997 resultados para drug tolerance
Allergen-induced asthma is the leading form of asthma and a chronic condition worldwide. Common allergens are known to contribute to the pathogenesis of this disease. Murine models of allergic asthma have mostly used an intraperitoneal route of sensitization (not airway) to study this disease. Allergic asthma pathophysiology involves the activation of TH2-specific cells, which triggers production of IgE antibodies, the up-regulation of TH2-specific cytokines (i.e. IL-4, IL-5, IL-9 and IL-13), increased airway eosinophilia, and mucin hypersecretion. Although there are several therapeutics currently treating asthmatic patients, some of these treatments can result in drug tolerance and may be linked to increased mortality. CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) is a synthetic ligand that targets Toll-like Receptor (TLR) 9. It has been evaluated as a therapeutic agent for the treatment of cancer, infectious diseases, and for treating allergy and asthma. PUL-042 is also a synthetic TLR ligand and is composed of two agonists against TLR2/6 heterodimer and TLR9. Previous studies have evaluated PUL-042 for its ability to confer resistance against bacterial and viral lung infection. These findings, combined with studies performed using CpG ODNs, led to speculation that PUL-042 dampens the immune response in allergen-induced asthma. My thesis research investigated airway route sensitization and airway delivery of PUL-042 to evaluate its effects in reducing an allergen-induced asthma phenotype in a murine model. The results of this study contribute to the foundation for future investigations to evaluate the efficacy of PUL-042 as a novel therapy in allergic-asthma disease.
The G protein-coupled μ-opioid receptor (μOR) mediates the physiological effects of endogenous opioid peptides as well as the structurally distinct opioid alkaloids morphine and etorphine. An intriguing feature of μOR signaling is the differential receptor trafficking and desensitization properties following activation by distinct agonists, which have been proposed as possible mechanisms related to opioid tolerance. Here we report that the ability of distinct opioid agonists to differentially regulate μOR internalization and desensitization is related to their ability to promote G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK)-dependent phosphorylation of the μOR. Although both etorphine and morphine effectively activate the μOR, only etorphine elicits robust μOR phosphorylation followed by plasma membrane translocation of β-arrestin and dynamin-dependent receptor internalization. In contrast, corresponding to its inability to cause μOR internalization, morphine is unable to either elicit μOR phosphorylation or stimulate β-arrestin translocation. However, upon the overexpression of GRK2, morphine gains the capacity to induce μOR phosphorylation, accompanied by the rescue of β-arrestin translocation and receptor sequestration. Moreover, overexpression of GRK2 also leads to an attenuation of morphine-mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase. These findings point to the existence of marked differences in the ability of different opioid agonists to promote μOR phosphorylation by GRK. These differences may provide the molecular basis underlying the different analgesic properties of opioid agonists and contribute to the distinct ability of various opioids to induce drug tolerance.
Antibiotic resistance has become an important area of research because of the excessive use of antibiotics in clinical and agricultural settings that are driving the evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria. However, drug tolerance is a naturally occurring phenomenon in soil communities, and is often linked to those soils that are exposed to heavy metals as well as antibiotics. Resistance to antibiotics maybe coupled with resistance to heavy metals in soil bacteria through efflux pumps that can be regulated by iron. Although considered s a heavy metal, iron is an essential component of life that regulates gene expression through the Ferric Uptake Regulator (Fur) protein. This master regulator protein is known to control siderophore production, and other biological pathways. As a suspected controller of biofilm formation, the role of Fur in environmental antibiotic resistance may be greater than is currently realized. In this study, we sought to explore a potential Fur-regulated drug tolerance pathway by understanding the response of soil bacteria when stressed with oxytetracycline and iron. Bacteria were collected from two locations in Miami Dade County. Isolates were first tested using Kirby-Bauer Disk Diffusion tests for antibiotic resistance/susceptibility and identified by 16S rDNA sequencing. A 96-well growth assay was developed to measure planktonic cell growth with 3 mM FeCl3, Oxytetracycline HCl, and the combination treatments. A Microtiter Dish Biofilm Formation Assay was employed and Fur diversity was evaluated. Tetracycline-susceptible bacterial isolates developed drug resistance with iron supplementation, but iron did not enhance biofilm formation. Development of a Fur-dependent drug resistance may be selected for, but further study is required to evaluate Fur evolution in the studied isolates. Gene expression analysis is also needed to further understand the ecological role of Fur and antibiotic resistance.
Maternal infection during pregnancy increases the risk of several neuropsychiatric disorders later in life, many of which have a component of dopaminergic (DA) dysfunction, including schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The majority of DA neurons are found in the adult midbrain; as such the midbrain is a key region of interest regarding these disorders. The literature is conflicting regarding the behavioral alterations following maternal immune activation (MIA) exposure, and the cellular and molecular consequences of MIA on the developing midbrain remain to be fully elucidated. Thus, this thesis aimed to establish the consequences of acute and mild MIA on offspring dopamine-related behaviors, as well as the associated cellular and molecular disturbances of MIA on offspring midbrains. We utilized a rat model of MIA using low dose (50μg/kg, I.P.) of LPS administered at different gestational ages. Our first study indicated that MIA at later gestational ages significantly increased pro-inflammatory IL-1β expression, and reduced HSD11B2 expression in the placenta, which is an important regulator of fetal development. In utero LPS exposure at later gestational ages also impaired the growth of neurons from affected offspring. This study identified key gestational stages during which MIA resulted in differential effects. We utilized these time points in subsequent studies, the next of which investigated neurobehavioral outcomes following MIA. Our results from that study showed that motor differences occurred in juvenile offspring following MIA at E16 only, and these differences were compensated for in adolescence. Then, there was a decline in motor behavior capabilities in adulthood, again only for animals exposed to MIA on E16 (and not E12). Furthermore, our results also demonstrated adolescent and adult offspring that were exposed to MIA at E12 had diminished responses to amphetamine in reward seeking behaviors. In our final study, we aimed to investigate the molecular and cellular changes following MIA which might explain these behavioral alterations. This final study showed a differential inflammatory response in fetal midbrains depending on gestational age of exposure as well as differential developmental alterations. For example, LPS exposure at E16 resulted in decreased VM neurosphere size after 7DIV and this was associated with an increased susceptibility to neurotoxic effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines for VM neurospheres and VM DA neurons treated in culture. In utero LPS exposure at E16 also reduced DA neuron count of fetal VM, measured by TH staining. However, there were no differences in DA neuron number in juvenile, adolescent, or adult offspring. Similarly, LPS exposure did not alter cell number or morphology of glial cells in the midbrains of affected offspring. In conclusion, this thesis indicated later rat pregnancy (E16) as vulnerable time for MIA to affect the development of the nigrostriatal pathway and subsequent behavioral outcomes, possibly implicating a role for MIA in increased risk for disorders associated with motor behavior, like PD. These effects may be mediated through alterations in the placenta and altered inflammatory mediators in the offspring brain. This thesis has also shown that MIA in earlier rat pregnancy (E12) results in altered mesocorticolimbic function, and in particular MIA on E12 resulted in a differential response to amphetamine in affected offspring, which may implicate a role for MIA in increasing the risk for disorders associated with this pathway, including drug tolerance and addiction.
Systemic or intra-striatal acute administration of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitors causes catalepsy in rodents. This effect disappears after sub-chronic treatment. The aim of the present study was to investigate if this tolerance is related to changes in the expression of NOS or dopamine-2 (D(2)) receptor or to a recovery of NOS activity. Male albino Swiss mice (25-30 g) received single or sub-chronic (once a day for 4 days) i.p. injections of saline or L-nitro-arginine (L-NOARG, 40 mg/kg), a non-selective inhibitor of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). Twenty-four hours after the last injection, the animals were killed and their brains were removed for immunohistochemistry assay to detect the presence of nNOS or for `in-situ` hybridisation study using (35)S-labeled oligonucleotide probe complementary to D(2) receptor mRNA. The results were analysed by computerised densitometry. Independent groups of animals received the same treatment, but were submitted to the catalepsy test and had their brain removed to measure nitrite and nitrate (NOx) concentrations in the striatum. Acute administration of L-NOARG caused catalepsy that disappeared after sub-chronic treatment. The levels of NOx were significantly reduced after acute L-NOARG treatment. The decrease in NOx after drug injection suffered a partial tolerance after sub-chronic treatment. The catalepsy time after acute or sub-chronic treatment with L-NOARG was negatively (r = -0.717) correlated with NOx levels. Animals that received repeated L-NOARG injections also showed an increase in the number of nNOS-positive neurons in the striatum. No change in D(2) receptor mRNA expression was found in the dorsal striatum, nucleus accumbens and substantia nigra. Together, these results suggest that tolerance to L-NOARG cataleptic effects do not depend on changes in D(2) receptors. They may depend, however, on plastic changes in nNOS neurons resulting in partial recovery of NO formation in the striatum.
Since the discovery of the first penicillin bacterial resistance to β-lactam antibiotics has spread and evolved promoting new resistances to pathogens. The most common mechanism of resistance is the production of β-lactamases that have spread thorough nature and evolve to complex phenotypes like CMT type enzymes. New antibiotics have been introduced in clinical practice, and therefore it becomes necessary a concise summary about their molecular targets, specific use and other properties. β-lactamases are still a major medical concern and they have been extensively studied and described in the scientific literature. Several authors agree that Glu166 should be the general base and Ser70 should perform the nucleophilic attack to the carbon of the carbonyl group of the β-lactam ring. Nevertheless there still is controversy on their catalytic mechanism. TEMs evolve at incredible pace presenting more complex phenotypes due to their tolerance to mutations. These mutations lead to an increasing need of novel, stronger and more specific and stable antibiotics. The present review summarizes key structural, molecular and functional aspects of ESBL, IRT and CMT TEM β-lactamases properties and up to date diagrams of the TEM variants with defined phenotype. The activity and structural characteristics of several available TEMs in the NCBI-PDB are presented, as well as the relation of the various mutated residues and their specific properties and some previously proposed catalytic mechanisms.
The significant development of immunosuppressive drug therapies within the past 20 years has had a major impact on the outcome of clinical solid organ transplantation, mainly by decreasing the incidence of acute rejection episodes and improving short-term patient and graft survival. However, long-term results remain relatively disappointing because of chronic allograft dysfunction and patient morbidity or mortality, which is often related to the adverse effects of immunosuppressive treatment. Thus, the induction of specific immunological tolerance of the recipient towards the allograft remains an important objective in transplantation. In this article, we first briefly describe the mechanisms of allograft rejection and immune tolerance. We then review in detail current tolerogenic strategies that could promote central or peripheral tolerance, highlighting the promises as well as the remaining challenges in clinical transplantation. The induction of haematopoietic mixed chimerism could be an approach to induce robust central tolerance, and we describe recent encouraging reports of end-stage kidney disease patients, without concomitant malignancy, who have undergone combined bone marrow and kidney transplantation. We discuss current studies suggesting that, while promoting peripheral transplantation tolerance in preclinical models, induction protocols based on lymphocyte depletion (polyclonal antithymocyte globulins, alemtuzumab) or co-stimulatory blockade (belatacept) should, at the current stage, be considered more as drug-minimization rather than tolerance-inducing strategies. Thus, a better understanding of the mechanisms that promote peripheral tolerance has led to newer approaches and the investigation of individualized donor-specific cellular therapies based on manipulated recipient regulatory T cells.
Systemic effects of epidural Methylprednisolone injection on glucose tolerance in diabetic patients.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Several studies have shown that in diabetic patients, the glycemic profile was disturbed after intra-articular injection of corticosteroids. Little is known about the impact of epidural injection in such patients. The goal of this study was double, at first comparing the glycaemic profile in diabetic patients after a unique injection of 80 mg of acetate methylprednisolone either intra-articular or epidural and secondly to compare the amount of systemic diffusion of the drug after both procedures. METHODS: Seventeen patients were included. Glycemic changes were compared in 9 diabetic patients following intra-articular (4 patients) and epidural injections (5 patients). Epidural injections were performed using the sacral route under fluoroscopic control in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. Diabetes control had to stable for more than 10 days and the renal function to be preserved. Blood glucose was monitored using a validated continuous measuring device (GMS, Medtronic) the day before and for two days following the injection. Results were expressed in the form of daily glycemic profiles and as by mean, peak and minimal values +/ SD. The urinary excretion of methylprednisolone after the 2 routes of injection was analyzed in 8 patients (4 in each group). Urine samples were cropped one hour before the injections, then 4 times during the first day and 3 times a week for 2 weeks. The measurements included the free and conjugated fraction RESULTS: The glycaemic profile remains unchanged with no significant changes in the group of the 5 diabetic patients receiving epidural injections. On the other end, the average peak and mean values were enhanced up to 3 mmol/l above baseline two days after the infiltration in the groups of the 4 diabetic patients infiltrated intra-articular. The mean urinary excretion of the steroid was about ten times higher in the intra-articular versus epidural group: 7000 ng/ml versus 700 ng/ml. Looking at each individual there were marked differences especially after intra-articular injections. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to show that a single epidural steroid injection of 80 mg depot methylprednisolone had no effect on the glycemic control in diabetic patients. The absence of glycemic control changes correlated well with the very low urinary excretion of the drug after epidural injection. Trial registration NCT01420497.
Tolerance is a poorly understood phenomenon that allows bacteria exposed to a bactericidal antibiotic to stop their growth and withstand drug-induced killing. This survival ability has been implicated in antibiotic treatment failures. Here, we describe a single nucleotide mutation (tol1) in a tolerant Streptococcus gordonii strain (Tol1) that is sufficient to provide tolerance in vitro and in vivo. It induces a proline-to-arginine substitution (P483R) in the homodimerization interface of enzyme I of the sugar phosphotransferase system, resulting in diminished sugar uptake. In vitro, the susceptible wild-type (WT) and Tol1 cultures lost 4.5 and 0.6 log(10) CFU/ml, respectively, after 24 h of penicillin exposure. The introduction of tol1 into the WT (WT P483R) conferred tolerance (a loss of 0.7 log(10) CFU/ml/24 h), whereas restitution of the parent sequence in Tol1 (Tol1 R483P) restored antibiotic susceptibility. Moreover, penicillin treatment of rats in an experimental model of endocarditis showed a complete inversion in the outcome, with a failure of therapy in rats infected with WT P483R and the complete disappearance of bacteria in animals infected with Tol1 R483P.
Bacteria can be refractory to antibiotics due to a sub-population of dormant cells, called persisters that are highly tolerant to antibiotic exposure. The low frequency and transience of the antibiotic tolerant "persister" trait has complicated elucidation of the mechanism that controls antibiotic tolerance. In this study, we show that 2' Amino-acetophenone (2-AA), a poorly studied but diagnostically important small, volatile molecule produced by the recalcitrant gram-negative human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, promotes antibiotic tolerance in response to quorum-sensing (QS) signaling. Our results show that 2-AA mediated persister cell accumulation occurs via alteration of the expression of genes involved in the translational capacity of the cell, including almost all ribosomal protein genes and other translation-related factors. That 2-AA promotes persisters formation also in other emerging multi-drug resistant pathogens, including the non 2-AA producer Acinetobacter baumannii implies that 2-AA may play an important role in the ability of gram-negative bacteria to tolerate antibiotic treatments in polymicrobial infections. Given that the synthesis, excretion and uptake of QS small molecules is a common hallmark of prokaryotes, together with the fact that the translational machinery is highly conserved, we posit that modulation of the translational capacity of the cell via QS molecules, may be a general, widely distributed mechanism that promotes antibiotic tolerance among prokaryotes.
To achieve the goal of sustained donor-specifi c transplantation (Tx) tolerance, research efforts are now focusing on therapies based on specifi c cell subsets with regulatory properties. We and others have previously highlighted the therapeutic potential of naturally occurring CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (nTreg) in promoting long-term graft acceptance. Using more stringent experimental Tx models, we were however confronted to limitations. Indeed, while the transfer of antigenspecifi c nTreg promoted long-term MHC-mismatched skin allograft acceptance in lymphopenic mice in the absence of any immunosuppressive drug, allograft survival was only slightly prolonged when nTreg were transferred alone into non-lymphopenic mice. This suggested that in more stringent conditions, adjuvant therapies may be needed to effectively control alloreactive T cells (Teff). Whether and how the expansion of the Treg pool could be best combined with current immunosuppressive regimens in clinical settings remains to be defi ned. In this study, we have used in vitro assays and an in vivo skin Tx model to investigate the effects of various immunosuppressive drugs on the survival, proliferation and effector function of Teff and nTreg in response to alloantigens. Teff proliferation was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by rapamycin and cyclosporine A, while anti-CD154 mAb only marginally affected Teff survival, proliferation and effector fucntion in vitro. Rapamycin promoted apoptosis of Teff as compared to nTreg that were more resistant in the presence of IL-2. In vivo, the transfer and/or expansion of Treg could be advantageously combined with rapamycin and anti-CD154 mAb treatment to signifi cantly prolong MHC-mismatched skin allografts survival in non-lymphopenic recipients. Taken together our data indicate that immunosuppressive drugs differentially target T-cell subsets and that some regimens could promote Treg expansion while controlling the Teff pool in response to alloantigens.
Prevalence surveys in Ireland indicate an increased trend of youth drug use with rural areas reporting comparable drug availability and prevalence of use in urban settings (Currie, C., Nic Gabhainn, S., Godeau, E., Roberts, C., Smith, R., & Currie, D. (Eds.). (2008). Inequalities in young people's health: HBSC international report from the 2005/2006 survey. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe). Few studies have explored the contexts and meaning of drug use on rural youth transitions in terms of increased drug prevalence, recent influx of rural drug activity, normative tolerance of recreational drug consumption and fragmentation of traditional rural communities. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 220 young people (15–17 years), and 78 service providers in a rural area of Ireland, in order to yield contextualized narratives of their experiences of drug use and achieve a wider exploration of processes, drug transitions and realities of rural youth. The thematic analysis of the research described varied pathways, attitudes and typologies of rural youth drug use, ranging from abstinent, recreational and moderated to maturing out. The research suggests support for a ‘differentiated’ normalization theory (Shildrick, T. (2002). Young people, illicit drug use and the question of normalisation theory. Journal of Youth Studies, 5, 35–48) in terms of consumerist and normative rural youth drug use transitions in their negotiation of risk within integrating rural and urban dichotomies. In conclusion, it is recommended that drug education programmes need to situate localized rural drug taking behaviours within a wider understanding of rural community life.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.