938 resultados para distributed model


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One of the key components of highly efficient multi-junction concentrator solar cells is the tunnel junction interconnection. In this paper, an improved 3D distributed model is presented that considers real operation regimes in a tunnel junction. This advanced model is able to accurately simulate the operation of the solar cell at high concentraions at which the photogenerated current surpasses the peak current of the tunnel junctionl Simulations of dual-junction solar cells were carried out with the improved model to illustrate its capabilities and the results have been correlated with experimental data reported in the literature. These simulations show that under certain circumstances, the solar cells short circuit current may be slightly higher than the tunnel junction peak current without showing the characteristic dip in the J-V curve. This behavior is caused by the lateral current spreading toward dark regions, which occurs through the anode/p-barrier of the tunnel junction.


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There has been growing recognition of the contribution that Sessional Academics make to student learning in higher education; with recent studies concluding that around half Australian university teaching is now performed by casual staff [Red Report 2008; May, 2013]. However, sector-wide research and institutional audits continue to raise concerns about academic development and quality assurance, as well as the recognition and retention of Sessional Academics. In response, universities offer academic development programs. However, while such centrally offered programs are undoubtedly useful, they are necessarily generic and cannot address the local contexts of faculties or provide ‘on the ground’ support. This paper presents a new, distributed model of academic support and development for Sessional academics at Queensland University of Technology. Entitled the Sessional Academic Success program, it employs the principles of distributed leadership. Experienced Sessional academics are trained and supported to assume roles as Sessional Academic Success Advisors within their schools. Complementing our central programs, they design bespoke, locally situated, peer-to-peer academic development for new Sessional teachers; provide ‘just in time’, safe and reliable advice; and build supportive communities of teaching practice in their local contexts. This distributed model re-envisages the forms and places of academic development and support. It helps ensure that new Sessional Academics are embraced by faculty life. And, recognizing that experienced Sessional Academics have much to contribute to the advancement of learning and teaching, it builds their capacity through leadership opportunities. As the designer/facilitator of the program and a Sessional Academic Success Advisor, the authors take a dialogic approach and together describe the design, implementation and outcomes of the program.


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The Sessional Academic Success (SAS) project is a sustainable, distributed model for supporting sessional staff at QUT. Developed by the Learning and Teaching Unit. SAS complements our Sessional Academic Program (SAP): a sequence of formal academic development workshops explained in complementary nomination. SAS recognises that while these programs are very well received and a crucial aspect of preparing and advancing sessional teachers, they are necessarily encapsulated in the moment of their delivery and are generic, as they address all faculties (with their varied cultures, processes and pedagogies). The SAS project extends this formal, centrally offered activity into local, ‘just in time’, ongoing support within schools. It takes a distributed leadership approach. Experienced sessional academics are recruited and employed as Sessional Academic Success Advisors (SASAs). They provide sessional staff in their schools with contextually specific, needs based, peer-to-peer development opportunities; one-on-one advice on classroom management and strategies for success; and help to trouble-shoot challenges. The SASAs are trained by the Learning and Teaching Unit co-ordinator, and ongoing support is provided centrally and by school-based co-ordinators. This team approach situates the SASAs at the centre of an organisation map (see diagram of support relationships below). The SAS project aims to support sessional staff in their professional development by: • Offering contextual, needs-based support at school level by harnessing local expertise; • Providing further development opportunities that are local and focal; SAS aims to retain Sessional Staff by: • Responding to self-nominated requests for support and ‘just in time’, safe and reliable advice in times of need; • Building sessional staff confidence through help with dealing with challenges from a trusted peer; • Building a supportive academic community for sessional staff, which helps them feel a part of faculty life, and a community of teaching practice. SAS aims to support sessional staff in the development of academic teaching careers by: • Recognising the capacity of experienced sessional staff to support their peers in ways that are unique, valuable and valued and providing the agency to do so; • Providing career advancement and leadership opportunities for sessional staff. SAS takes unique approaches within each school using strategies such as: • Welcomes and schools orientation by SASAs; • Regular check ins; face-to-face advice and online support; • Compiling local resources to complement university wide resources. • Sessional-to-sessional ‘just in time’ training (eg. assessment and marking when marking commences); • Peer feedback and mentoring (the opportunities to sit in more experiences sessionals’ classes; • Sessional staff awards (nominated by students); • Communities of practice to discuss topics and issues with a view to (and support for) publishing on learning and teaching. In these ways, SASAs complement support offered by unit coordinators, administrators, and the Learning and Teaching Unit. Pairing senior and ‘understudy’ advisors ensures a line of succession, sustainability and continuity. A pilot program commenced in 2012 involving three schools (Psychology and Social Work; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Media, Entertainment and Creative Arts). It will be expanded across schools in 2013.


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The specific objective of this paper is to develop a state space model of a tubular ammonia reactor which is the heart of an ammonia plant in a fertiliser complex. A ninth order model with three control inputs and two disturbance inputs is generated from the nonlinear distributed model using linearization and lumping approximations. The lumped model is chosen such that the steady state temperature at the exit of the catalyst bed computed from the simplified state space model is close enough to the one computed from the nonlinear steady state model. The model developed in this paper is very useful for the design of continuous/discrete versions of single variable/multivariable control algorithms.


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The specific objective of this paper is to develop multivariable controllers that would achieve asymptotic regulation in the presence of parameter variations and disturbance inputs for a tubular reactor used in ammonia synthesis. A ninth order state space model with three control inputs and two disturbance inputs is generated from the nonlinear distributed model using linearization and lumping approximations. Using this model, an approach for control system design is developed keeping in view the imperfections of the model and the measurability of the state variables. Specifically, the design of feedforward and robust integral controllers using state and output feedback is considered. Also, the design of robust multiloop proportional integral controllers is presented. Finally the performance of these controllers is evaluated through simulation.


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Fork-join queueing systems offer a natural modelling paradigm for parallel processing systems and for assembly operations in automated manufacturing. The analysis of fork-join queueing systems has been an important subject of research in recent years. Existing analysis methodologies-both exact and approximate-assume that the servers are failure-free. In this study, we consider fork-join queueing systems in the presence of server failures and compute the cumulative distribution of performability with respect to the response time of such systems. For this, we employ a computational methodology that uses a recent technique based on randomization. We compare the performability of three different fork-join queueing models proposed in the literature: the distributed model, the centralized splitting model, and the split-merge model. The numerical results show that the centralized splitting model offers the highest levels of performability, followed by the distributed splitting and split-merge models.


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The specific objective of this paper is to develop direct digital control strategies for an ammonia reactor using quadratic regulator theory and compare the performance of the resultant control system with that under conventional PID regulators. The controller design studies are based on a ninth order state-space model obtained from the exact nonlinear distributed model using linearization and lumping approximations. The evaluation of these controllers with reference to their disturbance rejection capabilities and transient response characteristics, is carried out using hybrid computer simulation.


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以GIS为平台,建立了泥沙输移分布模型SEDD(sediment delivery distributed model),包括模拟流域年侵蚀量的修正通用水土流失方程RUSLE(revised universal soil loss equation)和模拟泥沙输移比SDR(sediment delivery ratio)的方程.利用该模型模拟了岷江上游黑水、镇江关流域的年侵蚀、产沙量及其空间分布特征.模拟结果表明:两个流域侵蚀强度以轻度和中度侵蚀为主,并伴有强度侵蚀;流域产沙量低,不到侵蚀总量的5%;泥沙输移比与流域产沙量的空间分布相似,均呈现在河流附近较高、其他区域接近零的格局;灌木林地和林地是主要的产沙源,两种类型的产沙量之和约占流域总产沙量的70%.


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The aim of this study is to increase the precision of groundwater modeling. The way is use the distributed model calculate the mountain basin groundwater lateral discharge and the river runoff. With appropriate technique help, the groundwater model can couple the distributed model results. This paper’s study object is makeing the distributed hydrological model HEC-HMS coupled to the popular groundwater model Visual MODFLOW. The application example is Jiyuan basin which is a typical basin of North China. HEC-HMS can calculate the surface runoff and subsurface runoff at mountain-pass. The subsurface runoff can turn to recharge well straightly. The water level - runoff course and Trial method is used to back analyze the parameters of surface runoff to Visual MODFLOW. So the distributed hydrological model can coupled to the groundwater model. The research proved that base on couple the distributed surface water model the groundwater model’s results are notability improved. The example is Jiyuan basin where use the distributed model coupled to the groundwater model. On the base of the coupled model applied to Jiyuan basin groundwater modeling. The paper estimates the groundwater change in the study area. Then, by use the water resources integrated planning results, the article calculate the basin groundwater can be development and utilization quantity and potential.


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The purpose of this study is to explore the nature and how of leadership in Irish post-primary schools. It considers school leadership within the context of contemporary Distributed Leadership theory. Associated concepts such as Distributed Cognition and Activity Theory are used to frame the study. From a distributed perspective, it is now widely accepted that other agents (e.g. teachers) have a leadership role, as part of collaborative, participative and supportive learning communities. Thus, this study considers how principals interact and build leadership capacity throughout the school. The study draws on two main sources of evidence. In analysing the implications of accountability agendas for school leadership, there is an exploration and focus on the conceptualisations of school leadership that are fore-grounded in 21 WSE reports. Elements of Critical Discourse Analysis are employed as an investigative tool to decipher how the construction of leadership practice is produced. The second prong of the study explores leadership in 3 case-study post-primary schools. Leadership is a complex phenomenon and not easy to describe. The findings clarify, however, that school leadership is a construct beyond the scope of the principal alone. While there is widespread support for a distributed model of leadership, the concept does not explicitly form part of the discourse in the case-study schools. It is also evident that any attempt to understand leadership practice must connect local interpretations with broader discourses. The understanding and practice of leadership is best understood in its sociohistorical context. The study reveals that, in the Irish post-primary school, the historical dimension is very influential, while the situational setting, involving a particular set of agents and agendas, strongly shapes thinking and practices. This study is novel as it synthesises two key sources of evidence. It is of great value in that it teases out the various historical and situational aspects to enhance understandings of school leadership in contemporary Ireland. It raises important questions for policy, practice and further research.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial


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In a distributed model of intelligence, peer components need to communicate with one another. I present a system which enables two agents connected by a thick twisted bundle of wires to bootstrap a simple communication system from observations of a shared environment. The agents learn a large vocabulary of symbols, as well as inflections on those symbols which allow thematic role-frames to be transmitted. Language acquisition time is rapid and linear in the number of symbols and inflections. The final communication system is robust and performance degrades gradually in the face of problems.


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In the UK, the recycling of sewage sludge to land is expected to double by 2006 but the security of this route is threatened by environmental concerns and health scares. Strategic investment is needed to ensure sustainable and secure sludge recycling outlets. At present, the security of this landbank for sludge recycling is determined by legislation relating to nutrient rather than potentially toxic elements (PTEs) applications to land - especially the environmental risk linked to soil phosphorus (P) saturation. We believe that not all land has an equal risk of contributing nutrients derived from applications to land to receiving waters. We are currently investigating whether it is possible to minimise nutrient loss by applying sludge to land outside Critical Source Areas (CSAs) regardless of soil P Index status. Research is underway to develop a predictive and spatially-sensitive, semi-distributed model of critical thresholds for sludge application that goes beyond traditional 'end-of-pipe" or "edge-of-field" modelling, to include hydrological flow paths and delivery mechanisms to receiving waters from non-point sources at the catchment scale.


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A semi-distributed model, INCA, has been developed to determine the fate and distribution of nutrients in terrestrial and aquatic systems. The model simulates nitrogen and phosphorus processes in soils, groundwaters and river systems and can be applied in a semi-distributed manner at a range of scales. In this study, the model has been applied at field to sub-catchment to whole catchment scale to evaluate the behaviour of biosolid-derived losses of P in agricultural systems. It is shown that process-based models such as INCA, applied at a wide range of scales, reproduce field and catchment behaviour satisfactorily. The INCA model can also be used to generate generic information for risk assessment. By adjusting three key variables: biosolid application rates, the hydrological connectivity of the catchment and the initial P-status of the soils within the model, a matrix of P loss rates can be generated to evaluate the behaviour of the model and, hence, of the catchment system. The results, which indicate the sensitivity of the catchment to flow paths, to application rates and to initial soil conditions, have been incorporated into a Nutrient Export Risk Matrix (NERM).