997 resultados para dune sand


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Sauf par des regards fugitifs et distraits sur son travail d’illustrateur et son théâtre de marionnettes, l’histoire culturelle et littéraire n’a en général retenu de Maurice Sand que son état de fils bien-aimé de la plus célèbre écrivaine du 19e siècle. Étudiée pour elle-même, son œuvre multidisciplinaire - qui allie peinture, dessin, illustration, théâtre, histoire de l’art, sciences naturelles - se propose pourtant avec cohérence, marque d’une création soutenue plutôt que du dilettantisme où son souvenir s’est incrusté. Maurice Sand apparaît alors comme un de ces individus situés aux interstices des récits majeurs de la littérature et des arts qui, bien qu’ayant figure de minores, amènent à des réflexions nuancées sur la constitution de ces récits. Explorer son cas permet ainsi de scruter de plus près les mécanismes de la méconnaissance qui a pu et peut encore affecter un créateur et une œuvre soumis aux arbitrages mémoriels. Discrets angles morts de l’histoire, certains de ces mécanismes jalonnent clairement son parcours et les aléas de sa trace posthume. D’une part le vaste corpus des études sur George Sand, notamment des écrits biographiques et autobiographiques, fait voir à l’œuvre le mode déformant de la constitution de la mémoire d’un être saisi à partir des positions d’autrui : son existence devient cliché, elle se réduit peu à peu au rôle d’adjuvant dans des débats, passés ou actuels, qui font l’impasse sur le cours autonome de sa carrière, voire de sa vie. D’autre part la mise au jour de son œuvre, enfin vue comme un ensemble, dévoile une cause encore plus déterminante de sa méconnaissance. Presque tous les travaux de Maurice Sand sont traversés par une ligne de fantastique, au surplus connotée par son intérêt pour les sciences liées à la métamorphose, de l’ethnogénie à l’entomologie. Réinvention constante du passé, sa démarche cognitive et créatrice ignore les frontières disciplinaires, son objet est hybride et composé. L’œuvre se constitue ainsi par transversalité, trait et trame irrecevables en un siècle qui n’y perçut que dispersion, mais paradoxalement marque supérieure de qualité dans le champ éclaté où se déploient les arts de notre temps.


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The coupling between patch dynamics - described by the patch growth (horizontal and vertical), patch mortality, and life-history of Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Aschers., and the disturbance caused by the migration of subaqueous dunes over the plants was examined in a shallow NW Mediterranean bay (Alfacs Bay) where this species maintains a patchy cover. C. nodosa shoots survived substantial burial rates (up to 2.4 mm/day) by growing vertically at rates proportional to, albeit four-fold slower than, burial rates. Patch death was caused by erosion as large subaqueous dunes migrated pass the plant patch. Patch growth was fastest over the progressing slope of the dunes ( similar to 2.5 m year super(-1)) and flowering was also stimulated by sand accretion. The time interval between the passage of consecutive dunes, which sets the time window available for patch development, ranged between 2 and 6 years. This time interval allowed C. nodosa to recolonize bare substrata, with patch formation occurring about half a year after the disturbance, and also allowed established shoots to complete their life-cycle and produce seeds and thus enable subsequent recolonization. The time windows available for patch development also set an upper limit to patch size of about 26 m. Significant cross correlations between dune topography and patch dynamics and plant flowering frequency provide evidence that the spatial heterogeneity in the vegetation is closely associated with the disturbance imposed by the migration of sand dunes. The migration of subaqueous dunes maintains C. nodosa in a continuous state of colonization involving spatially asynchronous patch growth and subsequent mortality, which is ultimately responsible for the characteristic patchy landscape of this Bay. 


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This paper applies multispectral remote sensing techniques to map the Fe-oxide content over the entire Namib sand sea. Spectrometric analysis is applied to field samples to identify the reflectance properties of the dune sands which enable remotely sensed Fe-oxide mapping. The results indicate that the pattern of dune colour in the Namib sand sea arises from the mixing of at least two distinct sources of sand; a red component of high Fe-oxide content (present as a coating on the sand grains) which derives from the inland regions, particularly from major embayments into the Southern African escarpment; and a yellow coastal component of low Fe-oxide content which is brought into the area by northward-moving aeolian transport processes. These major provenances are separated by a mixing zone between 20 kin and 90 kin from the coast throughout the entire length of the sand sea. Previous workers have also recognised a third, fluvial, provenance, but the methodology applied here is not able to map this source as a distinct spectral component. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Global dust trajectories indicate that significant quantities of aeolian-transported iron oxides originate in contemporary dryland areas. One potential source is the iron-rich clay coatings that characterize many sand-sized particles in desert dunefields. This paper uses laboratory experiments to determine the rate at which these coatings can be removed from dune sands by aeolian abrasion. The coatings impart a red colour to the grains to which previous researchers have assigned variable geomorphological significance. The quantities or iron removed during a 120 hour abrasion experiment are small (99 mg kg(-1)) and difficult to detect by eye; however, high resolution spectroscopy clearly indicates that ferric oxides are released during abrasion and the reflectance of the particles alters. One of the products of aeolian abrasion is fine particles (<10 mum diameter) with the potential for long distance transport. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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This paper applies multispectral remote sensing techniques to map the Fe-oxide content over the entire Namib sand sea. Spectrometric analysis is applied to field samples to identify the reflectance properties of the dune sands which enable remotely sensed Fe-oxide mapping. The results indicate that the pattern of dune colour in the Namib sand sea arises from the mixing of at least two distinct sources of sand; a red component of high Fe-oxide content (present as a coating on the sand grains) which derives from the inland regions, particularly from major embayments into the Southern African escarpment; and a yellow coastal component of low Fe-oxide content which is brought into the area by northward-moving aeolian transport processes. These major provenances are separated by a mixing zone between 20 kin and 90 kin from the coast throughout the entire length of the sand sea. Previous workers have also recognised a third, fluvial, provenance, but the methodology applied here is not able to map this source as a distinct spectral component. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new digital atlas of the geomorphology of the Namib Sand Sea in southern Africa has been developed. This atlas incorporates a number of databases including a digital elevation model (ASTER and SRTM) and other remote sensing databases that cover climate (ERA-40) and vegetation (PAL and GIMMS). A map of dune types in the Namib Sand Sea has been derived from Landsat and CNES/SPOT imagery. The atlas also includes a collation of geochronometric dates, largely derived from luminescence techniques, and a bibliographic survey of the research literature on the geomorphology of the Namib dune system. Together these databases provide valuable information that can be used as a starting point for tackling important questions about the development of the Namib and other sand seas in the past, present and future.


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The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) has made elevation data at 30 m spatial resolution freely available, enabling reinvestigation of morphometric relationships derived from limited field data using much larger sample sizes. These data are used to analyse a range of morphometric relationships derived for dunes (between dune height, spacing, and equivalent sand thickness) in the Namib Sand Sea, which was chosen because there are a number of extant studies that could be used for comparison with the results. The relative accuracy of GDEM for capturing dune height and shape was tested against multiple individual ASTER DEM scenes and against field surveys, highlighting the smoothing of the dune crest and resultant underestimation of dune height, and the omission of the smallest dunes, because of the 30 m sampling of ASTER DEM products. It is demonstrated that morphometric relationships derived from GDEM data are broadly comparable with relationships derived by previous methods, across a range of different dune types. The data confirm patterns of dune height, spacing and equivalent sand thickness mapped previously in the Namib Sand Sea, but add new detail to these patterns.


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The dynamics of a small linear dune on the northern margin of the Namib Sand Sea have been monitored using erosion pins placed at the dune tip since 1969. GPS measurements of these pins enabled estimation of the rates of advance and lateral migration of the dune. The average rate of advance of the dune tip over the period 1969–2012 was 1.99 m yr–1 towards 015°. Rates of advance and lateral movement varied over the period of monitoring, with a decrease in rates of advance by a factor of 50%, but an increase in the rate of lateral movement. Changes in dune behavior appear to be related to changes in wind regime and the vegetation cover of the interdune area, as a result of increased rainfall in recent years. This study demonstrates the dynamic nature of the tip of this dune and its sensitivity to changes in winds and sand supply.


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The Namib Sand Sea in southern Africa offers an ideal location in which to consider general questions about the evolution of sand seas, about the fluxes of sand through contemporary dune fields and about the patterns of dune form that are created. This paper aims to provide a concise account of the approaches and techniques that are currently being used and will be used in the future to address these questions. The paper considers the techniques employed to investigate wind climate, the morphometry of the dunes, the internal structure of dune sediments, the age of the dunes and the potential to model dune development


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Questions Does the spatial association between isolated adult trees and understorey plants change along a gradient of sand dunes? Does this association depend on the life form of the understorey plant? Location Coastal sand dunes, southeast Brazil. Methods We recorded the occurrence of understorey plant species in 100 paired 0.25 m2 plots under adult trees and in adjacent treeless sites along an environmental gradient from beach to inland. Occurrence probabilities were modelled as a function of the fixed variables of the presence of a neighbour, distance from the seashore and life form, and a random variable, the block (i.e. the pair of plots). Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) were fitted in a backward step-wise procedure using Akaike's information criterion (AIC) for model selection. Results The occurrence of understorey plants was affected by the presence of an adult tree neighbour, but the effect varied with the life form of the understorey species. Positive spatial association was found between isolated adult neighbour and young trees, whereas a negative association was found for shrubs. Moreover, a neutral association was found for lianas, whereas for herbs the effect of the presence of an adult neighbour ranged from neutral to negative, depended on the subgroup considered. The strength of the negative association with forbs increased with distance from the seashore. However, for the other life forms, the associational pattern with adult trees did not change along the gradient. Conclusions For most of the understorey life forms there is no evidence that the spatial association between isolated adult trees and understorey plants changes with the distance from the seashore, as predicted by the stress gradient hypothesis, a common hypothesis in the literature about facilitation in plant communities. Furthermore, the positive spatial association between isolated adult trees and young trees identified along the entire gradient studied indicates a positive feedback that explains the transition from open vegetation to forest in subtropical coastal dune environments.