doped tin oxide (FTO)/WO(3)/gelatin electrolyte/CeO(2)-TiO(2)/FTO/glass and containing 28% of glycerol, the conductivities were found to be of the order of 5 x 10(-5) S/cm at room temperature and 3.6 x 10(-4) S/cm at 80 A degrees C. The device was characterized by spectroelectrochemical techniques and was tested up to 10,000 cycles showing a fast coloring/bleaching behavior, where the coloring process was achieved in 10 s and the bleaching in 2 s. The transmission variation at the wavelength of 550 nm was about 15%. The cyclic voltammograms showed a very good reversibility of the cathodic/anodic processes, and the charge density was about 3.5 mC/cm(2). The memory tests showed that the transmittance in the colored state increased by 8% in 90 min after removing the potential.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Complex electro-optical analysis is a very useful approach to separate different kinetic processes that occur during ionic insertion reactions in electrochromic oxide materials. In this paper, we use this type of combined technique to investigate ionic and optical changes in different oxide host systems, i.e., in two oxide hosts, specifically WO3 and Nb2O5. A comparison of their electro-optical responses revealed the presence of an ionic trapping contribution to the kinetics of the coloring sites, which was named here as coloring ionic trapping state. As expected, this coloring trapping process is slower in Nb2O5 since the reduction potential of Nb2O5 is more negative (more energy is needed for a higher degree of coloration). A phenomenological solid-state model that encompasses homogeneous charge transfer and valence trapping was proposed to explain the coloring ionic trapping process. Basically the model is able to explain how ionic dynamics at low frequency region, i.e., the slower kinetic step, controls the coloring kinetics, i.e., how it is capable to regulate the coloring rates.Optical transient analyses demonstrated the possibility of the presence of more than one coloring ionic trap, indicating the complexity of the processes involved in coloration phenomenon in metal oxide host systems. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The conditions for processing and doping of blends of poly(o-alkoxyaniline)s and poly(vinylidene fluoride) were investigated. Flexible, free-standing and stretchable films of blends of various compositions were obtained by casting. A low percolation threshold was observed with the onset of conductivity at low polyalkoxyaniline contents (i.e. 5%). Interestingly, these blends displayed electrochromism with colour changes similar to those of the parent conducting polymer, as observed from cyclic voltammetry measurements. This behaviour is seen even for low contents of the conducting polymer, indicating that a continuous conducting pathway, which is capable of exchanging charge, is formed within the insulating matrix.
Hot-filament metal oxide deposition (HFMOD) is a variant of conventional hot-filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) recently developed in our laboratory and successfully used to obtain high-quality, uniform films of MOx WOx and VOx. The method employs the controlled oxidation of a filament of a transition metal heated to 1000 degrees C or more in a rarefied oxygen atmosphere (typically, of about 1 Pa). Metal oxide vapor formed on the surface of the filament is transported a few centimetres to deposit on a suitable substrate. Key system parameters include the choice of filament material and diameter, the applied current and the partial pressures of oxygen in the chamber. Relatively high film deposition rates, such as 31 nm min(-1) for MoOx, are obtained. The film stoichiometry depends on the exact deposition conditions. MoOx films, for example, present a mixture of MoO2 and MoO3 phases, as revealed by XPS. As determined by Li+ intercalation using an electrochemical cell, these films also show a colouration efficiency of 19.5 cm(2) C-1 at a wavelength of 700 nm. MOx and WOx films are promising in applications involving electrochromism and characteristics of their colouring/bleaching cycles are presented. The chemical composition and structure of VOx films examined using IRRAS (infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy), RBS (Rutherford backscattering spectrometry) and XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectrometry) are also presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A solid state system having the configuration WO 3/Ormolyte/CeO2-TiO2 has been assembled. Syntheses routes for tungsten oxide WO3, and cerium-titanium CeO 2-TiO2 oxide sols, were developed. A novel solid electrolyte - Ormolyte is reported, which were obtained by the sol-gel process, they have a chemical stability due to the covalent bonds between the inorganic and organic phase, and were prepared with different [O]/[L] ratios, being the best for [O]/[L]=15. The variation of transmittance of the electrochromic device using the ormolyte [O]/[L]=15 was 35% (colored state) and 77% (bleached state).
Air conditioning and lighting costs can be reduced substantially by changing the optical properties of "intelligent windows." The electrochromic devices studied to date have used copper as an additive. Copper, used here as an electrochromic material, was dissolved in an aqueous animal protein-derived gel electrolyte. This combination constitutes the electrochromic system for reversible electrodeposition. Cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometric and chromogenic analyses indicated that were obtained good conditions of transparency (initial transmittance of 70%), optical reversibility, small potential window (2.1 V), variation of transmittance in visible light (63.6%) and near infrared (20%) spectral regions. Permanence in the darkened state was achieved by maintaining a lower pulse potential (-0.16 V) than the deposition potential (-1.0 V). Increasing the number of deposition and dissolution cycles favored the transmittance and photoelectrochemical reversibility of the device. The conductivity of the electrolyte (10(-3) S/cm) at several concentrations of CuCl2 was determined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. A thermogravimetric analysis confirmed the good thermal stability of the electrolyte, since the mass loss detected up to 100 degrees C corresponded to water evaporation and decomposition of the gel started only at 200 degrees C. Micrographic and small angle X-ray scattering analyses indicated the formation of a persistent deposit of copper particles on the ITO. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The combination of semiconducting oxides and polyaniline in the nanoscale range may result in hybrid materials having enhanced properties, such as electrochromism and charge capacity. This paper reports the spectroscopic, morphological and electrochromic characterization of hybrid films made up of hexaniobate one-dimensional (1D) nanoscrolls and polyaniline prepared by the layer-by-layer assembly technique (LbL). Secondary electron imaging and backscattered electron imaging techniques performed using a scanning electron microscope showed that polyaniline is adsorbed on the hexaniobate nanoscrolls, which confirms the combination of the components in the nanoscale domain. UV-VIS-NIR electronic spectra of the LbL hybrid films showed the absorption tail in the NIR region, assigned to delocalized polarons of the polyaniline. Resonance Raman spectra in the 1000-1700 cm(-1) range indicated that hybrid films present a higher relative intensity of polaron bands at 1337 and 1508 cm(-1) than pristine polyaniline in the emeraldine salt form. These results suggest that hexaniobate nanoscrolls induce a secondary doping of polyaniline. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) data for the hybrid film showed a specific capacity of 870 C cm(-3). According to CV results, the synergistic effect on charge storage properties of the hybrid material is attributed to the enhanced electroactivity of the hexaniobate component in the LbL film. Spectroelectrochemical experiments showed that the electrochromic efficiencies at 420 nm are ca. -41 and 24 cm(2) C-1 as the potential changes from 0.8 to -0.9 V and from -0.9 to -1.8 V, respectively, whereas at 800 nm the efficiencies are ca. -55 and 8 cm(2) C-1 for the same potential ranges. The electrochromic efficiencies and multi-colour character of the LbL film of hexaniobate nanoscrolls and polyaniline indicate that this novel hybrid material is an interesting modified electrode for electrochromic devices.