993 resultados para domain size


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The grain size of monolayer large area graphene is key to its performance. Microstructural design for the desired grain size requires a fundamental understanding of graphene nucleation and growth. The two levers that can be used to control these aspects are the defect density, whose population can be controlled by annealing, and the gas-phase supersaturation for activation of nucleation at the defect sites. We observe that defects on copper surface, namely dislocations, grain boundaries, triple points, and rolling marks, initiate nucleation of graphene. We show that among these defects dislocations are the most potent nucleation sites, as they get activated at lowest supersaturation. As an illustration, we tailor the defect density and supersaturation to change the domain size of graphene from <1 mu m(2) to >100 mu m(2). Growth data reported in the literature has been summarized on a supersaturation plot, and a regime for defect-dominated growth has been identified. In this growth regime, we demonstrate the spatial control over nucleation at intentionally introduced defects, paving the way for patterned growth of graphene. Our results provide a unified framework for understanding the role of defects in graphene nucleation and can be used as a guideline for controlled growth of graphene.


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A real-space high order finite difference method is used to analyze the effect of spherical domain size on the Hartree-Fock (and density functional theory) virtual eigenstates. We show the domain size dependence of both positive and negative virtual eigenvalues of the Hartree-Fock equations for small molecules. We demonstrate that positive states behave like a particle in spherical well and show how they approach zero. For the negative eigenstates, we show that large domains are needed to get the correct eigenvalues. We compare our results to those of Gaussian basis sets and draw some conclusions for real-space, basis-sets, and plane-waves calculations. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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[Es]Actualmente ninguna área científica es ajena a la revolución de la nanociencia; las nanopartículas atraen el interés de muchos investigadores desde el punto de vista de la ciencia fundamental y para sus aplicaciones tecnológicas. Las nanopartículas ofrecen la posibilidad de fabricar sensores que sean capaces de detectar desde un virus hasta concentraciones de substancias patógenas que no pueden ser detectadas por los métodos convencionales. Hoy en día existes 82 tratamientos contra el cáncer basadas en la utilización de nanopartículas y los materiales composite con nanopartículas se utilizan como medio de protección frente la radiación del rango de microondas. En la rama de ciencias ambientales, las nanopartículas metálicas sirven como materiales anticontaminantes. En este trabajo se ha estudiado la estructura y las propiedades magnéticas de las nanopartículas de FeNi preparadas mediante el método de explosión eléctrica de hilo. Con la técnica de Rayos–X(DRX) se ha determinado que las nanopartículas se cristalizan en un sistema cúbico FCC con un parámetro de celda de 3.596 Å, también, se ha obtenido el tamaño de dominio coherente que es de 35 nm. La muestra se ha sometido a un programa de temperatura controlada para seguir la evolución de la estructura cristalina y del tamaño del cristal, tanto en atmósfera oxidante como en vacío. Para el aprendizaje de los microscopios utilizados en este trabajo, se ha asistido al curso “Fundamentos de microscopia electrónica de barrido y microanálisis” impartido por SGIker de la UPV/EHU. Se han empleado los microscopios electrónicos SEM y TEM para obtener imágenes de gran resolución de la muestra y analizar su contenido elemental. Partiendo de las imágenes sacadas por el SEM se ha calculado el valor medio del tamaño de las partículas de la muestra, 58 nm. Mediante el Mastersizer 2000 se ha medido el tamaño de las partículas y/o agregados por método de difracción láser, disgregando la muestra todo lo posible hasta conseguir el tamaño medio que se aproxime al de una sola partícula, 100nm. Por último, para la caracterización magnética se ha servido del VSM que mide el momento magnético de una muestra cuando ésta vibra en presencia de un campo magnético estático, consiguiendo una imanación de saturación de 125 emu/g. Hemos fabricado y caracterizado las nanopartículas magnéticas de hierro-níquel y los resultados obtenidos han sido enviados a un congreso especializado de ciencia de materiales (ISMANAM - 2013, Italia).


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Curve samplers are sampling algorithms that proceed by viewing the domain as a vector space over a finite field, and randomly picking a low-degree curve in it as the sample. Curve samplers exhibit a nice property besides the sampling property: the restriction of low-degree polynomials over the domain to the sampled curve is still low-degree. This property is often used in combination with the sampling property and has found many applications, including PCP constructions, local decoding of codes, and algebraic PRG constructions.

The randomness complexity of curve samplers is a crucial parameter for its applications. It is known that (non-explicit) curve samplers using O(log N + log(1/δ)) random bits exist, where N is the domain size and δ is the confidence error. The question of explicitly constructing randomness-efficient curve samplers was first raised in [TU06] where they obtained curve samplers with near-optimal randomness complexity.

In this thesis, we present an explicit construction of low-degree curve samplers with optimal randomness complexity (up to a constant factor) that sample curves of degree (m logq(1/δ))O(1) in Fqm. Our construction is a delicate combination of several components, including extractor machinery, limited independence, iterated sampling, and list-recoverable codes.


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Dentre os diversos tipos de câncer agressivos, o câncer de mama é o mais comum em mulheres. Mutações hereditárias e adquiridas, assim como alterações epigenéticas atuam em sinergia na carcinogênese mamária e na progressão tumoral. A proteína P53 é uma supressora de tumor e possui uma atuação fundamental na integridade genômica. Apesar do vasto conhecimento sobre o controle da P53 a nível de proteína, ainda pouco se sabe sobre o controle transcricional do gene TP53. A série 21T, uma série de 4 linhagens celulares originadas da mama da mesma paciente, representando diferentes estágios de progressão tumoral mamária, é um eficiente modelo para investigação das alterações epigenéticas e suas influências na expressão gênica ao longo da progressão do câncer de mama. Nós analisamos a organização do domínio do gene TP53 através da técnica de arranjo de DNA, em diversas linhagens celulares de câncer de mama e linhagens controle, e realizamos uma tentativa de caracterizar estes elementos de DNA nas linhagens controle não-tumorais HB2 e MCF10A e nas tumorais MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, T47D, através dos marcadores epigenéticos de eucromatina, H4Ac, e heterocromatina, H3K9me3. Ainda analisamos a ligação de proteínas à região associada à matriz nuclear (MAR), denominada MAR 2, e a possível ligação da proteína ligante à matriz nuclear (MARBP), PARP-1, através de ensaios de gel shift (EMSA). Detectamos que na linhagem controle epitelial mamária, HB2, o gene TP53 está posicionado num domínio de DNA relativamente pequeno, aproximadamente 50 kb, delimitado por dois sítios de fixação à matriz nuclear. Interessantemente, esta estrutura de domínio se apresentou radicalmente diferente nas linhagens de câncer de mama estudadas, MCF7, T47D, MDA-MB-231 e BT474, nos quais o tamanho do domínio estudado estava aumentado e a transcrição do TP53 diminuída. Os enriquecimentos com os marcadores epigenéticos de cromatina H4Ac e H3K9me3 estão diferentemente distribuídos nas MARs nas linhagens celulares. Surpreendentemente, a MAR 2 apresentou uma ligação altamente específica, o que poderia representar a atuação de fatores transcricionais envolvidos na organização da cromatina. Através de programas de bioinformática, detectamos putativos sítios para interessantes fatores de transcrição, tais como o c/EBP-beta e c-myb, que poderiam atuar em cis regulando a expressão do gene TP53 e outros flanqueadores. Nós propusemos um modelo para a organização da cromatina na região de domínio do gene TP53 com os genes flanqueadores. Através da série 21T, detectamos uma hipometilação global genômica, nas células cancerosas 21NT e 21MT1. Uma importante diminuição da expressão global do marcador H4Ac nas células metastáticas 21MT1, foi detectada em relação às outras linhagens. Os níveis de RNAm das principais enzimas relacionadas as modificações epigenéticas são consistentes com as observadas hipometilação genômica e hipoacetilação. Através de microscopia confocal, verificamos que o marcador H4Ac está localizado, na maior parte na periferia e o marcador H3K9me3, pericêntrico nos núcleos tumorais. Por fim, verificamos que o promotor P1 do gene TP53 apresenta um estado de cromatina aberta, e a expressão do gene TP53 é similar em todas as células da série 21T.


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Large area uniform nanocrystalline graphene is grown by chemical vapor deposition on arbitrary insulating substrates that can survive ∼1000°C. The as-synthesized graphene is nanocrystalline with a domain size in the order of ∼10 nm. The material possesses a transparency and conductivity similar to standard graphene fabricated by exfoliation or catalysis. A noncatalytic mechanism is proposed to explain the experimental phenomena. The developed technique is scalable and reproducible, compatible with the existing semiconductor technology, and thus can be very useful in nanoelectronic applications such as transparent electronics, nanoelectromechanical systems, as well as molecular electronics. © 2012 IEEE.


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Metal-catalyst-free chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of large area uniform nanocrystalline graphene on oxidized silicon substrates is demonstrated. The material grows slowly, allowing for thickness control down to monolayer graphene. The as-grown thin films are continuous with no observable pinholes, and are smooth and uniform across whole wafers, as inspected by optical-, scanning electron-, and atomic force microscopy. The sp 2 hybridized carbon structure is confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. Room temperature electrical measurements show ohmic behavior (sheet resistance similar to exfoliated graphene) and up to 13 of electric-field effect. The Hall mobility is ∼40 cm 2/Vs, which is an order of magnitude higher than previously reported values for nanocrystalline graphene. Transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and transport measurements indicate a graphene crystalline domain size ∼10 nm. The absence of transfer to another substrate allows avoidance of wrinkles, holes, and etching residues which are usually detrimental to device performance. This work provides a broader perspective of graphene CVD and shows a viable route toward applications involving transparent electrodes. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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The influences of a high-temperature (HT) AlN interlayer (IL) on the phase separation in crack-free AlGaN grown on GaN have been studied. The depth-dependent cathodoluminescence (CL) spectra indicate a relatively uniform Al distribution in the growth direction, but the monochromatic CL images and the CL spectra obtained by line scan measurements reveal a lateral phase separation in AlGaN grown on relatively thick HT-AlN ILs. Moreover, when increasing the thickness of HT-AlN IL, the domain-like distribution of the AlN mole fraction in AlGaN layers is significantly enhanced through a great reduction of the domain size. The morphology of mesa-like small islands separated by V trenches in the HT-AlN IL, and the grain template formed by the coalescence of these islands during the subsequent AlGaN lateral overgrowth, are attributed to be responsible for the formation of domain-like structures in the AlGaN layer. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Structural characteristics of cubic GaN epilayers grown on GaAs(001) were studied using X-ray double-crystal diffraction technique. The structure factors of cubic GaN(002) and (004) components are approximately identical. However, the integrated intensities of the rocking curve for cubic (002) components are over five times as those of (004) components. The discrepancy has been interpreted in detail considering other factors. In the conventional double crystal rocking curve, the peak broadening includes such information caused by the orientation distribution (mosaicity) and the distribution of lattice spacing. These two kinds of distributions can be distinguished by the triple-axis diffraction in which an analyser crystal is placed in front of the detector. Moreover, the peak broadening was analysed by reciprocal lattice construction and Eward sphere. By using triple-axis diffraction of cubic (002) and (113) components, domain size and dislocation density were estimated. The fully relaxed lattice parameter of cubic GaN was determined to be about 0.451 +/- 0.001nm.


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In order to understand the coarsening of microdomains in symmetric diblock copolymers at the late stage, a model for block copolymers is proposed. By incorporating the self consistent field theory with the free energy approach Lattice Boltzmann model, hydrodynamic interactions can be considered. Compared with models based on Ginzburg-Landau free energy, this model does not employ phenomenological free energies to describe systems. The model is verified by comparing the simulation results obtained using this method with those of a dynamical version of the self consistent mean field theory. After that,the growth exponents of the characteristic domain size for symmetric block copolymers at late stage are studied. It is found that the viscosity of the system affects the growth exponents greatly, although the growth exponents are all less than 1/3 Furthermore, the relations between the growth exponent, the interaction parameter and the chain length are studied.


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New nanocomposites were prepared by melt blending poly(L-lactide) (PLLA), poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL), and organically modified montmorillonite (OMMT). The obtained nanocomposites showed enhanced tensile strength, modulus and elongation at break than that of PLLA/PCL blends. The dynamic mechanical analysis showed the increasing mechanical properties with temperature dependence of nanocomposites. Wide-angle X-ray diffraction analysis and transmission electron microscopy indicated that the material formed the nanostructure. Adding OMMT improved the thermal stability and crystalline abilities of nanocomposites. The morphology was investigated by environmental scanning electron microscopy, which showed that increasing content of OMMT reduces the domain size of phase-separated particles. The specific interaction between each polymer and OMMT was characterized by the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter, B, which was determined by the equilibrium melting point depression of nanocomposites. The final values of B showed that PLLA was more compatible with OMMT than PCL.


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The core-shell structured grafted copolymer particles of polybutadiene grafted polymethyl methacrylate (PB-g-PMMA, MB) were prepared by emulsion polymerization. The MB particles were used to modify poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC) by melt blending. The mechanical properties of the PVC blends were investigated. The micro-morphology of the PVC blends was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results indicated that the samples with the best impact strength could be obtained when the core-shell weight ratio of PB to PMMA is lower than 93:7, the mechanical properties correlated well with SEM morphologies, the addition of modifier with the ratio core to shell of 93:7 could reduce the domain size of the dispersed phase. Furthermore, the compatibility and properties of the blends were greatly enhanced and improved. The modifier particles could be well dispersed in the PVC matrix.


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The crystallization behavior and morphology of nonreactive and reactive melt-mixed blends of polypropylene (PP) and polyamide (PA12; as the dispersed phase) were investigated. It Was found that the crystallization behavior and the size of the PA12 particles were dependent on the content of the compatibilizer (maleic anhydride-modified polypropylene) because an in situ reaction occurred between the maleic anhydride groups of the compatibilizer and the amide end groups of PA12. When the amount of compatibilizer was more than 4%, the PA12 did not crystallize at temperatures typical for bulk crystallization. These finely dispersed PA12 particles crystallized co-incidently with the 1313 phase. The changes in domain size with compatibilizer content were consistent with Wu's theory. These investigations showed that crystallization of the dispersed phase Could not be explained solely by the size of the dispersion. The interfacial tension between the polymeric components in the blends may yield information on the fractionation of crystallization.


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In this article, ethylene-propylene-diene-rubber (EPDM) was epoxidized with an in situ formed performic acid to prepare epoxided EPDM (eEPDM). The eEPDM together with the introduction of PP-g-AA was used to compatibilize PP/EPDM blends in a Haake mixer. FTIR results showed that the EPDM had been epoxidized. The reaction between epoxy groups in the eEPDM and carboxylic acid groups in PP-g-AA had taken place, and PP-g-EPDM copolymers were formed in situ. Torque test results showed that the actual temperature and torque values for the compatibilized blends were higher than that of the uncompatibilized blends. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation showed that the dispersed phase domain size of compatibilized blends and the uncompatibilized blends were 0.5 and 1.5 mu m, respectively. The eEPDM together with the introduction of PP-g-AA could compatibilize PP/EPDM blends effectively. Notched Izod impact tests showed that the formation of PP-g-EPDM copolymer improved the impact strength and yielded a tougher PP blend.


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Blends of polyamide-6 (PA6) with syndiotactic polystyrene (sPS) were prepared using a series of styrene/glycidyl methacrylate (SG) copolymers as compatibilizers. These copolymers are miscible with sPS, and the epoxide units in SG are capable of reacting with PA6 end groups. These copolymers thus have the potential to form SG-g-PA6 graft copolymers at the PA6/sPS interface during melt processing. This study focuses on the effects of functionality and concentration of the compatibilizer on the morphological, mechanical and crystallization behaviors of the blends.. In general, SG copolymers are effective in reducing the sPS domain size and improving the interfacial adhesion. About 5 wt% glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) is the optimum content in SG copolymer that produces the best compatibilization. Both the strength and modulus of the blend have been improved on addition of the SG copolymers, accompanying a loss in toughness when higher concentration copolymer is added. Incorporation of SG compatibilizers to PA6/sPS blend has little influence on the crystallization behavior of PA6 component but resulted in a steady reduction in intensity of crystallinity peak of sPS and simultaneous crystallization of sPS with PA6 is observed.