61 resultados para disorientation


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This is a critical reading of the current literature on law and geography. The article argues that the literature is characterized by an undertheorization of the concept of space. The focus is either on the specific geography of law in the form of jurisdiction, or as a simple terminological innovation. Instead, the article suggests that law’s spatial turn ought to consider space as a singular parameter to the hitherto legal preoccupation with time, history and waiting. This forces law into dealing with a new, peculiarly spatial kind of uncertainty in terms of simultaneity, disorientation, materiality and exclusionary corporeal emplacement. The main area in which this undertheorization forcefully manifests itself is that of spatial justice. Despite its critical potential, the concept has been reduced by the majority of the relevant literature into another version of social, distributive or regional justice. On the contrary, if the peculiar characteristics of space are to be taken into account, a concept of justice will have to be rethought on a much more fundamental level than that.


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El artículo del profesor Mario Caciagli es un aporte pertinente al estudio de las instituciones electorales comparadas, tanto por el segmento temporal de su estudio —cuyo punto de partida es el hecho histórico de la caída del muro de Berlín, evento importante no solo para el mundo alemán, sino también para Occidente— como por la exposición sistemática de los diferentes frentes de valoración de la actividad partidista y del comportamiento de las agrupaciones políticas alemanas en los comicios ocurridos desde la unificación. Las referencias a los antecedentes inmediatos —esto es, la compleja recomposición de Alemania como país después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial— aparecen como complemento y soporte ineludible, pero en una discreta penumbra que no resta luz al período de análisis."-- Roballo Lozan, Julio


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The city is not only a visual environment, but it is also sonorous and therefore the “unintentional hearing which is much more influencing” is involved in an urban space experience just as sight is. Beginning with Assunto’s consideration in Il paesaggio e l’estetica, the analysis we provide cannot avoid outlining the peculiarities of aestetic fruition of the city seen as a space we cross, in which we live and in which we, as a matter of fact, are agent actors. And it is as a consequence of this peculiarity that silence has a leading role in our urban experience. Seen as a presence of itself, it is a positive value especially if we consider that nowadays modernity is expressed through its absence. It is an absence that reaches its climax in the experience of the metropolis. Besides Assunto, there is another witness of this in Simmel’s The Metropolis and Mental Life from which our analysis cannot leave out of consideration. Given that this analysis is a sort of analytic excursus it develops around a well defined barycentre represented by the acoustic experience of the city that focuses on the presence/absence of silence as a result of modernity. Taking the first steps from Assunto and Simmel’s assumptions, this work takes into account the theme of silence in the metropolis and introduces it as a loss of interval and thus uses the analysis carried out by Dorfles in L’intervallo perduto and in Horror Pleni. The metropolitan experience is highly characterized by a sensory disorientation for which we can detect a “strong” starting, the Great War, which shows a caesura that outlines the edges of a new mental world. It shows the systematic use of modern technique, of its sonorous universe and urbanization which appears as a corollary of this picture.


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"Exhibiting is or should be to work against ignorance, especially against the most refractory of all ignorance: the pre-conceived idea of stereo typed culture. To exhibit is to take a calculated risk of disorientation - in the etymological sense : ( to lose your bearings), disturbs the harmony, the evident , and the consensus, that constitutes the common place ( the banal). Needless to say however it is obvious that an exhibition that deliberately tries to scandalise will create an inverted perversion which results in an obscurantist pseudo-luxury - culture ... between demagogy and provocation, one has to find visual communication's subtle itinerary. Even though an intermediary route is not so stimulating : as Gaston Bachelard said "All the roads lead to Rome, except the roads of compromise."


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Ao ter como base geral de pesquisa – A Europa diante do fenómeno migratório - a procura de uma nova Humanização – o objectivo deste trabalho consistiu na análise de algumas formas de manifestação e do impacto deste fenómeno nas sociedades democráticas inseridas nesse espaço. A consciência que as migrações têm seguido a história do mundo e as civilizações e que a sua análise permite avaliar o destino de seres humanos que partem em busca de soluções para as suas vidas. A convicção que a configuração das migrações tem um amplo significado social, cultural e económico e que uma política de imigração fechada, repressiva ou redutora do seu verdadeiro significado pode dividir a Humanidade. O receio que gera a continuidade de uma visão unilateral do Mundo e o esquecimento das condições existenciais difíceis de alguns países de emigração. A renúncia de alguns em escutar um discurso carecido de autenticidade e em apoiar um diálogo comprometido com alguns pressupostos ideológicos pouco claros. O desejo de participar na denúncia da propagação de atitudes facilitadoras dos sentimentos racistas e xenófobos. O repúdio pelo desnorteamento ontológico traduzido pela defesa de certas atitudes persecutórias infringidas aos imigrantes clandestinos. A adopção de uma política basicamente norteada pelo controlo das fronteiras e pela exploração económica dos imigrantes. A indignação pelo esquecimento ou negligência na vigilância e aplicação dos direitos fundamentais, em concreto, o direito ao uso da liberdade, a uma vida familiar normal, situações que lesam muitos. Foram, em suma, as razões que motivaram o trabalho. Porque, igualmente o exercício da cidadania e a inserção num espaço mundial em transformação requerem a actualização da leitura das relações dos homens entre eles e com as formas espaciais; porque o papel dos imigrantes na economia contemporânea é sentido como algo fundamental, e também a importância do seu lugar na estratégia de um desenvolvimento sustentável deve ser demonstrada e respeitada, desejou-se partilhar com outros a oportunidade de defender a participação colectiva sob princípios e premissas mais humanistas, e considerados fundamentais, para a construção de uma política de imigração digna, mais abrangente e indutora de pontes abertas e não de áreas amuralhadas.


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Exhibiting is or should be to work against ignorance, especially against the most refractory of all ignorance: the pre-conceived idea of stereo typed culture. To exhibit is to take a calculated risk of disorientation - in the etymological sense: (to lose your bearings), disturbs the harmony, the evident , and the consensus, that constitutes the common place (the banal). Needless to say however it is obvious that an exhibition that deliberately tries to scandalise will create an inverted perversion which results in an obscurantist pseudo-luxury - culture ... between demagogy and provocation, one has to find visual communication's subtle itinerary. Even though an intermediary route is not so stimulating: as Gaston Bachelard said "All the roads lead to Rome, except the roads of compromise." It is becoming ever more evident that museums have undergone changes that are noticeable in numerous areas. As well as the traditional functions of collecting, conserving and exhibiting objects. museums have tried to become a means of communication, open and aware of the worries of modern society. In order to do this , it has started to utilise modern technology now available and lead by the hand of "marketing" and modern business management.


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As the fidelity of virtual environments (VE) continues to increase, the possibility of using them as training platforms is becoming increasingly realistic for a variety of application domains, including military and emergency personnel training. In the past, there was much debate on whether the acquisition and subsequent transfer of spatial knowledge from VEs to the real world is possible, or whether the differences in medium during training would essentially be an obstacle to truly learning geometric space. In this paper, the authors present various cognitive and environmental factors that not only contribute to this process, but also interact with each other to a certain degree, leading to a variable exposure time requirement in order for the process of spatial knowledge acquisition (SKA) to occur. The cognitive factors that the authors discuss include a variety of individual user differences such as: knowledge and experience; cognitive gender differences; aptitude and spatial orientation skill; and finally, cognitive styles. Environmental factors discussed include: Size, Spatial layout complexity and landmark distribution. It may seem obvious that since every individual's brain is unique - not only through experience, but also through genetic predisposition that a one size fits all approach to training would be illogical. Furthermore, considering that various cognitive differences may further emerge when a certain stimulus is present (e.g. complex environmental space), it would make even more sense to understand how these factors can impact spatial memory, and to try to adapt the training session by providing visual/auditory cues as well as by changing the exposure time requirements for each individual. The impact of this research domain is important to VE training in general, however within service and military domains, guaranteeing appropriate spatial training is critical in order to ensure that disorientation does not occur in a life or death scenario.


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The crystallographic rotation field for deformation in torsion is such that it is possible for orientations close to stable orientations to rotate away from the stable orientation. A Taylor type model was used to demonstrate that this phenomenon has the potential to transform randomly generated low-angle boundaries into high-angle boundaries. After imposing an equivalent strain of 1.2, up to 40% of the simulated boundaries displayed a disorientation in excess of 15°. These high-angle boundaries were characterised by a disorientation axis close to parallel with the sample radial direction. A series of hot torsion tests was carried out on 1050 aluminium to seek evidence for boundaries formed by this mechanism. A number of deformation-induced high-angle boundaries were identified. Many of these boundaries showed disorientation axes and rotation senses similar to those seen in the simulations. Between 10% and 25% of all the high-angle boundary present in samples twisted to equivalent strains between 2 and 7 could be attributed to the present mechanism.


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The crystallographic rotation field for deformation in torsion is such that it is possible for orientations close to stable orientations to rotate away from the stable orientation. A Taylor type model was used to demonstrate that this phenomenon has the potential to transform randomly generated low-angle boundaries into high-angle boundaries. After imposing an equivalent strain of 1.2, up to 40% of the simulated boundaries displayed a disorientation in excess of 15°. These high-angle boundaries were characterised by a disorientation axis close to parallel with the sample radial direction. A series of hot torsion tests was carried out on 1050 aluminium to seek evidence for boundaries formed by this mechanism. A number of deformation-induced high-angle boundaries were identified. Many of these boundaries showed disorientation axes and rotation senses similar to those seen in the simulations. Between 10% and 25% of all the high-angle boundary present in samples twisted to equivalent strains between 2 and 7 could be attributed to the present mechanism.


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The widening gap between architects and clients and the associated problems in the management of their relationship have long been recognised by practitioners and researchers alike. An emerging trend in recent studies is to develop descriptive models to describe behavioural characteristics of relationships based on observations of ' real world' practice, indicating the significance of understanding the complexities of the social environment in which the architect-client relationship is within. This research built upon the work of past descriptive models by exploring the architect-client relationship on house projects with a focus on the client's voice. It is an interdisciplinary study drawing theory from sociology to further understand this built environment industry problem. Sixty-nine percent of architects in Australia spend some of their work time on house projects and therefore improvements in this area can have significant impact on a considerably large portion of the profession. Habitus theory borrowed from sociology explains that the nature of architecture as a specialised activity places architects within an architectural habitus, distinguishing them from clients who are .not trained in the field. An underlying premise of thi s study is that a mismatch between the architect and client's habituses occurs as they enter into a relationship on the house project. This phenomenon is termed habitus shock, referring to the client 's experience of disorientation as they are confronted with an unfamiliar architectural habitus on the project. Culture shock theory is examined for its contribution to explain the process to which the client adjusts to the unfamiliar environment during habitus shock. The habitus shock model proposed in this paper suggests that the client may achieve learning during habitus shock and it is this client learning that can lead to successful relationships.


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In this thesis we descend into the swampy lowlands to meet with student-teachers and their supervisors and observe them working together at different sites across the Top End of Australia. In the process we discover the multiple relationships that comprise the practicum text and the discomforting untidiness and unwieldiness, as well as the awkwardness of complexity, which surrounds research into supervisory practice. The thesis demonstrates the need to attend to the subjectivities of the participants and highlights the conflicting attitudes, beliefs, interests, and desires which are only partially realised or understood. It moves us beyond language to the sentient world of anger, love, disgust, hope, fear, despair, joy, anguish, and pain and we become immersed in a murky, incoherent, interior world of hints, shadows, and unfamiliar sounds, a world of lost innocence and conflict in which knowledge is truly embodied. Encompassing a view of supervision as moral praxis, particular attention was given to the care and protection of the self and a romanticist conception of the self was seen to predominate. The thesis demonstrates the part played by positioning and agency in the process of subjectification, the importance of emotional and relational bonding in the emergence of collegiality, the tactics of power employed by supervisors, the struggle for personal autonomy, the presence of anxiety induced by failure to pro vide feedback, the inculcation of guilt, and the complex interplay of age-related and gender effects. Attention is also given to the degree to which supervisors adopt reflective and constructivist approaches to their work. The stories reveal that supervision is much more than advising student-teachers on curriculum content, resource availability and lesson presentation. It is a process of interiority in which supervisors may need to provide emotional support in the face of displacement and disorientation, and assume the role of an abiding presence, someone capable of imaginative introjection, someone who ‘knows’. Particular attention is paid to the language of supervision which was marked by indirection, diffidence, imprecision, irony, and understatement. At the same time, the agonistic nature of language associated with the politics of the personal is made apparent. Whilst in the opinion of Liaison Lecturers, context-of-site did not appear to matter as far as acquiring teaching competence was concerned, the failure to attend to context-of-site affected how student-teachers engaged with difference and diversity. In spite of attempts to contest the myths of Aboriginal education and interrupt the discourse of impoverishment, colonialist attitudes and resistance to liberatory education persisted. The thesis ends with suggestions for alternatives to the traditional practicum and discusses the introduction of Field-Based Teacher Education into Northern Territory schools.


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Global Positioning Systems: altered representations of place, presents an exegesis from the practice led research submitted for the degree of Master of Fine Art at the Victorian College of the Arts. The thesis proposes a particular understanding of altered states of consciousness that is relevant to my practice.  This is outlined by Charles Tart and supported by the Altered States of Consciousness Consortium and explores a psycho-aesthetic experiences and does not involved transcendental states or spiritual associations. These experiences are transformed by an exhaustive application of digital technologies, where mosaic-like complexity emerges that induces sustained disorientation and surrounds a viewer in an immersive space.


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Hereditary collagen dysplasias comprise a complex group of connective-tissue disorders that result in the reduced tensile strength of affected tissues. These processes are called cutaneous asthenia in the skin of dogs and cats. We report here the case of a crossbred male cat, aged 6 months, that presented with two skin wounds in the region of the right thorax and right iliac tuberosity. The skin of these regions and of the animal's dorsum was hyperextensible, smooth to the touch, and easily torn with minor trauma. Microscopic examination of skin samples revealed reduced dermal connective tissue consisting of shortened and fragmented collagen fibers. Normal fibers were intermingled with altered fibers. Ultrastructural changes in collagen fibers included disorientation of fibrils within the same bundle, marked spacing differences, and variation in the diameter of transverse sections. The fibrils maintained the transverse striations characteristic of normal collagen.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar as alterações morfológicas no epitélio traqueal de cães expostos à inalação de gases pouco condicionados, sob ventilação com tubo traqueal (TT) ou máscara laríngea (ML). MÉTODOS: Doze cães adultos foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: grupo TT (n-6) e grupo ML (n-6), submetidos à anestesia venosa e ventilação mecânica, em sistema sem reabsorção de CO2. Foram registrados parâmetros hemodinâmicos e ventilatórios, temperatura timpânica, temperatura, umidade relativa e absoluta do ar ambiente e dos gases inalados durante 3 horas. Ao término do experimento, os animais foram submetidos a eutanásia e realizadas biópsias ao longo do segmento traqueal para estudo morfológico. Três cães saudáveis foram utilizados para controle morfológico. RESULTADOS: A temperatura dos gases inalados manteve-se entre 24ºC e 26ºC, a umidade relativa entre 10% e 12%, e umidade absoluta entre 2 -3 mg H2O.L-1 sem diferença significativa entre os grupos. em ambos os grupos a análise histológica evidenciou processo inflamatório epitelial e congestão no córion, e a microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostrou agrupamento e desorganização ciliar. A microscopia eletrônica de transmissão detectou maiores alterações no grupo TT do que no ML, como alargamento das junções intercelulares, desorientação ciliar, vacuolização citoplasmática, alterações nucleares como pcinose e condensação da cromatina. CONCLUSÃO: A máscara laríngea determinou alterações menos pronunciadas no epitélio traqueal de cães expostos à inalação de gases pouco condicionados.