876 resultados para discrepancy


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In the Western developed nations, the changing pattern of mental health care provision has necessitated mental health staff adopting new approaches to service delivery across a diverse and expanding range of service settings. The impact of changed service delivery on Australian mental health professionals is an area that has not been well studied. The aim of the study was to identify the current clinical work activities performed by occupational therapists and social workers and whether there was a discrepancy between the actual and preferred work activities. The study also aimed to identify whether any discrepancy between their actual and preferred clinical work activities was associated with higher levels of stress. A cross-sectional survey of 304 (response rate 76.6%) occupational therapists and social workers in Australian mental health services was conducted. A work activities scale developed specifically for this study and the Mental Health Professionals Stress Scale were used to measure actual and preferred work activities and stress respectively. Both groups experienced a discrepancy between their actual and preferred work activities, with the occupational therapists and the social workers mostly wanting to undertake a diverse range of activities to a significantly greater extent than they currently were. As predicted, stress was associated with the discrepancy between the kind of work that the participants wanted to do and the kind of work that their job actually entailed. Health workers require assistance to adapt to their new work roles and to achieve a balance between generic and discipline-specific competencies. This has implications for education and professional training.


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The ability of adult cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), to distinguish and respond to enantiomers of alpha-pinene was investigated with electrophysiological and behavioral methods. Electroantennogram recordings using mixtures of the enantiomers at saturating dose levels, and single unit electrophysiology, indicated that the two forms were detected by the same receptor neurons. The relative size of the electroantennogram response was higher for the (-) compared to the (+) form, indicating greater affinity for the (-) form at the level of the dendrites. Behavioral assays investigated the ability of moths to discriminate between, and respond to the (+) and (-) forms of alpha-pinene. Moths with no odor conditioning showed an innate preference for (+)-alpha-pinene. This preference displayed by naive moths was not significantly different from the preferences of moths conditioned on (+)-alpha-pinene. However, we found a significant difference in preference between moths conditioned on the (-) enantiomer compared to naive moths and moths conditioned on (+)-alpha-pinene, showing that learning plays an important role in the behavioral response. Moths are less able to distinguish between enantiomers of alpha-pinene than different odors (e.g., phenylacetaldehyde versus (-)-alpha-pinene) in learning experiments. The relevance of receptor discrimination of enantiomers and learning ability of the moths in host plant choice is discussed.


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OBJECTIVE. The match between the reading level of occupational therapy education materials and older clients' reading ability and comprehension was determined. The sociodemographic and literacy characteristics that influenced clients' reading ability and comprehension were investigated. METHOD. The reading level of 110 written education materials (handouts, brochures, and information leaflets), distributed to older clients (65 years of age and older) by occupational therapists working in Queensland hospitals, was analyzed using the Flesch formula. The reading ability of 214 older persons (mean age 77 years, 63% female) was assessed using the Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine. Participants' comprehension of information of increasing reading difficulty was measured using the Cloze procedure. RESULTS. The written materials required a mean reading level between the ninth and tenth grades. Participants' mean reading ability was seventh to eighth grade. Therefore some materials may have been too difficult for participants to read and understand. Participants with a managerial or professional or clerical background (p = 0.001) and those who perceived they read well (p = 0.001) had a significantly higher reading ability, Older age was significantly related to poorer comprehension (p = 0.018), with participants 75 years of age and over having a mean comprehension score of 25.6 compared to 30.3 for those 65 to 74 years of age. CONCLUSION. Occupational therapists must analyze the reading level of the written education materials they develop for and use with clients by applying readability formulas. There should be a match between the reading level of written materials and clients' reading ability. Clients' reading ability may be assessed informally by discussing years of education and literacy habits or formally using reading assessments. Content and design characteristics should be considered when developing written education materials for clients.


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360-degree feedback from a variety of rater sources yields important information about leaders' styles, strengths and weaknesses for development. Results where observer ratings are discrepant (i.e., different) from self-ratings are often seen as indicators of problematic leadership relationships, skills, or lack of self-awareness. Yet research into the antecedents of such self-observer rating discrepancy suggests the presence of systematic influences, such as cultural values. The present study investigates the variation of rating discrepancies on three leadership skills (decision making, leading employees, and composure) in dependence of one exemplary culture dimension (power distance) on data from 31 countries using multilevel structural equation modelling. Results show that cultural values indeed predict self-observer rating discrepancies. Thus, systemic and contextual influences such as culture need to be taken into consideration when interpreting the importance and meaning of self-observer rating discrepancies in 360-degree instruments.


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When making predictions with complex simulators it can be important to quantify the various sources of uncertainty. Errors in the structural specification of the simulator, for example due to missing processes or incorrect mathematical specification, can be a major source of uncertainty, but are often ignored. We introduce a methodology for inferring the discrepancy between the simulator and the system in discrete-time dynamical simulators. We assume a structural form for the discrepancy function, and show how to infer the maximum-likelihood parameter estimates using a particle filter embedded within a Monte Carlo expectation maximization (MCEM) algorithm. We illustrate the method on a conceptual rainfall-runoff simulator (logSPM) used to model the Abercrombie catchment in Australia. We assess the simulator and discrepancy model on the basis of their predictive performance using proper scoring rules. This article has supplementary material online. © 2011 International Biometric Society.


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This study explored individual difference factors to help explain the discrepancy that has been found to exist between self and other ratings in prior research. Particularly, personality characteristics of the self-rater were researched in the current study as a potential antecedent for self-other rating agreement. Self, peer, and supervisor ratings were provided for global performance as well as five competencies specific to the organization being examined. Four rating tendency categories, over-raters, under-raters, in-agreement (good), and in-agreement (poor), established in research by Atwater and Yammarino were used as the basis of the current research. The sample for rating comparisons within the current study consisted of 283 self and supervisor dyads and 275 for self and peer dyads from a large financial organization. Measures included a custom multi-rater performance instrument and the personality survey instrument, ASSESS, which measures 20 specific personality characteristics. MANCOVAs were then performed on this data to examine if specific personality characteristics significantly distinguished the four rating tendency groups. Examination of all personality dimensions and overall performance uncovered significant findings among rating groups for self-supervisor rating comparisons but not for self-peer rating comparisons. Examination of specific personality dimensions for self-supervisory ratings group comparisons and overall performance showed Detail Interest to be an important characteristic among the hypothesized variables. For self-supervisor rating comparisons and specific competencies, support was found for the hypothesized personality dimension of Fact-based Thinking which distinguished the four rating groups for the competency, Builds Relationships. For both self-supervisor and self-peer rating comparisons, the competencies, Builds Relationships and Leads in a Learning Environment, were found to have significant relationship with several personality characteristics, however, these relationships were not consistent with the hypotheses in the current study. Several unhypothesized personality dimensions were also found to distinguish rating groups for both self-supervisor and self-peer comparisons on overall performance and various competencies. Results of the current study hold implications for the training and development session that occur after a 360-degree evaluation process. Particularly, it is suggested that feedback sessions may be designed according to particular rating tendencies to maximize the interpretation, acceptance and use of evaluation information. ^


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Scant evidence is available on the discordance between loneliness and social isolation among older adults. We aimed to investigate this discordance and any health implications that it may have.

Using nationally representative datasets from ageing cohorts in Ireland (TILDA) and England (ELSA), we created a metric of discordance between loneliness and social isolation, to which we refer as Social Asymmetry. This metric was the categorised difference between standardised scores on a scale of loneliness and a scale of social isolation, giving categories of: Concordantly Lonely and Isolated, Discordant: Robust to Loneliness, or Discordant: Susceptible to Loneliness. We used regression and multilevel modelling to identify potential relationships between Social Asymmetry and cognitive outcomes.

Social Asymmetry predicted cognitive outcomes cross-sectionally and at a two-year follow-up, such that Discordant: Robust to Loneliness individuals were superior performers, but we failed to find evidence for Social Asymmetry as a predictor of cognitive trajectory over time.

We present a new metric and preliminary evidence of a relationship with clinical outcomes. Further research validating this metric in different populations, and evaluating its relationship with other outcomes, is warranted.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the growth and body composition of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A cohort of 44 patients with T1DM were followed up for approximately four years and compared with a control group. Weight, height, body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage (BF%), fat mass index, waist circumference (WC) and waist-height ratio were determined. RESULTS: In females, in the first evaluation, BF% was lower in patients than in controls, while in the second evaluation, mean WC was higher in patients than in controls. In males, height of the patients was lower in the first evaluation, while body mass index (BMI) was higher in the second one. We did not find any differences among the changes in height, weight and BMI z-scores and BF% or in the distribution of those z-scores between the two evaluations, in both groups. Multiple regression analysis found differences in BMI and waist-height ratio in both sexes and also in WC in females. CONCLUSION: The patients had adequate growth but showed discrepancy in their body composition during the study.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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OBJECTIVES: It is well known that the efficacy and the efficiency of a Class II malocclusion treatment are aspects closely related to the severity of the dental anteroposterior discrepancy. Even though, sample selection based on cephalometric variables without considering the severity of the occlusal anteroposterior discrepancy is still common in current papers. In some of them, when occlusal parameters are chosen, the severity is often neglected. The purpose of this study is to verify the importance given to the classification of Class II malocclusion, based on the criteria used for sample selection in a great number of papers published in the orthodontic journal with the highest impact factor. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A search was performed in PubMed database for full-text research papers referencing Class II malocclusion in the history of the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (AJO-DO). RESULTS: A total of 359 papers were retrieved, among which only 72 (20.06%) papers described the occlusal severity of the Class II malocclusion sample. In the other 287 (79.94%) papers that did not specify the anteroposterior discrepancy severity, description was considered to be crucial in 159 (55.40%) of them. CONCLUSIONS: Omission in describing the occlusal severity demands a cautious interpretation of 44.29% of the papers retrieved in this study.


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OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare skeletal, dentoalveolar and soft tissue characteristics in white and black Brazilian subjects presenting normal occlusions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The sample comprised the lateral cephalograms of 106 untreated Brazilian subjects with normal occlusion, divided into two groups: Group 1- 50 white subjects (25 of each gender), at a mean age of 13.17 years (standard deviation 1.07); and Group 2- 56 black subjects (28 of each gender), at a mean age of 13.24 years (standard deviation 0.56). Variables studied were obtained from several cephalometric analyses. Independent t tests were used for intergroup comparison and to determine sexual dimorphism. RESULTS: black subjects presented a more protruded maxilla and mandible, a smaller chin prominence and a greater maxillomandibular discrepancy than white subjects. Blacks presented a more horizontal craniofacial growth pattern than whites. Maxillary and mandibular incisors presented more protruded and proclined in black subjects. The nasolabial angle was larger in whites. Upper and lower lips were more protruded in blacks than in whites. CONCLUSIONS: The present study found a bimaxillary skeletal, dentoalveolar and soft tissue protrusion in black Brazilian subjects compared to white Brazilian subjects, both groups with normal occlusion. Upper and lower lips showed to be more protruded in blacks, but lip thickness was similar in both groups.


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OBJETIVO: o objetivo deste trabalho foi classificar e determinar a prevalência dos indivíduos portadores de comprometimento vertical nas relações faciais, conforme a severidade da discrepância e, especialmente, dos portadores de Padrão Face Longa. MÉTODOS: a amostra constou de 5.020 sujeitos de nacionalidade brasileira, de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 10 anos e 16 anos e 11 meses, matriculados no Ensino Fundamental do município de Bauru-SP. O exame da morfologia facial constou da observação direta da face, em normas frontal e lateral, sempre com os lábios em repouso, buscando identificar aqueles indivíduos que apresentassem comprometimento vertical nas relações faciais. Esses, uma vez identificados, foram classificados, considerando-se a severidade, em três subtipos: moderado, médio e grave. Para fins de determinação da prevalência dos portadores de Padrão Face Longa, apenas os classificados como dos subtipos médio e grave foram considerados. RESULTADOS: observou-se uma prevalência de 34,94% de comprometimento vertical nas relações faciais e 14,06% de Padrão Face Longa. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados obtidos no presente estudo permitiram concluir que a prevalência do comprometimento vertical nas relações faciais e do Padrão Face Longa foi maior do que a presumida com base na literatura.


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Os resultados do tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II podem ser influenciados por características que são inerentes ao paciente - como a idade, a severidade da má oclusão e o grau de colaboração - ou, ainda, por fatores relacionados à conduta do profissional - como a escolha do protocolo de tratamento. Basicamente, o tratamento da Classe II pode ser realizado sem extrações ou com extrações de dois ou quatro pré-molares. Contudo, uma maior proporção de sucesso do tratamento pode ser esperada com extrações de dois pré-molares superiores, independentemente do padrão facial e da relação maxilomandibular. Considerando esta revisão, pôde-se concluir que os resultados oclusais do tratamento da Classe II são fortemente influenciados pelo protocolo de tratamento, enquanto o padrão facial não parece exercer uma influência significativa.


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Microleakage can be related to margin misfit. Also, traditional microleakage techniques are time-consuming. This study evaluated the existence of correlation between in vitro margin fit and a new microleakage technique for complete crowns cemented with 3 different luting agents. Thirty human premolars were prepared for full-coverage crowns with a convergence angle of 6 degrees, chamfer margin of 1.2 mm circumferentially, and occlusal reduction of 1.5 mm. Ni-Cr cast crowns were cemented with either zinc phosphate (ZP) (S.S. White), resin-modified glass-ionomer (RMGI) (Rely X Luting Cement) or a resin-based luting agent (RC) (Enforce). Margin fit (seating discrepancy and margin gap) was evaluated according to criteria in the literature under microscope with 0.001 mm accuracy. After thermal cycling, crowns were longitudinally sectioned and microleakage scores at tooth-cement interface were obtained and recorded at ×100 magnification. Margin fit parameters were compared with the one-way ANOVA test and microleakage scores with Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests (alpha=0.05). Correlation between margin fit and microleakage was analyzed with the Spearman's test (alpha=0.05). Seating discrepancy and marginal gap values ranged from 81.82 µm to 137.22 µm (p=0.117), and from 75.42 µm to 78.49 µm (p=0.940), respectively. Marginal microleakage scores were ZP=3.02, RMGI=0.35 and RC=0.12 (p<0.001), with no differences between RMGI and RC scores. The correlation coefficient values ranged from -0.27 to 0.30 (p>0.05). Conclusion: Margin fit parameters and microleakage showed no strong correlations; cast crowns cemented with RMGI and RC had lower microleakage scores than ZP cement.


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Algumas más oclusões exigem do ortodontista capacidade de diagnóstico para decidir pela melhor maneira de tratar o paciente. O objetivo dos autores deste artigo foi apresentar casos clínicos e discutir alguns elementos de diagnóstico utilizados na elaboração do plano de tratamento, auxiliando na decisão de extrair dentes. Foi dada ênfase em cada elemento de diagnóstico: aspectos relacionados à cooperação, discrepância de modelo, discrepância cefalométrica e perfil facial, idade esquelética (crescimento) e relações anteroposteriores, assimetrias dentárias, padrão facial e patologias. Sugere-se que a associação dos aspectos citados é importante para a decisão correta. Todavia, algumas vezes, uma característica, por si só, pode definir o plano de tratamento.