975 resultados para ecological water requirement
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA
Visando caracterizar a distribuição de freqüência da evapotranspiração de referência na região de Piracicaba, SP, e avaliar as práticas usuais de estimativa da necessidade de água para fins de dimensionamento de sistemas de irrigação, foram utilizados 30 anos de dados de evapotranspiração do mês de setembro, que foi dividido em períodos de 5, 10, 15 e 30 dias. As distribuições Beta e Normal foram aplicadas aos dados e ambas mostraram-se aptas para representá-los. Para valores de probabilidade de ocorrência iguais ou superiores a 60%, verificou-se o aumento do valor da evapotranspiração de referência com a diminuição do período. Adotando como parâmetros o período de máxima exigência hídrica de 2 a 3 semanas e a evapotranspiração de referência ao nível de 75% de probabilidade, verificou-se que o uso do valor médio mensal da evapotranspiração no dimensionamento de sistemas de irrigação conduz ao subdimensionamento, enquanto a adoção do máximo valor diário da evapotranspiração acarreta o superdimensionamento.
Brazil is the largest sugarcane producer in the world and has a privileged position to attend to national and international market places. To maintain the high production of sugarcane, it is fundamental to improve the forecasting models of crop seasons through the use of alternative technologies, such as remote sensing. Thus, the main purpose of this article is to assess the results of two different statistical forecasting methods applied to an agroclimatic index (the water requirement satisfaction index; WRSI) and the sugarcane spectral response (normalized difference vegetation index; NDVI) registered on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (NOAA-AVHRR) satellite images. We also evaluated the cross-correlation between these two indexes. According to the results obtained, there are meaningful correlations between NDVI and WRSI with time lags. Additionally, the adjusted model for NDVI presented more accurate results than the forecasting models for WRSI. Finally, the analyses indicate that NDVI is more predictable due to its seasonality and the WRSI values are more variable making it difficult to forecast.
The evolution of water content on a sandy soil during the sprinkler irrigation campaign, in the summer of 2010, of a field of sugar beet crop located at Valladolid (Spain) is assessed by a capacitive FDR (Frequency Domain Reflectometry) EnviroScan. This field is one of the experimental sites of the Spanish research center for the sugar beet development (AIMCRA). The objective of the work focus on monitoring the soil water content evolution of consecutive irrigations during the second two weeks of July (from the 12th to the 28th). These measurements will be used to simulate water movement by means of Hydrus-2D. The water probe logged water content readings (m3/m3) at 10, 20, 40 and 60 cm depth every 30 minutes. The probe was placed between two rows in one of the typical 12 x 15 m sprinkler irrigation framework. Furthermore, a texture analysis at the soil profile was also conducted. The irrigation frequency in this farm was set by the own personal farmer 0 s criteria that aiming to minimizing electricity pumping costs, used to irrigate at night and during the weekend i.e. longer irrigation frequency than expected. However, the high evapotranspiration rates and the weekly sugar beet water consumption—up to 50mm/week—clearly determined the need for lower this frequency. Moreover, farmer used to irrigate for six or five hours whilst results from the EnviroScan probe showed the soil profile reaching saturation point after the first three hours. It must be noted that AIMCRA provides to his members with a SMS service regarding weekly sugar beet water requirement; from the use of different meteorological stations and evapotranspiration pans, farmers have an idea of the weekly irrigation needs. Nevertheless, it is the farmer 0 s decision to decide how to irrigate. Thus, in order to minimize water stress and pumping costs, a suitable irrigation time and irrigation frequency was modeled with Hydrus-2D. Results for the period above mentioned showed values of water content ranging from 35 and 30 (m3/m3) for the first 10 and 20cm profile depth (two hours after irrigation) to the minimum 14 and 13 (m3/m3) ( two hours before irrigation). For the 40 and 60 cm profile depth, water content moves steadily across the dates: The greater the root activity the greater the water content variation. According to the results in the EnviroScan probe and the modeling in Hydrus-2D, shorter frequencies and irrigation times are suggested.
El agua de riego en España se ha reducido del 80 % al 70% tras la rehabilitación de los sistemas tradicionales de riego y el incremento de riegos a presión. La política española ha favorecido la creación de nuevos regadíos con fines sociales, para asentar a la población rural en zonas con disponibilidad de recursos hídricos. Este contexto es aplicable a la Comunidad de Regantes “Rio Adaja” (CCRR), que comenzó a funcionar en 2010 por lo que se la ha elegido para evaluar el uso y productividad del agua y manejo del riego en CCRR modernizadas de la cuenca del Duero. El estudio del manejo del riego se realizó con evaluaciones de campo, el primer año de funcionamiento, en una muestra de sistemas de riego (pivotes centrales, ramales de avance frontal, cobertura total) representativa de los sistemas predominantes en la CCRR. Además, se analizó la carta de riego propuesta por el fabricante de los pivotes centrales, considerando una distribución de caudal continua a lo largo del ramal, y se propuso una nueva carta con emisores de riego que mejoraban la uniformidad de aplicación del agua. El uso del agua en la CCRR se evaluó considerando tanto los indicadores de eficiencia del riego: suministro relativo de riego (anual relative irrigation supply, ARIS), suministro relativo del agua (anual relativewater supply, ARWS), suministro relativo de precipitación (rainfall relative supply, RRS) como los de productividad: productividad del agua (water productivity, WP) productividad del agua de riego (irrigation water productivity, IWP) y productividad de la evapotranspiración (evapotranspiration water productivity, ETWP). Primero, se determinaron: las necesidades hídricas de los cultivos para mantener un contenido de humedad óptimo en su zona radical, el coeficiente dual del cultivo, el agua disponible total (ADP) y agua fácilmente aprovechable (AFA). Después, se estimaron las necesidades hídricas de los cultivos considerando tres años tipo: húmedo, normal y seco correspondientes a la probabilidad de disponibilidad de la precipitación del 20, 50 y 80%, respectivamente. Así mismo, se realizó una encuesta a los regantes de la CCRR para conocer la dosis de riego y rendimiento anual de los cultivos principales durante sus tres años de funcionamiento: 2010-2011, 2011-2012 y 2012-2013.Finalmente, se simuló el efecto del riego y su manejo en la producción de los cultivos y en la productividad del agua. Además, el modelo de simulación AQUACROP (Geerts et al., 2010) se ha utilizado para estudiar la mejora del uso del agua de los cultivos de la CCRR. Dado que este modelo requiere de calibración específica para cada cultivo y cada zona y dado que, de todos los cultivos de la CCRR, sólo el girasol cumplía el requisito, este cultivo fue elegido para estudiar si la estrategia de riego deficitario mejoraría el uso del agua. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el 90% de los sistemas de riego evaluados distribuye el agua con una uniformidad adecuada (CUC≥75%). La simulación de la distribución del agua con las cartas de riego propuestas por el fabricante en pivotes centrales resultó en coeficientes CUC< 75% y sus valores mejoraban al eliminar el aspersor distal. La uniformidad del riego mejoraría si se trabajase con la carta de riego propuesta y que se compone por emisores de riego seleccionados en este estudio. En la mayoría de los cultivos, se aplicó riegos deficitarios (ARIS < 1 en los dos primeros años de funcionamiento de la CCRR y riegos excedentarios (ARIS > 1) el tercer año siendo significativas las diferencias observadas. El manejo del riego fue bueno (0,9 ≤ ARWS ≤1,2) en la mayoría de los cultivos. Así mismo, los indicadores de productividad del agua (WP e IWP (€.m-3)) varió entre cultivos y años estudiados y, destacan los valores observados en: cebolla, patata, zanahoria y cebada. En general, la productividad del agua en los riegos deficitarios fue mayor observándose además, que los índices de productividad mayores correspondieron al año con precipitación mayor aunque, las diferencias entre sus valores medios no fueron significativas en las tres campañas de riego estudiadas. Los resultados apuntan a que la metodología del balance hídrico y las herramientas presentadas en este trabajo (uniformidad de distribución de agua, indicadores de eficiencia del uso de agua y de su productividad) son adecuadas para estudiar el manejo del agua en CCRR. En concreto, la uniformidad en la aplicación del agua de la CCRR mejoraría seleccionando emisores de riego que proporcionen una mayor uniformidad de distribución del agua, lo que conllevaría a cambiar el diámetro de la boquilla de los emisores y/o eliminar el aspersor distal. Así mismo, puede ser de interés adoptar estrategias de riego deficitario para incrementar la productividad en el uso del agua, y las rentas de los regantes, para lo cual se propone utilizar un patrón de cultivos de referencia. Finalmente, el riego deficitario puede ser una estrategia para mejorar la eficiencia y productividad en el uso del agua de la CCRR siempre que lleve asociado un manejo del riego adecuado que resulta, relativamente, más fácil cuando se dispone de sistemas de riego con una uniformidad de aplicación alta. Sin embargo su aplicación no sería aconsejable en los cultivos de remolacha azucarera, regado con sistemas de riego con un coeficiente de uniformidad de Christiansen CUC < 75%, y maíz, regado con sistemas de riego con un coeficiente de uniformidad de Christiansen CUC < 65%. ABSTRACT The irrigation scheme modernization and the increase of sprinkler irrigation area have reduced the irrigation water use from 80 to 70%. The national irrigation policy favored the creation of new irrigation schemes with the purpose to settle the rural population in areas with availability in water resources. Within this context, the irrigation district “Río Adaja” (CCRR) started in 2010 so, it has been chosen as a case study to evaluate the water use and the irrigation management in a modernized CCRR. Several field evaluations were carried out during the first operation year, in a sample of irrigation systems (center pivot, moving lateral and solid set) selected among all the systems in the CCRR. Likewise, the manufacturer irrigation chart for the center pivot systems has been considered and the pressure and discharge distribution along the pivot have been estimated, assuming a continuous flow along the pipe. Then; the sprinkler nozzles were selected order to increase the uniformity on water application. The water use in the CCRR has been assessed by considering the water use efficiency indicators: annual relative irrigation supply (ARIS), annual relative water supply (ARWS), relative rainfall supply (RRS) and also the productivity indicators: water productivity (WP), irrigation water productivity (IWP) and evapotranspiration water productivity (ETWP). On the one hand, it has been determined the crop water requirement (to maintain the optimal soil water content in the rooting zone), the dual crop coefficient, the total available water and the readily available water. The crop water requirement was estimated by considering the typical wet, normal and dry years which correspond to the probability of effective precipitation exceedance of 20, 50 and 80%, respectively. On the other hand, the irrigation depth and crop yield by irrigation campaign have been considered for the main crops in the area. This information was obtained from a farmer’s survey in 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. For sunflower, the irrigation effect and its management on the crop yield and water productivity have been simulated. Also a deficit irrigation strategy, which improves the water resources, has been determined by means of AQUACROP (FAO). The results showed that 90% of the evaluated irrigation systems have adequate irrigation water application uniformity (CUC ≥ 75%). The CUC values in center pivots, which were calculated using the manufacturer irrigation chart, are below < 75% . However, these values would increase with the change of emitter nozzle to the proposed nozzles selection. The results on water use showed a deficit irrigation management (ARIS < 1), in most of crops during the first two operation years, and an excess in irrigation for the third year (ARIS > 1) although non-significant difference was observed. In most cases, the management of irrigation is adequate (0,9≤ ARWS≤ 1,2) although there are differences among crops. Likewise, the productivity indicators (WP and IWP (€.m-3)) varied among crops and with irrigation events. The highest values corresponded to onion, potato, carrot and barley. The values for deficit irrigation were the highest and the productivity indicators increased the year with the highest effective precipitation. Nevertheless, the differences between the average values of these indicators by irrigation campaign were non-significant. This study highlights that the soil water balance methodology and other tools used in the methodology are adequate to study the use and productivity of water in the irrigation district. In fact, the water use in this CCRR can be improved if the irrigation systems were designed with higher water distribution uniformity what would require the change of sprinkler nozzles and/or eliminate the end gun. Likewise, it is advisable to set up deficit irrigation strategies to increase the water productivity taking into account certain limits on water application uniformities. In this respect, a reference cropping pattern has been proposed and the limits for water uniformity have been calculated for several crops.
Faunal and stable isotopic data in Sites 646 and 647 provide a ~0.9-Ma paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic record for the Labrador Sea, that is supported by a floral record for the past ~0.3 Ma. At both sites, most glacial stages generally are dominated by polar fauna and flora with low species diversity. Although minor occurrences of subpolar species also were observed in lowermost parts of several glacial stages in Site 646, the faunal classification of Ruddiman and Mclntyre (1976) suggested the presence of polar ecological water masses in the area during most of the glacial periods. In several glacial stages at Site 647, both the faunal and floral data indicate that early periods were marked by subpolar and transitional ecological water masses. The interglacials are characterized by a polar fauna at Site 646 and by polar and transitional faunas and floras at Site 647. However, several interglacial stages in Site 646 include a subpolar flora, in contrast to a planktonic foraminifer fauna similar to that found in the glacial stages. The occurrence of subpolar water masses in several glacial isotopic stages indicates significant northward advection of warmer waters into the Labrador Sea during the early glacial periods, which provided a corridor of oceanic warmth extending from mid- to high latitudes and contributed an additional source of moisture for continental ice-sheet growth. Similar conditions also were documented in the northwest Labrador Sea, Grand Banks, and the North Atlantic.
Freshwater is extremely precious; but even more precious than freshwater is clean freshwater. From the time that 2/3 of our planet is covered in water, we have contaminated our globe with chemicals that have been used by industrial activities over the last century in a unprecedented way causing harm to humans and wildlife. We have to adopt a new scientific mindset in order to face this problem so to protect this important resource. The Water Framework Directive (European Parliament and the Council, 2000) is a milestone legislative document that transformed the way that water quality monitoring is undertaken across all Member States by introducing the Ecological and Chemical Status. A “good or higher” Ecological Status is expected to be achieved for all waterbodies in Europe by 2015. Yet, most of the European waterbodies, which are determined to be at risk, or of moderate to bad quality, further information will be required so that adequate remediation strategies can be implemented. To date, water quality evaluation is based on five biological components (phytoplankton, macrophytes and benthic algae, macroinvertebrates and fishes) and various hydromorphological and physicochemical elements. The evaluation of the chemical status is principally based on 33 priority substances and on 12 xenobiotics, considered as dangerous for the environment. This approach takes into account only a part of the numerous xenobiotics that can be present in surface waters and could not evidence all the possible causes of ecotoxicological stress that can act in a water section. The mixtures of toxic chemicals may constitute an ecological risk not predictable on the basis of the single component concentration. To improve water quality, sources of contamination and causes of ecological alterations need to be identified. On the other hand, the analysis of the community structure, which is the result of multiple processes, including hydrological constrains and physico-chemical stress, give back only a “photograph” of the actual status of a site without revealing causes and sources of the perturbation. A multidisciplinary approach, able to integrate the information obtained by different methods, such as community structure analysis and eco-genotoxicological studies, could help overcome some of the difficulties in properly identifying the different causes of stress in risk assessment. In synthesis, the river ecological status is the result of a combination of multiple pressures that, for management purposes and quality improvement, have to be disentangled from each other. To reduce actual uncertainty in risk assessment, methods that establish quantitative links between levels of contamination and community alterations are needed. The analysis of macrobenthic invertebrate community structure has been widely used to identify sites subjected to perturbation. Trait-based descriptors of community structure constitute a useful method in ecological risk assessment. The diagnostic capacity of freshwater biomonitoring could be improved by chronic sublethal toxicity testing of water and sediment samples. Requiring an exposure time that covers most of the species’ life cycle, chronic toxicity tests are able to reveal negative effects on life-history traits at contaminant concentrations well below the acute toxicity level. Furthermore, the responses of high-level endpoints (growth, fecundity, mortality) can be integrated in order to evaluate the impact on population’s dynamics, a highly relevant endpoint from the ecological point of view. To gain more accurate information about potential causes and consequences of environmental contamination, the evaluation of adverse effects at physiological, biochemical and genetic level is also needed. The use of different biomarkers and toxicity tests can give information about the sub-lethal and toxic load of environmental compartments. Biomarkers give essential information about the exposure to toxicants, such as endocrine disruptor compounds and genotoxic substances whose negative effects cannot be evidenced by using only high-level toxicological endpoints. The increasing presence of genotoxic pollutants in the environment has caused concern regarding the potential harmful effects of xenobiotics on human health, and interest on the development of new and more sensitive methods for the assessment of mutagenic and cancerogenic risk. Within the WFD, biomarkers and bioassays are regarded as important tools to gain lines of evidence for cause-effect relationship in ecological quality assessment. Despite the scientific community clearly addresses the advantages and necessity of an ecotoxicological approach within the ecological quality assessment, a recent review reports that, more than one decade after the publication of the WFD, only few studies have attempted to integrate ecological water status assessment and biological methods (namely biomarkers or bioassays). None of the fifteen reviewed studies included both biomarkers and bioassays. The integrated approach developed in this PhD Thesis comprises a set of laboratory bioassays (Daphnia magna acute and chronic toxicity tests, Comet Assay and FPG-Comet) newly-developed, modified tacking a cue from standardized existing protocols or applied for freshwater quality testing (ecotoxicological, genotoxicological and toxicogenomic assays), coupled with field investigations on macrobenthic community structures (SPEAR and EBI indexes). Together with the development of new bioassays with Daphnia magna, the feasibility of eco-genotoxicological testing of freshwater and sediment quality with Heterocypris incongruens was evaluated (Comet Assay and a protocol for chronic toxicity). However, the Comet Assay, although standardized, was not applied to freshwater samples due to the lack of sensitivity of this species observed after 24h of exposure to relatively high (and not environmentally relevant) concentrations of reference genotoxicants. Furthermore, this species demonstrated to be unsuitable also for chronic toxicity testing due to the difficult evaluation of fecundity as sub-lethal endpoint of exposure and complications due to its biology and behaviour. The study was applied to a pilot hydrographic sub-Basin, by selecting section subjected to different levels of anthropogenic pressure: this allowed us to establish the reference conditions, to select the most significant endpoints and to evaluate the coherence of the responses of the different lines of evidence (alteration of community structure, eco-genotoxicological responses, alteration of gene expression profiles) and, finally, the diagnostic capacity of the monitoring strategy. Significant correlations were found between the genotoxicological parameter Tail Intensity % (TI%) and macrobenthic community descriptors SPEAR (p<0.001) and EBI (p<0.05), between the genotoxicological parameter describing DNA oxidative stress (ΔTI%) and mean levels of nitrates (p<0.01) and between reproductive impairment (Failed Development % from D. magna chronic bioassays) and TI% (p<0.001) as well as EBI (p<0.001). While correlation among parameters demonstrates a general coherence in the response to increasing impacts, the concomitant ability of each single endpoint to be responsive to specific sources of stress is at the basis of the diagnostic capacity of the integrated approach as demonstrated by stations presenting a mismatch among the different lines of evidence. The chosen set of bioassays, as well as the selected endpoints, are not providing redundant indications on the water quality status but, on the contrary, are contributing with complementary pieces of information about the several stressors that insist simultaneously on a waterbody section providing this monitoring strategy with a solid diagnostic capacity. Our approach should provide opportunities for the integration of biological effects into monitoring programmes for surface water, especially in investigative monitoring. Moreover, it should provide a more realistic assessment of impact and exposure of aquatic organisms to contaminants. Finally this approach should provide an evaluation of drivers of change in biodiversity and its causalities on ecosystem function/services provision, that is the direct and indirect contributions to human well-being.
Despite evidence linking shrimp farming to several cases of environmental degradation, there remains a lack of ecologically meaningful information about the impacts of effluent on receiving waters. The aim of this study was to determine the biological impact of shrimp farm effluent, and to compare and distinguish its impacts from treated sewage effluent. Analyses included standard water quality/sediment parameters, as well as biological indicators including tissue nitrogen (N) content, stable isotope ratio of nitrogen (delta N-15) and amino acid composition of inhabitant seagrasses, mangroves and macroalgae. The study area consisted of two tidal creeks, one receiving effluent from a sewage treatment plant and the other from an intensive shrimp farm. The creeks discharged into the western side of Moreton Bay, a sub-tropical coastal embayment on the east coast of Australia. Characterization of water quality revealed significant differences between the creeks, and with unimpacted eastern Moreton Bay. The sewage creek had higher concentrations of dissolved nutrients (predominantly NO3-/NO2- and PO43-, compared to NH4+ in the shrimp creek). In contrast, the shrimp creek was more turbid and had higher phytoplankton productivity. Beyond 750 m from the creek mouths, water quality parameters were indistinguishable from eastern Moreton Bay values. Biological indicators detected significant impacts up to 4 km beyond the creek mouths (reference site). Elevated plant delta N-15 values ranged from 10.4-19.6 parts per thousand at the site of sewage discharge to 2.9-4.5 parts per thousand at the reference site. The free amino acid concentration and composition of seagrass and macroalgae was used to distinguish between the uptake of sewage and shrimp derived N. Proline (seagrass) and serine (macroalgae) were high in sewage impacted plants and glutamine (seagrass) and alanine (macroalgae) were high in plants impacted by shrimp effluent. The delta N-15 isotopic signatures and free amino acid composition of inhabitant flora indicated that sewage N extended further from the creek mouths than shrimp N. The combination of physical/chemical and biological indicators used in this study was effective in distinguishing the composition and subsequent impacts of aquaculture and sewage effluent on the receiving waters. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ambiente pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Influence of river ecological condition on changes in physico-chemical water parameters along rivers
Dissertação de mestrado em Ecology
Las áreas montanas brindan numerosos bienes y servicios a la humanidad cómo la provisión de agua. Asimismo, albergan una biota muy diversa y existe en ellas una actividad económica de considerable importancia centrada en la ganadería. En algunos casos las actividades asociadas a la ganadería pueden modificar los ecosistemas montanos y los bienes y servicios que brindan de forma drástica. Esto se debe a los cambios en la vegetación, y la pérdida y compactación de los suelos, que tiene repercusiones en la cantidad de agua captada, evapotranspirada y almacenada. También tiene repercusiones sobre la biodiversidad, tanto positivas como negativas. Aquí nos propusimos investigar cómo los cambios en la cobertura vegetal producidos por cuatro siglos de uso ganadero en el piso superior de las Sierras de Córdoba (Centro Argentino) han afectado a atributos del ecosistema como la diversidad vegetal, la integridad de los suelos y la capacidad de proveer agua a la población humana. A su vez, nos propusimos estudiar en detalle cómo las distintas opciones actuales de manejo pueden afectar a la cobertura vegetal y por ende a los atributos del ecosistema. De este modo, esperamos: (1) poder desarrollar un modelo espacialmente explícito que permita predecir la evolución del ecosistema ante distintos escenarios de manejo. (2) Más a largo plazo determinar los costos y los beneficios de los distintos manejos, en términos de la conservación de la biodiversidad, los suelos y la provisión de agua. El área de estudio cuenta un Sistema de Información Geográfica muy completo que incluye numerosas capas de información (vegetación, topografía, casas y caminos y otras). Además, existe en el área un Parque Nacional, con potreros bajo distintos manejos ganaderos (exclusión, cargas ganaderas moderadas continuas y estacionales), y una zona con herbivoría nativa de guanacos, que fueron reintroducidos recientemente en el Parque. Fuera del Parque, hay establecimientos con ganadería tradicional, con cargas ganaderas altas; así como un área donde se ha realizado una restauración modelo mediante reforestación y revegetación de zonas erosionadas. Estos escenarios representan una oportunidad muy especial para realizar estudios comparativos de la evolución de la fisonomía, composición florística, diversidad vegetal, integridad del suelo (erosión, tasa de infiltración, contenido de agua a lo largo del año) y el caudal de los arroyos en la estación seca. En este proyecto proponemos seguir con mediciones de la evolución de la vegetación bajo los distintos escenarios y seguir averiguando métodos de restauración de la vegetación. Además, proponemos empezar a realizar mediciones relacionadas al valor de los distintos tipos de cobertura vegetal, resultado de cuatro siglos de historia de disturbio, sobre la diversidad y los recursos hídricos. Por otro lado, realizaremos mediciones ecofisiológicas en las especies dominantes, para comprender sus efectos sobre el ciclo del agua.
Due to the semi aquatic habits and the overlap of the geographical distribution of the water-rat, Nectomys spp., with schistosomiasis endemic areas, these wild rodents are very likely to acquire Schistosoma mansoni infection in their daily activities. The role of the water-rat in the S. mansoni cycle would be substantiated if one could prove that these rodents acquire the parasite during their own activity time, a completely independent time schedule of human activities. To pursue this goal, we performed two field experiments in the municipality of Sumidouro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a schistosomiasis endemic area where N. squamipes is found naturally infected. One experiment was devised as a series of observations of activity time of the water-rat. The other experiment was a test of the occurrence of late transmission of S. mansoni to the water-rat. The daily activity pattern showed that the water-rat is active chiefly just after sunset. At both diurnal and late exposition essays the water-rat sentinels got infected by S. mansoni. These findings clarify ecological and behavioral components necessary to the adaptation of S. mansoni to the water-rat as a non human definitive host and the existence of a transmission cycle involving this animals as a reservoir.