37 resultados para diastema


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the periodontal conditions of anterior teeth that presented pathologic migration in patients with chronic periodontitis and to compare periodontal destruction in migrated versus non-migrated teeth. The sample included 32 patients of both sexes (mean age: 46.0 +/- 11.6 years) diagnosed with generalized chronic periodontitis and selected on the basis of the presence of pathologic migration in one or more anterior teeth. This migration was classified according to the following categories: facial flaring, diastema, proximal tilting, rotation or extrusion. The periodontal parameters recorded were clinical attachment loss (CAL) and percentage of radiographic bone loss (BL). Mean CAL of 5.50 +/- 2.20 mm and mean BL of 41.90 +/- 15.40% were found in 115 teeth assessed. The most frequent type of migration was facial flaring (34.80%), followed by diastema (27.00%). Extrusion was hardly observed in the sample (4.30%). However, greater severity of BL and CAL were observed in teeth with this type of migration (59.44% and 8.42 mm, respectively), and in teeth with facial flaring (45.17% of BL and 6.07 mm of CAL). Kruskal-Wallis test indicated that BL presented by teeth with extrusion or facial flaring was greater than that observed in rotated or tilted teeth (p < 0.05), while there was no difference between groups regarding CAL (p = 0.11). It was observed that anterior teeth with pathologic migration presented greater CAL and BL (5.1 mm and 40%) than non-migrated teeth (4.1 and 31%). The study indicated that the most prevalent kind of pathologic migration is facial flaring, which was associated to higher level of bone loss.


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The following is a clinical case report of a patient whose chief complaint was the presence of generalized spacing in the maxillary anterior segment following orthodontic treatment. After meticulous clinical analyses and discussions of the clinical procedures to be adopted, dental bleaching was performed in both arches with 10% hydrogen peroxide (Opalescence Trèswhite Supreme 10% Hydrogen Peroxide - Ultradent Products, Inc., South Jordan, USA) after the conclusion and stabilization of orthodontic treatment. Then, the orthodontic appliance was removed and the diastemas in the maxillary anterior teeth were closed with Amelogen Plus (Ultradent Products, Inc., South Jordan, USA) resin composite. It was observed that the association of orthodontic, bleaching, and restorative procedures was capable of restoring dental shape, function, and esthetics, allowing the patient to smile without hesitation.


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Aim: The present case report described the use of contact lens of thin porcelain veneers as a restorative therapy to solve anterior teeth disharmony. Background: Fragments of thin veneers are minimally invasive restorations with little or no dental preparation and present thickness ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 mm. They are used in case of diastema closure, small changes of teeth, color and restoration of teeth with small fractures. Case report: A 25-year-old man was admitted at a dental clinic complaining about the diastema presence on the upper anterior teeth. Patient was referred to an orthodontic treatment in order to provide better distribution of the diastemas and harmonious proportion of the teeth. Afterwards, contact lens of thin porcelain veneers were fabricated on the six upper anterior teeth. Conclusion: Based on the outcomes of this clinical report, we considered the use of fragments of thin veneers as a successful treatment option after 3 years of follow-up. Clinical significance: The fragments of thin veneers have been established to be an interesting alternative to esthetically restore the anterior teeth with minimal invasiveness. However, since it is a new treatment modality, longitudinal studies are necessary to understand the material's behavior.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of mesiodens in deciduous and mixed dentitions and its association with other dental anomalies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Panoramic radiographs of 1,995 orthodontic patients were analyzed retrospectively, obtaining a final sample of 30 patients with mesiodens. The following aspects were analyzed: gender ; number of mesiodens; proportion between erupted and non-erupted mesiodens; initial position of the supernumerary tooth; related complications; treatment plan accomplished; and associated dental anomalies. The frequency of dental anomalies in the sample was compared to reference values for the general population using the chi-square test (c²), with a significance level set at 5%. RESULTS: The prevalence of mesiodens was 1.5% more common among males (1.5:1). Most of the mesiodens were non-erupted (75%) and in a vertical position, facing the oral cavity. Extraction of the mesiodens was the most common treatment. The main complications associated with mesiodens were: delayed eruption of permanent incisors (34.28%) and midline diastema (28.57%). From all the dental anomalies analyzed, only the prevalence of maxillary lateral incisor agenesis was higher in comparison to the general population. CONCLUSION: There was a low prevalence of mesiodens (1.5%) in deciduous and mixed dentition and the condition was not associated with other dental anomalies, except for the maxillary lateral incisor agenesis.


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Introduction: The orthodontic treatment using lingual brackets has been desired by adult patients for esthetic factors. In this paper it is described the clinical steps of an orthodontic treatment using Incognito™ system, individualized lingual brackets and archwires designed by CAD/CAM technology. Methods: The presented case describes the treatment of a patient with mesofacial growth pattern,Class I malocclusion, with mandibular crowding and diastema between the upper central incisors, treated using 100% individualized lingual brackets. Results: After treatment, the molar relation of Class I was kept, the spaces between upper central incisors were closed and mandibular crowding corrected. Conclusion: This case report demonstrated the efficiency of the new method for lingual orthodontic treatment.


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The development of new dental materials has expanded dental therapeutic modalities ensuring excellence in aesthetic restorative treatments. Thus, the direct restorative procedures have been used in cases of dental reconstruction allowing an effective treatment with a low cost, while preserving healthy tooth structure. However, the clinician must be used to the techniques and the material in order to ensure longevity and success in the direct restorative procedure. The aim of this paper is to descrive, after completion of periodontal surgical procedures, the direct restorative step performed for dental reconstruction and diastema closure. The integration between Restorative Dentistry and periodontics enableb the restoration of a harmonious smile in a conservative manner, ensuring aesthetics and patient stisfaction.


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The reestablishment of a harmonious smile through dental ceramics, when properly conducted and with specific indications, can achieve extremely predictable results. For aesthetic and functional rehabilitation, many ceramic materials can be used such as zirconia, leucite, alumina, feldspar, and lithium disilicate. Among these materials the lithium disilicate stands out due to the following characteristics: its resistance to wear, to chemical attack, high temperatures and oxidation; low electrical conductivity; near zero thermal expansion; good optical properties and biocompatibility with periodontal; excellent esthetics; color stability and reinforcement of tooth structure. The indications for the use of lithium disilicate are not limited to multiple facets of teeth in cases where there was no favorable response to tooth whitening, and also comprehend teeth with multiple restorations, diastema closure, shape alteration, and dental contouring, replacement of missing or fractured teeth, among others. The versatility of lithium disilicate ceramics allows its utilization in several clinical situations. The concomitant use of lithium disilicate for veneers and over metal has satisfactory aesthetic results, as reported in the present studying cases that require both aesthetics and resistance.


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The work presented here aims to evaluate how aesthetic norm variations influence the perception of attractiveness of a smile according to dentists and laymen. Methods: The smiles in photographs of a man and a woman were digitally changed. Eleven smiles were created for each one: an ideal, control smile - an ideal smile according to accepted norms - and 10 smiles containing individual variations of each of the following norms: a) 2mm and 3mm deviations from the middle line; b) the contour of the smile - contour of a straight smile and contour of a reverse smile; c) the angle of the lateral incisors - a mesial angle of 10° and a distal angle of 10°; d) 0.5mm and 1mm diastema; and e) dental proportion - Alber’s Proportion and Plato’s Proportion. The photographs were evaluated by two specialists in cosmetic dentistry and two laymen using the visual analogue scale. Results: The ideal smile for both genders was well accepted by both the specialists and the laymen. The opinions on the smiles with aesthetic variations varied, some were more positive than others, some were in agreement and some were in disagreement. Conclusion: The absence of deviations favors the perceived beauty of a smile, but some aesthetic variations seem to be better accepted than others. The success of aesthetic treatments depends on the active participation of dentists and patients in the planning stage.


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Com o avanço das técnicas e materiais restauradores, o cirurgião-dentista tornou-se capaz de solucionar problemas estéticos de forma conservadora. Esse relato de caso descreve a associação das técnicas de microabrasão e fechamento de diastemas com resinas compostas diretas. A paciente do sexo feminino, 16 anos de idade, foi encaminhada pelo ortodontista à clínica de Dentística Restauradora para o fechamento de diastema. Após anamnese e exame clínico detalhado, constatou-se, também, a presença de manchas brancas de fluorose na face vestibular dos dentes anterossuperiores, sendo também proposto o procedimento de microabrasão. Por meio de modelos de estudo da paciente, foi realizado o enceramento diagnóstico, de forma a simular o fechamento dos diastemas. O modelo encerado foi moldado com silicona de condensação para servir como guia de orientação durante os procedimentos restauradores. O tratamento resultou na elevação da autoestima da paciente, pela obtenção de um sorriso mais harmonioso por meio da associação de técnicas estéticas conservadoras.


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A percepção e o alcance da excelência estética traduzem-se especialmente em saber interpretar e satisfazer os anseios dos pacientes, empregando-se para isso todo o conhecimento disponível na literatura científica. No tratamento com laminados cerâmicos, a ciência fornece parâmetros para nos guiar com relação a um correto diagnóstico, planejamento seguro, técnica adequada e material mais indicado; porém, a subjetividade estética pode estar escondida nas entrelinhas da ciência. Contudo, o objetivo deste artigo é descrever um protocolo para fechamento de múltiplos diastemas, salientando a técnica empregada, bem como o material cerâmico utilizado e suas peculiaridades, implícitas dentro de um contexto estético específico.