986 resultados para directory
The directory of all the Agriculture organizations on Iowa
Iowa has a statewide system of 15 community colleges. These public, postsecondary, two-year institutions are organized as comprehensive community colleges. Each college serves a multi-county merged area which may vary in size from four to twelve counties; all of Iowa's 99 counties are included in one of these merged areas.
Annual directory of PreK-12, area education agencies, universities, colleges, and the Iowa Department of Education
Telephone directory for the State of Iowa employees on the Capital Complex and state agenices around Iowa.
Part 1 of 3 for Henry County's Transition Partners Resource Directory specific to youth with disabilities transitioning from high school to employment, post-secondary education, or adult services.
Part 2 of 3 for Henry County's Transition Partners Resource Directory specific to youth with disabilities transitioning from high school to employment, post-secondary education, or adult services.
Part 3 of 3 for Henry County's Transition Partners Resource Directory specific to youth with disabilities transitioning from high school to employment, post-secondary education, or adult services.
The Iowa DOT takes affirmative action to ensure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises have the maximum practical opportunity to get Iowa DOT contracts for construction, professional, and technical service. The Iowa DOT also has taken specific steps to ensure there is no discrimination in the awarding and administering of contracts. The department's DBE Program, which has been developed under this policy, is administered by the Office of Contracts.
Iowa Statewide Directory on Women's Issues by the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women
The Barge Terminal Directory has been prepared by the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Modal Division to provide quick access to information on Iowa’s river terminals and fleeting/harbor services. The information is to assist those who may need barge transportation services. The information in the directory was provided by the terminal operators. The Modal Division would appreciate any help on corrections, additions or deletions.
The directory of all the Agriculture organizations on Iowa. Taken from online directory on June 1, 2010.
Audiologists, hearing aid dispensers, and ear, nose, and throat doctors were invited to be listed in this directory. All providers who responded and provide pediatric hearing health care services to children have been included in this directory. The information listed was provided by each provider.
Voter Information: • Answers to Questions about Judicial Retention Elections • Biographies of Judges on the 2012 Iowa Ballot
Annual directory of PreK-12, area education agencies, universities, colleges, and the Iowa Department of Education
Usean nykypäivän yrityksen tietojärjestelmäinfrastruktuuri on muotoutunut heterogeeniseksi ympäristöksi, jossa eri käyttöjärjestelmä- ja laitealustoilla toimii usean eri valmistajan toimittamia järjestelmiä. Heterogeenisen ympäristön hallitsemiseksi yritykseltä vaaditaan keskitettyä tietovarastoa, johon on tallennettu tietoa käytetystä järjestelmäympäristöstä sekä sen komponenteista. Tähän tarkoitukseen Microsoft toi markkinoille vuonna 1999 Active Directory 2000 -hakemistopalvelun. Heterogeenisessa ympäristössä käyttäjien autentikointi ja auktorisointi on erittäin vaativaa. Pahimmassa tapauksessa käyttäjällä voi olla kymmeniä käyttäjätunnus-salasana-yhdistelmiä yrityksen eri tietojärjestelmiin. Lisäksi jokaisessa tietojärjestelmässäon ylläpidettävä käyttäjäkohtaisia toimintavaltuuksia. Niin käyttäjän kuin ylläpitäjänkin näkökulmasta tällainen skenaario on painajainen. Tässä diplomityössä kartoitetaan mahdollisuuksia Oracle-tietokantojen käyttäjien autentikoinnin sekä auktorisoinnin keskittämiseksi Active Directory -hakemistopalveluun. Työssä tarkastellaan tarkoitukseen soveltuvia valmiita kaupallisia ratkaisuja sekä tutkitaan mahdollisuuksia oman ratkaisumallin toteuttamiseksi umpäristöstä löytyvien ohjelmointirajapintojen avulla.