993 resultados para dynamic execution


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Relentless CMOS scaling coupled with lower design tolerances is making ICs increasingly susceptible to wear-out related permanent faults and transient faults, necessitating on-chip fault tolerance in future chip microprocessors (CMPs). In this paper, we describe a power-efficient architecture for redundant execution on chip multiprocessors (CMPs) which when coupled with our per-core dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) algorithm significantly reduces the energy overhead of redundant execution without sacrificing performance. Our evaluation shows that this architecture has a performance overhead of only 0.3% and consumes only 1.48 times the energy of a non-fault-tolerant baseline.


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Superscalar processors currently have the potential to fetch multiple basic blocks per cycle by employing one of several recently proposed instruction fetch mechanisms. However, this increased fetch bandwidth cannot be exploited unless pipeline stages further downstream correspondingly improve. In particular,register renaming a large number of instructions per cycle is diDcult. A large instruction window, needed to receive multiple basic blocks per cycle, will slow down dependence resolution and instruction issue. This paper addresses these and related issues by proposing (i) partitioning of the instruction window into multiple blocks, each holding a dynamic code sequence; (ii) logical partitioning of the registerjle into a global file and several local jles, the latter holding registers local to a dynamic code sequence; (iii) the dynamic recording and reuse of register renaming information for registers local to a dynamic code sequence. Performance studies show these mechanisms improve performance over traditional superscalar processors by factors ranging from 1.5 to a little over 3 for the SPEC Integer programs. Next, it is observed that several of the loops in the benchmarks display vector-like behavior during execution, even if the static loop bodies are likely complex for compile-time vectorization. A dynamic loop vectorization mechanism that builds on top of the above mechanisms is briefly outlined. The mechanism vectorizes up to 60% of the dynamic instructions for some programs, albeit the average number of iterations per loop is quite small.


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Task-parallel languages are increasingly popular. Many of them provide expressive mechanisms for intertask synchronization. For example, OpenMP 4.0 will integrate data-driven execution semantics derived from the StarSs research language. Compared to the more restrictive data-parallel and fork-join concurrency models, the advanced features being introduced into task-parallelmodels in turn enable improved scalability through load balancing, memory latency hiding, mitigation of the pressure on memory bandwidth, and, as a side effect, reduced power consumption. In this article, we develop a systematic approach to compile loop nests into concurrent, dynamically constructed graphs of dependent tasks. We propose a simple and effective heuristic that selects the most profitable parallelization idiom for every dependence type and communication pattern. This heuristic enables the extraction of interband parallelism (cross-barrier parallelism) in a number of numerical computations that range from linear algebra to structured grids and image processing. The proposed static analysis and code generation alleviates the burden of a full-blown dependence resolver to track the readiness of tasks at runtime. We evaluate our approach and algorithms in the PPCG compiler, targeting OpenStream, a representative dataflow task-parallel language with explicit intertask dependences and a lightweight runtime. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.


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Dynamic analysis techniques have been proposed to detect potential deadlocks. Analyzing and comprehending each potential deadlock to determine whether the deadlock is feasible in a real execution requires significant programmer effort. Moreover, empirical evidence shows that existing analyses are quite imprecise. This imprecision of the analyses further void the manual effort invested in reasoning about non-existent defects. In this paper, we address the problems of imprecision of existing analyses and the subsequent manual effort necessary to reason about deadlocks. We propose a novel approach for deadlock detection by designing a dynamic analysis that intelligently leverages execution traces. To reduce the manual effort, we replay the program by making the execution follow a schedule derived based on the observed trace. For a real deadlock, its feasibility is automatically verified if the replay causes the execution to deadlock. We have implemented our approach as part of WOLF and have analyzed many large (upto 160KLoC) Java programs. Our experimental results show that we are able to identify 74% of the reported defects as true (or false) positives automatically leaving very few defects for manual analysis. The overhead of our approach is negligible making it a compelling tool for practical adoption.


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Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) exhibits fundamental limitations as a method to reduce energy consumption in computing systems. In the HPC domain, where performance is of highest priority and codes are heavily optimized to minimize idle time, DVFS has limited opportunity to achieve substantial energy savings. This paper explores if operating processors Near the transistor Threshold Volt- age (NTV) is a better alternative to DVFS for break- ing the power wall in HPC. NTV presents challenges, since it compromises both performance and reliability to reduce power consumption. We present a first of its kind study of a significance-driven execution paradigm that selectively uses NTV and algorithmic error tolerance to reduce energy consumption in performance- constrained HPC environments. Using an iterative algorithm as a use case, we present an adaptive execution scheme that switches between near-threshold execution on many cores and above-threshold execution on one core, as the computational significance of iterations in the algorithm evolves over time. Using this scheme on state-of-the-art hardware, we demonstrate energy savings ranging between 35% to 67%, while compromising neither correctness nor performance.


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Static timing analysis provides the basis for setting the clock period of a microprocessor core, based on its worst-case critical path. However, depending on the design, this critical path is not always excited and therefore dynamic timing margins exist that can theoretically be exploited for the benefit of better speed or lower power consumption (through voltage scaling). This paper introduces predictive instruction-based dynamic clock adjustment as a technique to trim dynamic timing margins in pipelined microprocessors. To this end, we exploit the different timing requirements for individual instructions during the dynamically varying program execution flow without the need for complex circuit-level measures to detect and correct timing violations. We provide a design flow to extract the dynamic timing information for the design using post-layout dynamic timing analysis and we integrate the results into a custom cycle-accurate simulator. This simulator allows annotation of individual instructions with their impact on timing (in each pipeline stage) and rapidly derives the overall code execution time for complex benchmarks. The design methodology is illustrated at the microarchitecture level, demonstrating the performance and power gains possible on a 6-stage OpenRISC in-order general purpose processor core in a 28nm CMOS technology. We show that employing instruction-dependent dynamic clock adjustment leads on average to an increase in operating speed by 38% or to a reduction in power consumption by 24%, compared to traditional synchronous clocking, which at all times has to respect the worst-case timing identified through static timing analysis.


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A vast majority of scientific grid applications are either parameter sweep applications or a significant subpart of these applications belong to class of parameter sweep activities. The paper describes a new graphical workflow language in which any node of the DAG-based workflow can be a parameter sweep node and the execution of these nodes are transparently executed either in service grids or in desktop grids depending on the computational complexity of the workflow node. The new concept is supported by the CancerGrid portal that has been established for a chemist community.


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This paper presents an artificial neural network applied to the forecasting of electricity market prices, with the special feature of being dynamic. The dynamism is verified at two different levels. The first level is characterized as a re-training of the network in every iteration, so that the artificial neural network can able to consider the most recent data at all times, and constantly adapt itself to the most recent happenings. The second level considers the adaptation of the neural network’s execution time depending on the circumstances of its use. The execution time adaptation is performed through the automatic adjustment of the amount of data considered for training the network. This is an advantageous and indispensable feature for this neural network’s integration in ALBidS (Adaptive Learning strategic Bidding System), a multi-agent system that has the purpose of providing decision support to the market negotiating players of MASCEM (Multi-Agent Simulator of Competitive Electricity Markets).


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This paper proposes a dynamic scheduler that supports the coexistence of guaranteed and non-guaranteed bandwidth servers to efficiently handle soft-tasks’ overloads by making additional capacity available from two sources: (i) residual capacity allocated but unused when jobs complete in less than their budgeted execution time; (ii) stealing capacity from inactive non-isolated servers used to schedule best-effort jobs. The effectiveness of the proposed approach in reducing the mean tardiness of periodic jobs is demonstrated through extensive simulations. The achieved results become even more significant when tasks’ computation times have a large variance.


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L’observation de l’exécution d’applications JavaScript est habituellement réalisée en instrumentant une machine virtuelle (MV) industrielle ou en effectuant une traduction source-à-source ad hoc et complexe. Ce mémoire présente une alternative basée sur la superposition de machines virtuelles. Notre approche consiste à faire une traduction source-à-source d’un programme pendant son exécution pour exposer ses opérations de bas niveau au travers d’un modèle objet flexible. Ces opérations de bas niveau peuvent ensuite être redéfinies pendant l’exécution pour pouvoir en faire l’observation. Pour limiter la pénalité en performance introduite, notre approche exploite les opérations rapides originales de la MV sous-jacente, lorsque cela est possible, et applique les techniques de compilation à-la-volée dans la MV superposée. Notre implémentation, Photon, est en moyenne 19% plus rapide qu’un interprète moderne, et entre 19× et 56× plus lente en moyenne que les compilateurs à-la-volée utilisés dans les navigateurs web populaires. Ce mémoire montre donc que la superposition de machines virtuelles est une technique alternative compétitive à la modification d’un interprète moderne pour JavaScript lorsqu’appliqué à l’observation à l’exécution des opérations sur les objets et des appels de fonction.


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Computational theories of action have generally understood the organized nature of human activity through the construction and execution of plans. By consigning the phenomena of contingency and improvisation to peripheral roles, this view has led to impractical technical proposals. As an alternative, I suggest that contingency is a central feature of everyday activity and that improvisation is the central kind of human activity. I also offer a computational model of certain aspects of everyday routine activity based on an account of improvised activity called running arguments and an account of representation for situated agents called deictic representation .


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Research on autonomous intelligent systems has focused on how robots can robustly carry out missions in uncertain and harsh environments with very little or no human intervention. Robotic execution languages such as RAPs, ESL, and TDL improve robustness by managing functionally redundant procedures for achieving goals. The model-based programming approach extends this by guaranteeing correctness of execution through pre-planning of non-deterministic timed threads of activities. Executing model-based programs effectively on distributed autonomous platforms requires distributing this pre-planning process. This thesis presents a distributed planner for modelbased programs whose planning and execution is distributed among agents with widely varying levels of processor power and memory resources. We make two key contributions. First, we reformulate a model-based program, which describes cooperative activities, into a hierarchical dynamic simple temporal network. This enables efficient distributed coordination of robots and supports deployment on heterogeneous robots. Second, we introduce a distributed temporal planner, called DTP, which solves hierarchical dynamic simple temporal networks with the assistance of the distributed Bellman-Ford shortest path algorithm. The implementation of DTP has been demonstrated successfully on a wide range of randomly generated examples and on a pursuer-evader challenge problem in simulation.


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Dynamic optimization has several key advantages. This includes the ability to work on binary code in the absence of sources and to perform optimization across module boundaries. However, it has a significant disadvantage viz-a-viz traditional static optimization: it has a significant runtime overhead. There can be performance gain only if the overhead can be amortized. In this paper, we will quantitatively analyze the runtime overhead introduced by a dynamic optimizer, DynamoRIO. We found that the major overhead does not come from the optimizer's operation. Instead, it comes from the extra code in the code cache added by DynamoRIO. After a detailed analysis, we will propose a method of trace construction that ameliorate the overhead introduced by the dynamic optimizer, thereby reducing the runtime overhead of DynamoRIO. We believe that the result of the study as well as the proposed solution is applicable to other scenarios such as dynamic code translation and managed execution that utilizes a framework similar to that of dynamic optimization.


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La coordinació i assignació de tasques en entorns distribuïts ha estat un punt important de la recerca en els últims anys i aquests temes són el cor dels sistemes multi-agent. Els agents en aquests sistemes necessiten cooperar i considerar els altres agents en les seves accions i decisions. A més a més, els agents han de coordinar-se ells mateixos per complir tasques complexes que necessiten més d'un agent per ser complerta. Aquestes tasques poden ser tan complexes que els agents poden no saber la ubicació de les tasques o el temps que resta abans de que les tasques quedin obsoletes. Els agents poden necessitar utilitzar la comunicació amb l'objectiu de conèixer la tasca en l'entorn, en cas contrari, poden perdre molt de temps per trobar la tasca dins de l'escenari. De forma similar, el procés de presa de decisions distribuït pot ser encara més complexa si l'entorn és dinàmic, amb incertesa i en temps real. En aquesta dissertació, considerem entorns amb sistemes multi-agent amb restriccions i cooperatius (dinàmics, amb incertesa i en temps real). En aquest sentit es proposen dues aproximacions que permeten la coordinació dels agents. La primera és un mecanisme semi-centralitzat basat en tècniques de subhastes combinatòries i la idea principal es minimitzar el cost de les tasques assignades des de l'agent central cap als equips d'agents. Aquest algoritme té en compte les preferències dels agents sobre les tasques. Aquestes preferències estan incloses en el bid enviat per l'agent. La segona és un aproximació d'scheduling totalment descentralitzat. Això permet als agents assignar les seves tasques tenint en compte les preferències temporals sobre les tasques dels agents. En aquest cas, el rendiment del sistema no només depèn de la maximització o del criteri d'optimització, sinó que també depèn de la capacitat dels agents per adaptar les seves assignacions eficientment. Addicionalment, en un entorn dinàmic, els errors d'execució poden succeir a qualsevol pla degut a la incertesa i error de accions individuals. A més, una part indispensable d'un sistema de planificació és la capacitat de re-planificar. Aquesta dissertació també proveeix una aproximació amb re-planificació amb l'objectiu de permetre als agent re-coordinar els seus plans quan els problemes en l'entorn no permeti la execució del pla. Totes aquestes aproximacions s'han portat a terme per permetre als agents assignar i coordinar de forma eficient totes les tasques complexes en un entorn multi-agent cooperatiu, dinàmic i amb incertesa. Totes aquestes aproximacions han demostrat la seva eficiència en experiments duts a terme en l'entorn de simulació RoboCup Rescue.


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Dedicated clusters are becoming commonly used for high performance parallel processing. Computers of a non-dedicated cluster are often idle or lightly loaded. These under utilised computers can be employed to execute parallel applications. Thus, they have to be shared by parallel and sequential applications, which could lead to the improvement of their execution performance. There is a lack of experimental study showing the behaviour and performance of executing parallel and sequential applications concurrently on a non-dedicated cluster. We present the result of an experimental study into load balancing of a mixture of parallel and sequential applications on a non-dedicated cluster.