990 resultados para donor specific transfusion


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The mechanisms by which CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T (Treg) cells regulate effector T cells in a transplantation setting and their in vivo homeostasis still remain to be clarified. Using a mouse adoptive transfer model, we analyzed the in vivo expansion, trafficking, and effector function of alloreactive T cells and donor-specific Treg cells, in response to a full-thickness skin allograft. Fluorescent-labeled CD4(+)CD25(-) and antigen-specific Treg cells were transferred alone or co-injected into syngeneic BALB/c-Nude recipients transplanted with skins from (C57BL/6 x BALB/c) F1 donors. Treg cells divided in vivo, migrated and accumulated in the allograft draining lymph nodes as well as within the graft. The co-transfer of Treg cells did not modify the early activation and homing of CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells in secondary lymphoid organs. However, in the presence of Treg cells, alloreactive CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells produced significantly less IFN-gamma and were present in reduced numbers in the secondary lymphoid organs. Furthermore, time-course studies showed that Treg cells were recruited into the allograft at a very early stage after transplantation and effectively prevented the infiltration of effector T cells. In conclusion, suppression of rejection requires the early recruitment to the site of antigenic challenge of donor-specific Treg cells, which then mainly regulate the effector arm of T cell alloresponses.


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El trasplante de órganos es considerado uno de los avances más significativos de la medicina moderna y es un procedimiento cada vez más exitoso en términos de supervivencia de los pacientes, siendo actualmente la mejor opción de tratamiento para los pacientes con innumerables patologías. El proceso de donación es insuficiente para cubrir las necesidades de trasplante de la población, por lo tanto, se hace necesario el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias para fortalecer la experiencia y efectividad de los programas existentes. La falta de conocimiento de los profesionales de la salud, su percepción y actitud hacia temas relacionados con el proceso de donación, pueden convertirlos en facilitadores o barreras para la identificación de potenciales donantes. Por esta razón, los recursos disponibles, las actitudes hacia la donación, la legislación y conocimiento de los procesos involucrados en la donación de tejidos y órganos son críticos. Dada la influencia de los profesionales de salud se definen los objetivos de este proyecto de tesis: determinar cuál es el conocimiento y las habilidades de los profesionales de la salud encargados de los trasplantes de órganos y de tejidos en la regional 1, evaluados mediante una herramienta educativa para contribuir a mejorar un programa eficiente de Donación de Órganos y tejidos y así mismo, fijar recomendaciones en aras de aumentar las tasas de donación, con especial énfasis en la actividad hospitalaria en el país. METODOLOGIA Se realizó un estudio basado en el análisis de la evaluación de conocimientos del proceso donación- trasplante de órganos y tejidos en el personal de salud participante en la herramienta educativa llamada “Curso taller primer respondiente del potencial donante de órganos y tejidos”. Este curso incluía un formato evaluativo que fue diligenciado de manera anónima por los participantes antes y después de recibir el contenido del curso. El estudio se desarrolló en personal de la Salud de IPS pertenecientes a la Regional I, de la Red Nacional de donación y trasplantes de órganos y tejidos. Con el fin de evidenciar si existen diferencias en el conocimiento de los participantes del curso antes y después de asistir al mismo, se utilizó la prueba de McNemar (p< 0.05). RESULTADOS Entre julio del 2011 y junio del 2012, se realizó el “Curso taller primer respondiente del potencial donante de órganos y tejidos” y se obtuvieron 303 encuestados incluidos médicos, enfermeras y auxiliares de enfermería. Al inicio del curso las respuestas acertadas con relación a legislación, selección del donante, muerte encefálica y mantenimiento del donante estuvieron alrededor del 50%. No fue posible detectar la profesión que pudiese generar riesgo en la detección del donante y los procesos asociados. Posterior al curso, el 72% de las preguntas se respondieron de manera correcta, lo que representa un incremento estadísticamente significativo. Este cambio evidenció significancia estadística al usar la prueba de McNemar y arrojar un valor de p=0.00. .DISCUSIÓN El personal de salud participante en el curso taller proveniente de unidades involucradas como generadoras de donantes muestra un déficit de conocimientos del proceso donación trasplantes lo que puede convertirlos en limitantes para dicho proceso


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HIV/AIDS related stigma interferes with the provision of appropriate care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS. Currently, programs to address the stigma approach it as if it occurs in isolation, separate from the co-stigmas related to the various modes of disease transmission including injection drug use (IDU) and commercial sex (CS). In order to develop better programs to address HIV/AIDS related stigma, the inter-relationship (or 'layering') between HIV/AIDS stigma and the co-stigmas needs to be better understood. This paper describes an experimental study for disentangling the layering of HIV/AIDS related stigmas.

The study used a factorial survey design. 352 medical students from Guangzhou were presented with four random vignettes each describing a hypothetical male. The vignettes were identical except for the presence of a disease diagnosis (AIDS, leukaemia, or no disease) and a co-characteristic (IDU, CS, commercial blood donation (CBD), blood transfusion or no co-characteristic). After reading each vignette, participants completed a measure of social distance that assessed the level of stigmatising attitudes.

Bivariate and multivariable analyses revealed statistically significant levels of stigma associated with AIDS, IDU, CS and CBD. The layering of stigma was explored using a recently developed technique. Strong interactions between the stigmas of AIDS and the co-characteristics were also found. AIDS was significantly less stigmatising than IDU or CS. Critically, the stigma of AIDS in combination with either the stigmas of IDU or CS was significantly less than the stigma of IDU alone or CS alone.

The findings pose several surprising challenges to conventional beliefs about HIV/AIDS related stigma and stigma interventions that have focused exclusively on the disease stigma. Contrary to the belief that having a co-stigma would add to the intensity of stigma attached to people with HIV/AIDS, the findings indicate the presence of an illness might have a moderating effect on the stigma of certain co-characteristics like IDU. The strong interdependence between the stigmas of HIV/AIDS and the co-stigmas of IDU and CS suggest that reducing the co-stigmas should be an integral part of HIV/AIDS stigma intervention within this context.


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Em estudo recente demonstramos que a infusão de células da medula óssea do doador após o transplante intestinal não aumentou a sobrevida do enxerto quando se utilizou series curtas de drogas imunossupressoras. OBJETIVO: Neste estudo avaliamos se a utilização de diferentes regimes de irradiação em associação com a infusão de medula óssea altera a sobrevida do enxerto e a morbidade sobre receptor. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se o transplante heterotópico de intestino delgado, utilizando-se ratos Lewis como receptores e da como doadores, imunossuprimidos com FK 506 na dose de 1mg/kg/dia por 5 dias e distribuídos em 4 grupos: G1 (n= 4), não irradiado e sem infusão de medula óssea; G2 (n= 6), G3 (n= 9) e G4 (n= 6) foram infundidos com 100 x 10(6) células de medula após o transplante. Grupos 3 e 4 foram irradiados com 250 e 400 rd respectivamente. Os animais foram examinados diariamente para a detecção de rejeição e reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro, tendo sido colhidas amostras semanais de sangue para estudos de quimerismose biopsias quinzenais da estomia. RESULTADOS: Animais nos G1 e G2 apresentaram rejeição mínima no 15º pós-operatório, enquanto a reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro foi caracterizada nos G3 e G4. Os níveis de quimerismo total e de células T foram maiores nos grupos irradiados em comparação aos não irradiados. A causa mortis nos G1 e G2 foi a rejeição enquanto que nos G3 e G4 foi a reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos que a utilização de baixas doses de irradiações retardam o aparecimento da rejeição, mas não previne a ocorrência da reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro.


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Background/Aims. Chronic hepatitis by HCV is progressive towards cirrhosis, with variable rate. We evaluated the rate of fibrosis progression (RFP), risk factors associated with advanced fibrosis (F3 and F4), and estimated the evolution time to cirrhosis. Methods. We transversely selected 142 blood donors infected only with HCV, with a known route of infection, submitted to liver biopsy at admission. RFP= ratio between stage of fibrosis (METAVIR)/estimated duration of infection in years. Non-parametric tests and logistic regression analysis, with significance level of 5% were used. Results. Median RFP was 0.086 U/year (0.05 - 0.142). Ten patients had F4 and 25 had F3. Median RFP values were significantly different (p=0.001) from one age group at contamination to the others and ALT and AST levels. There were no differences in the expected evolution to cirrhosis between intermediate fibrosers (F2) and the rapid fibrosers (F3 and F4). The independent variables associated with advanced fibrosis were ALT (OR 7.2) and GGT (OR 6.4) and age at inclusion (OR 1.12). Conclusion. This study suggests that RFP is extremely variable, it is exponential with age, and mainly influenced by host characteristics, especially age at contamination and possibly ethnical group. These asymptomatic patients had high percentage of fibrosis F2, F3 and F4.


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Renal transplantation has become an established option for renal replacement therapy in many patients with end stage renal disease. Living donation is a possibility for timely transplantation, hampered in 20 % of all possible donors and recipients byincompatible blood groups. AB0-incompatible renal transplantation overcomes this hurdle with acceptable allograft survival compared to conventional living-donor renal transplantation. During the last 10 years, the number of patients awaiting renal transplantation older than 65 years has nearly doubled. The decision to transplant those patients and their medical treatment is a growing challenge in transplantation. On the other hand donor age is increasing with potential negative consequences for long-term outcome of organ function. Antibody-mediated humoral rejection have been identified lately as an important cause for allograft failure during long-term follow up of renal transplant patients. New immunological methods to detect donor-specific antibodies, like solid-phase assays (Luminex®), have increased the knowledge and understanding of humoral rejection processes. This will lead hopefully to modified immunosuppressive strategies to minimize organ failure due to chronic rejection.


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Calcineurin-inhibitor refractory bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) represents the leading cause of late graft failure after lung transplantation. T helper (Th)2 and Th17 lymphocytes have been associated with BO development. Taking advantage of a fully allogeneic trachea transplantation model in mice, we addressed the pathogenicity of Th cells in obliterative airway disease (OAD) occurring in cyclosporine A (CsA)-treated recipients. We found that CsA prevented CD8+ T cell infiltration into the graft and downregulated the Th1 response but affected neither Th2 nor Th17 responses in vivo. In secondary mixed lymphocyte cultures, CsA dramatically decreased donor-specific IFN-γ production, enhanced IL-17 production and did not affect IL-13. As CD4+ depletion efficiently prevented OAD in CsA-treated recipients, we further explored the role of Th2 and Th17 immunity in vivo. Although IL-4 and IL-17 deficient untreated mice developed an OAD comparable to wild-type recipients, a single cytokine deficiency afforded significant protection in CsA-treated recipients. In conclusion, CsA treatment unbalances T helper alloreactivity and favors Th2 and Th17 as coexisting pathways mediating chronic rejection of heterotopic tracheal allografts.


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Current methods to characterize mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are limited to CD marker expression, plastic adherence and their ability to differentiate into adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic precursors. It seems evident that stem cells undergoing differentiation should differ in many aspects, such as morphology and possibly also behaviour; however, such a correlation has not yet been exploited for fate prediction of MSCs. Primary human MSCs from bone marrow were expanded and pelleted to form high-density cultures and were then randomly divided into four groups to differentiate into adipogenic, osteogenic chondrogenic and myogenic progenitor cells. The cells were expanded as heterogeneous and tracked with time-lapse microscopy to record cell shape, using phase-contrast microscopy. The cells were segmented using a custom-made image-processing pipeline. Seven morphological features were extracted for each of the segmented cells. Statistical analysis was performed on the seven-dimensional feature vectors, using a tree-like classification method. Differentiation of cells was monitored with key marker genes and histology. Cells in differentiation media were expressing the key genes for each of the three pathways after 21 days, i.e. adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic, which was also confirmed by histological staining. Time-lapse microscopy data were obtained and contained new evidence that two cell shape features, eccentricity and filopodia (= 'fingers') are highly informative to classify myogenic differentiation from all others. However, no robust classifiers could be identified for the other cell differentiation paths. The results suggest that non-invasive automated time-lapse microscopy could potentially be used to predict the stem cell fate of hMSCs for clinical application, based on morphology for earlier time-points. The classification is challenged by cell density, proliferation and possible unknown donor-specific factors, which affect the performance of morphology-based approaches. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Previous studies have led to the development of allochimeric class I MHC proteins as agents that effectively induce donor-specific transplantation tolerance in a rat system with or without additional immunosuppression. Within the α1-helical region of RT1.Au, an epitope that conferred immunologic tolerance was discovered. Studies presented herein were designed to test our central hypothesis that allochimeric proteins onfer tolerance in a mouse model. To test this hypothesis, portal vein (PV) injection of wild-type H2Kd and H2Dd proteins were produced in a bacterial expression system and found to specifically prolong the survival of BALB/c (H2d) heart allografts in C57BL/10 (H2b) recipients. Although a single PV injection of 50 μg α1–α 3 H2Kd alone was ineffective, 50 μg α1 –α3 alone slightly prolonged BALB/c heart allograft survivals. In contrast, the combination of 25 μg α1–α 3 H2Kd and 25 μg α1–α 3 H2Dd proteins prolonged BALB/c graft survivals to 20.2 ± 6.4 days (p < 0.004). The effect was donor-specific, since a combination of 25 μg α1–α3 H2Kd and 25 μg α1–α3 H2Dd proteins failed to affect survivals of third-party C3H (H2k k) heart allografts, namely 9.0 ± 0.0 days in treated versus 7.8 ± 0.5 days in untreated hosts. Thus, the combination of two H2K d and H2Dd proteins is more effective in prolonging allograft survival than a single protein produced in a bacterial expression system. A single PV injection (day 0) of 25 μg α1–α 2 H2Kd and 25 μg α1–α 2 H2Dd proteins to C57BL/10 mice prolonged the survival of BALB/c heart allografts to 22.4 ± 4.5 days. Within a WF to ACI rat heart allograft system, a single PV injection of 20 μg 70–77 u-RT1.Aa induced specific tolerance of allografts. This therapy could be combined with CsA to induce transplantation tolerance. However, combination of 70–77u-RT1.Aa with CTLA4Ig, rapamycin, or AG-490 effectively blocked the induction of transplantation tolerance. Tolerance generated by allochimeric protein could be adoptively transferred to naive recipients. Intragraft cytokine mRNA levels showed a bias towards a Th2-type phenotype. Additionally, studies of cytokine signaling and activation of transcription factors revealed a requirement that these pathways remain available for signaling in order for transplantation tolerance to occur. These studies suggest that the generation of regulatory cells are required for the induction of transplantation tolerance through the use of allochimeric proteins. ^


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A strategy to achieve regular and long lasting organ and tissue allografts without using immunosuppressants and/or irradiation has been established for mice. One hundred percent of skin allografts can be induced to survive >350 days after transplantation if spleen cells from the same donors are first injected into the portal vein of the recipients. The mechanisms underlying this long-term tolerance induction can be described as follows: (i) donor T cells from the spleen of the donor facilitate the acceptance of the allogeneic engraftment, (ii) donor-specific anergy is induced in the cytotoxic T-lymphocytes of the recipients, (iii) T helper type 2 cells become the dominant T cells in the recipients that are accepting the skin transplants, and (iv) a lasting chimerism (microchimerism) is established in these recipients. This strategy, perhaps with minor modifications, might permit one also to overcome major barriers to organ allografting in humans. If this were the case, it could represent production of long lasting immunologic tolerance without need for irradiation or cytotoxic chemo-preparative regimen and as such could greatly facilitate allotransplantation free of episodes of chronic or acute rejection or toxic and damaging preparatory regimens.


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To explore phenotype and function of NK cells in kidney transplant recipients, we investigated the peripheral NK cell repertoire, capacity to respond to various stimuli and impact of immunosuppressive drugs on NK cell activity in kidney transplant recipients. CD56(dim) NK cells of kidney transplanted patients displayed an activated phenotype characterized by significantly decreased surface expression of CD16 (p=0.0003), CD226 (p<0.0001), CD161 (p=0.0139) and simultaneously increased expression of activation markers like HLA-DR (p=0.0011) and CD25 (p=0.0015). Upon in vitro stimulation via Ca++-dependent signals, down-modulation of CD16 was associated with induction of interferon (IFN)-gamma expression. CD16 modulation and secretion of NFAT-dependent cytokines such as IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-10 and IL-31 were significantly suppressed by treatment of isolated NK cells with calcineurin inhibitors but not with mTOR inhibitors. In kidney transplant recipients, IFN-gamma production was retained in response to HLA class I-negative target cells and to non-specific stimuli, respectively. However, secretion of other cytokines like IL-13, IL-17, IL-22 and IL-31 was significantly reduced compared to healthy donors. In contrast to suppression of cytokine expression at the transcriptional level, cytotoxin release, i.e. perforin, granzyme A/B, was not affected by immunosuppression in vitro and in vivo in patients as well as in healthy donors. Thus, immunosuppressive treatment affects NK cell function at the level of NFAT-dependent gene expression whereby calcineurin inhibitors primarily impair cytokine secretion while mTOR inhibitors have only marginal effects. Taken together, NK cells may serve as indicators for immunosuppression and may facilitate a personalized adjustment of immunosuppressive medication in kidney transplant recipients.


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La enfermedad renal crónica ha aumentado a nivel mundial y nacional, mientras que el número de donantes viene en descenso, y los pacientes en lista de espera aumentan. Los donantes cadavéricos son una opción para estos pacientes, y han sido utilizados en últimos años para aumentar los órganos disponibles. La evaluación de la calidad de estos es importante para optimizar su uso. Estudio analítico tipo cohorte retrospectiva, cálculo de KDPI en donantes cadavéricos, seguimiento función renal creatinina sérica 1 mes, 3 meses, 6 meses y un año. Correlación supervivencia del injerto, función renal, KDPI y EPTS. Análisis de supervivencia y regresión logística con variables del donante, receptor y acto quirúrgico.


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Antecedentes: El trasplante renal es la mejor alternativa terapéutica para la enfermedad renal crónica terminal. Los medicamentos inmunosupresores previenen el rechazo. El rechazo mediado por anticuerpos es frecuente y disminuye la función y duración del injerto. Objetivo: Evaluar sistemáticamente la evidencia disponible relacionada con la eficacia y seguridad del tratamiento para el rechazo mediado por anticuerpos en pacientes trasplantados renales. Metodologia: Revisión sistemática en bases de datos MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scopus y Biblioteca virtual de la salud. Literatura gris google scholar, google academico, www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu, and https://clinicaltrials.gov/. Búsqueda manual referencias artículos pre-seleccionados así como de revisiones previamente publicadas. Se siguieron las recomendacioes guia PRISMA para la identificacion de artículos potenciales, tamizaje y selección teniendo en cuenta los criterios de inclusion. Extracción datos de acuerdo a las variables, revisión calidad de los artículos elegidos utilizando evaluación riesgo de segos de Cochrane. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 9 ensayos clínicos publicados entre 1980 y 2016, incluyeron 222 pacientes (113 brazo de intervención y 109 en el control), seguimiento promedio 16 meses. Intervenciones evaluadas plasmaféresis, inmunoadsorción y rituximab. Hubo una amplia heterogeneidad en la definición de criterios de inclusión, criterios diagnósticos de rechazo y medidas de evaluación de eficacia de las intervenciones. Tres estudios encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos de tratamiento. Conclusiones: La evidencia sobre la eficacia de los tratamientos del rechazo mediado por anticuerpos en injertos renales es de baja calidad. Son necesarios ensayos clínicos controlados para poder definir el tratamiento óptimo de estos pacientes.


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Donor lymphocyte infusions (DLI) have been shown to enhance the graft-versus-leukaemia (GVL) effect and induce haematological and molecular remission in patients with relapsed CML following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT). The potent donor cell-mediated cytolysis following DLI may lead to a short period of aplasia before the re-establishment of donor haematopoiesis. The absence of detectable donor cells in patients prior to DLI infusion may result in permanent aplasia in certain patients. We report on four patients who relapsed 1, 3, 6.5 and 7 years post-BMT for chronic phase CML and were treated with DLI from their original BMT donor. Polymorphic short tandem repeats (STRs) were used to assess haematological chimaerism both prior to and following DLI. At the time of relapse, STR-PCR indicated the presence of donor cells in all four patients, at levels ranging from 1-40%. A clinical and molecular response was seen in 4/4 patients following a short period of cytopenia and all patients remain in clinical remission with a follow-up of 2 months-3 years post-DLI. STR-PCR indicated that a response was occurring during the period of pancytopenia when metaphase analysis was unsuccessful. Lineage-specific analysis of the cellular response to DLI was monitored using STR-PCR of peripheral blood (PB) and bone marrow (BM) lymphocyte-enriched fractions and CD2-positive and -negative T cell fractions. In one patient BM and PB CD34-positive and -negative fractions were also assessed. A change in the ratio of donor:recipient cells in the PB lymphocyte fraction was the earliest molecular indication of an anti-leukaemic response. Subsequent conversion to donor chimaerism occurred in the other lineages and the granulocyte fraction was the last lineage to convert. In conclusion, lineage-specific STR-PCR permits detailed monitoring of subtle changes in donor/recipient cell dynamics in specific lineages following DLI during the crucial pancytopenic phase and may be a useful predictor of haematological response to DLI therapy.


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QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: The risk of transfusion-transmitted HBV remains significant in Switzerland, where routine screening for hepatitis B virus (HBV) in blood donations relies solely on serological hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) testing. This study was designed to determine the prevalence of anti-hepatitis B core (anti-HBc) and HBV nucleic acid testing (NAT) positive donations in two different Swiss donor populations, to help in deciding whether supplemental testing may bring additional safety to blood products. METHODS: In a first population of donors, 18143 consecutive donations were screened initially for HBsAg, anti-HBc (with one EIA assay) and with HBV NAT in minipools of 24 donations. The screening repeatedly reactive anti-HBc donations were then "confirmed" with two supplemental anti-HBc assays, an anti-hepatitis B surface assay (anti-HBs) and with single donation HBV NAT. In a second population of donors, 4186 consecutive donations were screened initially with two different anti-HBc assays in addition to the mandatory HBsAg screening test. The screening repeatedly reactive donations with at least one anti-HBc assay were tested for anti-HBs. RESULTS: In the first subset of 18143 donations, 17593 (97.0%) were negative for HBsAg, anti-HBc and HBV NAT in minipools. 549 (3.0%) were HBsAg and HBV NAT negative, but repeatedly reactive for anti-HBc. Of these 549 donations, 287 could not be "confirmed" with two additional anti-HBc assays and were negative with an anti-HBs assay, as well as with single donation HBV NAT. Only 211 (1.2% of the total screened donations) were "confirmed" positive with at least one of two supplemental anti-HBc assays. One repeatedly reactive HBsAg donation, from a first-time donor, was confirmed positive for HBsAg and anti-HBc, as well as with single donation HBV NAT. In the second subset of 4186 donations, 4014 (95.9%) were screened negative for HBsAg and for anti-HBc, tested with two independent anti-HBc assays. 172 donations (4.1%) were HBsAg negative but repeatedly reactive with at least one of the two anti-HBc assays. Of these 172 samples, 86 were reactive with the first anti-HBc assay only, 13 were reactive with the second anti-HBc assay only and 73 (1.7% of the total screened donations) were "confirmed" positive with both anti-HBc assays. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of anti-HBc "confirmed" positive donations in the two Swiss blood donor populations studied was low (<2%) and we found only one HBV NAT positive (HBsAg positive) donation among more than 18000. Concerning blood product safety, an increase in the deferral rate of less than 2% of anti-HBc positive, potentially infectious donors, would in our opinion make routine anti-HBc testing of blood donations cost-effective. There is however still a need for more specific assays to avoid an unacceptably high deferral rate of "false" positive donors. In contrast, the introduction of HBV NAT in minipools gives minimal benefit due to the inadequate sensitivity of the assay. It remains to evaluate more extensively the value of individual donation NAT, alone or in addition to anti-HBc, as supplemental testing in the context of several Swiss blood donor populations.