933 resultados para dominant inheritance
In the general population, the timing of puberty is normally distributed. This variation is determined by genetic and environmental factors, but the exact mechanisms underlying these influences remain elusive. The purpose of this study was to gain insight into genetic regulation of pubertal timing. Contributions of genetic versus environmental factors to the normal variation of pubertal timing were explored in twins. Familial occurrence and inheritance patterns of constitutional delay of growth and puberty, CDGP (a variant of normal pubertal timing), were studied in pedigrees of patients with this condition. To ultimately detect genes involved in the regulation of pubertal timing, genetic loci conferring susceptibility to CDGP were mapped by linkage analysis in the same family cohort. To subdivide the overall phenotypic variance of pubertal timing into genetic and environmental components, genetic modeling based on monozygous twins sharing 100% and dizygous twins sharing 50% of their genes was used in 2309 girls and 1828 boys from the FinnTwin 12-17 study. The timing of puberty was estimated from height growth, i.e. change in the relative height between the age when pubertal growth velocity peaks in the general population and adulthood. This reflects the percentage of adult height achieved at the average peak height velocity age, and thus, pubertal timing. Boys and girls diagnosed with CDGP were gathered through medical records from six pediatric clinics in Finland. First-degree relatives of the probands were invited to participate by letter; altogether, 286 families were recruited. When possible, families were extended to include also second-, third-, or fourth-degree relatives. The timing of puberty in all family members was primarily assessed from longitudinal growth data. Delayed puberty was defined by onset of pubertal growth spurt or peak height velocity taking place 1.5 (relaxed criterion) or 2 SD (strict criterion) beyond the mean. If growth data were unavailable, pubertal timing was based on interviews. In this case, CDGP criteria were set as having undergone pubertal development more than 2 (strict criterion) or 1.5 years (relaxed criterion) later than their peers, or menarche after 15 (strict criterion) or 14 years (relaxed criterion). Familial occurrence of strict CDGP was explored in families of 124 patients (95 males and 29 females) from two clinics in Southern Finland. In linkage analysis, we used relaxed CDGP criteria; 52 families with solely growth data-based CDGP diagnoses were selected from all clinics. Based on twin data, genetic factors explain 86% and 82% of the variance of pubertal timing in girls and boys, respectively. In families, 80% of male and 76% of female probands had affected first-degree relatives, in whom CDGP was 15 times more common than the expected (2.5%). In 74% (17 of 23) of the extended families with only one affected parent, familial patterns were consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance. By using 383 multiallelic markers and subsequently fine-mapping with 25 additional markers, significant linkage for CDGP was detected to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 2, to 2p13-2q13 (multipoint HLOD 4.44, α 0.41). The findings of the large twin study imply that the vast majority of the normal variation of pubertal timing is attributed to genetic effects. Moreover, the high frequency of dominant inheritance patterns and the large number of affected relatives of CDGP patients suggest that genetic factors also markedly contribute to constitutional delay of puberty. Detection of the locus 2p13-2q13 in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 2 associating with CDGP is one step towards unraveling the genes that determine pubertal timing.
O retardo mental (RM) representa um problema de saúde pública mundial ainda negligenciado no Brasil e, em especial nas regiões mais pobres como o Nordeste. A síndrome do X frágil (SXF) é uma das formas mais estudadas de RM hereditário em seres humanos. Esta doença monogênica, de herança ligada ao X dominante, é decorrente de uma mutação no exon 1 do gene FMR1, localizado na região Xq27.3. A mutação no FMR1 se caracteriza pelo aumento de repetições de trinucleotídios CGG em tandem na região 5 UTR desse gene, sendo a expansão dessas trincas o principal evento mutacional responsável pela SXF. De maneira geral, os fenótipos cognitivos de indivíduos do sexo masculino com a síndrome incluem deficiência intelectual de moderada à grave. No presente trabalho, realizamos um estudo transversal da SXF em indivíduos portadores de retardo mental de causa desconhecida, engajados em Programas de Educação Especial e em instituições psiquiátricas de São Luís-MA, rastreando amplificações de sequências trinucleotídicas no gene FMR1. A amostra foi composta por 238 indivíduos do sexo masculino, não aparentados, na faixa etária de 4 a 60 anos (média = 21 9 anos). O DNA dos participantes foi obtido a partir de 5 mL de sangue coletados em tubos com anti-coagulante EDTA e a análise molecular da região gênica de interesse foi realizada através da reação em cadeia da polimerase, utilizando-se três primers. Dentre os indivíduos triados quanto à presença de mutações no gene FMR1, apenas um apresentou um resultado inconclusivo e 2 (0,84%) foram positivos para a SXF, sendo que um deles (3503) apresentou mais de 200 repetições CGG no locus FRAXA e o outro indivíduo (3660) apresentou uma deleção de ~197 pb envolvendo parte das repetições CGG e uma região proximal às repetições CGG. Ambos possuíam história familiar de RM ligado ao X. No indivíduo 3503 observamos as seguintes características clínicas: temperamento dócil, orelhas grandes, mandíbula proeminente e flacidez ligamentar. O indivíduo 3660 apresentava hiperatividade, contato pobre com os olhos, orelhas grandes, mandíbula proeminente, pectus excavatum, macroorquidismo e pouca comunicação. O esclarecimento sobre a doença oferecido às famílias de ambos contribuiu sobremaneira para o entendimento da condição, do prognóstico e dos riscos de recorrência. A prevalência da SXF em nossa amostra, 0,84%, embora relativamente baixa, encontra-se na faixa de incidência de casos diagnosticados em outras populações que, em sua maioria, relatam incidências variando de 0 a 3%. Em parte, atribuímos o percentual encontrado aos critérios de inclusão utilizados em nosso estudo. Concluímos que o protocolo de triagem molecular utilizado em nosso estudo se mostrou eficiente e adequado para a realidade do Maranhão, podendo constituir uma ferramenta auxiliar a ser aplicada na avaliação de rotina dos portadores de RM, com grandes benefícios para o Estado.
Les ataxies spastiques héréditaires forment une famille hétérogène de désordres qui ont des points communs avec les ataxies héréditaires et les paraplégies spastiques héréditaires. Un de ces éléments est une ataxie, soit une difficulté de coordination des membres souvent due à un dommage au cervelet. L’autre est une spasticité des membres inférieurs, souvent due à des dommages à la voie cortico-spinale. Une seule ataxie spastique à hérédité autosomique dominante a été rapportée dans la littérature, et il s’agit de SPAX1. À l’aide de trois familles de Terre-Neuve présentant ce phénotype, le locus a été identifié en 2002. Dans ce mémoire, c’est de la découverte du gène causal dont il est question. La mutation a été trouvée dans le gène VAMP1, qui encode la protéine synaptobrévine 1, une protéine synaptique impliquée dans l’exocytose des neurotransmetteurs. Il est aussi question de la caractérisation fonctionnelle de la mutation sur l’ARN et des conséquences possibles sur la protéine, concordant avec les symptômes de la maladie.
Introducción: La valvuloplastía aórtica con balón (VAB) es el procedimiento de elección para el manejo de La estenosis valvular aórtica en pediatría. La mortalidad y la supervivencia libre de reintervenciones no han sido evaluadas en Colombia. Objetivo: Determinar la sobrevida global y los factores asociados de reintervención valvular aórtica (RVA) en los pacientes tratados con VAB en la Fundación Cardio infantil – Instituto de Cardiología entre febrero del 2005 y marzo del 2013. Métodos: estudio estudio analítico de cohorte Resultados: Se evaluaron 69 VAB. La edad promedio de realización fue de 74,89 meses. La relación hombre: mujer de 4:1. Un 30,5% de los pacientes tenían malformaciones cardiacas asociadas. Se presentaron complicaciones en 13% de las VAB. La presión sistólica del ventrículo izquierdo presento una reducción promedio de un 63,6%. Se siguieron el 81,2% de las VAB, encontrando a los 9 años de seguimiento, supervivencia de 89,2% y necesidad de RVA en 14,2% de las VAB, siendo más frecuentes en VAB con gradiente post-VAB mayor de 35 mmhg (p= 0.005), con un RR de 6.6. Los otros factores no mostraron relaciones estadísticamente significativas (edad, morfología valvular, malformaciones asociadas, insuficiencia aórtica post-VAB). Conclusiones: La VAB es eficaz en el manejo de la EVA congénita, con una mortalidad y supervivencia libre de RVA similares a las encontradas en estudios previamente publicados. El gradiente post VAB mayor de 35 mm hg fue el único factor de riesgo que se correlacionó con la supervivencia libre de RVA.
Split-hand/foot malformation (SHFM) associated with aplasia of long bones, SHFLD syndrome or Tibial hemimelia-ectrodactyly syndrome is a rare condition with autosomal dominant inheritance, reduced penetrance and an incidence estimated to be about 1 in 1,000,000 liveborns. To date, three chromosomal regions have been reported as strong candidates for harboring SHFLD syndrome genes: 1q42.2-q43, 6q14.1 and 2q14.2. We characterized the phenotype of nine affected individuals from a large family with the aim of mapping the causative gene. Among the nine affected patients, four had only SHFM of the hands and no tibial defects, three had both defects and two had only unilateral tibial hemimelia. In keeping with previous publications of this and other families, there was clear evidence of both variable expression and incomplete penetrance, the latter bearing hallmarks of anticipation. Segregation analysis and multipoint Lod scores calculations (maximum Lod score of 5.03 using the LINKMAP software) using all potentially informative family members, both affected and unaffected, identified the chromosomal region 17p13.1-17p13.3 as the best and only candidate for harboring a novel mutated gene responsible for the syndrome in this family. The candidate gene CRK located within this region was sequenced but no pathogenic mutation was detected.
We report on four Brazilian patients with, among other signs, cleft lip and palate, dental anomalies, ectropion of the lower eyelids, euryblepharon, and lagophthalmia, Two were sporadic cases and two were familial cases, a mother and her equally affected son, Recently, the reports with different combination of these signs were reviewed by Gorlin et al, [1996; Am J Med Genet 65:109-112] and named blepharo-cheilo-dontic (BCD) syndrome, Variable expressivity and autosomal dominant inheritance were observed. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Here, we report on a newly recognized syndrome in a Brazilian family with three affected women, who had a Marfanoid habitus; long face; hypotelorism; long, thin nose; long, thin hands and feet; and language and learning disabilities. The disorder is compatible with autosomal dominant inheritance. (C) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
We describe affected individuals in three generations of a family and another sporadic case, all Brazilian patients, with a combination of signs that diagnose the BCD syndrome. In addition to the cardinal signs, the sporadic case has hypothyroidism and imperforate anus, which was observed previously in one patient. The broadened phenotype and the possibility of involvement of p63 and IRF6 genes in this condition are discussed. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Drosophila mulleri (MU) and D. arizonae (AR) are cryptic species of the mulleri complex, mulleri subgroup, repleta group. Earlier cytogenetic studies revealed that these species have different regulatory mechanisms of nucleolar organizing activity. In these species, nucleolar organizing regions are found in both the X chromosome and the microchromosome. In the salivary glands of hybrids between MU females and AR males, there is an interspecific dominance of the regulatory system of the D. arizonae nucleolar organizer involving, in males, amplification and activation of the nucleolar organizer from the microchromosome. The authors who reported these findings obtained hybrids only in that cross-direction. More recently, hybrids in the opposite direction, i.e., between MU males and AR females, have been obtained. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate, in these hybrids, the association of the nucleoli with the chromosomes inherited from parental species in order to cytogenetically confirm the dominance patterns previously described. Our results support the proposed dominance of the AR nucleolar organizer activity over that of MU, regardless of cross-direction. ©FUNPEC-RP.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Genética) - IBB
Cherubism is a congenital childhood disease of autosomal dominant inheritance. This disease is characterized by painless bilateral enlargement of the jaws, in which bone is replaced with fibrous tissue. The condition has sui generis clinical, radiographic and histological features, of which the clinician should be aware for a better differential diagnosis in the presence of a fibro-osseous lesion affecting the bones of the maxillomandibular complex. The purpose of present paper was to review the literature and to report the most important aspects of cherubism in order to facilitate the study of this disease. Literature was reviewed about cherubism, emphasizing the relevant clinicoradiographic features and treatment. Literature was selected through a search of PubMed and Scielo electronic databases. The keywords used for search were adolescent, cherubism, cherubism/physiopathology, cherubism/treatment, cherubism/radiography. A manual search of the reference lists of the identified articles and the authors' article files and recent reviews was conducted to identify additional publications. Those studies that described new features about cherubism were included in this review. In total 44 literature sources were obtained and reviewed. Studies that described new features about cherubism physiopathology, diagnostics and treatment were reviewed. Despite the exceptions, cherubism is a clinically well-characterized disease. In cases of a suspicion of cherubism, radiographic examination is essential since the clinical presentation, the location and distribution of the lesions may define the diagnosis. Histopathological examination is complementary. Nowadays, genetic tests should be used for final diagnosis of cherubism.
Most patients with Kabuki syndrome (KS) are the only person in their family with the condition. However, familial cases of KS have been described showing evidence that this syndrome can be inherited as a dominant trait with variable expressivity. We report on two related individuals with facial findings characteristic of KS. The proposita had arched eyebrows, long and upward slanting palpebral fissures, cleft lip and palate, retromicrognathia, brachydactyly of hands and feet, stubby fingers, nail hypoplasia, and prominent finger pads. Her mother had eyebrows with dispersed lateral half, long and upward slanting palpebral fissures, retrognathia, abnormal and posteriorly rotated ears, prominent finger pads, brachydactyly of feet, learning difficulties, and psychomotor development delay. DNA sequencing revealed a novel missense mutation in the MLL2 gene in both the proposita and her mother. The mutation (p.R5432Q) was found in the exon 51, within the SET domain of the gene, which confers methyltransferase activity on the protein. Therefore, the epigenetic and transcriptional regulatory properties of this protein may be altered and this suggests that the mutation is the cause of phenotype observed in both the patient and her mother. The clinical signs and the molecular evidence in this family further support the notion that KS is an autosomal dominant condition with variable expressivity. To our knowledge this is the first report of a Brazilian family with recurrence of this syndrome. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC) is characterized by susceptibility to Candida infection of skin, nails, and mucous membranes. Autoimmune endocrinopathies are common in CMC patients, but there are no reports of the involvement of systemic autoimmune disorders. We present here the first case of this kind of association in a patient with an autosomal dominant variant of CMC. The individual had had this disorder since childhood and systemic lupus erythematosus with secondary antiphospholipid syndrome, as well as renal, articular and hepatic manifestations without thymoma.
Auriculo-condylar syndrome (ACS) is characterized by typical ears malformation (so-called "question mark" ears), prominent cheeks, microstomia, and abnormality of the temporomandibular joint and condyle of the mandible. In this report we describe a new simplex case and a previously unreported family with affected individuals in three generations documenting clinical variability. Linkage study for markers located in candidate region for ACS1 (1p21.1-q23.3) was excluded in our familial case, reinforcing the hypothesis of genetic heterogeneity for this condition. A review of the literature focusing diagnostic criteria and features of ACS was performed. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy (NFLE) is characterized by onset during infancy or childhood with persistence in adulthood, family history of similar nocturnal episodes simulating non-REM parasomnias (sleep terrors or sleepwalking), general absence of morphological substrates, often by normal interictal electroencephalographical recordings (EEGs) during wakefulness. A family history of epilepsy may be present with Mendelian autosomal dominant inheritance has been described in some families. Recent studies indicate the involvement of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the molecular mechanisms of NFLE. Mutations in the genes encoding for the α4 (CHRNA4) and ß2 (CHRNB2) subunits of the nAChR induce changes in the biophysical properties of nAChR, resulting generally in a “gain of function”. Preclinical studies report that activation of a nuclear receptor called type peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR-α) by endogenous molecules or by medications (e.g. fenofibrate) reduces the activity of the nAChR and, therefore, may decrease the frequency of seizures. Thus, we hypothesize that negative modulation of nAChRs might represent a therapeutic strategy to be explored for pharmacological treatment of this form of epilepsy, which only partially responds to conventional antiepileptic drugs. In fact, carbamazepine, the current medication for NFLE, abolishes the seizures only in one third of the patients. The aim of the project is: 1)_to verify the clinical efficacy of adjunctive therapy with fenofibrate in pharmacoresistant NFLE and ADNFLE patients; focousing on the analysis of the polysomnographic action of the PPAR- agonist (fenofibrate). 2)_to demonstrate the subtended mechanism of efficacy by means of electrophysiological and behavioral experiments in an animal model of the disease: particularly, transgenic mice carrying the mutation in the nAChR 4 subunit (Chrna4S252F) homologous to that found in the humans. Given that a PPAR-α agonist, FENOFIBRATE, already clinically utilized for lipid metabolism disorders, provides a promising therapeutic avenue in the treatment of NFLE\ADNFLE.