997 resultados para dipole interaction
Using an effective two-body interaction potential, a molecular dynamics study of the structural properties of amorphous ZrF4 phase is presented. The effective pair potential includes steric repulsion, Coulomb interaction due to charge transfer, and charge-dipole interaction due to the large electronic polarizability of anions. The results for structural correlations, such as pair distribution functions, coordination numbers, and bond angle distributions are presented. Excellent agreement is obtained by comparing experimental X-ray diffraction and the simulated static X-ray structure factor. © 1993.
Discotic hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) derivatives have attracted intensive scientific interest due to their unique optoelectronic properties, which depends, to a large extend, upon the attached functional groups. The presented work covers the synthesis of novel HBC building blocks and new HBC derivatives as functional materials. The traditional preparation of HBC derivatives requires elaborate synthetic techniques and tremendous effort. Especially, more than 10 synthetic steps are usually necessary to approach HBCs with lower symmetries. In order to simplify the synthetic work and reduce the high costs, a novel synthetic strategy involving only four steps was developed based on 2,3,5,6-tetraphenyl-1,4-diiodobenzene intermediates and palladium catalyzed Suzuki cross coupling reactions. In order to introduce various functionalities and expand the diversity of multi-functionalizations, a novel C2v-symmetric dihalo HBC building block 2-47, which contains one iodine and one bromine in para positions, was prepared following the traditional intermolecular [4+2] Diels-Alder reaction route. The outstanding chemical selectivity between iodo and bromo groups in this compound consequently leads to lots of HBC derivatives bearing different functionalities. Directly attached heteroatoms will improve the material properties. According to the application of intramolecular Scholl reaction to a para-dimethoxy HPB, which leads to a meta-dimethoxy HBC, a phenomenon of phenyl group migration was discovered. Thereby, several interesting mechanistic details involving arenium cation intermediates were discussed. With a series of dipole functionalized HBCs, the molecular dynamics of this kind of materials was studied in different phases by DSC, 2D WAXD, solid state NMR and dielectric spectroscopies. High charge carrier mobility is an important parameter for a semiconductive material and depends on the degree of intramolecular order of the discotic molecules in thin films for HBC derivatives. Dipole – dipole interaction and hydrogen bonds were respectively introduced in order to achieve highly ordered supramolecular structure. The self-assembly behavior of these materials were investigated both in solution and solid state. Depending upon the different functionalities, these novel materials show either gelating or non-linear optical properties, which consequently broaden their applications as functional materials. In the field of conceivable electronic devices at a molecular level, HBCs hold high promise. Differently functionalized HBCs have been used as active component in the studies of single-molecular CFET and metal-SAMs-metal junctions. The outstanding properties shown in these materials promise their exciting potential applications in molecular devices.
Luminescence and energy transfer in [Zn1-xRux(bpy)3][NaAl1-yCry(ox)3] (x ≈ 0.01, y = 0.006 − 0.22; bpy = 2,2‘-bipyridine, ox = C2O42-) and [Zn1-x-yRuxOsy(bpy)3][NaAl(ox)3] (x ≈ 0.01, y = 0.012) are presented and discussed. Surprisingly, the luminescence of the isolated luminophores [Ru(bpy)3]2+ and [Os(bpy)3]2+ in [Zn(bpy)3][NaAl(ox)3] is hardly quenched at room temperature. Steady-state luminescence spectra and decay curves show that energy transfer occurs between [Ru(bpy)3]2+ and [Cr(ox)3]3- and between [Ru(bpy)3]2+ and [Os(bpy)3]2+ in [Zn1-xRux(bpy)3][NaAl1-yCry(ox)3] and [Zn1-x-yRuxOsy(bpy)3] [NaAl(ox)3], respectively. For a quantitative investigation of the energy transfer, a shell type model is developed, using a Monte Carlo procedure and the structural parameters of the systems. A good description of the experimental data is obtained assuming electric dipole−electric dipole interaction between donors and acceptors, with a critical distance Rc for [Ru(bpy)3]2+ to [Cr(ox)3]3- energy transfer of 15 Å and for [Ru(bpy)3]2+ to [Os(bpy)3]2+ energy transfer of 33 Å. These values are in good agreement with those derived using the Förster−Dexter theory.
The role of the collective antisymmetric state in entanglement creation by spontaneous emission in a system of two non-overlapping two-level atoms has been investigated. Populations of the collective atomic states and the Wootters entanglement measure (concurrence) for two sets of initial atomic conditions are calculated and illustrated graphically. Calculations include the dipole-dipole interaction and a spatial separation between the atoms that the antisymmetric state of the system is included throughout even for small interatomic separations. It is shown that spontaneous emission can lead to a transient entanglement between the atoms even if the atoms were prepared initially in an unentangled state. It is found that the ability of spontaneous emission to create transient entanglement relies on the absence of population in the collective symmetric state of the system. For the initial state of only one atom excited, entanglement builds up rapidly in time and reaches a maximum for parameter values corresponding roughly to zero population in the symmetric state. On the other hand, for the initial condition of both atoms excited, the atoms remain unentangled until the symmetric state is depopulated. A simple physical interpretation of these results is given in terms of the diagonal states of the density matrix of the system. We also study entanglement creation in a system of two non-identical atoms of different transition frequencies. It is found that the entanglement between the atoms can be enhanced compared to that for identical atoms, and can decay with two different time scales resulting from the coherent transfer of the population from the symmetric to the antisymmetric state. In addition, it was found that a decaying initial entanglement between the atoms can display a revival behaviour.
We discuss the problem of creation of entangled states in a system of two two-level atoms which are separated by an arbitrary distance r(12) and interact with each other via the dipole-dipole interaction and both are driven by a laser field. The entangled antisymmetric state of the system is included throughout, even for small inter-atomic separations. Different mechanisms leading to effective transfer of population to the antisymmetric state are identified. The steady-state values of concurrence which is a measure of entanglement are calculated showing that perfect entanglement can be reached in case of two non-identical atoms.
We discuss the creation of entanglement between two two-level atoms in the dissipative process of spontaneous emission. It is shown that spontaneous emission can lead to a transient entanglement between the atoms even if the atoms were prepared initially in an unentangled state. The amount of entanglement created in the system is quantified by using two different measures: concurrence and negativity. We find analytical formulae for the evolution of concurrence and negativity in the system. We also find the analytical relation between the two measures of entanglement. The system consists of two two-level atoms which are separated by an arbitrary distance r(12) and interact with each other via the dipole-dipole interaction, and the antisymmetric state of the system is included throughout, even for small interatomic separations, in contrast to the small-sample model. It is shown that for sufficiently large values of the dipole-dipole interaction initially the entanglement exhibits oscillatory behaviour with considerable entanglement in the peaks. For longer times the amount of entanglement is directly related to the population of the slowly decaying antisymmetric state.
In a recent paper Yu and Eberly [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 140404 (2004)] have shown that two initially entangled and afterward not interacting qubits can become completely disentangled in a finite time. We study transient entanglement between two qubits coupled collectively to a multimode vacuum field, assuming that the two-qubit system is initially prepared in an entangled state produced by the two-photon coherences, and find the unusual feature that the irreversible spontaneous decay can lead to a revival of the entanglement that has already been destroyed. The results show that this feature is independent of the coherent dipole-dipole interaction between the atoms but it depends critically on whether or not collective damping is present.
The investigations described in this thesis concern the molecular interactions between polar solute molecules and various aromatic compounds in solution. Three different physical methods were employed. Nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) spectroscopy was used to determine the nature and strength of the interactions and the geometry of the transient complexes formed. Cryoscopic studies were used to provide information on the stoichiometry of the complexes. Dielectric constant studies were conducted in an attempt to confirm and supplement the spectroscopic investigations. The systems studied were those between nitromethane, chloroform, acetonitrile (solutes) and various methyl substituted benzenes. In the n.m.r. work the dependence of the solute chemical shift upon the compositions of the solutions was determined. From this the equilibrium quotients (K) for the formation of each complex and the shift induced in the solute proton by the aromatic in the complex were evaluated. The thermodynamic parameters for the interactions were obtained from the determination of K at several temperatures. The stoichiometries of the complexes obtained from cryoscopic studies were found to agree with those deduced from spectroscopic investigations. For most systems it is suggested that only one type of complex, of 1:1 stiochiometry, predominates except that for the acetonitrile-benzene system a 1:2 complex is formed. Two sets of dielectric studies were conducted, the first to show that the nature of the interaction is dipole-induced dipole and the second to calculate K. The equilibrium quotients obtained from spectroscopic and dielectric studies are compared. Time-averaged geometries of the complexes are proposed. The orientation of solute, with respect to the aromatic for the 1:1 complexes, appears to be the one in which the solute lies symmetrically about the aromatic six-fold axis whereas for the 1:2 complex, a sandwich structure is proposed. It is suggested that the complexes are formed through a dipole-induced dipole interaction and steric factors play some part in the complex formation.
We introduce a hybrid method for dielectric-metal composites that describes the dynamics of the metallic system classically whilst retaining a quantum description of the dielectric. The time-dependent dipole moment of the classical system is mimicked by the introduction of projected equations of motion (PEOM) and the coupling between the two systems is achieved through an effective dipole-dipole interaction. To benchmark this method, we model a test system (semiconducting quantum dot-metal nanoparticle hybrid). We begin by examining the energy absorption rate, showing agreement between the PEOM method and the analytical rotating wave approximation (RWA) solution. We then investigate population inversion and show that the PEOM method provides an accurate model for the interaction under ultrashort pulse excitation where the traditional RWA breaks down.
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The role played by electron correlation and vibrational correction on the polarizability of the LiH molecule is demonstrated. We present results for the dipole moment, polarizability and first hyperpolarizability of the LiH molecule obtained through many-body perturbation-theory, coupled-cluster and quadratic configuration interaction methods. Our best result for the dipole polarizability, obtained using the QCISD(T) scheme, indicates that the vibrational contribution is appreciable, amounting to ca. 10% of the total polarizability. Regarding the first hyperpolarizability, the vibrational contribution is even more important and has opposite sign in comparison with the electronic contribution.
The study is undertaken with an objective to investigate the linkage between air-sea fluxes in the Indian Ocean and monsoon forcing. Since the monsoon activity is linked to fluxes, the variability of surface marine meteorological fields under the variable monsoon conditions is also studied. The very objective of the present study is to document various sea surface parameters of the Indian Ocean and to examine the anomalies found in them. Hence it is attempted to relate the anomaly to the variability of monsoon over India, highlighting the occasion of contrasting monsoon periods. The analysis of anomalies of surface meteorological fields such as SST, wind speed and direction, sea level pressure and cloud cover for contrasting monsoons are also studied. During good monsoon years, the pressure anomalies are negative indicating a fall in SLP during pre-monsoon and monsoon months. The interaction of the marine atmosphere with tropical Indian Ocean and its influence on ISMR continue to be an area of active research.
Previous studies using the Hadley Centre coupled model (HadCM3) have shown that the islands of the Maritime Continent act as an unrealistic block to the eastward propagation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). This blocking effect is investigated using a simplified, aqua-planet version of this GCM, with various idealized configurations of the Maritime Continent islands placed on the equator, and an MJO-like convective signal forced by a propagating sea-surface temperature anomaly dipole. Results suggest that it is the orography of the islands, rather than the presence of the islands themselves, which results in the blocking of the MJO. Although the peak elevation of the orography in the GCM is very much lower than in reality, it appears to act as effective block to the eastward propagation of the low-level Kelvin wave signal which accompanies the MJO. In particular, the representation of Sumatra in the GCM, as a north-south oriented ridge straddling the equator, seems to be particularly effective at blocking the Kelvin wave signal, which in a full GCM would result in the weakening or complete extinction of the MJO signal to the east of the Maritime Continent.
The (1)H NMR spectra of N-methoxy-N-methyl-2-[(4`-substituted)phenylsulfinyl]-propanamides [Y-Ph-S(O)CH(Me)C(O)N(OMe)Me; Y = OMe 1, Me 2, H 3. Cl 4, NO(2) 5] along with the X-ray diffraction analysis of the nitro-derivative (5). have shown the existence of two pairs of diastereomers (racemic mixture) [C(R)S(S)/C(S)S(R) (diast(1)) and C(R)S(R)/C(S)S(S) (diast(2))] in the ratio of ca. 7:3. respectively. The v(CO) IR analysis of the title compounds supported by HF and B3LYP/6-31G** calculations of 3 and of the parent N-methoxy-N-methyl-propanamide (6) by HF, have shown that diast(1) exists in an equilibrium between the two more polar and more stable quasi-cis (q-c(1) and q-c(2)) conformers and the gauche(g) conformer. The population of the g conformer in the equilibrium increases with the increase in the solvent polarity, which is attributed to a larger solvation effect on the carbonyl and sulfinyl groups. Diast(2) of compound 3 occurs in the gas phase as an equilibrium between the most stable quasi-gauche (q-g) conformer and the quasi-cis (q-c) conformer, both presenting very similar dipole moments. The former is stabilized by electrostatic and charge transfer interactions, which results in a less solvated spatial arrangement. Moreover, all conformers of both diastereomers are stabilized by several intramolecular hydrogen bonds. X-ray single crystal analysis performed for diast(1) and for diast(2) of 5 indicates that both stereoisomers assume, in the solid state, the anti-clinal (gauche) conformation. For the crystal packing, diast(1) of 5 is made up of three molecules joined through two centro-symmetric H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We have studied the bevahior of the phenomenological 4f-4f intensity parameters in compounds of the Nd ion with glycine, L-aspartic acid, L-glutamic acid, L-histidine, DL-malic acid and Aspartame™ in aqueous solution, as a function of the pK values and partial charges on the oxygens of the carboxylate groups of these molecules. The results are discussed and qualitatively interpreted in terms of the forced electric dipole and dynamic coupling mechanisms of the 4f-4f intensities, thus indicating that the forced electric dipole mechanism is dominant.